Introduction to EZ-USB® FX3’s High-Speed USB Host Controller
Document No. 001-77960 Rev. **
6. The "USBHost" project shows up in the "Projects" list.
Select the project and then select "Copy projects into
workspace". Click on "Finish".
7. After the "USBHost" project is imported into your
workspace, it appears in the "Project Explorer" pane.
Step 2: Compile the Project
Eclipse will automatically build the project if "Build
Automatically" is enabled. The "USBHost" example has a
reverse logic on VBUS control. Below are instructions how
to change it for the DVK, and recompile the project.
From the "Project Explorer" pane, expand the "USBHost"
project, and then double-click "cyfxusbhost.h" to open the
file. Within the file, change lines 44 and 45 from
After you make the changes, it is ready to re-compile.
If "Build Automatically" is enabled, then select
Project-> Clean...
That step cleans and rebuilds the project automatically.
If "Build Automatically" is disabled, then simply select
“Project->Build Project” to build the project.
Step 3: Configure the Zylin Plug-in for GDB Debug
1. Select USBHost as the current project, then select Run-
>Debug Configurations.