IWR-5 Wireless Pressure & Temperature Receiver - Operating Manual
IWR-5 Iss2.1
Page 5
LED Indication
LED 6 is used to indicate the status of the alarm relay. This is lit if any of the values transmitted
are outside the alarm limit, the receiver has missed the number of transmissions configured
above or flashes if the transmitter has a low battery capacity.
LED 7 flashes when a valid transmission is received from any connected transmitter.
There is also an indicator LED for each output channel of the IWR-5. These are used to indicate
the following alarm conditions for each channel:
LED Flashes 2 times:
This indicates that the number of transmissions missed has
exceeded the number set up by Switches 5 & 6 above.
LED Flashes 3 times:
This indicates that the value for that channel is outside the limits
selected by switches 7 & 8 above.
LED Flashes 4 times:
This indicates the transmitter linked to this channel has a low
battery level.
Output Calibration
The IWR-5 is factory calibrated for 4-20mA and 1-5V source outputs so that if a sensor transmits
a zero or full scale output the IWR-5’s output for that channel will be within its accuracy
The output selector switches are used to select either 4-20mA & 1-5Vdc for each channel. Push
the switch SW1 to the left to select 4-20mA and to the right to select 1-5Vdc
It is possible to adjust the outputs to match the equipment used to monitor the output or to
compensate for any zero or span drift of the transmitters. This is achieved by using the
pushbuttons PB1 (DOWN) and PB2 (UP) and the internal LEDs as outlined here:
Push both buttons at same time then release to put the unit into zero tare mode starting with
Channel 1.
LED1 will go amber, and output one will change to the zero value.
Ensure there is no pressure or temperature applied to the connected transmitter and then use
the DOWN and UP buttons to adjust the output to be 4mA or 1V
If the LED flashes amber this indicates that the connected transmitter zero value is not valid.
Push both buttons at same time again and then release
LED1 will go red to indicate that the full scale output will be adjusted. Inject the full scale
pressure or temperature range into the sensor using a Calibrator. If no Calibrator is available
press both buttons again to exit the calibration mode saving only the zero tare value. The
LED will go amber for 0.5 seconds as the zero tare value is learnt and saved to memory.
If the full scale pressure can be applied use the DOWN (PB1) and UP (PB2) buttons to adjust
the output to be 20mA or 5V. When the output is correct push both buttons at the same time
and then release
If LED1 flashes RED this indicates that the measured value is not close enough to the full
scale value expected to allow calibration to be achieved.