CyBike GmbH „CyLock“ www.cybike.de Stand: 02/2020
Step 3 - Insert module into handlebar
• Remove the grip from the handlebar into which the module will be installed
(preferably: "left hand side").
• Slide the CyLock module into the handlebar as far as it will go – „CyLock” label pointing upward!
Note: If the inner diameter of the handlebar is too small for the module: remove the O-Ring.
If it is too large: compensate the difference to the inner diameter of the handlebar with insulating
• Slide the grip back onto the handlebar / mount it according to the manufacturer's instruction
When inserting module into handlebar, make sure "CyLock" label points upwards.
• Grips with "metal end caps“ are not suitable!
(no network signal possible) – change grips.
• Grips with „plugs": Install module flush with handle and leave off the endplug
or cut off the „stud“ of the plug – mount the cap at bar-end
by using adhesive tape or household glue.
Optional – additionally securing module
in handlebars
The optional "assembly with locking screw" is at your own risk.
Only possible with metal-/aluminium handlebars – no liability by CyBike!
• Remove module from handlebars.
• On top of handlebar (!) – mark a distance 30mm from end of handlebar.
• Drill a 4.5mm - 4.7mm hole in the handlebar.
• Insert module – "CyLock" lettering legibly points upward
(→ line up drill hole and hole in "o" of CyLock lettering).
• Carefully (!) insert locking screw and turn with screwdriver until
head of screw is flush with handlebar .
• Mount the handlebars according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Step 4 - Final functional test / Module
• Go outside with your bike and assembled module (...to test GPS signal reception as well).
• Start CyLock-App on smartphone; optimal distance "App ↔ Bike" less than 2m.
• In App-Menu ≡ →
„Settings“ → „Module settings“ → „Module test“
• Push button „Module test“ – wait for test result from the App and follow the instructions.
After installation is complete:
Start the App – make yourself familiar with the functionality and handling of the App under "FAQs"