P/N 700-00006 Rev A0
Dualcom Installation Instructions
Connecting to your Dualcom via serial console:
1. Connect a rollover cable from a computer's serial communications port to the Dualcom's serial
port (marked with "10101").
2. Load a serial emulation program like HyperTerminal or minicom on the computer.
3. Set the serial communications port on the computer to use 9600 bits per second, 8 data bits, no
parity bit, and 1 stop bit.
4. Open the session in the serial emulator. If you do not see a login prompt, hit <Enter> to try and
reset the terminal.
5. Login using the username of
and password of
Connecting to your Dualcom via network:
1. Connect a straight-thru cable from your network's switch to the Dualcom's network port (marked
with the symbol of three devices connected to a LAN segment). If you do not have a switch, you
can instead connect a cross-over cable from your computer's Ethernet port to the Dualcom's
network port.
2. If your network assigns IP addresses via DHCP, the Dualcom will obtain an address when it first
boots. Otherwise, the Dualcom will use an IP address of by default.
3. Open your computer's web browser and type in the IP address of the Dualcom into the URL field.
4. Login using the username of
and password of
Resetting your Dualcom to factory defaults:
1. Insert one end of an unfolded paper clip into the small pinhole on the side of the unit closest to
the serial and Ethernet ports.
2. Press and hold the internal button in the pinhole for approximately 30 seconds. When the LEDs
on the front of the Dualcom begin to rapidly blink, release the button. The unit will revert to its
factory default settings.
For additional assistance:
Cyber Switching's website contains additional material related to the Dualcom and all of Cyber
Switching's products. Please visit
for details.
Technical support is also available from Cyber Switching via e-mail at
or via telephone at 408-436-9830 or 888-311-6277.
1921 Ringwood Ave. • San Jose, CA 95131 • (408) 436-9830 • (888) 311-6277 toll free