ABPM with custo screen 100/200 and custo diagnostic | GEB 0141 – DK 0953 | Version 002 – 05.06.2013 | custo med GmbH
Safety installations and safe working
custo screen 100/200 must only be used in a technically perfect condition.
Regularly carry out a visual inspection of the device. Only use accessories
approved by custo med.
Installation of the system
Portable socket outlets must not be laid on the ground.
Portable multiple socket outlets which are supplied with the system are to be
used only for supplying devices which are part of the system. Additional port-
able multiple socket outlets, lines and other equipment, which are not part of
the system, must not be connected to the system.
When using a multiple socket outlet, the maximum permitted load is 3200 VA.
Slots which are not used in the delivered system (portable multiple socket out-
lets) must be provided with covers.
Ambient conditions
For the installation and operation of the device, please observe the EMC notes
(electromagnetic compatibility) in these instructions for use, see chapter
07.7 Manufacturer declaration regarding EMC...
custo screen 100/200 is not suitable for use in rooms and/or areas with a risk
of explosion.
Strong electromagnetic sources in the immediate vicinity of the custo screen
100/200 may result in recording errors (e.g. HF electrosurgical devices, mobile
phones, induction furnaces).
Other electrical devices such as mobile phones or radio transceivers may im-
pair the quality of the recording.
The device must be protected against the penetration of moisture, dust or dirt
and also against mechanical influences such as damage due to dropping or
damage while in transit.