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Step 1 - Intial Pitch Measurement
Park vehicle where you intend to couple your trailer and turn your
vehicle to auxiliary/pre-start mode. This will allow continuous power
to the OBD-II port and your BetterWeigh
Step outside the vehicle. It is important that you and
your passengers are outside the vehicle to eliminate
errors while taking your initial pitch reading.
Open the BetterWeigh app and select the
'Weight Distribution' module from the home screen.
Select 'Ready' to take your initial pitch reading.
Do not bump your vehicle during the initialization process.
Anything that affects the pitch of your vehicle after
this reading will be measured as a change in weight.
Step 2 - Weight Distribution Measurement
Once the initial pitch measurement is complete, lower the trailer
coupler onto the ball mount until jack is slightly off the ground.
Now you will see the tongue weight reading
in real time for your weight distribution system.
Once you have a measurement, you can increase
or decrease the scale range by pressing the
'+' or '–' button to the left or right of the gauge.
You can also take a screenshot by pressing the
screenshot icon. This will save your measurement to
your photo gallery with a date stamp for your records.
The recommended tongue weight is 10-15% of the gross
trailer weight. It is also important to balance the load properly for safe
towing. To lower the tongue weight, redistribute the weight towards
the rear of the trailer. To increase tongue weight, redistribute the
weight towards the front of the trailer.
Step 3 - Weight Distribution 3-Point Relative Scale
Once the tongue weight measurement is complete, step 3
will help you to learn how your weight is currently distributed
and to better balance your weight distribution system.
Select 'Ready' from the last tongue weight
reading in step 2 to collect a second pitch reading.
Do not bump your vehicle during the initialization process.
Anything that affects the pitch of your vehicle after
this reading will be measured as a change in weight.
You will now see a 3-point relative scale that shows
how your weight is distributed across your vehicle's
front and rear axles and your trailer axle.
The objective is to distribute the weight towards
the front of the vehicle in the 'green zone'.
Latch the trailer coupler onto the ball and raise the jack stand to lift
the rear of the vehicle so you can engage the weight distribution bars.
Once the bars or chains of the weight distribution system are
attached, raise the jack so that it is off the ground.
Adjust your weight distribution hitch as needed by raising or lowering the
jack until the front axle marker is in the green zone of the front meter.
Once in the front axle is in the green, you can finish
hooking up your weight distribution set-up (safety chains,
electrical connections, etc.) and you are ready to tow.