Nano manual.indd, Last Modified: May 31, 2012 12:32 PM
Replacing the brake cable:
If the brake lever on your scooter becomes stiff and difficult to operate, the brake cable may have become rusted or dirty
inside its housing. You can easily replace the brake cable to get back to “like new” performance. The EZ3Nano uses a
standard bicycle brake cable and cable housing that can be purchased inexpensively at any bike shop.
To replace the brake cable, first remove the ferrule from the end of
the cable with a pair of pliers (see photo on page 21), then loosen
the pinch nut enough to remove the brake cable from the brake
arm. Pull the cable out of the scooter, starting at the brake lever.
Apply a small amount of grease to the new cable if available (to
prevent rust), then push the new brake cable through the housing.
Secure the “lollipop” shaped cable end into the brake lever (see
photo 1), then pull the cable through the lever body.
Thread the new cable through the small hole in the pinch bolt.
Before tightening the pinch bolt, screw the brake barrel adjuster
in completely (clockwise) so it can be adjusted later. Tighten the
pinch nut, then install a new ferrule to prevent fraying (a few cents
at any bike shop).
Follow the steps on page 21 for adjusting the brake to restore
normal stopping power.
Cable end fits into brake lever body
Barrel adjuster is rotated to close gap. Cable housing fits
into end of barrel adjuster.
Cable is drawn through brake lever. Note the gap in the
barrel adjuster that allows the cable to pass through.
Lever barrel adjuster