Currier Tech E-Folder CTI-B-30 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 25

Содержание E-Folder CTI-B-30

Страница 1: ... EEItr E EEIIHEEI Fofcfing ElectricBicycleOwner sManual M rdel CTI B 300 ...

Страница 2: ...E Folder clectricbicyclepertonnedbya ptopgrlytrainedandequippedE Folde dealor Yaurwarrantywillp999111_ v oid if ypurE Foldq afactncbicyth is assgmbled byanyoneotherthananaulhorizd E Folder deahr Us ody E Folde uotiginalpatu andapprovedcolPonents al Eplacernent parts Seriousiniuryor d sthcluld bethe t Etlt ol improp randunsa euso of the E Folder etectic bicyc e caus dbyfailue to readandcomply ri lf...

Страница 3: ...oriler elmads osssbacltm tre oloaticpowa ltdoecmt ltqulla muctrpeclallng energy b olrsrcoma roadlrictirnandwlndtaslstsrEs inolddriomalntiln nor cnishg speod onlan l fEd rAlwayt lceep yourtlro Inflahdlolhepropsrple rtJr Tho e lt ldul tidiq tipswillhapb tedrcaFtelosdonlhedectic rfiolorend earre dgnilieenl ban ryensQy allowirtg anircraaee infang lorthoelecficpropukion ry tem ISSSI aqueedon orpmblsm a...

Страница 4: ...CE At D generation andto beervlrcnmentally corxcientbus whil RIDINGEl rOYilENT providing youwitha tun ncrywayotget0ngarqrnd TheBFoldcr cL tricbicycl ltttsyoumaximize yourtic ycle ddingexperierrce lt giveeyouachanceto exercise wlrlle provldlng youwiththeabilityto goepbdng onyourbi lrcls withoullhe worryof gellingtootircdto reacftlour d stinetbn Wttr th E Folder elecflc blcydeyo twillhaveth poryerto...

Страница 5: ...nitarrd BateryPack 7 Noofi ncad use Wetweatherriding GeardHuman Pouered Tnnsrnlsslon 8 Etectric human polver putting it alltogsther I BatteryPack Batlery Fuse Inspestion Mainl nance t3 Batt rFus t3 14 Prcpulsion UnltChaln PedalTorcueEnabler t4 ElecticPreulsionSystsmAssembly 14 ...

Страница 6: ...Tableof Contents PageNumber 4 BicycleSalety 2S Foding Handlebar BrakecaHe E Folde Electric Ptopulsion Unit Lubricalbn Servicerecod and watnnty ServlceTable E Fokler Limitett Wenanty ...

Страница 7: ...Pack BrakeLever Headset BrakeCable HeadTube Front V Brake Fork Hub Tire Rim Spoke Front Axle SeatTube RearRack RearV Brake SeatStay Cable Junction Bag RearAxle Motor Mounting Plate Motor ChainStay Chainring Pedal Crank Arm Kickstand Figure1 E Folder Electric Bicycle CTI B 300 ...

Страница 8: ...ietdl Evenlf youhlvs lhc tigttl ot uny lGverfum theponr evttrtcft on unlessyouarp sittingonthe E Fdder electrbbaq d Rernember to tumlhe porversritch ofl bcfotr youdlsrpunt the t rcb Whenwgfiing gnor rppairingyow E Fokfer eledlrlcUcycle alvvays rcmor eor dieconnec t theb8tteryunittromthebicydc Thebatbry wrll canbeeaClyremovedfrorntle bblde ior yost nvenience Alwap checkthatthebatloryunlti8properlyl...

Страница 9: ...rypa ngsrg onl our E Fdded eloctricbicyde Never cerryanyitemsthatwouldobstructl ourviSionor interforewithtm sefeandprop roperatbnol theelectrk bicycb Harrrlling YourE Folder electricUcftcleis verysimllatto a corwenlional bicyde However lhsrearoa fswdiffereflcsswhichyanncedio beawareof endbeconp eccugtom d to Propulrlm Unlt md Bdtoty Ptch TheE Folder CURBIE ELECTRO DRIVESystem wasenglneered to bc l...

Страница 10: ...M Beginning birydisttryto mainleinapproximately 50 RPM whilemoreerperierred riderstry to malntain approximately 100RPM Everyborty hasanoptlmum cadenoe whbh allowstor maxlnrum efflciencyandcqnlorl Youwill vsntually withpractice findyouroptimumcadence Thepurpoeeol multiple gcan is lo allowa riderto maintaina constantpodalingcadenccorer a wi lerangeof condttions o rifting gean whib usirp eledricpwer ...

Страница 11: ...ropulsion s stem andhavea combination ofhuman psdalpo nerandTheCURRIE ELECTRO DRIVE Yourelectricbkrycleis us dmostefficiently whenbolhyw ar The CURFIEELECTRO DRIVE arewoddng togelher byincorporating your pedalpowerandthe motot selectricpower Thisb the mrin raason whythePedalTorque Enabler is included whhyourbicycle Usingthe electrhpowerresults inyourp daling eftortbeinggcaily rcduced allowing yout...

Страница 12: ...eriesto buBt psultingInpossiblepercorglInluryandprgpertydamagg Ad litionally do notu8sanyolhrr balt rycharlBrlo charg lhe E Foldef batterypack unl 6sit is spccificallyapproved lor useby Currie Tecfi nologies Inc Bantty Chergcr YourE Folder sbcfic bicyclecomeswitha banerycfrargerunltlor fiarging thebaigry ptck Foryourconvenicncc endversatiltty the bafierypackcenbecharg dwhiloonthebiryde or thebelle...

Страница 13: ...gundlhechalgg orbatteryor reslrictthetlowot coolingairthroughthe venlilation vent8 oflhe charger housing Nevercharge your batterypackit th batteryis frozen Tlrawoutthebaueryfirst Locatethechargerat least18inchesaboregroundlevel Ceutlon Th b tt iy prck conldm no urrr rervicerble componcnl3 Ilo not encmpt to opcn thc blttery pecl er ttrlr wlll vofdlhc rerr nly on thc betlrry prck Anextensbncod shorj...

Страница 14: ...y packbeloretecirarging Plugthobenerycfiatgetin anytitne g 16rY tule Thebatterypackhasa fuselo protectthebatteryandmotorin lheeventofa shodedwlre lf yourE Fokbr el stric bicytle dossn lwork h nyoutumlhe bettarypow6tswitcfilo thc ON positkrn cieck the redindicatorlightonthebatt typeck hendle Ittro rpdllghlis notllt thqfugeb bumgd9 4 Seethe batlerylus replacamant sectionof theAss mbly and Adlustrnen...

Страница 15: ...e FrontBetteryFastcnerBraakel oaatodofl ths trame tQhtly Youmustlurnthekeyclockwiseuntillhe koystopstuming8nd youleela posiiive click Thefast ner requires apProximat6ly 1 4lum whenengagcd Ch ckfial thebetterypackis fnld eecutetyin phco th battery packshoultlnotbeableto mov Gtipthebat rypeckBnd vcritythatit hasbccn sccuElylod cdin p6ition Eettcry Fure Rrplecrmrnt Thebatteryfuseistocsl dontheloriver...

Страница 16: ...vethebatterypsckftorYl th bicyds 3 Releage thebrekecantileYgr lromlherearlire Yourbieycle is Iotor ChclnTrnrloner equippedwitha cenlileverb rake systsm Squeeze lie brake cantilgv rarmstogetherandrslsaseth brakecablesleeveend TheChetnT nsloner shouldrunacrosstlrecfuin sothatth fromthecantilever erm Thistteesth brakecantilcveretmsand clrainhasa propertensbn Thetensionercennotb tootightor allowsthemt...

Страница 17: ...ithn lt shoufdlakefir m finger pr s rre 6 TurnthetlicycteWright Reoonnect thelhrottJe andPedal TorqueEnabler if reguired connector lo th motor Recunect themotorpowgrconn ctor to themotor Cover thecableconnoctoFwiththe smallcaue connectorbeg by wrappingthebagaroundtheceblesandlhe seatslay Thebag cloees withVelcro 7 Relnstall thecantllev r brake bysqueezing lhecantilev r arms togpth randrains rurElh...

Страница 18: ...rgfy andfirmlymounted lo thebiclcle Animptoperly inslalledbattsrypackcouldbecorneunattach cl andfalloffthe bicycle possibly causing inlury 5 Reattach thebattery packpowerconnector Electric biqrclosanE a newtyp oftransponalion Assucfr lherearea fewlipsandoperating instruclions whic youn edto leam Braking Yourelectric bicycle iEequipped wilha cantilever braking sy8tem Th brakesareactivaled bysqueezi...

Страница 19: Inord rto allowthegparsto shifteasily kggppedaling buteaseupon yourbicycle ina safeenvironment lo gelus dtoth brakes th pedalpres iure whlletwisting the GripShift gearshiftconrol This andthefeeling ot howeffectMe thgyare allows thechainto derail or movefromonegeartoanother wilhan Fememben Takelhelimeto l amhowlo us lh brakes safely easymotbn andelfectively Alwaysreleaseth throttlebefor applyin...

Страница 20: ...RESPOIiISIBLE FOF ElcyclcAeecmbly ll lURY DAIIAGE OF FAI UFETHATRESULTS FROil FAULW ASSEIIBLYOF TIAIITTTEI ANCE AFTEFSHIPPI IG ll loranyreason yor r mustass mble thebicyde carefulyfollow th essorylbly instructions making sureallnutc bolts and PROPER FBAIIERT screws aresecurety tight nsd RI9ERHUSTBEABLETOSTRAODLE BICYCLE WTH ATLEAST 1 CLEAFANCE ABOVETHEHORIZONTAL BANOOPTUEE gUFBfEELECTF9DBIVEA embl...

Страница 21: ...lnspection Maintenance 1 9 Figure 2 Detemining Bic1rcleFrerne Size ...

Страница 22: ...dagainstdirtandrnoislu howe rer it shouldbe io wear rephcingwtrenn essary Wipeofi anyollor dirtthst iffipecledperbdically ospsciallyalterridingyourelectriclicycle in accumulates on rime wabr Totesl itthehubtsfuncliontngproperly romo rie lhe lrontu tleel andturnlhe axlewtlhyourhands Theaxl shouldmovefreely with Control C bles verylittletrbtbn or play Th cabl swillstretchwithuse Insp ctth mr gularly...

Страница 23: ...c rtilt d technician tight n your chain Plea3erephcethechainwhennec ssary R rrWhccl Lubricale thechginofienbyoilingeechlink Bgfor oiling wrpe Thewheel slrouldbecenter d inthelrame Besurelheaxle accumulated dirtanddebrisfromthechain Applyoilaparingly to the nutdquick releases arstight Keepthespokes andrimtrue chain rlmshouldnotwobblelromstdeto sidewhenthewheells spinning Ilcralllcur Thesealed beari...

Страница 24: ...taround thetub junctrons periodically Thesecracksrnoyhdicatea bentor crackedlrame lmmediately replace a bentor broken frame Framedamage cancaus strainonothertisycl parts cancauseadversehandflrBdrarac oris ics andisverydangeDus CURRIEELECTRO DRIVEPROPULSION SYSTEil Thiss ctionis intond dto be ageneralguldefor inspecting your electricpropulsion system Anymajoradjustments otherthanll ones describ d m...

Страница 25: ...Figures andPictures 23 Brake Frml Front Fork Figure 3 FronlWheelAndForks FronlFork NutType Figure4 FrontFort andNutType ...

Страница 26: ... Igbase Brakecable Rear canlilcvcr brakc Brake pgd Centil vetatm Brakecable Front rellector Flont cantileverbrake Brake oad Caniileverann Figure 8 FrontWheelCantilever BrakeSystem Figure5 HandlebarAndThrottle Figure7 RearWheelCantilever BrakeSystem ...

Страница 27: ...FiguresandPictures 25 l I Figure 9 PedalAndCrankAssembly Bearing Locking MlustableCup Figure 10 Pedallnstallation AndRemovat Figure11 Bottom Bracket AndCrankSpindle Axle Exploded View FixedCup ...

Страница 28: ...Figuresa 26 Figure13 RearDerailleur Figure12 SaddleAndAdiustment Fasteners ...

Страница 29: ...Figures andPictures 27 CableJunction bag Motorcabl s Propulsion unil bracket Propulsion unit quid releese Motor Figure16 E Folder Propulsion Unlt Batterypowercable Figure17 E Folder Battery Pack ...

Страница 30: ...g andcord P C Board P r E Sengor Figure 18 Battery Charger Figure20 OptionalElectric WorkoutAdaptor PedalTonueEnabler Thrcad d Hub 28 Cha erplug andcord Rcsr g6ara Optktnal Magn6t Figure 19 E Folder Propulsion Unit RearView ...

Страница 31: ... maybelaws goveming lheminimum ageforriding8nelectric bioTcle Please consultyourlocallawenforcement agencyor thebicycledealerwh re youpurchasecl youreleclricbicycl Lawsvarybyslateandlocallyon holm lsndsatetygearrequir8rnents Makesurelhalyguarein comdiance withalllawsandodinances Alwaysweara helmetand approprial clolhingwfienyouride Makesurethatyotj followlhe laws andordinances governingtheussof re...

Страница 32: ...thoriz d tbaler lt is v6ryitnPotttant lor youto maintain o Hubtool youreleclricbicydeinpropetworkingorder Toolr Asa bio cleown r youshouldhaw I toolkitforadiusting maintaining andrepairing thecornponents of ourbicyde The tollowingisa listof lools lhatwoulJbe require t to Pcdotm adfuctments andrepairs ofyourbicycle Someofthetoolsare forcamrionbiq clemainlenanc andrg9air such89a lirg pr mp whileoth ...

Страница 33: ...ingarm Lockingbanel Tension nut Groove Loclrng P Ie 4 Frgurc2 2 Unloldthebio7cleandalignthetwofoldingparts Make cerlainthelocking barel is lnthehorizontal position topasE r ra a 1 r aaa tia 4Ol Flwre22 3 Orrcetheframeis tullydosed mo reths lockngarmto lfs luil open upwardpoaitiontfEn rotateth lockingbenelg0 bgreesto the verticalpositbn seeFigure23 4 Clooethe loctdng l vorlo it stullydorrrnward pos...

Страница 34: ...yourE Fordel unass h lremeis fully aNprqedyld ed FRATIIE FOLTING 1 Aligncrank armsina horizontal posfion 2 Foldpedals perpedalinstructions 3 Foldhandlebar perhandlebar tnstrLEtions 4 Follow tnmo assombly inslruction8 in r vsr8e oKbr 5 through 1 FOLItll G IAI DLEBAR ASSEITIBLY PivotLockLev r LsverLock LatchBanel Latch Groorre Flgwe26 1 Release pivotlocklwsr lroml verlock 2 Foldhandlebar upwardalign...

Страница 35: ...lhth lewr lock Frgure 31 tflgurc30 6 Pullonplwt locklevarto c heck securityof leror lock Gaution N6wr ri h or qeate tlr E fuI P unla tl l rndteoc t prwt asembly ispropedyclosedend lod d HAIIDLEBAR FOLONG Feverae eachstepol loldinghandlebar assembly 6 thrcugh1 SEATASSETBLY 1 Putseatqubkrebaeelatchontheframcto r Ls8 po itbn 2 Inssnseatpo6tlntotheframe sqcFlgure32 FigureP il FWre 31 Figure29 Figure28...

Страница 36: ... e ce d thema imum h ightllr hebht markedontheseat po8t s oFlgure33 Figure33 4 Swftch thequickreleaselalchdownwadtosccur theseat postintodghtpoeilion Seefigure3a 38 GT _ I a t Caution Never allow the seal post hetqhl to exceed the maxtmum height see Figure37 t Figure 37 Figure36 j 4 1 i ...

Страница 37: ...hpedalspindle Axle Figure 38 2 Op n foldingp del fully Figure39 3 Tumpedallock90 to lockthep dsl FigwG40 Ftgun O 4 Pushonbonornoutsideedgeof pedelto assurepedalistullyand sccuruly loched Figure 41 Flgurc41 Caufnn Neverrideor srpara te tlp E Fddal witfrout fullyaN prWrt1 lockedpedale ...

Страница 38: ...tchlh hol witha tireinnertub pabh kit lf thetubehasbeen lemegsd beyondsafergpair discardhe innertubesndus a n wtube 7 Toreinetall theinnertube inllatetubewithenough airto attainit s shape pushthevalveslemof therepaired ornewinnertube through theholeintherim Gar tully placolh inn rtub bad inlo lhetir 8 Slartingat lhe valvestem cardully pushthetir bsadbacknto the rim workirgyourwayaroundth tir Besur...

Страница 39: ...hefork Flotata thehandlebar toa comforlable position 2 Tlghten th stem quir release until thc stom is lighl Mak sure the handlebals are aligned properly so that they are perpsndicularto tfie direclion of lhe front wheel 3 Ctleck tightness by holrlhg lhe front who l b twe n your legs and trying to turn the handlebars with tour hantls There shotrldbe no slipping Figurc42 Donol rult thr herdl rr boyo...

Страница 40: ...tions for maintaining thefrmt brakesystemarette samefor Thethreads onthep dabaredochriseonth rightpedaland therearbrakesystem countercqckwi ontheleftPedal Bl k ctHo tdtlr 1 Loosen thepedalwitha pedslwrench 2 Examine tie threaG onthepedalspindleandcfrrk the Toremovetheblc rcle wtteelfor repairs sucfias a flat orlo replacethe pedalsforwcaror damage Replace a wornor damaged brakepadswitenrvsm lhe bra...

Страница 41: ...ving dif iolty makingtheadiustment haveyourbicycleserviccd bya trainedblcyclemechanicor tiq clc daalor 2 Ch ckthatth adjustmont oftft brah canlilevcrarmsrssuhsinthe 8am clearenc on bothb rake shoesoneachsHeofthetlre 3 Makesurethatilttrebrakeleveris squeezed hetd thel wr doesnl contacfih hendlebar grip lf thisoccurs lh brakesmaynotbe applyingfulltorceto thewheelrim Reediusltirebtakecauo to insuropr...

Страница 42: ...continuetumlngthocrank endlumfte hlghgearadjusting screwunlilfie chainslgys on ltrestnalleelsprod 6t 2 Whileturning lhecr8nk twisttheright GtipShifi control lowardyouunullhe chainnrcvesontothasecondsrnallesl sprockot Twistlhe tight GtF Shiff controlawaylromyo t thecheinehouldmovesmoofilyontothesmallestrear sprockel 3 Whiletumlngthecank twistttp rlght GtlpShlft control fullytowad yor r Thecfiainsho...

Страница 43: ...tsmnt elament8 Cbaningandlubr caling thesepadEwillkctp lhomrunning smootterandlonger TheiollowingPanswitlneedregularlubrication YourE Fotdcr slectricbicryde hastottrsetsof boaringB thst mayrequircadiuetrnont andlubrication A treadset B bottom oChain mainandPrcpulsion brack6t C pedalsmd D hube oBnke archpivol oFrmt derailleur Inspectbeartngc trlquently Theserviceintarvalwilldependon Shift controlca...

Страница 44: ...our lurnyourE FoE f ebdric bicydeto theauthorized s rvice c nt ror rlealerlora lulltune up inspection endadju8trnent Scrvior rrcord end wrrranty Strndrrd srvbr Thetermsofthe CunieTechnologies Inc wanantytoryout E Folder elecldcbicycle require thalthebicydeb serviced by Standadssrvice ls recommended wery sixrnonths 8 naulhotized E Folder dealerorservice ceiler according to theschetfule inthisseclio...

Страница 45: ...very EwrY 6 monthsor 2 ytars 250miles B r a k e s X X X X W h e e l s X X X X Tirss x Fl R Tubes X R R S h i l t e r x X X X Headsot X x Botlornbrrcket crankiet andpedals X X C a b l e s X X X R Controls X X X Banerypack X X x Propr rlsionUnit X X X Charger X x X Service F Repair or replace asneeded ...

Страница 46: ...torque enabl r option Handl bar mounted on amandvariable sp ed thumb throttl Range Extender Dual12 volt 1O mp hoursealed recplableleadacidbattery packmounted ina Range Extender rearluggage rack TIGwetded Hi Ten quickrelease folding frame withstamped roaddropouts brazed on rackmounts cable andpropulsion system fittings Steel matching paanted Hi Ten Unicrown CPMTBstye 560mmwidth with30mmrise CPfoldi...

Страница 47: ... 1a i 3 lbrran Lirnr1d G ffi ffi ffi __ ...
