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mini NEB US
4. Startup, control and switch off.
4.1. Checks
Before starting the humidifier, check the following points:
All connections, both electrical and hydraulic, must be made as is written in the present manual.
There must be no water dripping in the circuit.
The air filter must be fitted.
The water supply tap must be opened.
The air distribution outlets must be correctly positioned.
4.2. Startup
To start the humidifier, close the main switch. The machine starts immediately, and after a few seconds it
starts nebulizing water. It’s suggested to check that during normal operation the water discharge does not
work continuously.
In the case that the there is a continuous water discharge see the possible solutions written at paragraph
par. 7 Problem
4.3. Switch
To switch off the machine, open the main switch. The humidifier will slow down until it stops, meanwhile the
water contained in the machine will fall down on the water basin and trigger the siphon, that will discharge it.
It’s suggested to close the water feed tap.
Between the switch off and the successive start up of the humidifier there must be a time delay of at least
30 seconds, to allow the siphon to discharge the basin completely. If this does not happen the siphon
remains triggered, and the water will be continuously dischaged during normal operation, with an
unnecessary water waste.
5. Maintenance
5.1. Introduction
The mini NEB has been designed to guarantee an efficient and problems free performance for a long time.
It’s necessary to execute some simple maintenance procedures, the frequency of which depends heavily on
the environment conditions where the mini NEB operates, and the quality of the water supply.
WARNING: before executing any kind of maintenace operation, open the main switch and wait until the
machine completely stops. Close the water supply tap. Follow the general safety rules written on par.2.1.
Before restarting the machine make all necessary startup checks as written in this manual.