Things to Check Before You Call For Service
01037540 C 02/21
If you unexpectedly experience a change in the quality of your water, make these simple checks before calling your
Culligan deal er� One of the following conditions may be the reason for the change�
Bypass Valves
Check to see if they are in the proper position� Cul-Flo-Valv® Bypass, if used, should be in the "
(handle stem screwed out) position� If hand valves are used, see that inlet and outlet valve are opened and that the
bypass valve is closed�
No Water
If you aren’t getting any water flow at all, make sure your water supply is work ing� Open a tap ahead of the
conditioner (outside tap) to see if you have any water pressure� If you have water pressure, check the bypass
valve� If it is in the Service position, put it into the bypass and call your Culligan dealer for service�
If You Have A Cartridge Filter Installed
If your system has a cartridge type filter installed prior to the Aquasential Salt Free Conditioner make sure the cartridge is
not clogged as this can be the cause of low water pressure� Replace the filter cartridge with a new one and check to see
if water pressure returns�
Increased Usage
Guests, family additions, new water-using appliances, etc, will all result in more water usage and will require more
capacity from your system� Call your Culligan dealer for advice and save a service call�