The smoke tube can be used for additional smoke
fl avor when using the grill. Small wood chips or
wood pellets work the best. For best results, soak
the wood chips in water for 15 minutes. You can
expect about 1 hour of smoke when using wet wood
chips or dry wood pellets. The Smoke Tube can be
placed in the grill when smoke is desired and then
removed for normal grill use.
It is best to remove
the Smoke Tube for normal grilling to help keep
the Smoke Tube clean and to allow for full heat
output from the right-side burners.
1. Open Smoke Tube door and fi ll with wet wood chips
or dry wood pellets.
2. Close Smoke Tube door and place in grill.
3. Install cooking grate above Smoke Tube.
4. Light far right main burner and leave it on High for
about 8-12 minutes. At this point, smoke should be
coming from the Tube and the burner can be turned
off. If the smoke stops, relight the burner to start
the smoke. The best smoke comes from smoldering
wood. If the wood catches fi re, you will get less
smoke. Blow out the fl ames if you see the wood
chips on fi re.
5. Smoke Tube can be stored behind the tank panel
once it is cool and chips have been removed.
Smoke tube
Wood pellets or wood chips
Smoke tube
Smoke tube