IV. Using Your Cubii Go
Display Monitor
To wake up the display, press the colored button under the
display. The top line shows stride count. (A stride is one complete
360 degree revolution.)
The bottom line can cycle between Time, Calories, Distance, and
RPM. In Scan mode, the display will automatically cycle through
these metrics.
To reset stats, press and hold the button until all segments turn
black (about 3 seconds), then let go. Replacing the battery will
also reset the stats. When the stats reach maximum values, they
will reset to zero.
Adjusting the Resistance
Cubii Go comes with 8 levels of
resistance. Turn the knob clockwise
to increase the resistance. The
higher the number, the higher the
resistance. We highly recommend
you begin at Level 1 and increase
the intensity gradually over time.
To switch from Miles (MI) to
Kilometers (KM), press and hold the
silver button for at least 6 seconds.
All segments will turn black twice
during this time. After the second
flash of black segments, release the
button. When displaying distance,
you will see the MI is now showing
a KM, or vice versa.
Resistance Knob
Display Button