MULTI XS 3600 can easily be configured to charge many different types of 12V lead-acid batteries; wet batteries,
MF, AGM och for most GEL-batteries.
The following recommendations should, however, only be seen as guidelines. When in doubt, always consult the
battery manufacturer for further instructions.
Settings are made by pressing the “MODE-button” and stepping forward by pressing the button one step at a time,
releasing the button when the required mode is reached.
Mode 14.4V/0.8A
This mode is normally used for <14Ah batteries.
Mode 14.4V/3.6A
Normal setting for wet batteries, MF and for most GEL batteries.
Mode 14.7V/3.6A
This setting is recommended for batteries at temperatures
below 5°C. It is also recommended for many AGM batteries.
This setting is not recommended for maintenance charging
when the temperature at times e5°C. In this case, the
14.4V/3.6A mode is recommended.
Charging batteries mounted in a vehicle:
1. The power cord should be disconnected before connecting or disconnecting the battery leads.
2. Identify the pole that is grounded (attached to the chassis). Ground is normally connected to the negative
3. Charging a negatively grounded battery. Connect the red wire to the positive pole of the battery and the black
cable to the vehicle’s chassis. Be careful not to connect the black cable in the vicinity of a fuel pipe or the bat-
4. Charging a positively grounded battery. Connect the black wire to the negative pole of the battery and the red
cable to the vehicle's chassis. Be careful not to connect the red cable in the vicinity of a fuel pipe or the battery.
Charging of a battery not connected to a vehicle:
1. The power cord should be disconnected before connecting or disconnecting the battery leads.
2. Connect the red wire to the positive pole of the battery and the black cable to the negative pole.