US • 9
Mode chosen: ”NORMAL”
MULTI US 25000 is a 8-step fully automatic charger. Lamp C for chosen setting
Desulphation (Lamp 1, blinking)
Desulphation with pulsing for sulphated batteries. Indicated by blinking lamp 1.
Soft Start (Lamp 1)
The soft start continues until the battery’s terminal voltage has risen over a preset level.
At this point, charging goes into the bulk step. If the terminal voltage has not reached the
preset level within 4 hours, charging is suspended. The error mode is indicated. This indi-
cates a battery which is faulty or has too large capacity. If a large battery is charged that
has been severely discharged, it may be necessary to restart the charger after 4 hours.
Start is indicated by lamp 1.
Bulk (Lamp 2)
Primary charging where approximately 80% of the capacity is restored. The charger deliv-
ers maximum current until the terminal voltage has risen to the preset level. The step is
time limited. The charger goes on to the next step after a number of hours even if maxi-
mum voltage is not reached. Bulk is indicated by lamp 2.
Absorption (Lamp 3)
Final charging, voltage is kept at the preset level. During this phase, the current is gradu-
ally reduced. If the maximum length of time for Absorption is exceeded, the charger
automatically continues with Analysis. Absorption is indicated by lamp 3.
Analysis (Lamp 3)
Charging is suspended for a short period and the battery voltage measured. If it falls too
quickly, the battery is probably faulty. Charging is suspended and an error is indicated
(lamp 0).
Maintenance charging - float (Lamp 4)
During the first 10 days of maintenance charging the battery is maintained with constant
voltage, 13.6V. Float-maintenance is indicated by lamp 4.
Maintenance charging - pulse (Lamp 4)
The state of charge varies between 95% and 100%. The battery receives a pulse when
the voltage sinks, keeping the battery in good shape when it is not being used. The char-
ger can be connected for months at a time. Pulse - maintenance is indicated by lamp 4.