Connecting to your radio system.
The ICG360 is designed to work with the following radio control systems:-
Futaba PPM
Futaba PCM 1024
If you wish to use this gyro with other types of radio system please contact CSM for advice.
Connect the gyro to your receiver as indicated in the following table:-
Gyro "Rx1-4 IN"
connect to
connect to
Futaba PPM
Futaba PCM
Channel 4
Channel 5
Channel 4
Channel 5
"Aux2" or "Aux3"
"Aux2" or "Aux3"
JR ZPCM pulse timing prevents the use of Aux 3 as gyro gain channel
See setup notes for JR X388/3810/8103
Connect the "SERVO" output to the tail rotor servo.
Leave the "COMPUTER" connector unconnected. (This is for use with the optional PC interface
cable/software). Do not connect any form of extension to this connector.
If you are using a radio system (e.g. a 4 channel aero set) that does not have a channel that can be
allocated to the gyro gain/mode then the "Aux" input to the gyro should be left unconnected. In this case
the gyro will default to the Standard mode with the gain adjusted by the rotary gain control (near to the
"gyro set" light on the front panel of the gyro). Initially set the gain control to its mid position. Final
adjustment will require flight testing.
Futaba 9ZHP/ZAP
On these transmitters it is important to ensure that
in all flight modes
the gyro sense mode is set to
INHIBIT (see the "GYR" entry of the "helicopter condition" menu). Check under the "PMX" entry that no
throttle to rudder or rudder to gyro mixing is active in any of the flight conditions. Check in the "P->R"
entry that pitch to rudder mixing is inhibited. Under the "model" menu use the "FNC" entry to allocate
the gyro control to a switch of your choice.
On these radios it is easier to disable the JR 'code 44' (gyro sense adjust) and control the gyro gain by a
switch, but if the ability to automatically switch between both gyro modes by the use of the flight mode
switch (idle up) is required, then the JR gyro sensing (code 44) should be used. Because the ICG360
gain control works from the centre of the channel outwards, an LCD value of 50% (the channel centre) is
in reality zero gain. Increasing the value will increase the gain in one flight mode, the other mode is
adjusted by decreasing the value below 50%: be aware that this value will be reversed so that an LCD
value of 25% will actually be a higher gain value than a LCD value of 30%. Note: if the gyro is adjusted
through the JR gyro software, the gyro channel ATV's/TA should be set to default values (100%).
JR X388S/X3810/X8103
On these radios it is easier to control the gyro gain through the gear channel as it is not always possible
to have control over other channels on a 2 position switch. Note: if so desired it is possible to set the
gyro up using the JR gyro software on the 3810/8103, see the PCM10 instructions above.
Reversing link
As with any gyro it is vital to ensure that it operates in the correct sense.
Failure to do this will cause
an uncontrollable pirouette on take-off and beginners who are in any doubt on this aspect of the