Operating instructions
To go between different screens, press the Main Function Knob.
Screen display instructions
Increase frequency step
This moves the frequency marker from right to left. When it gets to the far left it wraps around to
the lowest digit. When you turn the frequency knob clockwise, you increase the frequency based on
the frequency step you are under. When you turn the frequency knob counter clockwise, you
decrease the frequency based on the frequency step you are under.
Reduce frequency step
This moves the frequency marker from left to right. When it gets to the far right it wraps around to
the highest digit. When you turn the frequency knob clockwise, you increase the frequency based
on the frequency step you are under. When you turn the frequency knob counter clockwise, you
decrease the frequency based on the frequency step you are under.
Switch receive signal attenuator on or off
When the attenuator is on, the signal is attenuated about 10 dBm. You would typically keep the
attenuator on when you are trying to listen to a very strong signal or there are strong signals around
the frequency you are listening to. Keep the attenuator off if you are trying to listen to very weak
signals. When the attenuator is on, there is a small ATT indication on the top left of the screen.