Crystal Vision
TANDEM 320 functional block diagram (one video channel shown only)
Block Diagram Description
SDI video is cable-equalised, re-clocked and passed through a de-embedder block where up
to 16 channels of audio are extracted.
All input audio from both external (up to eight channels via the optional plug-in input
piggyback) and de-embedded sources (16 channels) are passed to audio processing blocks
where gain and delay adjustments are made after re-sampling. Dolby E encoded signals
bypass the audio processing block.
The output of the audio processing block is an input to two independent routers which feed
the optional plug-in output piggyback and the embedding block as mono channels or stereo
The video is then passed through the embedder block where up to 16 audio channels are
TANDEM 320 User Manual R1.3
11 July 2019