CRUZBIKE S40 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Q U E S T I O N S ?

  C A L L   U S   8 8 8 - 2 2 6 - 2 7 8 9   O R   E M A I L   S U P P O R T @ C R U Z B I K E . C O M

C R U Z B I K E   S 4 0 

G E T T I N G   S T A R T E D 

C R U Z B I K E   S 4 0  


Thank you for choosing the Cruzbike S40! This frame is as versatile as it is beautiful. 

The Cruzbike S40 is a recumbent bike frame designed to be built up as a fast road bike, 
endurance bike, a sleek and sophisticated tourer or the ultimate commuter.

We recommend you and your mechanic work together to source a component set that 
fits your cycling needs.


 If you are unsure about compatibility, a qualified bicycle mechanic will be able to 

help you design a great build. You can also email 

[email protected]


E X A M P L E   C O M P O N E N T   S E T   L I S T :

S 4 0   F A S T   R O A D   B I K E   S E T U P

1-Handlebar: Included custom lightweight 

wide grip handlebar for control, fast 

climbing and knee clearance.

2-Shifters and Cassette: Road levers and 

wide range cassette

3-Brakes: Road lever compatible disc brakes 

160mm front and rear

4-Derailleur: Brand compatible long cage rear 

derailleur, braze on front derailleur

5-Bottom Bracket and Cranks: 68mm English 

thread, compact double

6-Wheels: 700c with disc brake hubs
7-Tires: 700c x 32c 

S 4 0   V I D E O S   |  

Watch at

S40 Frame Assembly | S40 Complete Assembly | S40 Fit and Adjustment | S40 Features and Accessories

S 4 0   A S S E M B LY   A N D   F I T   N O T E S   |  

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