Check to make sure the top tank is in the proper position and both draw latches are
Check to make sure the ball float shut off inside of the recovery tank is clean.
Check for blockage in hose and hand tool inlet.
Check the gasket on the vacuum motor and replace both the gasket and screen if they
appear to be worn or missing.
Replacing the pump or vacuum motor:
Simply remove the recovery tank, after you make
sure the unit is not plugged into a wall socket. Tip the unit over and remove the six (6)
screws that hold on the back cover. You can change out the vacuum motor by simply
removing the two (2) screws holding it onto the motor plate. If you need to change the pump
remove the two (2) screws holding the front plate in place, and loosen the clamp holding the
hose onto the hose barb coming out of the tank. After you change out the pump and
reconnect the hoses, set the front cover in place, (do not put in the front two (2) screws yet).
Set the back cover in place and insert the ¾” screw with the spaces between the 2 (two)
covers in the center underneath where the two (2) covers overlap. Start these two (2) screws
first, and then put the four (4) screws in the back along with the two (2) screws in the front.
Then tighten all eight (8) screws securely. If you start the two (2) screws underneath with the
spacers first, the unit will go back together easily.
Industrial Product Limited Warranty
The Crusader spotter is warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use, for
a period of one (1) year from the date of manufacture.
The limited warranty will not apply to pumps/products that were improperly installed, misapplied,
damaged, altered, or are incompatible with fluids.
All industrial pumps/products must be flushed of any chemicals before shipping.
Returns are to be shipped postage prepaid to Crusader Mfg. Inc. Crusader shall not be liable for freight
damage incurred during shipping. Package returns carefully.
Crusader’s obligation under this warranty policy is limited to the repair or replacement of the
pump/product. All returns will be tested per Crusader factory criteria.
No credit or labor allowances will be given for pumps or products returned as defective. Warranty
replacement will be shipped on a freight allowed basis.
This limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, and no other person is
authorized to give any other warranty or assume obligation or liability on Crusader’s behalf. Crusader shall
not be liable for any labor, damage, or other expense, nor shall Crusader be liable for any indirect,
incidental, or consequential damages of any kind incurred by the reason of the use or sale of any defective
product or part. This limited warranty covers industrial products distributed within the United States of
American and Canada.
Crusader Mfg. Inc.
517 1st Street
Farmington, MN 55024
(Fax) 800-998-7311