Cruisers Yachts 3372 Express Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 82




Содержание 3372 Express Series

Страница 1: ...Controls and IndicalOl S 3 1 4 Principles of OpeTatioD 4 1 5 Getting Underway 5 J 6 Periodi Checks and Services 6 1 7 Storage for Extended JAy Up 7 1 8 General Maintet1aDce 8 1 9 AccesIory Items __ 9 1 10 TroublesJJoo6ng 60 10 1 J Cruisers yachts Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 2: ... KIT 1 3 Owner s ianual 143 h llcr Manuals Envelopes 1 4 WARRANTY INFORMATION 1 5 Ikalenhip Responsibilities 1 5 Y our Responsibiliti 1 5 VarrantyService _ 1 5 JliCruisers yachts _ 1 1 Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 3: ...adition of meeting or exceeding existing safety and quality stan dards esLablished by the U S Coast Guard and me Boating Industry of America Cruisers has been manufacturing bo l1 for over 40 yean We take pride in our craftsmaruhip and hull rfonnance We are confident you will enjoy the ride For you the Cruisers name is our assurance that your boat will hold its value while providing many years of b...

Страница 4: ...its various systenu Sec tion I contains a description of the sltipprr s til and information about dIe warra my Sec tion 2 contailu boat specifications such as dim ions lIld capacities There are also layout diagrams to introduce you to floorplaru as wdl as the locations of various components Section 3 contailU descriptions of all the controb and indicaton on the dash of the helm Section 4 cOIlI l i...

Страница 5: chose the envelope may conu in some or all of the fol lowing manuals AVAlL BLE FEATURES Engine Operation Maintenance Elecuic Schematic DC Panel IofonnaLion Packet Electric Stove AC Panellnfonnation Packet AC Powered Ballery Charger Manual HOI Water Heater Manual Trim Planes Manual Refrigerator User Manual Stereo System OperaLion Manual Compass Manual Gas Fume tector ManuaJ Manual Marine Toilet...

Страница 6: ...warranties Fill in the Cruisers limited warranty registration card wruch is Iocat W in an envelope inside the skipper s kiL Kttp a record of the hull number for future referel1 Inspect the boat at lhr tim of defu ery to ensure mat all S Ste nu are o perating properly Sit down witJl tJlt dealer and go over the predelivc 1 service record Sign this I ecord to indicate that it has been explained to yo...

Страница 7: ...n 2 Specifications and Layout 2 2 SPECIF1CATIONS _ 2 2 Dimensions 2 2 Power 2 3 GENERAL lAYour 2 3 Engine Comparunent _ 1iCruisers yachts _ Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 8: ...9 m Height Keel 10 Top or Arch 11 3 3 III Draft Hull with Engine 21 24 0 5 0 6 III Dead Rise 16 Degrees Bridge Clearance w Arch 9 3 2 8 m Bridge Clearance w o Arch 7 9 2 4 m Sleeping Accommodations 5 Person Stern Drives Gas Eogines MerCmi ser 350 MAG MPI Horizon Bravo III 300 HI 224 W MX 6 2 MPI Bravo II 320 HP 224 l W Volvo 5 i Gxi DP 315 HP 224 1 n Engines Vo1 0 RA P 243 HP 181 KW Inboard Drives...



Страница 11: Extinguisher Di play Unit 3 3 Shift Throu le Controls 34 Neutral ThrotlJe Controls 3 4 Steering vhcel 3 4 Wipel1l Switch 3 4 Aft Bilge Pump Switch 3 4 Forward Bilge Pwnp Switch 3 4 Shower Sump Pump 3 4 Blowers S itch 3 4 Spotlight Controls 3 5 Ignition Switches 5 Accessory S ilches 3 5 Anchor A ntrOl _ 3 5 Anchor Light itch 3 5 Dash Circuit Breaker Panel 3 5 Dash PaneJ Indicator Ughts g o Unit ...

Страница 12: ...t and starboard engines each ha e their own oil pressure gauge TIle engine oil pressure g HlgCS ind icate tlle pressure of tllC lubricating oil inside the engines M lke a note of the oil pres lure reading when the boo n is new this C lII be considered your engine s nonnal oil pressure Fluctuations will occur in the pressure under differem operating speeds but maj or de atious may signall l oblems ...

Страница 13: ...are prottctrd by 3 rcsc u tble circuit break er located on the circuit breaker panel PANEL UGHTS SWITCH Pwh the top of the rocker 5 o tch to illuminate the gauges and compass TIle panel lighLS are proteckd by a resett bJe circuit breaker located on the dash circuit breaker panel TRIM TAB CONTROI 5 IMPORTANT Push the trim t 1b rocker switches in half second buTSLS Holding the rockers down 100 long ...

Страница 14: to lower the anchor The anchor control u protttted by a resett ble circuit breaker located on the d35h circuit breaker panel ANCHOR UCIIT SWITCH Push tJu tOP half of tJle switch to activate tJle anchor light 1 u 5h tJU bol tom haLr to turn tJle anchor light ofT The anchor light is located atop the radar arch md shines white in 360 The anchor light is protected hya reseuable circuit breaker loca...

Страница 15: ... nate POWER ON The starboard laml ill come on when starboard engine ignition switch is on the l On lamp ill glow when the pon engine ignj tion switch is on BILGE LIGHTS When the bilge lights are on this lamp willlighL BILGE PUMP AFT When the engine compartmen t bilge pump is on el is lamp will illuminate MAST LIGHTS This lamp will glow when lhe mast Lights are turned on UNIT TILT TRIM CONTROlS TIl...

Страница 16: ...TRlCAL SYSTEM 4 9 DC EI u cal System 4 10 AC Elt cu ical System 4 13 Schelll lI ics 4 26 A Word About Electrol sis 4 29 A Word About Bonding 4 29 FRESHWATER SYSTEM 4 29 Fn shwaler Ta nk _ 4 SO Ci W ater Hookup 4 50 H OI Wau r H ler J HEAD AND WASTE CONTAMINANT SYSTEM 4 31 Wastt floldingThIlk 4 31 Waste Di lposaJ 32 lIe d O ratillg Instructions 4 35 BILGE SYSTEM 4 35 Bilge Pumps 4 36 Blowers 36 J i...

Страница 17: ...e exhaust gas as it is ing discharg Th tem rnlUfl gauge on the dash panel ill tell you if the engine is overheating A CAU170N For mrifttl withftaltwaln cooling stem 7he cocH m J l fn starts 01 tINt cooIi wain seococ which can M shut of for a fUlI Mr ofn O OfU MqM BIrr the strJCO i is gJxn kfort IUu1ing tIK mgiltf The absmce ofcooling wain will COJlJl the trTM to overit J and awse irnparable damage...

Страница 18: ... and i utaJlat oPl t mJd rmdt lou ofthe propeller a ld or t XCe iw streun em the mgim KJUIn ystvn leading to mgilli aiJurr Cruistn recommmdl that you COtISUJt with md I mplVj the skills ofyour dealn whe contemplating a First ensure cJl U Ole diameter and pitch prO ide the perfonnance desired nu engine RPM at full throttle should in the upper half of the recommended full throttle operating rang if ...

Страница 19: ...ugh the exhaust S em A feature which is standard on diesel engines and an option on gas engines is the fresh tl al r cooling system 1llis system uses the incoming seaw uer to cool a secondary c1osed cooling system The seawater flows thJ Ough an engine mounted he u exchrmger cools the closed system coolant and is relUmed to the sea via the exhaWl S Slem ALARM SYSTEMS A1aml systems u e on all gas eq...

Страница 20: ...engine shock such as mrning from fOnQrd to m Cl SC while maintaining a watertight sea on the shaft log and lhe shafl seal SHAFT SEAL A CArmON The pa king tJw nJ b r aM tJw gUmd adj m JJ be insp I d for IeGJ age and ddm _ miry nf iaJJy ifunatttmkd could readl in 1M ofthe engine compatf nmt or ofthe t ntin boat Cruisn J Yoma will not WIJI T ORt damage incurrwl due to an impropmy odjuskd or nql ted f...

Страница 21: ...ull throuJe NOTE Variations from 3 l rage loadings bottom con dition md or engine condition could calJ for a propeller change to achi e tJ1C perfonnance desired SELECTING A PRQPEll ER A CAIH ION Impropn pro er sdf dion and il1 lallaJion could rmJl in lou ofthe pt opftln a ld or exceuiV6 streun Off the pawn train leading to pot r trainfailure Cruisers rM mmM that you conmlt with and employ the siri...

Страница 22: ...ines TItese valves are atlached to the fllellank Olllitl line or lill and al e mounfed under the cockpit floor 111 valves are closed when the handle is perpendicular to the fuel line and ope n when the h mdJe is in Hne with the fuel line VALVE VALVE VALVE l1lt manual vah can cOl1trollhe filel supply to the engines in three wa S I E lch engine can rtteive fuel from its respecth e tank port tank to ...

Страница 23: ...eak free STEERING SYSTEM A rack and pinion steering cable system which attaches to the power steering system on the engine to provide yOli with smooth steering Refer to your skippers kit for additional infonnation TRIM TABS 1l1 uim tab S Slem is an elcctrc h draulic system Two rocker switches marked pon and starboard control a h dr mlic pump and solenoids 1lle pump sends hydraulic oil to hydraulic...

Страница 24: ...y is supplied from dockside connec tions when moored to a dock or optionally a generator wben ulldel ay or at anchorage Your acht is equipped with one or twO 30 ampere 120 AC doc k ide out lets Each dockside receptade is capable of providing OUJ aCht whh S 600 Watts of po Io Cf Of a tot 1 I or7 200 Walts or O Cf if 011 have two docksldcs Similarly the generator iostaJled in your xht ha 1 a outage ...

Страница 25: ... Because of the number of accessories a ulable on your yacht along with the use ofcoffee makers blel1de toasters and hair dryers etc you Illay need to tum offsome accessories to avoid tripping the main breaker on your AC panel TIPS Energize one appliance at a time Don t use ha l Woller heater with other major appliances Only wann one Range burner at a time on High Don t use accessories such as hai...

Страница 26: ...tteries When the batteries are being charged by lhe aJtenmlors the isolator automatically combines and isolates the altemalor otllPUI and distributes the charge among the batteries according to indr idual n d DC MASTE R PANEL nle DC master panel cOluisu of a voltmeter a series of switch type and resettable circuit breakers and the master breaker switch nle mtln is a convenience feature which allow...

Страница 27: ...ition Flip the S tch 10 th On position to nd currt nt to the h ad companm 11I switch panel for th lights head ventilation lItem and macer nor pump Also it pro ides pow r to the sump pwnp electric toilet and l ht asl tank indicator Flip dIe switch to die on position to stud Irre11tto die fresh water pump TIle pump maintains pressure in die freshwater system MO e lht SwiLCh to the off pos tion to in...

Страница 28: ...cOlUists ofa vo ltmeter a power transfer slide pro tector and generalor colllrOls 1M mtUris an importallt feature because they aJlow Oll to monilor the AC Oltage Damage to components can occur ir Ohag enu ring your S Stem is less the n 105 OIl 00 not use any of your AC S lIU I1U if Ou get a reading or 105 Olts or less A CAunON NnJn md G breoIrer which Iuu bem GUIOMOlicolly tripped withoutfirst dis...

Страница 29: ...ide I pGYooer hookup move the slide proteClor moer the GENERATOR breaker on tlu AC Pm oer Control panel flip the DOCKSIDE I breaker 10 the on position 1 0 send cUlTe nt to the AC POWER NO 1 and AC POW ER NO 2 panel When this swilch is in the off position the flow of current to tJle I anels is interrupted When dockside I current is present the DOCKSIDE I POWE R indicator will illuminate A WARNING S...

Страница 30: ...le master switch for lhe AC Power No I panel Put the switch in the on position to send current to all circuit breakers on this panel When this switch is off the flow of current is illtemlpted to all circuit breakers on the panel TIle POWER AVAILABLE indicator wiD illuminate when current is supplied to dIe AC POWER NO 1 master switch Flip this switch to the on position to send current to dlC sto e ...

Страница 31: ...ofC111 7 ttlt TnJ GFCI outkts rrgularly PU l l tM Int built ami all cumllllo th outkts on thalline sholdd be intnru plLd Ifflu power is UJ i Im uP M do 110 we the OIUUls and have a qualified technidon moM tJu uassnry trpam Pms tIlL rtSd b llIon to J1 Ilon power to nll llu oullds flip tllis sv itch to the Gn positien to send CUIffIlt to refrigerator MO e the SY itch to the off positien to inte rrup...

Страница 32: ...Harness Engine Compartment IB m N 1 I CFuisers yacht s 3372 Express Series 4 17 Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 33: ...5 C5 K8 BAlT STBD 18 N7 17 IGNS 19 2 H6 STARTS 56 C7 6 BP AUTO AFT 57 C8 N8 BAlT PORT 20 2 HI STARTP 58 C6 5 PMP WASH DWN 21 H2 6 SW TRMTB 59 5 1 PMP WASH DWN 2 2 H3 6 SW TRMTB 50 1 3 GND PMP W D 23 H4 6 sw TRM TB 61 X7 6 LT BILGE 24 H5 6 SW TRMTB 62 6 2 LT BILGE 25 6 3 GNDTRMTB 63 2 4 LT BILGE 26 N1 X4 WINDlASS UP 64 3 6 GND LT BILGE 27 N5 X5 WINDLASS DWN 65 6 2 GND LT BILGE 28 N2 X3 LT NAV 66 2 ...

Страница 34: ...Engme Compartment I O Harness I t I l L Fi II II 3 I IX fL 4 19 i i I 8 l 0 ito _D S o t 3372 Express Series Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 35: ...7 IGNP 55 C5 K8 BAlT STBD 18 N7 M7 IGNS 56 C7 6 BP AUTOAIT 19 2 H6 STARTS 20 2 HI START P 57 C8 N8 BATT PORT 58 C6 5 PMP WASH D VN 21 H2 6 SW TRMTB 59 5 I PMP WASH OWN 22 H3 6 SW TRMTB 60 I 3 GND PMP W O 23 H4 6 SW TRMTB 61 X7 6 LT BILGE 24 H5 6 SW TRMTB 62 6 2 LT BILGE 25 6 3 GNDTRMTB 63 2 4 LT BILGE 26 NI X4 WINDlASS UP 64 6 GND LT BlLGE 27 N5 X5 WINDLASS DWN 65 6 2 GND LT BILGE 28 N2 X3 LT NAV ...

Страница 36: ... _ ZO I PIN fIlEt s II C2J 7 J rv 7 61 51 50 4 31 l6 20 16 10 5 1l till NO U I I I I I I I I I I 6518 51 1 u 2t 24 18 121277 U 4 7 V a CO Cl T CTOfI t I 7 _ ctI TN SDIIEII 71 OZ _____ I N I jr IUTf IJfI II I WlT H I l lE II M II IUlf PLlet VAC II N IJC T 7 J X 10 tuTT ICf YM M rtm r IJ rf t cll 57 K Z 134 713 5 u ZO n aulY Wlt lct RU IIPIATDIt MITT DO j e jJlI U L oz Downloaded from CruisersOwners...

Страница 37: ...8 8 6 PMP FWGND 19 M6 5 PUMP SSUMP 20 5 6 PUMP S SMP GND 57 8 3 CODETECI OR 58 6 3 CO DETECT GND 59 MI 5 LT BULLET 21 M7 4 SWHDFEED 60 5 6 LT BULLET 22 M8 4 SW LT FEED 61 6 5 LT BULLET GND 23 4 I PUMP HEAD 62 5 6 LT BULLET GND 24 I 6 PUMP HDGND 63 6 Xl WIPER 5 I LT OH 4 6 X2 WIPER PARK 26 I 6 LT OHGND 65 6 6 GND WIPER 27 4 4 LTHEAD 66 6 8 ANfTVFEED 28 4 5 LT HEAD 67 6 6 ANTTVGNo 29 6 4 LTHDGND 68 ...

Страница 38: ... Switch Panel J W a w w 8 s oil J o c a N I j I iii I s 1 x II I 2 a J 0 L i 2 Wi I ell 8 I J W r CL 8 CI i k II ill II 10111 3372 Express Series 4 23 Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 39: ...1P RPARK 55 4 LTMAST 16 K8 6 BATI S 56 6 5 12V 17 HI 5 STARTP 5 5 12V IS H2 6 TRMlliSW 19 6 6 TRM lli SW 58 5 5 12V 59 5 5 12V 2 1 tJ3 6 TRMTBSW 60 5 5 12V 21 6 6 TRMTBSW 61 5 12V 22 H 6 TRMTBSW 62 5 5 12V 23 6 6 TRMTBSW 6 5 5 12V 2 H J 6 TRMTBSW 64 KI LTBOARD 25 6 6 TRMTBSW 65 MI GNDS 26 H6 6 START S 66 3 eNDS 27 7 6 TRMGAUGE P 67 2 GNDS 28 HS 6 TRMGAUGES 68 2 2 GNDS 29 6 6 IGNS 6 2 2 GNDS 6 6 IG...

Страница 40: ...NCS B6 1 1 IGN P 104 3 LTINST B7 1 1 IGNP 105 3 LT INST B8 L8 2 LT CK ENG P 106 3 2 LT INST B9 M2 2 TACHS 107 2 2 LT INST 90 M3 2 ALARMS 108 2 2 LT INST 91 4 3 FUELS 109 2 2 LT INST 92 M5 1 TEMPS 110 2 1 LT lNST 93 M6 1 OILS 111 1 1 LT INST 9 M7 3 IGNS 112 1 1 LT INSf 95 2 IGNS 113 1 1 LT INST 96 2 2 IGN S 114 1 1 LT INSf 97 2 2 IGNS 115 1 1 LT INSf 98 2 2 ICNS jiCruisers N yacht s 4 25 Downloaded...

Страница 41: ...Schematics AC SCHEMATIC i i I r v I Y I I a I I I L ____ is 1iCruisers yacht s 4 26 3372 Express Series Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 42: ... SH I 12 01 STEREO PANEL PI N V0407000 6CLOCK DRAIJING NO E37 C0266 HEAD PIH 7 LTS CDCK 8 r 9 VOLTMETER 20 _ 20_ 20_ ST 1 11 OIIIT CAl 1 1M 1M 1 20 1 IG TS rVi MT 15 M4P I AMP I AMP 01 aDCI lT ACe I LTS LTS 0 0 0 OCC r o i S fit Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 43: ... DW r MtM rJl D I i IILGE MST III PloW L 1 4 r t fj I I L I VIP RS i S n Ij I rat w no PHl LTS Ft 1 101 i P 00 0 LT1 _ L T S HARNESS PART NO V0404100 PANEL PART NO V0408200 HARNESS D JG NO E06 DOl7e PANEL D JG NO E37 D0175 1 II F EO 110 IQ rtU Yl O NOD LT Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 44: ...trol lic currents It will hO o e er provide a palh for catastrophic shOI l ircuil currents which are sufficient to actuate circuit breaken A vol lftlperu lsoIa iqn TratlsfDnrlt YC3n imL lIled bc 1 eell me on board AC electrical system and me shore pmo er source A Word About Bonding Engines inSL lIed in non melallic hulls do not provide shielding or ade quate grounding Cruiser S l13eS a copper bond...

Страница 45: ...WATER PUMP breaker on Step 3 Open the cold water gaJlq faucet 10 allow air to escape Oase the faucet when a steady flow of ner is apparent Step 4 Open the hot water galley faucet to fill the water heater and 31low air to escape from the line Oose the faucet when a neady flow of Clter is apparenL Step 5 Bleed air from tJle remainder of tJu f UJeets in the same manner as steps 3 and 4 After 11 Hne h...

Страница 46: ... litefrnIru 1ft lJSihrI is chargtd Do fl 10 1M lwatUtr will result if0000l l1o ht w ttp with NO watw lite 1Jd The hOI waler CUlk also operates ia a heal exchanger Heated cooling water from the engines is deli r d to a h at exdlang r which in turn h If lhe w Iler in the hot waler tank Mler the cooling water ci culates through the exchanger it is rewmed 10 th engin exhau t system which dumps it over...

Страница 47: ...ult ill damage to the waste system A waste tank indicator is also installed to provide a 1sual indication of tllC amount of waste in tlle tank TIle indicator is located on the inboard head compartment bulkhead Waste Disposal DOCKSIDE PUMPOUT CSR161 13 This syslCm directs aU waste to the 20 gallon holding tank To clear tlle aIlk of i3Ste ater you will need to use the dockside pumpout setvices provi...

Страница 48: ...ANT Q rrboard dlscharge of waste should only be lls d in apprO ed areas It is your responsibility to com ply with local regulations regarding he di scharge of wane 1 14 To operate overboard di scharge the Y valve lever lIlust be in the ave board position and the waste wa ter outlet seacock must be open Close the outlet water scacock when not in use J Cruisers yachts 4 33 Downloaded from CruisersOw...

Страница 49: ...e ofw LSle should only be used in approved areas It is rOllr responsibility to com ply witJl loedl regulations regarding the discharge ofwastc To pump Ollt the holding tank using the macerdlor pump First o n the I seacock labeled MACERATOR DISCHARGE which is located under the engine hatch Second move the Y valve le Cr to the overboard position TIle Y h e is below and starboard of the engine hatch ...

Страница 50: ...eases to desired lew BILGE SYSTEM IMPORTANT TIle discharge of oil or oily waslt into or upon tht n w gablt walers of the United StaleS or of the contiguous zones is SuiCll prohibited by the Federnl Water Pollution Control AcL If such a di charge occurs and causes a film or lhecn upon or discoloration of the surface of the WoUer or cause all elUuuion or sludge beneath the surface of the water the v...

Страница 51: ...fety Precautions for Engine Exhaust 5 6 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 5 8 Pre Stan ChecklisL 5 S St U ting 9 Slopping Engine _ 5 10 Fueling __ _ 5 10 SuggeJlcd Maneuvering Tedmiquet 5 11 ShaJlow Water Operation _5 13 Dropping and Weighing Anchor 5 13 To i ng the Boat _ 5 14 Crujsers yacht s 5 1 Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 52: ...navigalional chans of areas to be tra eled on board Make a practice of leuing someone know your travel plans and rOUle Icavc a float plan with someone Check loca1 weather repom bcforc casting off Walch the wcath er Be on he lookout for strong winds and electrica1 stomlS Do not O erload or improperly load your boaL Require good boat shoes be worn by aU passenger to a Oid slip ping Passengers should...

Страница 53: ...Ype _______________ HP _____________ No o fEn n es ________ _____ Fuel Capacit _____ _ _________ Survival Equipment PFD s Flares _______ Mirror _________ S m okeS rus _ ___ Flashlight ______ Food _ ____ Paddlc _____ Water Anchor Raft or Dinghy_______ EPIRB ___________ Radio Yes_ _ No__ Tn __________ Freq _ _ ___ _ _____o Trip Expectations Deparrure T imc________ __ Leaving From _____ __ Destinatio...

Страница 54: ... are also many boating s lfety courses available to u e public Call 10U free Courseline 1 800 336 2628 to find out what courses are offered in Our area The minimum sL Uldarw of safelYas required by the U S Coast Guard for your boat are listed be lo You Musr equip your boalto meet or exceed these requirements At least one Coasl Guard apprO ed Type I II or lll personaJ flot tion device life jacket f...

Страница 55: marked with CREEN ODD numbered can buoys TIle STARBOARD right side of the channel is marked with RED i VEN numbered nun or spar buoys The middle of the channel is marked with RED and WHITE ver lically suiped spherical or can buO S always pass dose to the buo s Can buo will ha e I spherical topmark Obstructions dlanneljuncbons etC are marked with RED and CREEN horizolll l suiped buop A RED band ...

Страница 56: ...carbon monoxide If Ou think exhaust fumes are entering your boat correct the problem immediately Obsen e the follo Oo ng safety I recautions Be alert for the odor of exhaust fUllIes A natural vacuum created hile underwa in certain wind and sea conditions ilia allow exhaust to be drawn into the cabin Adjust the direction of the boat while underway as necessary to aUeviate the presence of exhawl fum...

Страница 57: in the water o Operating with high bow angle r2 _____ KC o Exhausts from other vessels In confined areas CD Operating with canvas tops and side curtains in place without ventilation To reduce CO accumulation ventilate the boat interior by opening the windows andlor can vas to provide adequate ventilation Deck hatches can be opened at slow speed or while dead in the water but must be closed at o...

Страница 58: starts The ke is spring loaded and will return 10 the nomlally on position A CAUI70N Failure 1o m Ule ipiIiM ley after mp e MGrU damage the IIIn1n JftOtcw ad drive Do not i frw __ _ 0 _ lftM _ m mommtariJy and try again In cold wealher it may be necessary to mo C the throule lever b lck and forth 3 or 4 times while the staner is operating 11lis will feed more fuello the engine for starting 00 N...

Страница 59: ...nditions and the use of your boat A WARNING AJJ preotJlftiOftllft t bt ewry ti youfiu your I ool Usc the following precautions before fuding to avoid fire and explosion Make sure your boat is sc urely moored to the dock Stop engines fans galley fire md any other device ttlal can produce a spark or flame Close all windows doors and hatches to keep fumes from entering the boat Disembark all people n...

Страница 60: the engine speed the quicker the steering response Recognizt the Outside Forra Check the il1d direction and velocity as ell as lhe atel currents Use the extemal fOl tts to 01 11 ad 3lltage when nWleU ering don t fight them Proceed Slowly Cn e yourself time to think react and maneuver Have the Crew Standing By Hands ready with fenden boat hook and Iine3 can assist greatly as OU approach a dock T...

Страница 61: ...ill level out to its planing attitude It is important to get Movcr the hump as soon as possible due to the reduced visibility handling and performance A few seconds at full throt tle should get the boat over the hump and into a planing attitude Once you are o Cr the hump and at a comfortable plane move the throttle control back to 2 3 to 3 4 throttle a more fuel efficient cmising speed A WARNING D...

Страница 62: ...j ble prmided you do not optrme Ihe mgine uuer 1 J RP f Exceeding 1000 RPM could damage engine and ouwrive components When opernting in shallow Water be sure the olltdm e uer intakes are submerged u all times Operate at slow spt ed and lower the outdm immediately whe n deeper water is reamed Dropping and Weighing Anchor Manellver the bo 1over Lhe spot where dle anchor is to be lowered keep ing in ...

Страница 63: ...r keeping the line tight Find an angle tJlal will puU the anchor loose Towing the Boat A CAUTION Do USf rid hardwareforgrounding and towing TIlt stn may be too mud for ckats and mounting pIoUs a a an derign dfor mooring only If you are agrowld nec d a tow or wish to tow another craft use great care The boat structure can be damaged by excessh pulling strain Use a double braided nylon rope Some syn...

Страница 64: ...other boat to carry the anchor 0 d per ater Ifall efforts fail gel help from the Coast emu d IMPORTANT You should always offer help to a craft in distreM However towing a capsized boal grounded 00 11 or hull damaged boat is dangerous Give assist tnce to the occupants then call the prope r autholities J Cruisers yachts _ 5 15 Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 65: ...ODIC CHECKS AND SERVICES 6 2 Before Every Use 3 Every 50 Hours 5 Every 100 Hours 6 6 f 10 Illhly 6 6 Quarterl 6 Annually 7 Additional Pre Launch CheckJisl 8 J Cruisers yachts 1 Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 66: whidl follow pr wide instructions on how to accomplish each of lht required checks and M rvices Iisled below FREQUENCY E cry 50 Hours Every 100 Hours Monthl Quarterly Annually J Cruisers yachts 6 2 TASK I Check cxh lIlS1 system for leaks 2 Check seacocks fOl leaks I Check fllel s lllern lines md connections for Ic lb 4 Check balwr charge 5 Oleck engine oil Clean freshwater filter 2 IIISI ct pro...

Страница 67: ...ged hose and clamps See your authorized CmLo ers dealer for arts and service 3 Inspect cOlltaincr for build up of debris which can dog the lmjner and cause a system failure If s r liner needs to be cleaned do the following a Close cockpit washdown seacoek b Remove strainer co er c LJfl strainer from container and usc a stiff bnL h to clean Rinse wi h clean waler and return to contaioer d Fasten co...

Страница 68: ...the engine compartmenL 2 Inspect ho Ie connections al seac ock for leaks A GAunON WMn hotn __ 1Ut l tIuU 1M appropriate seacod s one dOfltd lfhose is leaking tighten hose clamp lfhose b damaged replace the hOK and clamps See your Cruisers dealer for pam and senice Inspect seacocks for signs of leakage al base and handle J Cru sers yachl s A GAur ON acock am orrly ae J whm the boat is out of the wa...

Страница 69: ...I aleck aJllines 3Jld connections at the fuel tank and al the engines A WARNING DO NOT op ml th wi I W Itav b m det ted Allfuels combustible and grutIIUw vapor on expiosiw kak before starliItg 1M mgirw 2 Tighten any connection lhal may be leaking If proble m persists or fuel lines are damaged refer the problem to your Cruisers dealer Every 50 Hours CLEAI SEAWATER STRAINERS Refer to Check Strainers...

Страница 70: ... CLEAN BrLGE See Section 8 CENERAL MAJl TENANCE for derails Monthly TEST GFCI OUTLET 1 Prov idf AC to lhe bo t wilh shore power hookup Tum the appropriate breaker s 011 2 Tum the AC master panel circuit breakers on 3 Loc te the CFCI cireuic break r 4 Push the test button on each GFCI oullet Power should be inter rupted to all outlets Prcss the reset bunan to restore power 5 If power is nOt inlemlp...

Страница 71: ...ll only unlil oil reaches tll full line indicated on the reservoir LUBRICATE SEACOCKS I Lubricate the following seacocks Engine cooling ater seacock only on V8 engines with fresh waler cooling Head inlet water seacack and head outlet ater seacoct Cockpilwashdown seacock 2 Use lubricating oil and lubricate the wing screw threads and the valve handle at its p i Ot poinL CHECK ENCfNE MOUt TTING HARDW...

Страница 72: ...Every two ean remO e and inspect exh lusl manifolds for corrosion Undetected ahaust manifold failures CUI callS serious cnginc damage o Qean and tighten dectrical connections especi lll both ends of baltery cables Vire brush bauer lemlinal1 and fiU cells with distilk d water o Inspect bil blower hose for leaks or blockage a Ifstored with fuJI fin _llanks l recommend adding Sl3bil or some type of I...

Страница 73: ...ded Lay Up STORAGE FOR EXTENDED lAY UP 7 2 Lifting and Storing Your Boat 7 2 Transporting 7 3 Vinterization 7 1 Fitting Out After Storage 7 7 Cruisers yachrs 7 1 Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 74: ...and a capacity rating high enough to support the boat Spreader bars reduce the side pressure at the boat s sheer line and prevent distortion or damage to the deck or gunwale molding Put slings around the hull at positions marked SLING The sling decal js locatedjlLSI under the gunwale molding Make Slire the sling contacts the bottom of the hull for the entire length with no twists in I he sling Whe...

Страница 75: ... trim tabs Transporting TIU boat musl supported on a trailer i lh the same care and concern 3 1 on the ground Co er the boat 0 p em additional load lUg added from rain or snow Con tact your dealer for assutance in 1r lIIsporting our emfL Tramponing Oteck list Check a1l federal sta and local regulations and qui menlS to transport our boat AJTang for an nnilS and escorts u required Place oUldri cs i...

Страница 76: ... for signs of deterioration weat or damage NOle all damages lO engine outcirive cabin equipment helm area etc that has occurred during the past boating season Try to ha any rt pairs made before cCA ering the crarl d Fuel S Stem IMPORTANT 00 not fill the tanks 50 fuel nows from the vents Allow room in tlu Club for expansion I Fuel tanks should be filled with treated fuello prevent con densation U t...

Страница 77: ...ucket of non tolUc amifr ze Operate system until antifreeze solution is discharged from S Stem 3 nlm S Stem ofT and reli pressure in hose if connttled 4 RrmO o c dr un plug from cockpit 3Sh seacock Allow to drnin and replace drain plug Bilge Pumps In areas where temperatures are below freezing the bilge must be pumped out and sl Qnge d completely dry Check fOl I cas thaI do not drain completely to...

Страница 78: ... wash S Stem m Balleries oaxh Engines Cockpit wash intake I lead system intake Head system Y vah O erboard discharge Head system macerator pumpout 1 Be sure the TER BREAKER switch i I in tlle 01T position Remove batteries from the boat and store in a nonfreez ing area 2 Put batteries on a wooden pallet or bench 3 Keep bauelies on a trickle charge Check and maintain elec trolyte levels regularly q ...

Страница 79: ...cradle also stress the cover possibly tcaring iL Fitting Out After Storage A thorough check of Our boat after an extended storage period for anv type of damage u necessary Look for items such as cracks or breaks due LO fr zing fiberglass stros cracks in hull or deck fuel or ter leaks in als or scanu The foJlO ing steps iU assist you in gening our boat back inlo the water a If anti fouling paint an...

Страница 80: ...ot and cold f lUCets in gaUey slightJy to aUow air to escape and fill water heater Close tJle faucets when a steady flow of water is p nL 4 Bleed air from all remaining faucets as in step 3 5 The pump ill run until operating pressure is reached and v iJ1 thell shul off Continue to fill rreshwater lank to its capacity 32 gaJlons j Refer 0 engine owner s manual for procedures to put engine into serv...

Страница 81: ...wer Train for V Dri e Engine In stallation s 2 Engine Power System 8 5 DC E cuica1 S suo m 8 5 Freshwater System __ 8 5 Bilge 8 6 Hull _ 8 6 Cr neral Care and Cleaning s 7 J Cruisers yachts 8 1 Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 82: ...gine until coupling is in aliglllllCIIL See OUI Cnlisers dealer 4 Leave coupling half on trnJUmission sl ltionary and rot le the propeller shaft I IUnt in 90 intervals At each 909 inten al check the clearance between the coupling halves If the four measure ments differ b more than 0 003 inches the propeller shaft may be bent FRICTION ADJUSTMENT FOR TI JROTI1 E LEVERS I RemO e screws holding cover ...

Страница 83: ... grinding com pound to the taper of the shaft Install the prop and rotate it on the shaft clockwise and counterclock ise about 100 times 6 Remove the prop and dean the grinding compound from the sh ft and l r0J Repeat steps 2 0 4 7 Apply a light layer of waterproof grease to taper area of ShafL 8 Install the key and prop on the shaft TIlt key should fit tight from side to side TIlerc should be a s...

Страница 84: ...hardware to remove rudder ann from the udder shafL Lower the rudder from the boat The packing nut may have LO be loosened 10 l cmO e the rudder 6 Remove the packing nuL ring and old l acking 7 Install a new rudder and hold it in place while new packing packing ring and nUL are inslalled 8 InstaJl nldder ann Adjust vertical position of rudder ith mark ings yOll made on shaft 9 Tighten rudder ann ha...

Страница 85: objeclioJlable taste to the water To clean our new freshwater system or the s stem after a long period of storage use the following procedure 1 Make a solution of 2 1 2 cups 20 oz of household bleach and 10 gaJlons ofwater 2 Pour the solution into the empty tank and fill I he tank with fre sh W lter 3 S o u 1 the freshwater pump and bleed all the air from the fr h water system Start l ith the f...

Страница 86: Compound or power buffing with Mirror Glaze I may be necessary GELCOAT REPAIR Scratches or blemishes in the geleoot may deU at t rrom the appear mce or your boat but they do not affect the strength or integrity or the fiberglass hull or the componelll which the geleoat cO lers A geleoat repair kit available from your authorized dealer pennits the user to repair minor scratches and nicks in th...

Страница 87: ...d Cleaning DECK FITIlNCS AND HARDWARE Stainles s steel has been used where er possible on your boat h is not totally res islalll to corrosion Regular cleaning and polishing with chrome or stl inle5S steel polish will maintain and extend i life A daily rinsing with dear water to remove any salt residue is suggested A lighl wipe down wilh WD 40 or LPS sprayed on a soft nlg after each washdown will e...

Страница 88: ... unsurpassed Being a woven fabric it breathes and is O 3nslucent both of which are desirable characteristics SU IlIwtU J has a fluorocarbon finish which pro ides excellent water repellency BOAT TOP VENTIlATION You have dlOsen the ultimate marine fabric Haartz engineers have expertly waterproofed SunbrelW the premier woven acrylic fabric by combining it with a textured marine grade vinyl This desig...

Страница 89: in a solution of no more l han 1 2 cup 4 Oz Clorox and 1 4 cup 2oz natural soap per gallon of ale r at approximately 100 F Rinse thoroughly in cold ter L O r mO C all of the soap Note Excessive soaking in Oorox can dele rior ne sewing thr ads This thod ofcleaning rna r mO C POl of th w ller repc lI nq and the fabric should recei an applic tion of an ai uring water r pc II nt lreaunent such as B...

Страница 90: ...tor 9 3 Spotlight 9 3 Stove _ _ 9 3 Trim Tab 9 3 Air Condirioning Healer Unit 9 4 Carbon Monoxide CO Detector 9 4 M icrowa e 9 5 Ice iaker 9 5 Engine Hounneter 9 5 Synchronizer Gauge 9 5 Windlass System 9 6 Lowering me Anchor Under Power 9 7 R 1ising the Anchor Under Power 9 7 jiCruisers yacht s J Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 91: ...R itch is on Cockpit Wasbdown The cockpit aShdown controll anel is in the porlSidt of the cockpit see Section 2 The seacock locakd in front of the engine must be 0l en 0 avoid damage to the pump The MASTER BREAKER switch mlL t be on to supply power to the washdown switch To operate the wa hdown pumps place switch in the on position Raw water flows from the seacock to a slJ ainel to the pump and fi...

Страница 92: ...dT t and spa spotlight effect Thejoystick moves me light up do U right or lert TIle rheostat controls the speed of light s mO ement See spotlight inf o nn llio n literature in the skipper s kit Stove The double bumcr electric S O r gels its power from 115 olts AC shore hookup onl 11 is protec t I by a circuit breaker in the AC master panel m rked STOVE Uld by a safety switch on the stove Trim Tabs...

Страница 93: ...nd contains a cleanable filter A CAUTION Do not bloch rtfllm ai grilk rp airfilUn ckan Airflow mtrictiOtI wiU0CQI1j causing inqJit imt opnation altel IIrai on the Raw water is drawn from the seacock through a strainer and 10 tlle pump The pump suppli tlle unit witll a continuous no ofwaler in heating and cooling modes A CAUflON l f d ropImIy oa w to iH p or COfffpr if1M _Is not wjfi mdfl of Refer ...

Страница 94: ...lated engine operating lime and is eli d ted when Ole ignition S vitch is in the on position TIle engine holU meter is used to keep an accurate log for scheduled mainleltlmce and 1 0 delenninc r Ue of fuel consumption in gaJlOlU per hour Synchronizer Gauge The S 11chronizer gauge compares engine speeds When the needle points to zero itmealls the port and starboard engines are running in sync with ...

Страница 95: ... tJle boat s mOlor s and nUl at sufficient rpm to activate the charge 5 Stcm WitJI tJle cireui breaker isolator panel ON the inch ma be operated by either wing the mote Control toggle ilch or the foolSWitch if fitted Hold press sv itch until the r uirt d amount of rope chain rode has been brought in Motor up to the anchor whilc retrieo ing tJle anchor rode ie do not use tJle winch to pull the boat...

Страница 96: ... Section 10 Troubleshooting 10 2 TROUBLESHOOTING 1 2 Engine and Power Tram 10 4 Elecuical 1 5 Phunbing 1iCruisers yachts 1 l Downloaded from CruisersOwnersForum http www CruisersOwnersForum com ...

Страница 97: ...djustments around engine and electriwl components Personal injury or dG to the boot mG oa ur POssmLE CAUSE SOLtJI10N Fuel valves are closed or fuel Opcn or replace fuel lines or fill tank tank is empty Check or clean anti syphon valve Contaminated fuel Check fuel for contaminants or water If fuel is contaminated drain l 1 1lk and lines flush with clean fuel and replace fuel filters See Cruisers De...

Страница 98: ...i sc rs Dea1er for senice Excessh C vibration Foreign objecu obsuucting the RemO C objects fTOrn prop by reversing proptller prop or culting and pulling away obstruction Iknt prop Replace prop Engine nOt timed properl or Ha C engine wned up by an authorized misfiring dealer Worn engine bearings Bearings I eplaced by authorized dealer as nccC5SaT Poor performance Boat is overloaded or weight is Red...

Страница 99: ...eset otllerwise urn circuit breaker on Weak or discharged battery Charge battery Loose or broken wire connection Connect or rel air wire as necessary Light bulb burned Ollt Replace bulb Gmund fault c ircuit intemlpte r Reset button on outJe t and leSL If reset tripped button or light does not come on DO NOT use any outlets Have circuit checked by qualified technician For V Drive Engine In staJJati...

Страница 100: ...r s kit A CAUTION Never reset a arm t breaker which has been auto matioolly tripped without first locating and correcting the problem PROBLEM PossmLE CAUSE No water from cockpit ash down when turned on Seacock closed SOLUTION Open washdown seacock MASTER BREAKER switch in the Place MASTER BREAKER SVo itch in the No water at showers or sinks when faucets are turned on off position on position Washd...

Страница 101: pressure at only Restriction or obstruction in Clean repair or remO c obstruction the sho er or the sink Iater line from ner line Head will not nush Flush waleI seacock natopen Open scacock Inlet pedaJ valve not working Have head sCI iced h authorized dealer Head will not empty Y vah c nOI open or line to Open Y vaJve or remove obstruction balding tank is blocked jiCruisers yacht s 10 Downloade...

Страница 102: ...abuse misuse or accident 2 Boats subjected 10 Improper operation lrallering m tenanoe or slorage commercial use or use lor purposes other than lOOse lor wtJictI the boat was designed 3 Oelects or oamages caused by a fo e or Impact which eJtceed3 design speclflC8lions Including but not limited 10 lCpO UI 10 harmful SOlvei ll and leclrotysla 4 Detects or damages caused by uthor1zed attachments or mo...

Страница 103: ... addit ion filling eu he survey on the ack of the eg stra io 1 form helps us serve you t e customer etter you have any ques ions re a lg you owners please contact your dealer or the Customer Service Cruisers division 0 KCS International nc registratio 1 Departmen a PLEASE RETURN YOUR OWN P RS P EGISTRATION CARD WI EI N 30 DJ YS A TI R DELIVERY OF YOUR BOAT Cru rs Yaehu Division 01 KCS Inlemational...

Страница 104: ...sted infonnation to Cruisers Yachts 804 Pecor Street Oconto WI 54153 Attention Customer Service Dept The new owner agrees to any and aU of the lenns conditions or limitations of Cruisers Yachts warranty Only the remaining warranty will apply to the new owner any additional warranties on the engines gencrators etc nre not included with this transfer of warranty Trnnsfer of Warranty Requcst Hullldcn...

Страница 105: ...tO the cabm Adjust the direction ofthe boat while underway as necessary to alleViate the the presence ofexhaust fumes Do not allow the boat to remain stationary with the engine running for any extended period Use care when operating engines or generator in confined areas Exhaust fumes can enter the boat even with all windows doors and hatches closed NEVER run the engines or generator while everyon...

Страница 106: operation Irailenng maintenance OC storage commercial use or use for purposes other than those for which the boat was designed 3 Defects or damages caused by a force or Impact which exceeds design specifications Including but notlimiled to exposure to harmful solvents and electrolys 4 Defects or damages caused by unauthorized attachments OC modlflcaUons 5 Any statements representations or warra...
