Com-Tech 200 Amplifier Service Manual
When the amplifier output swings positive, the audio is
fed to an op-amp stage where it is inverted. This
inverted signal is delivered directly to the bases of the
positive (NPN) and negative (PNP) LS predrivers. The
negative drive forces the LS PNP devices on (NPN off).
As the PNP devices conduct, Vce of the PNP Darlington
drops. With LS device emitters tied to ground, -Vcc is
pulled toward ground reference. Since the power
supply is not ground referenced (and the total voltage
from +Vcc to -Vcc is constant) +Vcc is forced higher
above ground potential. This continues until, at the
positive amplifier output peak, -Vcc = 0V and +Vcc
equals the total power supply potential with a positive
polarity. If, for example, the power supply produced a
total of 70V from rail to rail (±35VDC measured from
ground with no signal), the amplifier output would
reach a positive peak of +70V.
Conversely, during a negative swing of the HS output
where HS PNP devices conduct, the op-amp would
output a positive voltage forcing LS NPN devices to
conduct. This would result in +Vcc swinging toward
ground potential and -Vcc further from ground poten-
tial. At the negative amplifier output peak, +Vcc = 0V
and -Vcc equals the total power supply potential with
a negative polarity. Using the same example as above,
a 70V supply would allow a negative output peak of -
70V. In summary, a power supply which produces a
total of 70VDC rail to rail (or ±35VDC statically) is
capable of producing 140V peak-to-peak at the ampli-
fier output when the grounded bridge topology is used.
The voltage used in this example are relatively close to
the voltages of the PB-1/460CSL.
The total effect is to deliver a peak to peak voltage to
the speaker load which is twice the voltage produced
by the power supply. Benefits include full utilization of
the power supply (it conducts current during both
halves of the output signal; conventional designs re-
quire two power supplies per channel, one positive
and one negative), and never exposing any output
device to more than half of the peak to peak output
voltage (which does occur in conventional designs).
Low side bias is established by a diode string which
also shunts built up charges on the output devices.
Bias is adjustable via potentiometer. Flyback diodes
perform the same function as the HS flybacks. The
output of the LS is tied directly to chassis ground via
ground strap.
Output Device Emulation Protection (ODEP)
To further protect the output stages, a specially devel-
oped ODEP circuit is used. It produces a complex
analog output signal. This signal is proportional to the
always changing safe-operating-area margin of the
output transistors. The ODEP signal controls the Volt-
age Translator stage by removing drive that may
exceed the safe-operating-area of the output stage.
ODEP senses output current by measuring the voltage
dropped across LS emitter resistors. LS NPN current
(negative amplifier output) and +Vcc are sensed, then
multiplied to obtain a signal proportional to output
power. Positive and negative ODEP voltages are ad-
justable via two potentiometers. Across ±ODEP are a
PTC and a thermal sense (current source). The PTC is
essentially a cutoff switch that causes hard ODEP
limiting if heatsink temperature exceeds a safe maxi-
mum, regardless of signal level. The thermal sense
causes the differential bODEP and –ODEP to
decrease as heatsink temperature increases. An in-
crease in positive output signal output into a load will
result in –ODEP voltage dropping; an increase in
negative output voltage and current will cause +ODEP
voltage to drop. A complex RC network between the
±ODEP circuitry is used to simulate the thermal barri-
ers between the interior of the output device die (im-
measurable by normal means) and the time delay from
heat generation at the die until heat dissipates to the
thermal sensor. The combined effects of thermal his-
tory and instantaneous dynamic power level result in
an accurate simulation of the actual thermal condition
of the output transistors.