2.5.5 Alarm Indications
An alarm condition will occur if any local oscillator phase lock loop (PLL) comes out of lock.
The Remote LED will light when you select the Remote mode.
2.5.6 10 MHz Reference Mode Operation
Internal Mode:
The unit uses its own built-in 10 MHz OCXO. The Internal Reference is present on the
Reference Output Connector, J1, J5. REF = INT appears on the front panel display.
External Mode: The unit uses a 10 MHz Reference that is connected to the External Reference Input, J2.
REF = EXT appears on the front panel display. The External 10 MHz Reference level
must be +3dBm, ±3dB. If the External 10 MHz signal does not meet the unit’s
specified parameters then the unit will not function properly. The External Reference
is present on the Reference Output connector, J18.
Auto Mode:
The unit defaults to the External 10 MHz Reference as long as the level meets the +3dBm,
±3dB specification. REF = AUTO - E appears on the front panel display where the -E
indicates that the unit is using the External 10 MHz Reference. The External Reference is
present on the Reference Output connector, J18.
If the external 10 MHz Reference signal level is less than -1dBm, the unit switches to
Internal 10 MHz Reference. REF = AUTO -I appears on the front panel display
where -I indicates that the unit is using the Internal 10 MHz Reference. The Internal
10 MHz Reference is present on the reference output connector, J18.
3116-22-23# Manual, Rev. 0
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