Product Manual — Doc. 9324C
Wirecast Configuration
The Automate VX system uses Wirecast® streaming software to change live shots, layouts, and
During initial setup, changes may need to be made to the Wirecast document to customize the
system, such as setting custom layouts with logos. The Wirecast document is located within
C:\Program Files\1 Beyond\Automate Project.wcst.
NOTE: The Wirecast document uses a specific naming convention for shots that must be
followed for the Automate VX system to function properly. These naming conventions are
described in the sections that follow.
The project provides basic shots for a layout A, including side-by-side shots, as well as a layout B
with an alternative appearance.
Configure Basic Shots
A basic shot is labeled with the input number and the layout it is associated with (for example,
A_Cam 1, A_Cam 2, A_Cam 3, B_Cam 1, B_Cam 2, B_Cam 3, and so forth).
NOTE: The naming convention above must be used for the Automate VX system to function
Basic Wirecast Shots
If using less than three inputs on the IV-SAM-VXS-1B or less than seven inputs on the
IV-SAM-VXS-1B, any unused basic shots can be removed by right-clicking the shot and then
selecting Delete Shot.
Create Side-by-Side Shots
When side-by side shots are turned on, two active speaking participants are shown
simultaneously. The labeling convention for side-by-side shots is similar to basic shots with the
second camera added to the end (for example, A_Cam 1_2, A_Cam 1_3, A_Cam 2_3, and so forth).
NOTE: Not every camera permutation is required, and the lower camera number will always
be used first. For example, A_Cam 1_2 is used, but A_Cam 2_1 is not.