2-Series RS-232/422/485 Expansion Cards
SIMPL Windows is Crestron's primary software for programming Crestron control
systems. It provides a well-designed graphical environment with a number of
workspaces (i.e., windows) in which a programmer can select, configure, program,
test, and monitor a Crestron control system. SIMPL Windows offers drag and drop
functionality in a familiar Windows
This section explains how to create a SIMPL Windows program that includes the
C2COM-2/3. It also gives descriptions of parameters and features of the selected
control and serial devices and drivers.
Configuration Manager is where programmers “build” a Crestron control system by
selecting hardware from the
Device Library
. In Configuration Manager, drag the
PRO2 from the Control Systems
folder of the
Device Library
and drop it in the
upper pane of the
System Views
. The PRO2 with its associated communication ports
is displayed in the
System Views
upper pane.
PRO2 System View
System Views
lower pane displays the PRO2 system tree. This tree can be
expanded to display and configure the communications ports.
Expanded PRO2 System Tree
C2Y Card Slot in Configuration Manager
The C2Y Card Slots 01-03 can hold a C2COM-2/3. Once a C2COM-2/3 is
configured in a C2Y Card Slot, the slot allows serial communication using RS-
232/422/485 between a serial device and the PRO2 control system.
In Configuration Manager, drag the C2COM-2/3 from the Plug-in Control Cards |
Cards (2-Series Y Bus) folder of the
Device Library
and drop it on the C2Y Card
Slot (01) in
System Views
. The PRO2 displays the C2COM-2/3 serial driver in slot
01. The PRO2 system tree displays the C2COM-2/3 in Slot 1. Click + to expand the
tree so you can view the ports of the C2COM-2/3. Refer to following graphic that
shows a C2COM-3.
2-Series RS-232/422/485 Expansion Cards: C2COM-2/3
Operations & Installation Guide - Doc. 8192