Ethernet Control
The demo program provided by ReQuest includes a commented out TCP/IP client that is ready to use.
In order to control AudioReQuest with Ethernet:
1. Uncomment the TCP/IP client that is already in our demo program
(Slot-08, IP-ID-04).
2. Verify that the TCP/IP client is configured as shown in the figure below.
3. Switch to Configure view and set the IP address of the TCP/IP client to the IP address of your
AudioReQuest. You can find the IP by going to Menu
System Information on the AudioReQuest.
4. Switch back to Program View and delete the AUDIO-REQUEST-RX$ and AUDIO-REQUEST-TX$
signals going to the COMM Port (Slot-04, Port-A).
Cover Art on Supported Panels
With the addition of Dynamic Graphics on newer Crestron panels, you can now get cover art images on
your touch panel without the need for a video input. The module contains a number of serial outputs you
can use (see Module Outputs on page 15 for details on the different outputs).
For the Player image as well as the single Browse image, you have the option of choosing a large image
(170 x 170px) or a small image (75 x 75px). The Browse images per line are hard-coded to use a smaller
image size to increase performance.
To use cover art and set the browse image sizes you desire:
1. Open the Module into detail view
2. At the bottom of the module, set the IP_ADDRESS and WEB-PORT parameters to the ip address
and web port of your AudioReQuest
3. Set the cover art modes for the size of image you wish to receive
0d: Disable this image
1d: Large Image (170 x 170 pixels)
2d: Small Image (75 x 75 pixels)
4. If you wish to use cover art on each browse line, set ENABLE-BROWSE-LINE-ART to 1d
5. Connect the serial outputs from the module to the appropriate serial joins on the panels that will
display the images (see image below for more info)
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Figure 2