This control knob is marked overnight charge numbers 1 to 6, setting 1 giving the
least overnight charge and setting 6 giving the maximum overnight charge. It would
be a mistake to follow the varying outdoor weather changes by daily adjustment
of the knob and it is best, rather, to follow the seasonal changes. Start in Autumn,
say, with a setting of 1 to 3 and gradually increase the setting as the winter comes
on, frosts etc., Reverse the pattern as winter turns to spring.
This product complies with the European Safety Standards EN60335-2-30 and the European Standard Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) EN55014, EN60555-2 and EN60555-3.
These cover the essential requirements of EEC Directives 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC
This is the left hand knob under the flap. The setting on this will vary the rate
at which the heat is delivered to your room. Low settings will keep more in the
heater during the day, saving it for the evening.
After the input control has been correctly set-up, the output control position
can now be determined.
Please use the following instructions as a guide.
1 . Turn the output control knob anti-clockwise from its maximum setting to an
intermediate setting , say of 3 or 4. Should the temperature of the room be to your satisfaction, leave it at this setting.
2. Should you wish to vary the temperatures throughout the day, you may adjust the knob setting up or down to achieve either
a “boost” of heat or a cooler temperature, i.e. leave at a minimum setting of say 1 or 2 until evening, then turn the control
back to minimum at bed time.
The higher the setting during the day, the less heat saved for the evening and vice versa.
The controls are located under the lockable flap at the right-hand
corner of the top panel. To adjust the controls on the heater use a coin
and engage it in the slot provided on the top surface of the knob.
After 48 hours of running at maximum control settings, the heater can now
be adjusted to operate at its optimum performance. Please use the following
instructions as a guide.
1. In the early afternoon to early evening, say between the hours of 2pm and 8pm,
turn the input control knob fully anti-clockwise until the minimum stop position is achieved, then turn the knob slowly clockwise
until an audible “click” is heard - leave the control at this setting. This will allow the heater to take on an overnight charge.
2. On the following evening, (at around the time when you would normally be retiring to bed) judge the temperature of the room
(not the heater).
If the room is warm enough, carefully touch the top of the heaters side panel, this should be cool to the touch (i.e. heater
discharged). If the side panel is still hot or quite warm, carefully reduce the Input Control Knob setting by a very small amount.
On the following evening again judge whether the room is warm enough when you retire to bed together with the temperature
at the top of the side panel.
If however when you retire to bed after initially setting the Input Control to “the click” the room is too cool and the temperature
at the top of the side panel is cold, increase by a very small amount the Input Control setting., repeat as necessary over the
next two or three days.
Remember, you need sufficient heat to be stored overnight in the core when it has finished charging to last through the day,
so that by the end of the day virtually all of the heat has been used up.
3. Persevere with this procedure until you are satisfied with the temperature of your rooms.
Due to the nature of the Auto Heater, once set up correctly, the input control can be left undisturbed and the heater will charge
each night automatically following exactly the outdoor weather conditions, even to the point of off when summer arrives. The
heater surfaces will of course vary according to the weather and the amount of heat stored. Because of variations in the siting
for different heaters in rooms, each heater needs to be set individually and the finally chosen input control knob settings may
be different in different rooms
Part No. 84300
Iss. No. 12 04/09
Creda Heating
Millbrook House
Grange Drive
Hedge End
Southampton SO30 2DF
RECYCLING: For electrical products sold within the European Community.
At the end of the electrical products useful life it should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist.
Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice in your country.
0845 604 2399
© GDC Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Material contained in this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without prior permission in writing.
A division of the GDC Group Ltd, Millbrook House, Grange Drive, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2DF