Memory Configuration and BIOS Settings 4-25
Integrated Peripherals
Used MEM base
This item is used to select a base address for the memory area used
by any peripheral that requires high memory.
The available settings are C800, CC00, D000, D400, D800, DC00
and N/A.
Used MEM Length
This item is used to select a length for the memory area specified in
the previous item.
This item does not appear if no base address is specified.
The available settings are 8K, 16K, 32K and 64K.
Table 4-8: The PnP/PCI Configuration Screen items.
Display this screen if you want
to configure the IDE and
floppy controllers, and other
onboard ports. You can also
configure the USB (USB
Keyboard Support) and
infrared (UR2 Mode and UR2
Duplex Mode) features.
Figure 4-7: The Integrated Peripherals screen.
m003-4.fm Page 25 Tuesday, July 27, 1999 10:29 AM