User Manual for Fingertip Oximeter
J. Dimensions:
60 mm (L) × 33 mm (W) × 30 mm (H)
Net Weight:
35g (including battery)
K. Classification:
The type of protection against electric shock:
Internally powered equipment.
The degree of protection against electric shock:
Type BF applied parts.
The degree of protection against harmful ingress
of liquids:
Ordinary equipment without protection
against ingress of water.
Electro-Magnetic Compatibility:
Group I, Class B
5. Accessories
A. A lanyard
B. Two batteries
C. A pouch
D. A User Manual
E. Quality Certificate
The accessories are subject to change. Detailed
items and quantity see the Packing List.
6. Repair and Maintenance
6.1 Oximeter Maintenance