Common Questions and Answers
This section gives the answers to some common questions that you
may have while installing a Creative PnP card in the DOS/Windows
3.1x environment.
General Questions
I have a PnP BIOS as well as a PnP operating system or
a PnP configuration driver and utility. Which one
should I use to configure my PnP card?
If you have a PnP operating system or a PnP
configuration driver and utility, it is better to let your
PnP operating system or configuration driver configure
your PnP card. Try to set your BIOS so that it will not
configure PnP cards since it may not have access to the
hardware setting information of your legacy (non-PnP)
cards and thus may give your PnP card some settings
that would conflict with those of existing legacy cards.
ICM (or other Configuration Manager) Questions
Must I remove ICM (or another configuration
manager) in order to use CTCM?
No, you do not have to remove ICM (or another
configuration manager) to use CTCM. If both CTCM
and ICM are installed in your system, just make sure the
CTCM statement in your CONFIG.SYS file is placed
after the ICM statement.
What should I do if I cannot configure my Creative PnP
card using ICM?
If you cannot configure your PnP card using ICM, try
removing ICM. Then use CTCU and CTCM to change
and reconfigure your card settings. For more details on
using CTCU or CTCM, please refer to the sections
“Using CTCM” in page 3 and “Using CTCU” in page 4.