Safety Interlock Pro Reference Manual
The Safety Interlock Pro is a 3U rack mountable device with 4 mounting holes. Listed below are
additional features of the Interlock.
1. Three indicator lights to show the status of the Safety Interlock
2. Signal input from the Stagehand Pro
3. Signal output to the machine
4. Two ultimate limit outputs, two forward, and two reverse
5. Forward and reverse sensors (one input and output for each direction)
6. Emergency stop input and output
The Safety Interlock Pro is a 3U rack mountable case designed to fit in a standard 19” rack. It is not
required to be rack mounted, feel free to place it on the operator desk or with the Stagehand Pro
motion controllers.
A key point to note during installation is that the Safety Interlock Pro will need to be connected
between the machine and the Stagehand.
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