To change MIDI channel, press the 'channel' but-
ton and select the channel using the 'down/up'
buttons or the data wheel. If a small vertical line
appears in the display to the left of the channel
number, it indicates that the instrument receives
MIDI data on all channels simultaneously (this is
called MIDI 'omni mode'). In omni mode, MIDI
data is received on all sixteen channels, but trans-
mitted only on the selected channel. When no vertical line is shown,
the instrument receives and sends MIDI data on one selected chan-
MIDI Values: MIDI Channel 1 … 16 (omni off)
MIDI Channel I1 … I16 (vertical lines = omni on)
Press the 'control' button to select the MIDI local mode using the
'down/up' buttons or the data wheel. The display toggles between
'ON' (indicating that the PRODYSSEY ASB is set to 'local on' mode)
and 'OF', indicating that 'local off' is selected. In 'local on' mode,
incoming MIDI messages are transmitted via the Prodyssey ASB's
MIDI out socket; in 'local off' mode, only front panel control changes
are sent to MIDI out.
To adjust the PRODYSSEY's overall
volume, press the 'volume' button and
use the 'down/up' buttons or data
wheel. This global volume setting is
not saved within presets.
To load a preset, press the 'preset' button, then use the 'down/up'
button or the data wheel to scroll through the preset list. A preset
holds all parameter and effects settings, including the settings in
the Remote Software’s 'Add page' (see below). Presets can only be
saved in the user bank, which is why 'user' is automatically selected
when saving a preset.