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Scope of Supply
1 fitness watch AU4-PF-6LA/6LB
1 x 3 V battery type CR2032 (preinstalled)
(1 x 3 V
0.5 mA CR2032)
Instruction manual and warranty card
Getting Started
When starting the fitness watch for the first time please remove
the protective film and press the any key. You will now
automatically access the time mode (see section 4.3 “Time
Function Keys/Modes/Settings
Function Keys of the Fitness Watch
For all setting steps described in the following chapters please
be aware that:
If you do not press a key for longer than 90 seconds during
the setting, the fitness watch will abandon the setting
By holding the “ST./STP.“ or the „SELECT“ key you can
Main Function Modes
The fitness watch offers five main function modes which are
described in detail in the following chapters:
Time mode
Training mode
Stopwatch mode
Alarm mode
Countdown mode
Pulse mode
The first mode to be displayed is the time mode. Press the
„MODE“ key to switch between the time, training, stopwatch,
alarm and countdown modes.
To access the pulse mode from any mode press with your
index finger on the sensor surface for approx. 5-8 seconds. The
back of the fitness watch housing must be in contact with your
Any mode
Pulse measurement Pulse indication
The individual modes are explained in detail from section 4.3
to section 4.8.
Time Mode
Keep pressing the „MODE“ key down until accessing the time
mode, displayed as „TIME“:
The time mode shows the time in the bottom segment of the
display. Press the “SELECT” key between the display “Day
and Month” to change between “Week day and Day”.
Before adjusting the basic settings, you need to calculate your
step length for walking and running.
Walk or run a pre-determined distance (e.g. 100 metres).
Calculate your step length by dividing the distance by the
number of steps. This will give you a good average value of
your step length.
Whether you only want to either walk or to run, the step
length for both WALKING and RUNNING should always
be set to obtain relevant results.
If you do not calculate your personal step length for walking
and running and save these settings in the fitness watch, the
displayed values will not be as accurate. The watch will
instead rely on standard values which do not fit your personal
step profile.
To obtain reliable results, please keep your pace and
rhythm as adopted when calculating the step length for
both walking and running.
The longer the distance you chose for the calculation of the
step length the more accurate the results will be.
The fitness watch automatically recognises whether you are
walking or running during your training and will display the
distance, speed, steps, etc. accordingly.
Basic Setting
Press the „MODE“ key for approx. 3 seconds. Use the
„ST./STP.“ or the „SELECT“ key to choose either
German (DEU) or English (ENG). Confirm your selection
by pressing the „MODE“ key.
The seconds flash. Use the „ST./STP.“ or the „SELECT“
key to reset the seconds to zero. Confirm your selection
by pressing the „MODE“ key.
The minutes flash. Increase the minutes with the
„ST./STP.“ key or reduce it with the „SELECT“ key.
Confirm your selection by pressing the „MODE“ key.
Set the other settings as described above.
Day format (day-month or month-day)
Time format (12-h or 24-h display)
Hourly alarm (on
or off)
Key tones (on or off)
Year of birth
Unit (metric = kg and cm or British = lbs and inch)
Step length - Walking
Step length – Running
Daily reset (on or off)
Press the „MODE“ key for approx. 3 seconds. All settings
have now been saved.
Training Mode
To ensure correct measurements in the training mode,
the fitness watch needs to be attached either to the right or the
left wrist.
Keep pressing the „MODE“ key down until the training mode
„WORK“ is displayed:
Press the „SELECT“ key to select the following displays
(training data). They will be displayed in the upper display
Training time
Current pace (PC)
= Minutes per kilometre/mile
Average pace (AP)
Distance (DI)
Steps (ST)
Remaining steps (R)
Current speed (SP)
Average speed (AS)
Calorie consumption (CA)
Fatburning (FB)
By pressing the „SELECT“ key for approx. 3 seconds in one of
these 9 displays, all values will be set to zero.
In the lower display segment, speed, pace and distance can be
Keep the „MODE“ key pressed for approx. 3 seconds.
Using the „ST./STP.“ or the „SELECT“ key to select the
current speed (SPD), the current pace (PACE) or the
distance (DIST)
Note: The display selected in the lower display segment
(speed - SPD, current pace - PACE or distance - DIST)
will NOT be displayed again in the upper display segment
by pressing the „SELECT“ key.
Press the „MODE“ key for approx. 3 seconds. All settings have
now been saved.
Setting of Training Zones and Target Steps
Before performing a pulse measurement, we recommend
adjusting the
lower and the upper pulse limit
. Adjust the
limits according to the goal of your training. The fitness watch