MODEL: 45144 PRODUCT CODE: 45144 05/2015
All Weather Bean Bag Toss
Other Useful Information
A bean bag that lands completely in the target hole earns 3 points. A bean bag
landing anywhere on the target platform earns 1 point. If a bean bag is knocked into
the target hole by another bean bag it earns 3 points. If a bean bag is knocked off the
target platform by another bean bag it losses its point.
If a player’s bean bag lands in the target hole and an opponent’s bean bag lands in
the target hole, neither bean bag earns points. If 2 or more bean bags, tossed by the
same player of a team land in the target hole, each bean bag tossed into the target
hole by the opposing player or team cancels one of the first player’s or team’s toss.
Points are only counted for the remaining bean bags not matched by an opponent’s
bean bag. All bean bags remaining on the target platform earn points.
NOTE: Only one team can earn points in any one round. If the first team scores 6
points and the second team scores 10 points, the second team receives a total of 4
points and the first team scores zero points for that round. Subtract the lower score
from the higher score to calculate the actual score for any one round.
If the first player or team reaches 21 points in a round and is less than 12 points
ahead of the opposing player or team, the opposing player or team must be allowed
to take its turn. In the event of a tie, the game goes into “sudden death” mode and
the first player or team to reach 3 points ahead of the opposing player or team, in the
same round, wins the game. Rounds are only completed when all the bean bags
have been tossed by both players or teams.