The pentode function creates mostly third harmonic information but contains
some higher order odd harmonics depending on the signal level and the
amount of processing. It is very much like driving a pentode into overload. The
pentode process makes things sound brighter and brings out detail. You can
also hear this as a compression effect. The pentode process affects the triode
processing stage as both processes are in series.
The tape function emulates magnetic recording tape. Tape distortions consist of
odd harmonics, starting with the third and fifth. As you increase the level on
the tape process the harmonic content increases and higher odd harmonics are
added. A tape recorder also contains record and reproduce equalizers that
modify the harmonic content. The result is a sound that fattens up the bottom
and midrange of a recording. As you increase the process there can be loss of
higher content with respect to low frequencies if driven far enough. The high
frequencies start compressing sooner then the low frequencies. This is a result
of the compression function and eq curves in the process. The compression
also squashes peaks and results in a higher average level. The tape process
sits in series after the triode and pentode processes and thus modifies them
The process switch selects whether the signal processor is attached to the D/A
convertor, A/D convertor, is configured for Digital in - Digital out, or Analog in -
Analog out. An analog generated dither source is available to the A/D convertor
and to the Digital in - Digital out modes. The dither is enabled by selecting the
process in the 16 or 20 bit groupings.
HEDD QUANTUM generates harmonically related information. The processing
was developed by studiously analysing the harmonic distortion and
characteristics found in classic and revered audio equipment and a lot of
The harmonic process runs 24-bit internally. The digital inputs and outputs are
also 24-bit, i.e. feed 24-bit digital in and get 24-bit digital out. Feeding 16-bit
audio into the HEDD will result in a 24-bit data stream because of its internal
24-bit calculations. This extra resolution is harmonically related information.