Craftsman 917.257721 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 7

Содержание 917.257721

Страница 1: ...OWNER S MANUAL oAssembly oOperation oCustomer Responsibilities oService and Adjustments o Repair PaNs CAUTION Read and follow aH safety rules and _nstruct_ons before o erat_ g this equipment ...

Страница 2: ...exp osive Use o ly a_t appro ed contaner Neve_ _emove gas cap e add fuel wth tee engne runnng Aowengine_ecoo_before etseng De not sin Re Neverml e the nanhne ndo s_s Neve ste_e tbe mach ne or fiJe co in _ernsde where here s an open flame sbch as a water heater Never un a roach ne nsde a cased area H SLOP_ OPERATION Siopes are a mater tactor e _ted to oss _ f eont e emJ tpove_ aecdents whict can re...

Страница 3: ...d a _d uness t e eng ne s exha sst system s equ pped wth a spark attester meeting appt cab e oca o state laws f any f a spark anester is used t sheud be ms nta ned ir_effect ve work ng order by the operatoh In the state of Ca foma the above s re ired by aw Section 4442 of the Ca_fern a P_Jbic Reso s_ces Code Ot er states may have smlar aws fh de_a aws apply on federa_ ands A spa_k attester fo_ the...

Страница 4: 32 A Fire 18 Ar Screen 18 Seeling Fir s t 8 Oi Change 17 O_ Leve_ t 7 Oi Type I 8 I 7 Preparat on 13 Repai_ Pads 48 57 Starting 1 14 Storage 26 F F tec AirFe 18 Fue 18 O 15 F r_e Sterage 6 Type 14 Fu_ 28 Hea ghts 23 Hood Remova nsta a ou 24 L Leveing Mowe Deck 19 Lubrcat on Chart 1 Engne 17 M Mai _te_ ance Schedule f5 Mowe Adiastme_t h_ont e _ack 20 Adiuetment Side4o S de lg Blade Septacement t...

Страница 5: ...gel hardee pOW ery_ndwetiheavys_ w M _ ttsaasIywthsimplepnartarge merit Dschart _ _ch eadiuets r mt_act sent 6 r_ h_ar eter spou _seha _ tess _ow 10 to 50 eet L car _olied a acta_ seat Usewt cha_ssar_dwsea weghsandior_eardawba_weght SPRAYLRS _se 12roe DO e ectAe _oto ibet connects to the _ a tot bate o_ ot_er 12 vat sot os oh des booms for automate sprs y s iand and he d waqd fo_ spot spray ng Wan...

Страница 6: ...Sprr gs singJe oo _ 1 2 l_ x Bats 4o20 x 3 4 2 Hex Nuts 1 4 20 2 Washers 9 32 x 5 8 x 16 Gauge Pa s packed separately in ca_ton Seat WPeel 24tS 4C S X 8 Owl ie_ S Ma s _a Pa_ts ba 9 contents not shown full s ze _ x7 8 4Gauge 2 Shou der BoB 2 Ce _te_ Io_ k Nuts Whee_ hsei ...

Страница 7: ...r_gwhee adapter_ o Secu e steer r_ 9 wheel to steed _ 9 slat wh hex bolt lock was _erand arse fat washer prey o_ls y _emoved t f_hter secure y_ tinap steering whee insert rite cente_ ol seerrg wheel o Remove p erect ve paste fro n t_acto_ hood and gri it_ffPORTANT C tECK FORAb_D REMOVE ANY STAPL S N SKID TilAT MAY PUNCTURE TIRES WHERE TRACTOR S TO ROLL O g SKD TO ROLL TRACTOR OFF SKD See Fig 7 R_d...

Страница 8: ... wth a woode s or pastc paddle w_o addi baking soda untii t_e add t on of ore soda cs_ ses no more fBamn G o Foow _st _cions on how to insta battery INSTALL SEAT See FiG S Adiust seat before t ghter ng ad ustment knob o Remov o cardboa pack ng on seat pan_ o Place seat or seat pan and assemb e sho der bolt o Assembe ad ustment knob and fla_ washer ksose y o T g ten shouder bolt securey_ o Lower se...

Страница 9: ... nk ntophoeoflheLH frontrr we bracket and LH fiort suspens or bracket Retair_wt _ two sirgle cop _etainer spr nge as shown o lnsta tsecededfr nt irk n RH font s _spens on b_acket and etan wtk singe loop retainer sprier3 as s wr e loop reta n r spring as shown o Turn hegbt ad sst_ent knob c_x r terc ockw se i CHECK DECK LEVELNESS Fo_ besl cutt r_7resu ts mower o_sing should be property levek_d See ...

Страница 10: ..._G 5 BLJ _C R YOU OPERA Y AND _VJGY Y U tN6W TRACTOR WE WISH TO ASSURE THAT YOU RECEIVE THE Bt BTPE NCE AN SA 7VSFACWOAtFrOM 77 S Q JAL TY PRODUCT PLEASE REWEW 7 _fEFOL LOWVNG CHE CKL fS T All assemby _structons have been competed No remann 9 oose pa_ts r carton_ Battery sproper yp_s_pared anddarged Mnmum t hour at 6 an ps S_at sad _sted comfo aby ar d tg _te _edS_ CuR y Attires are propedy nfiate...

Страница 11: ... to raise and low rmew_s r deck or ott er attachm_mts mour_ted to your tractor_ L_FT LEVER PLUNGER Used to release attachement ft ever when changi _9 its position CLUTCH BRAKE PEDAL o Used for dec chng ard brak ng the tractor a_ _dsta_ ng the engine GEARSHIFT LEVER _ Selects the speed and d recto of tractor THROTTLE CONTROL Used to cortlcl engine speed RANGE SH_F_ LEVER A ows high H or low L speed...

Страница 12: ... ost Sewy p_sh knob in to disengage TO MOVE FORWARD AND BACKWARD See Fig 8 The d rect or and speed of movemer_t s c xqm ed by the gearshift lever Star Iractor wtt c _tdibrake peda dep essed and gearshift leve_ n r e_tra N posit xL Move tiearsh ft and range sNft levers to dashed pas ton Siowiy re ease clutch brake peda to start movement _MPORTANT BRING TRACTOR IDA COMP ETE S SOP BEFORE S U TNG OR C...

Страница 13: ...eda quck y to brake poster and engage parkir_g brake o Move gearah ft lever to sl gear and range shfl tever to ow L post on_ Be sure you have allowed roorn for tractor to re st ght y as you resta movement To resta rrtovement slowy release park sg brake and o Make atl turns slowly TO TRANSPORT o Raise attachment ift to highest poster with attach _ _ qent fl coRt ol o When push n9 or tcw g your trac...

Страница 14: ... slowty psh choke control o Mere th otto cor_troI to fast pos t on o Aiow e_gre to warm up for a few mr utes beIore engag n9 drve or attachments t_OTB If at a high a ttude above 3000 feet or in cold temperatures bebw 32F the carbureto_ fuel mxt _re may need to be adiusted for best engne performance See TO ADJUST CARBURETOR n tke Sewce and Ad ust ments sector of ths rnant_al MOWING TIPS o Ti_echans...

Страница 15: ...ets for wear A few spark plug and clean ar fiter assure proper arAe m xture and help your engir e run beter and ast longer LUBRICATION CHART BEFORE EACH USE o Check engne oil level o Check brake operation o Check tre press re o Cheek for Dose faster ers IMPORTANT DO NOT OIL OR GREASE r tE PIVOT PONTS WHC7 AVt7 SPECIAL NYLON BEAR NGS VISCOUS LUBRICANTSW LI AT TRACT DUST AND DRT THAT W LI SHORTEN it...

Страница 16: ...EN BLADE See Iigo 1 are shoJ d be taken to keep tte blade baa ced Ar _ _baanted b ado wil cause excessive vibration and ever tua damage to mower and en9 _e The blade car be sharpened with a file or ors a 9r tsding wheet Do not attempt to sharpen who on t_e mower To check btade bataRce yo_ wi need a 5 8 diameter steel bet pn_ or a cone balancer When _sng a cone ba_ancer foilow the nstrtctons supple...

Страница 17: ... yo_r expected o era ing temperak re SAEVSCOS YGRADES _ 8 I t x r t S_ t YEMPERA1 L R _ANGE E ORE H_ XT eL G AHG _ FIG 17 HOTE Aithough mut viscosty os 5W30 1 _ 30etc mpreve starting in cod weather these muIt v scosity oiIs wi resut in increased oil consumption when used above 32_ F Check your eng ne oil evel more frequentytoavod possibie e ne damage from runn ng ow on oil Change the o after the f...

Страница 18: ...aner cleaned and o_ed over the paper ca_r dge Reassemble air cteane_ ca ridge pate and sea o I sstal tse ar cleaner cove_ and wing nuL T 9hten w_ sg n t 2 turn to t ful turn after nut contacts cover Do not FOA pREoCLEANER CARTRIDGE FiG 20 It_spect and replace corroded muffler and spark arrestor f equipped as i eouId create a fire hazard a_s d orda_ age SPARK PLUGS Replace spark plugs at the teg nn...

Страница 19: ...wer out fern _eder rg_t sale of tractor _MPORTAN1 FAN ATTACHMENT HER THAN THE MOWE _ D_CK SIOF E MOUNTED ON YHR TRACTOR REMOVE T_E FRONT LINKS_ TO _NSTALL MOWER J crbed _ ll4 A _ MOWER AND Folow preced re __ _ AVE BELT n the Asserrb y sectc s f hs ma _ aL TO LEVEL MOWER HOUSING Adiust t_e mower whle tractor s parked on kwei 9round or Make sure tres are praper_y nfiated See PRODU T SPEC_NCATIONS or...

Страница 20: ...nt inks T ghten _t G on both front nks an _qua number of turns When d stance _F _is I 8 to 112 ower at front than rear tghte_ nut against tn nnon on bet front nks I _OTB Each flit t_m of nut G w change dis F by o _ ec_ecks eto sdeadiusment TO REPLACE BLOWER DRIVE BELT MOWER DRIVE BELT REMOVAL See F 9 2B o Park tractor on a Ieve sudace Er gage park r g brake Remove four screws frem LH mandrel cover...

Страница 21: ...ears of servce 7h_ ciutch has a buit _ brake t_at stops the p _iley wtiqn 5 seconds Eventuaty the i_tema brake w wear which may cause the mower baden to not e _gage or to not st p as required Ad _o_stments s m d be made by yor hearesl autho_ zeal service centeddepa_rr ent o Make sine atIachment c utct ard gnton sw tehes are CLUTCH PLATE NYLON_OCKNUT 3 F_G 28 BRAKE PLATE TO ADJUST BRAKE See Fi G 29...

Страница 22: ... BELT DRIVE SCREAaATIC V_EWEDFROM LH_ SDE O FTRACTOR CLUTCHING ID ER BELT TRANSAXLE KEEPER PULLEY AS V_EW_O FF_O_ _ BOTTOM F_G 30 TO ADJUST STEERING WHEEL ALIGNMENT Ifsteedng whee c_ossbars are not horizonta eft to ri _t_t when whees are pos oned straight forwa rd remove steer ing w eel and reassemb e per instr_ _et ons n the Assen bty sect on of ths manua FRONT WHEEL TOE4N ADJUSTMENT Frent wheef ...

Страница 23: ...A FTACH JUMPER CABLES o Connect eacs erd of the RED cable to the POS lqVE term hal of each battery takng care not to shoE aga nst chass s_ Connect one erd of the BLACK cable to the NEGA TIVE termir a of fily charged batter o Con_ ect the other end of the BLACK cab e to a panel bet ors the teft sde of the tractor away from rue tank v _ _ TOR MOVE CAB ES_REiERSEORDER BLACK cable frst fi em ct_assis ...


Страница 25: ...and t_en t_ n out cour te c ockw se 1 turn FNAL SETTING _ Sta engne a_ aowtowar_ for fve mirutes_ Make fnaladt_stmenswitt engire t_rnn9 and shf me on control ever in ne_ ra N post or Wth throttle entre lever n fast poston turn man fl_el adiustin9 neede in ockwise until engne begns to die tPe_ turn out co nterdockwse untii engne rtns rough Turn needle to a port mdway between t ose two pea tions o W...

Страница 26: ...NDED TO SEPARATION AND FORMATION OF ACDS DURING STORAGE_ ACIDIC GAS CAN DAMAGE TH FUEl SYS_EMOFAN ENGNEWHL E N STORAGE o Dr ia n t _e fe ta_k o Sta8 the er_gne and tat it run unt t_ e fuel nes and carburetor are empty o Never use engine or carburetor cieaner products n the rue tank or permanent damage _say occur Use fresh fuei next season_ _0To Fuel stab izer is an _cceptabe atar_atve r mm_r r_z n...

Страница 27: ......

Страница 28: ...RT ENG NE r Operation sootier 3 Wa seve_a mhtes before af_empt_ _g to staff 4 Re see spark pug 5 Coon apiece arrite 6 Reptaee rue rite 7 Dr_ih fie_ ta_k and carburetor raft tank wtb fresh gaso _ e and repace rue ttter 8 Check oil wnrlg g Co_ _ct a_ a ho zeal sewee ceeter depat_ et 10 Centaet a_ a thodzed setvce center department t Cieenlrep ace air fTte 2 3 Recharge o _epface betray 4 Replace rue ...

Страница 29: ...b_ Bedo 3 Faery gttsv4tc _ 4 OOSe or dama _edwrh 9 5 own fuse 1 Bad _at _e c_ sb 2 Poe cable cossec obs 3 auty _e _siator f so equ sped 4 Fs_ty a te_ sa e_ _ CORReCTiON 1 Ch_ rAw _K sw_tehes ar d cormectons f rot con ect_d rx_ntact a_ eu horzed serve ente depa rr ertt_ 1 Aepac_ _ blouse Tgtten bede bet 2 Leve_ rower deck 3 Cea_ undemde of mower o sing 4 Re ace bade mandre 5_ _ ea_ aaund mandr s to...


Страница 31: ... y _u_ engne wil be found on the bbwer _ousing of the engne AI parts iisted h6_ein may be o_dered from any _ Roebtck and Co o serv ce DentedDepar_pr ent and most Re_ Iai_ S_ores WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS ALWAYS G_VE TRE FOLLOWING _NFORMAT_ON o PRODUCT oTRACTOR MODEL NUMBER _917 257721 ENGINE _ODEL NO _MV18So 58560 PART NUMBER PART DESCRIPTION Your Sears merchandse has added vatue when you consder...
