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Содержание 572.610520

Страница 1: ...rvice diagram for specific warranty information on your Craftsman Rotary Power Tool Consulte el diagrama de servicio para obtener informaci6n especffica de garantfa para su herramienta mecAnica giratoria Craftsman _oHabla espaSo Ver pAgina 7 oassembly operation omaintenance repair parts Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U SoAo FORM NO 2610911273 2 96 PRINTED IN US A ...

Страница 2: ...mospheres Motors in these tools normally spark and the sparks might ignite fumes 21 Check for damaged parts Before further use of the tool check for damaged parts Check for alignment of moving parts binding of moving parts breakage of parts mounting and any other conditions that may affect its operation A part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced by an authorized service center ...

Страница 3: ... hole inthe end of the tool shaft Replace coIIet nut on the shaft Always use the collet which matches the shank size of the accessory you plan to uSe rNever force a larger diameter shank into a coltst COLLETIDENTIFICATION CHART Coltetsizes c _ be identifiedby the rings on theback end of eollet I 1 32 Co lethas one t ring 16 Collet has two 2 rings 3 32 Cotlefhasthree 3 rings 1 8 CoHet hasno rings J...

Страница 4: ...errors and will get the most efficient work out of the accessory For best control in close work grip the Rotary Tool fike a pencil between your thumb and forefinge_ This is the handgrip method of holding the tool used for operationssuch as grinding a flat surface or using cutoff wheels _ When using the steel saws cutoff wheels high speed cutters or tungsten carbide cutters always have the work sec...

Страница 5: ... should be cut at low speeds 2 Polishing buffing and cleaning with a wire brush should be done at speeds below 15 000 RPM to prevent damage to the brush 3 Soft wood shoutd be cut at high speed 4 iron or steel should be cut at top speed il using tungsten carbide accessory but at slower speeds if using high speed steel cutters If a high speed steel cutter starts to chatter this normally means it is ...

Страница 6: ...emoval of stilt marks and excess glaze on ceramics and engraving on glass Polishing Accessories These includean impregnatedpolishingpoint and an impregnated polishing wheel for bringing metal surfaces to smooth finish a felt polishing tip and felt polishing wheel and cloth polishing wheel all used for polishing plastics metals jewelry and small parts Also included in this group is a olishing compo...

Страница 7: ...eberramien as e _ctricasport tiles en almOsferas gaseosaso explosives Los restoresde estas herramientasnormalmenleprodu conchispas y Insch spes puedendar lugarala ignici0n de vapores 21 Cumpmebe ei hayplazasdafiadas Anlesde vulvar a utilizerla bermmienla cempruebe sthaypiezasda_adas Vefifiquela alineacidnde as plazasm0v les _asujeei_nde las plazas mOviles la rupture depiezas el monta_e ycuaF quiet...

Страница 8: ...MIENTAS Leetama_asdeportaherrem ent_ se pus denideetificarpermediadelasanillasqueseencusntran enelextremepasteriorde pa_herramien_ Etpoflaherramienta de 32 tiene 1 anilla El porleherramienta de 1 16 tiene 2 ani tas E1podahsrram enta de3 32 tiena 3 aniIlas El portaherramnenta de 1 8 no tieneaniIlas TUERCA DEL POBTAHERRA IVIIENTA POBTA HERRAMIENTA PORTA 2583B DEt B HEBBAMIENTA 25037 DE3 32 Peg ha 8 ...

Страница 9: ...maoera m_seIieaz pesible Paraloner meier control al realizer trabaioline agarrela herramienlagiratoriacomean l iz entreeldedo puigary eldedo_ndce Estees el mdtodode agarre _psra eujetarla herramienta utilizado en operacionestalescome el amolado de uoa supedicieplanao la otiliz_ciOn deruedasde reto_r AI utilizersierrasde acera rue dan de resorter cerladoresde alia velotldad o cortadoresde earburode...

Страница 10: ...s deborah cortarsea velocidadeo bajas 2 Et puIido ei brufiido y la flmpiezocon un cepillode oIombre deborahreatizaroe o ve_ocidodes infeflores o t5 000 RPMpareevit_rquaelcepiflo sufr_da_es 3 L_maderoblondesedeber_cortar aattavelocidad 4 Elhierroo elacerosedeborah co_r a m_irn_ veloci dadsise utiliz_e accesenode earburede tungsteno per a velecidades m_ slent_ssi se utiltzan cortadores de acero de a...

Страница 11: ...esorios para pulir Entre sates aceesoriosse encuentranuna ponta ds pulir impregnaday una reedsde polir impregnadaparedar en aeabadolisaaias superficiesmet_licas uoa puntsde pulir de fieltroy una reedsde pulirde liellro y unareedsdepulir de teiaTodossatesaccesodos ss utilizen parepufir pi _sti cos morales Ioyefla y pequot as piezes Tambi_nse en cuentraen estegrope un compuestoparepu ir No 25031 par...

Страница 12: ... Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio 1 800 676 5811 For the location of a Sears Parts and Repair Center in your area Call 24 hours a day 7 days a week 1 800 488 t 222 When requesting service or ordering parts always provide the following information Product Type Part Number o Model Number o Part Description Cuando solicite servicio o pida piezas d_ siempre la siguiente informaci6n Tipo d...
