Craftsman 247.88455 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 37

Содержание 247.88455

Страница 1: ...8455 CAUTION Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPANOL R 27 Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www sears corn craftsrnan FORMNO 769 01910B 5 30 2006 ...

Страница 2: ...purchase YournewCraftsman productis designedand manufactured for yearsof dependableopera tion But likeallproducts it mayrequirerepairfromtimeto time That s whenhavinga RepairProtectionAgreementcansaveyoumoneyand aggravation Here swhat sincludedin the Agreement Expertserviceby our 12 000professionalrepairspecialists Unlimitedserviceand nochargefor partsand laboronall covered repairs Productreplacem...

Страница 3: ...iththese instructionsmay resultin personalinjury When you see thissymbol HEED iTS WARNING Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machineto persons who read understandand follow the warnings and instructions in this manualand on the ma chine AVOIDSERIOUS INJURYFROMTIRE RIM EXPLOSION TO PREVENTOVER INFLATION USEA MANUAL PUMP OR PORTABLE ELECTRIC TIRE INFLATOR NEVER USEAN AiR COMPRESSOR iN...

Страница 4: ...entswhileengineis running except where specificallyrecommendedinthe operator smanual 8 Letengineand machineadjustto outdoortemperaturebefore startingto clear snow 9 To avoidpersonalinjuryor propertydamageuseextremecare in handling gasoline Gasolineis extremelyflammableandthe vaporsareexplosive Seriouspersonalinjurycanoccurwhen gasolineis spilled onyourself or yourclothes which canignite Washyoursk...

Страница 5: Referto the maintenance and adjustmentsectionsof this manual 2 Beforecleaning repairing or inspectingmachinedisengageallcontrol leversand stoptheengine Waituntil theauger impellercometo a completestop Disconnectthe spark plugwire and groundagainstthe engineto preventunintendedstarting 3 Check boltsandscrewsfor propertightnessat frequentintervalsto keep the machinein safeworkingcondition Also vi...

Страница 6: ...of the lowerhandleupto the cross memberof the lowerhandle Leave the secondcabletie in placeonthe rightside of the lowerhandle IMPORTANT It will benecessaryto liftthe upperhandlewhilesliding upthis cabletie to preventdamagetothe cable 4 Liftthe upperhandleupand positionit overthe lowerhandle aligningthe holeswherethe starknobswereremoved 1 CAUTION Be careful not to bend or kink the cables 5 Inserta...

Страница 7: ...nflate the tire Usea manualpumporportableelectrictire inflatorto prevent over inflation NEVERUSEAN AIRCOMPRESSOR _ WARNING Over inflating the tire with excessivepres sure well above20 psi may causethe tire rim to burst with sufficient forceto cause serious pressure Auger Control Test IMPORTANT Performthe followingtestbeforeoperatingthe snow throwerfor the firsttimeandat the start of eachwinterseas...

Страница 8: ...dandfollowall instructionscarefullyand performalladjustmentsto verifyyoursnowthroweris operatingsafely andproperly Chute Handle Thedirectionof snowthrowingcorrespondsto the directionof the chuteopening Usethe chutehandleto turnthe chuteassemblyin the directionyou wishto throwthe snow Chute Knob The distancesnowis throwncan beadjustedbyeitherraisingor loweringthe upperchute Loosenthe chuteknobonthe...

Страница 9: ...ilactionpullstartanda mittengrip handlefor easyaccesswhilewearingglovesor mittens Ignition Key The ignitionkeyis necessaryfor the engineto start Insertkeyand snap inplace do notturn it to start stopthe unit Removekeywhen the unit is not in use Primer Depressing primerforcesfuel directlyinto engine s Iv_KI carburetorto aid incold weatherstarting Referto the startinginstructionsinthe Operationsectio...

Страница 10: ...onotturnkey 5 Rotatechokecontrolto FULLchokeposition 6 Pushprimerbuttonwhilecoveringthe venthole Removeyour fingerfromthe primerbetweenprimes Donot primeif temperature is above500F primetwo timesbetween500F and 150 F and primefour timesbelow150R 7 Graspstarterhandleandpull ropeout slowlyuntilenginereaches start of compression cycle ropewill pullslightlyharderat this point Let the roperewindslowly ...

Страница 11: ...rit falls 2 Dischargesnowdownwindwheneverpossible Slightlyoverlap eachpreviouspath 3 Set theskidshoes1 4 belowthe shaveplatefor normalusage Theskidshoesmaybeadjustedupwardfor hard packed snow 11 NOTE It is not recommended thatyouoperatethissnowthroweron gravelas loosegravelcan beeasilypickedup andthrownbythe auger causingpersonalinjuryand or damageto the snowthrower 4 Iffor somereason you haveto o...

Страница 12: ... notturn checkif the pins havesheared Replace if needed withpropershearpins Referto item42on page19for part number IMPORTANT NEVERreplacetheaugershearpins withstandardpins orfasteners Anydamagetothe augergearboxorothercomponents as a resultof doingso will NOTbe coveredby yoursnowthrower s warranty Lubrication Fora viewof the lubricationpointson the snowthrower see Figure11 1 Lubricatepivotpointson...

Страница 13: ...crewusinga5 16 socketwithextension andslightlyraise beltcover Youmustalso unclipthe plastictab on theotherside to raisethis up Donot attemptto removethe belt coverfromthe unit at thistime SeeFigure13 3 Loosenthe bottomaugerhousingmountingscrewoneach side one l fullturn usinga 1 2 socket SeeFigure12 4 Usingthe samesocketwrench removethe topaugerhousing mountingscrewson eachside NOTE The topaugerhou...

Страница 14: ...oveoil fill cap anddipstick 3 Wipedipstickclean insertit intooil fill holeandtightensnugly FULLJ M_int_in Oil Level _ Between FULL and ADD ADD 4 Removedipstickandcheck If oil is not upto the FULLmarkon dipstick addoil Changing Oil Changeengineoil afterfirsttwo hoursof operationandevery25hours thereafter Inorderto changeoil you will haveto firstdrainthe used engineoil fromthe engineandthen refillwi...

Страница 15: ...shingwitha commercialsolvent J Figure18 Followthe maintenance schedulegiven below Some adjustmentswill haveto be made periodicallyto maintainyour unit properly Periodicallycheck all fasteners and make sure these are tight Keeptrack of your scheduledservice by filling in the Service Dates field below _ ARNING Beforeservicing repairing lubricating or inspecting disengageall controlsandstop engine Wa...

Страница 16: ...eater clothesdryeror gas appliance Preparing Snow Thrower Whenstoringthe snowthrowerinanunventilatedor metalstorage shed careshouldbetakento rustprooftheequipment Usinga light oilor silicone coatthe equipment especiallyanychains springs bearingsandcables Removeall dirtfromexteriorof engineand equipment Followlubricationrecommendations Storeequipmentina clean dry area CAUTION Alcohol blended fuels ...

Страница 17: ...nddisconnectspark plugwire Tightenallboltsandnuts Ifvibration continues haveunit servicedbya SearsParts RepairCenter Loss of power i spark p ugWire _ose i connect andtightensparkp ugWirel 2 Gascapventholeplugged 2 Removeice andsnowfromgas cap Be certain Unitfails to propel itself 1 Drivecontrolcable inneedof adjustment 2 Drivebelt looseordamaged 3 ContactSearsParts RepairCenter 1 Adjustdrive contr...

Страница 18: ...QI 18 ...

Страница 19: ...93 Auger GearboxAssembly 1 12 732 04111 ChuteAdjustmentSpring 1 36 684 04113 AugerAssembly LH 2 13 712 04064 FlangeLockNut 1 4 20 5 37 684 04114 AugerAssembly RH 2 14 731 2643 Clean outTool 1 38 684 04165 Auger Housing 24 1 18 731 2635 Clean outTool Mount 1 39 714 04040 BowTie CotterPin 72 4 16 725 0157 CableTie 1 40 731 04870 Spacer 1 25x 75x 1 00 4 17 710 0134 CarriageScrew1 4 20x 0 62 5 41 736 ...

Страница 20: ... _ 20 ...

Страница 21: ...wr 1 18 714 0116 Cotter Pin 1 8x 1 0 2 58 731 08389A SpeedSelectorHousing Upr 1 19 714 04040 BowTie Cotter Pin 72 2 56 731 08360 i SpeedSelectorHousing Lever 1 20 715 0249 Roll Pin 1 67 732 0627 I 6 SpeedShiftLeverSpring 1 21 717 04066A Pinion14T 1 68 746 04244 SpeedControl Cable 1 22 717 04073A Gear70T 1 59 710 04329 Screw 169x 610 2 23 732 0409 ExtensionSpring 1 60 736 3092 FlatWasher 266x 1 0x ...

Страница 22: ...Tecumseh 5 5 H P Engine LH195SP 67517D i61 i24 i 3_ li81 20 3 _ _ J 287 390 90 327 E _4 262 _ 355 22 ...

Страница 23: Set 0100 1 130 6021A Screw 5 16 18x 1 1 2 2 Piston Pin Ring Set 020OS 1 130A 650694A Screw 5 16 18x 2 5 Piston PinAss y Std Incl 43 1 130B 650737 Screw 1 4 20x 1 2 2 Piston PinAss y 010OS Incl 43 1 130B 650818 Screw 5 16 18x 1 1 2 1 Piston PinAss y 020OS Incl 43 1 135 35395 ResistorSparkPlug RJ19LM 1 RingSet Std 1 150 31672 ValveSpring 2 RingSet 010OS 1 151 31673 ValveSpringCap 2 RingSet 020OS...

Страница 24: ... 11 120V StarterKit 18 watt flywheelw ringgear 18 wattalternator and Includedinthis GasketSet mounting Ref No Part No Description Qty 312 27625 Oil Fill Plug Incl 312 1 313 34080 Spacer 1 319 650735 Screw 10 24x 3 8 1 328 35062 IgnitionKey 2 329A 651060 Screw 8 32x 23 64 1 335 35072 CarburetorCover 1 338 650257 Screw 8 32x 5 16 2 340 36247 FuelTankBracket 1 342A 650675 Washer 2 345 33344 HeatBaffl...

Страница 25: 1 15 630735 ChokePositioningSpring 1 16 631807 FuelFitting 1 17 651025 ThrottleCrackScrew IdleSpeedScrew 1 18 630766 TensionSpring 1 20 640027 IdleRestrictorScrew 1 20A 640053 IdleRestrictorScrewCap 1 27 631024 FloatShaft 1 1 28 632802 Float Plastic 1 29 631028 FloatBowlO Ring1 1 30 631021A InletNeedle Seat Clip Incl 31 1 1 31 631022 SpringClip 1 36 632745 MainNozzleTube 1 37 632547 O Ring Main...

Страница 26: ...26 ...

Страница 27: ...AUCION antes de utilizar este producto lea este manual y siga todas las reglas de seguridad y las instrucciones de funcionamiento SEGURIDAD MONTAJE OPERACION MANTENIMIENTO LISTADO DE PIEZAS ESPANOL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 EE UU Visite nuestro sitio web www sears corn craftsrnan NOdeFORMULARIO 769 01910B 5 31 2006 ...

Страница 28: ...ara brindarmuchosahosde funcionamiento confiable Perocomotodoslosproductosa vecespuederequerirderepara clones Esen esemomentocuandoel disponerde unacuerdode protecci6nparareparacioneslepuedeahorrardineroy problemas A continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosen elacuerdo Servicioexpertoprestadopor nuestros12 000especialistasen reparaciones profesionales Servicioilimitadosincargoparalas piezasy la m...

Страница 29: ...a este sirnbolo SIGA LA ADVERTENCIA Su responsabilidad Esta rn_ quinaelectrica s61opueden usarla las personas que Jean cornprendany respetenlas advertenciase instrucciones que aparecen en este manual yen la rn_ quina AVOID SERIOUS INJURY FROM TIRE RIM EXPLOSION TO PREVENT0VER INFLATION USEA MANUAL PUMP OR PORTABLE ELECTRIC TIRE INFLATOR NEVER USEAN AIR COMPRESSOR INFLATETIRE TO 20 PSI Herramientad...

Страница 30: ...ry la maquinaseadaptena latemperaturaexteriorantes de comenzara sacarla nieve 9 Para evitar lesiones personales odaSos materiales seasumamente cuidadoso al manipular lagasolina Lagasdina esaltamente inflamable ysus vapores pueden causar explosiones Sepuede lesionar gravemente siderrama gasolina sobre usted osobre la ropa yaquesepuede prender fuego IAvese lapiel ycambiese deropa deinmediato a Utili...

Страница 31: ...aadecuada Remitasea las seccionesdemantenimientoy ajustedeestemanual 2 Antesde realizarlalimpieza repararo revisarla maquina desengrane todas las palancasdecontroly detengael motor Esperea que la barrena motorse detengaporcompleto Desconecteelcable dela bujfay pongalode maneraque hagamasacontra el motorparaevitar quese enciendade maneraaccidental 3 Controlefrecuentementequetodos los pernosy tornil...

Страница 32: ...e empotradosde la derechadel mangoinferiorhastael miembroenfadadodelmango inferior Abandoneel segundolazode cableenel lugar IMPORTANTE ser_ necesariolevantarel mango superior deslizando estelazode cableparaprevenirel dafio al cable 4 Levantarel mangosuperiory colocarlosobreel mangoinferior alineandolos agujerosdondelas perillasdefueronquitadas PRECAUClON Procureno doblarse o vueltalos cables 5 Int...

Страница 33: ...azo decablecomoinstruidoenla p_tgina 3 C6mo dirigir el cable de transmisi6n 1 Elcabledetransmisi6ny elcablede la barrenase dirigena traves de la cajadecontroldevelocidaden el ladoizquierdode la manija Elcablede labarrenay el cabledecontroldevelocidadse dirigen despueshaciala manijainferiorizquierda Elcablede transmisl6n se dirigea travesde laparte superiorde lamanijasuperiory por Oltimo haciaabajo...

Страница 34: instrucciones con cuidado y realicetodoslos ajustes paraverificarquesu m_tquina quitanieve operade formaseguray adecuada Manija del canal Ladirecci6nenquese arrojala nievecorrespondea ladirecci6nde aperturadelcanal Usela manijadelcanalparagirarel montajedel canalenla direcci6nenla quedeseequitarla neve PerilJa del canal Esposibleajustarladistanciaa lacual se arrojala nieveelevandoo bajandoel ca...

Страница 35: ...urade mit6nparaunf_tcilacceso usandoguanteso mitones Llave de encendido LaIlavedeencendidoes necesariaparaarrancarel motor Inserte laIlavey ajOstela en su lugar nola gireparaarrancar detenerla unidad Retirela Ilavecuandono usela unidad Cebador AIpresionar eloebador seenvfa combustible directamente al u_ _A _ uuH carburadordelmotorparaayudaral encendidocuando el climaesfrio Consultelas instruccione...

Страница 36: ... laranurade encendidohastaqueencajea presi6nensu lugar No girela Ilave 5 Roteel controlde obturaci6na posici6nFULLdelobturador 6 Presioneel bot6ndelcebadormientrascubreel agujerode ventilaci6n Quitesu dedodelcebadorentre uncebadoy otro No cebe si la temperatura superalos 50 F cebedos vecesentre50 F y 15 F y cebe cuatrovecespordebajode 15 R 7 Tomela manijadel arrancadory saquecuerdalentamentehasta ...

Страница 37: ...gura el canaly laaberturadel canal Sigalos pasosqueaparecendebajo paraoperarla _ DVERTENCIA detenga el motor moviendo la palancadelestrangulador a la posici6nde parada y esperea quetodas las partesm6viles se detengan antesde utilizar la herramientade limpieza 1 Sueltelos controlesde labarrenay latransmisi6n 2 Detengael motormoviendolapalancadelestrangulador a la posici6nde parada 3 Saquelaherramie...

Страница 38: ... los pasadoresse cortan Consultelafigura 10 Silasbarrenas nogiran verifique si lospasadores se cortaron Sies necesario reemplaoe conlospasadores decuchilla adecuados Consulte elelemento 42enlap_ gina 19paraconocer el nOmero departe IMPORTANTE noreemplace NUNCA lospasadores decuchilla por pasadores est_ ndar o sujetadores Cualquier dafloquesufraelengranaje delabarrena ocualquier otrocomponente pore...

Страница 39: ... y desliceel soportecompleta mentehaciadelanteparaIograrel dtximo juegoenel cablede la barrena Yealafigura 12 2 Retireeltornillode lacubiertade lacorreautilizandounaIlave de 5 16con extensi6ny elevelamismaligeramente Asimismo tambi_ndebesoltarlaaletade pl_ stico en el otroladoparaelevar Nointenteretirarlacubiertadela correade la unidadeneste momento Vealafigura 13 3 Aflojeeltornillodemontaje delac...

Страница 40: ...bicadoensuelo parejo el aceitedebeestarenla marcaFULL lleno de lavarilla delnivelde aceite FULLi Mantenga elnivel R2qR R_ deaceite entre 2 Detengael motory esperevarios _ _J Full lleno yADD agregue minutosantesde verificarel nivel deaceite Saqueeltap6n de ADD cargadeaceitey la varilladel niveldeaceite 3 Limpielavarilladel nivelde aceite insertelaenel orificiode cargade aceitey ajOstela bien 4 Saqu...

Страница 41: ...Cambielabujiasi los electrodosest_mpicados quemadoso la porcelanaester rota J NOTA no lie labu ia Sedebenlimpiarlas buias medianteraspadoo talladocon cep o deaambrey avadocon unso ventecomercla Siga el cronograrna de mantenimiento que se presenta a continuaci6n AIgunos ajustes deben set realizados peri6di carnente para el mantenimiento adecuado de la unidad Revise peri6dicamente todos los sujetado...

Страница 42: ...o de un recipiente aprobado en un lugar exterior lejos de todo tipo de fuego Compruebe que el motor est_ fdo No fume El combustible que se deje en el motor se deteriora cuando el clima es c _lido y causa graves problemasde encendido 1 Pongaelmotor enmarcha hasta vaciar eldep6sitodecombustible y hasta queelmotor se detengadebido alafaltadecombustible NOTA El usode estabilizadores decombustible como...

Страница 43: ...ecteel cablede labujia Ajuste todos lospernosy las tuercas Sila vibraci6ncontintJa Ilevelaunidad a reparara un centrode partesy reparaci6nSears P_rdida de potencia ElCabledela bujiaesta flojo Conecte y ajusteel Cable de labuji 2 ElorifiOiO deVentilaci6n deltap6n 2 Retire elhielo y ianievedeltap6nde de lenadode ombustibleest I enado delcombustible Compruebe que obstruidol elorifiCio deventi aci6n n...

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