Craftsman 247.883981 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 31

Содержание 247.883981

Страница 1: ...efore using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY o ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 08169B June 18 2013 ...

Страница 2: ... repairresultingfromnormalwear accident or improper operationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse including but notlimitedto damagecausedbyover speeding the engine or from impacting objectsthat bendthe frame augershaft etc Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbutnot limitedto electricaland mechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage failureto usethe propergradeanda...

Страница 3: ... PREPARATION Thoroughly inspect theareawheretheequipmentisto beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbytheauger impeller Always wearsafetyglasses oreyeshields duringoperation andwhile performinganadjustment or repairto protectyoureyes Thrown objects whichricochetcancause serious injury to theeyes Donotoperate without wearingade...

Страница 4: ...ector openings Donotunclog chuteassembly whileengineis running Shutoff engine andremainbehind handles until allmovingpartshavestoppedbefore unclogging Use onlyattachments andaccessories approved bythemanufacturer e g wheelweights tirechains cabs etc Whenstartingengine pull cordslowlyuntil resistance isfelt thenpull rapidly Rapid retractionofstartercord kickback will pullhandandarm towardenginefast...

Страница 5: ...E REGARDING EMiSSiONS Engines which are certified to complywith Californiaandfederal EPA emissionregulationsfor SORE SmallOff RoadEquipment arecertified to operateonregularunleadedgasoline and mayinclude the following emissioncontrolsystems Engine Modification EM OxidizingCatalyst 0C Secondary Air injection SAI andThreeWayCatalyst TWC ifsoequipped SPARK ARRESTOR e Thismachineisequippedwith aninter...

Страница 6: ...mpeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust conta...

Страница 7: ...thetwo piecechutecrankto the lowerhandle The cabletie is usedforshippingpurposes Remove theupperwingknobandcarriage boltfromeach sideofthe lowerhandle Pulluponupperhandle asshown in Figure 1 Alignupperhandlewith thelowerhandle Again makecertainthesprings at thelowerendof theaugerand drivecables aresecurely hookedintotheirrespective actuatorbrackets Also remove anyrubberbands securing thecables to ...

Страница 8: ...huteassembly Achuteclean out tool isfastened to thetopof theaugerhousingwitha mounting clip SeeFigure 6 The toolis designed to clearachuteassembly of iceandsnow Thisitemisfastened with acabletie at thefactoryforshippingpurposes Youmay cut thecabletie at thistime Figure4 4 If notalready done slipthecables that runfromthe handlepanelto the discharge chuteintothecableguideontopof theengine SeeFigure ...

Страница 9: ...rposes Check thetirepressure before operatingthesnowthrower Refer to thetiresidewall for manufactures s recommended psianddeflate orinflate thetiresasnecessary NOTE Equal tirepressure isto bemaintained atalltimesfor performance purposes FuelRecommendations Use automotive gasoline unleaded orlowleaded to minimizecombustion chamber deposits with aminimumof87octane Gasoline with upto 10 ethanolor15 M...

Страница 10: ...seethe Maintenance Section oftheengine operator s manualincluded with thesnowthrower Figure10 CheckingOilLevelonEngines with threaded OilFill Caps NOTE Besureto check theengineona levelsurface with theenginestopped Toavoidenginedamage it isimportantto Check oillevelbefore eachuseandevery5 operatinghourswhenengineis warm Check oillevel morefrequentlyduringenginebreak in Keep oil levelbetween H and ...

Страница 11: ...theentirebottomsurface of skidshoes areagainsttheground to avoiduneven wearontheskidshoes thentightennutsandboltssecurely Priorto operatingyoursnowthrower carefullyreadandfollowallinstructions below Perform alladjustments to verifyyoursnowthrowerisoperatingsafely andproperly TestingAugerDriveControl Whentheaugercontrolis released andinthedisengaged up position thecable shouldhaveverylittle slack b...

Страница 12: ...hecable fromitsrespective actuator bracket Refer to Figure 14 Rearward mostholeofthe actuator brackets Figure 14 2 S de thespringupthecab e to expose thecab e coup er threads and ock nut Referto Figure 15 J Figure15 Ifadjustingthedrivecable threadthelocknutoutward downthecoupler towardstheendof thethread to lengthen thecableandallowtheun tto movefreelywhenthecontrol sreleased Thread thelocknut inw...

Страница 13: ...forward F speeds Positionone 1 is theslowest andpositionsix 6 isthefastest Reverse Your snowthrowerhastwo reverse R speeds One 1 istheslower andtwo 2 isthefaster 6 5 4 3 t 2 F1 R1 R2 16 ChokeControl Thechokecontrolisfoundontherearof theengineandis activatedbyrotatingtheknobcounter clockwise Activating thechokecontrolcloses thechokeplateonthecarburetor andaidsinstartingtheengine Key Thekeyisasafety...

Страница 14: ...ersandstartsnowthrowingaction Release to stop DriveControl Auger Control Lock DRIVE CONTROL J Thewheeldrivecontrolislocated ontherighthandle Squeeze thecontrolgrip againstthehandle to engage thewheeldrive Release to stop TheWheeldrive controlalsolockstheaugercontrolsoyoucanoperatethechutedirectional control without interruptingthesnowthrowingprocess If theaugercontrolisengaged simultaneously with ...

Страница 15: ...l instructions andwarningsonthe machine and inthis manualbeforeoperating Oil Theunitwasshipped with oilin theengine Check oil levelbefore eachoperation to ensureadequate oil intheengine Forfurtherinstructions referto theService Maintenance sectionof thismanual NOTE Besureto check theengineona levelsurface with theenginestopped 1 Remove theoilfiller cap dipstick andwipethedipstick clean 2 Insertthe...

Страница 16: ...hing Ifengineiswarm pushprimeronlyonce Always coverventholewhen pushing Coolweathermayrequireprimingto berepeated 4 Pullgentlyonthestarter handle until it begins to resist thenpullquicklyand forcefully to overcome thecompression Engine shouldstart Donotrelease the handle andallowitto snapback Return ropeSLOWLY to originalposition If required repeat thisstep 5 Astheenginewarms slowlyrotatethechokec...

Страница 17: Doingsowi resultin premature wearto the snowthrower sdrivesystem ToEngageAuger 1 Toengage theaugerandstart throwingsnow squeeze theaugercontrol against theleft handle Release to stoptheaugers Replacing ShearPins Theaugersaresecured tothespiralshaftwith shearpinsandbow tiecotterpins Iftheaugershouldstrikeaforeignobjector kejam thesnowthrowerisdesigned sothatthepinsmayshear Iftheaugers will nott...

Страница 18: ... Change Lube with light oil Change Clean andre gap orelsereplace with new plug Run engineuntil itstopsfromlackof fuel oradda gasoline additiveto thegasin thetank Changing Engine Oil Figure18 Whenaddingoilto theengine referto viscosity chartbelow Engine oilcapacity isapproximately 37ounces Donotover fill Use a4 stroke oranequivalenthigh detergent premiumqualitymotoroilcertifiedto meetorexceed U S a...

Страница 19: ...oonaspossibleafter handling usedoil Checking Spark Plug DONOT checkfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved DO NOT crankenginewith sparkplugremoved Ifthe enginehasbeenrunning the muffler will beveryhot Becarefulnot to touchthe muffler NOTE Check thesparkplugonceaseason orevery25hoursof operation Change thesparkplugonceaseason orevery100hours Toensureproper engineoperation thesparkplugmustbeproperlygapped an...

Страница 20: ...el 4 At leastonceaseason grease thewheelaxlewith Arcticgrease part number 737 0318 Thegrease fitting islocatedonthewheelaxletubebehindthe wheelaxlesupportbracket Wheels At leastonceaseason remove bothwheels Clean andcoattheaxles with a multipurpose automotive grease beforereinstalling wheels Chute Directional Control Once aseason lubricatetheeyeboltbushingandthespiralwith 3 in 1oil Auger Shaft At ...

Страница 21: ...elsofthehousing 4 Withthemountingholestowardthe back of theunit slidethenewshave plateintopositionandsecure withthefasteners removed previously J Figure24 Adjustments Shift Cable If thefull rangeof speeds forwardandreverse cannotbeachieved referto the Figure 25andadjusttheshift cableasfollows 1 Place theshift leverinthefastestforwardspeed position 2 Loosen thehex nutontheshift cableindexbracket Se...

Страница 22: ...eskidshoes Tire Pressure Refer to theAssembly sectionfor instructions onadjustingthetirepressure Belt replacement Belt Removal Preparation 1 Remove thechutecrankrodfromthechutecrankassembly byremoving the hairpinclipshowninFigure 29 Movethechutecrankrodawayfromthe assembly asshown 2 Remove threeself tapscrews onbothsides of thetransmission housing as showninFigure 29 f Figure28 4 If thereisnofrict...

Страница 23: ...eFigure 33 3 From both sides of thetheframeassembly usea 1 2 wrench to remove thethreehextapscrews securing theframeto theaugerhousing assembly Referback to Figure 29 NOTE Donotremove thelowerhexflangelocknutoneachside Figure34 5 Block theimpeller withapieceofwoodto prevent itfromspinning andusea 1 2 wrench to remove thehexscrew andflat washer fromthecenter of the pulleyontheaugerhousing See AinFi...

Страница 24: ...nthe disengaged position thetopsurface of thenewbeltshouldbeevenwith the outside diameterof thepulley Toadjust disconnect ferrulefrombrakebracketassembly Thread ferrulein towards idler to increase tension onbelt oroutto decrease belttension NOTE Thebrakepuckmustalwaysbefirmlyseatedinthepulleygroovewhen augercontrolisdisengaged IMPORTANT Repeat the AugerDriveControl Test fromtheAssembly section bef...

Страница 25: ...tionwheelassembly 11 Aftermaking certainthatthechainisonboththelargeandthesmall sprocket alignthehexshaftwith thehexhubof thesmallsprocket and slidetheshaftthroughthesprocket NOTE Ifthesprocket fellfromthesnowthrowerwhileremoving thehex shaft place thesprocket onthechain Realign thesprocket onthechainwith thehexhubfacingtheright sideof unit Position thehexhubof thesprocket towardthefrictionwheelwh...

Страница 26: ...isfromaround engine andunder around andbehindmuffler Applya lightfilm ofoil onanyareas that aresusceptible to rust Storeinaclean dryandwell ventilatedareaawayfromanyappliance that operates with aflameorpilot light suchasa furnace waterheater or clothesdryer Avoidanyareawitha sparkproducing electricmotor orwhere powertoolsareoperated If possible avoidstorage areas with highhumidity Keep theenginele...

Страница 27: ...ition 2 Filltankwith clean freshgasoline 3 Drainfueltankby runningengineuntil it stops Refill withfreshfuel 4 ContactyourSearsParts RepairCenter 1 Stopengineimmediately and disconnectsparkplug wire Tightenall boltsand nuts Ifvibrationcontinues haveunit servicedbya SearsParts RepairCenter 1 Connectandtightensparkplugwire 2 Removeiceand snowfromgascap Becertainvent holeis clear 1 Adjustdrivecontrolc...

Страница 28: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247 883981 34 67 21 30 52 16 26 38 15 47 56 21 21 lO 59 11 26 42 I 62 22 24 23 7O 25 24 69 70 61 49 32 44 73 28 ...

Страница 29: ...p Mounting 34 931 2643 Tool Cleanout 35 732 0858 Spring Extension 36 936 0159 Washer 349x 879x 063 37 736 0174 Washer 625x 885x 015 D W O 736 0505 Washer Flat 34x 1 50x 150 39 950 04020 Spacer 1 004x 1 375x 25 40 921 0146 Oil Seal 41 936 3008 Washer 344x 75x 12 42 736 3046A Washer 1 01x 1 86x 06 43 938 0281 Screw Shoulder 625x 17 44 738 04155 Pin Shear 25x 1 75 45 738 04159 Axle Spiral 45 46 741 0...

Страница 30: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 883981 64 sl 56 52 79 79 43 21 15 13 31 _ 33 32 3O 3O ...

Страница 31: ... CableTie 29 731 06113 Trigger 30 738 04126 Pin 3 16 31 710 04022 Hex HeadScrew MB 1 25 32 732 04677 CableGuide 33 936 0264 FiatWasher 330x 630x 0635 34 984 04230 2 WayChuteControl TM Assy 50 684 04111B HandleEngageAssy LH 51 684 04112B HandleEngageAssy RH 52 684 04250 RodAss y ClutchLockPivot 53 710 04326 Screw 8 16x 0 50 54 710 04586 Screw 1 4 20x 1 625 55 710 0837 ABScrew 10 16 56 710 1233 Scre...

Страница 32: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247 883981 81 100 8Q 77 53 _101 78 35 26 11 37 27 7 15 7O 55 24 31 31 51 71 1 12 32 ...

Страница 33: ...te 47 738 0924A Screw HexShldr 1 4 28 48 741 0163A Ass y Bearing Housing 49 941 04025 Bearing SelfAligning 50 741 04108 Bearing HexFlange 51 941 0563 Bearing Ball 52 741 0747 Bush Fig 5625IDx 1 375x 4375 53 741 0748 Bush Fig 5 ID x 627OD 54 746 04337A Cable Steering 55 946 0951A Cable AugerIdler 56 747 0973 Rod DriveClutch 57 750 04703 Spacer 1 01x 1 50x 93 58 750 04717 Spacer 49x 7 865 59 750 047...

Страница 34: ...ShoulderSpacer 3175x 500x 094 91 750 04571 ShoulderSpacer 260x 785x 538 92 750 04821 ShoulderSpacer 340x 1 00 93 750 05316 Spacer 1 02x 1 63x 1425 94 954 04194A V Belt 4Lx 44 60 95 954 04202 V Belt 3 8 x 36 68 96 756 04224 Pulley Fiatidler 2 75 OD 97 756 0241B DoublePulley 3 25x 2 75 98 784 0385D Bracket Augeridler 99 790 00167A 0637 Belt KeeperBracket 100 790 00208C idler DriveWheelBracket 101 79...


Страница 36: ...11595 731 05632 951 10637 951 11302 710 04914 951 11181 951 11321 710 04968 951 11338 712 05015 951 11311 710 04915 D I II Bolt M6x12 MufflerShield Bolt M6x12 ThrottleControlKnob ControlPanel Key KeySwitchAssembly ChokeKnob Bolt M6xlO ExhaustPipeShield CarburetorHeatShield Bolt M6x16 MufflerAssembly Nut M8 ThrottleControlAssembly Bolt M6x12 36 ...

Страница 37: ...erAssembly PrimerBulb HeaterBox ChokeAssembly LockWasher NutM6 Carburetor RebuildKit Incl h l n o p q r s t v x ChokeShaft ChokeControlLeverWasher FuelShutoffLeverScrew ChokePlate ThrottleShaft ThrottlePlate Gasket m g h h I J k I m n o P q r s t U V W X Y n a n a n a n a n a 751 11991 951 11906 n a n a n a n a n a n a n a 951 11970 n a 951 11348 710 04945 951 11349 710 04938 D O e ThrottleShaftCo...

Страница 38: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 490 SUB For Snow IViodel 247 883981 61 141 140 44 42 4O I 43 42 144 Gasket Kit Complete 145 Gasket Kit External 146 Complete Engine 49 38 ...

Страница 39: ...eCoverGasket Washer Oil FillPlugAssembly O Ring CrankcaseCover CrankcaseCoverKit Inc 49 59 60 64 68 Oil Seal Bolt M8x38 Bolt M8x45 m 68 69 7O 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8O 81 140 141 143 144 145 146 710 06063 710 04968 951 11320 710 05349 951 11381 951 12073 951 11904 951 11971A 951 11359A 951 11360A 951 11350 736 04440 710 04906 951 11499 951 12095 951 11969 951 10641 951 11362 951 11363 952Z490 SUB...

Страница 40: ...Craftsman Engine Model 490 SUB For Snow Model 247 883981 142 123 123 123 123 _126b _ 126a 14S GasketKit xternal 146 Complete ngine 4O ...

Страница 41: ...8 5 MufflerStudAssembly BoltM10x1 25x87 BoltM10x1 25x65 IntakeValveSeal IntakeValveSpringRetainer ValveSpring ExhaustValveSpringRetainer m 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126a 126b 127 128 142 144 145 146 951 12081 951 11965 951 11981 710 04962 951 11966 751 11123 751 11124 710 05054 951 11220 951 11967 731 07059 726 04101 951 11317 710 04915 951 11333 951 11362 951 11363 952Z490 SUB D O O...

Страница 42: ...556 D O ScrewM4X55 ElectricStarter Bolt M8x55 IgnitionCoilAssembly IgnitionCoil Bolt AlternatorAssembly Bolt M6x30 Bolt M6x8 AlternatorWireClampBracket Flywheel m 89 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 98 951 11313 951 11314 712 04220 710 04968 710 04915 951 11211 951 14223 736 04455 710 04974 D O CoolingFan StarterCup FlywheelNut M14x1 5 Bolt M6x16 Bolt M6x12 BlowerHousing RecoilStarterAssembly FlatWasher Bolt ...

Страница 43: ... Assembly FuelLevelIndicator BoltM8x20 Bushing Slot Bushing Rnd FuelTankAssembly FuelTankShroud FuelTankMountingBracket EngineShroud BoltM6x16 Bush m 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 951 11336 951 11700 710 04921 951 11182 712 04212 710 04908 951 11307 951 11306 951 11203 951 11309 m O O FuelLineKit FuelHoseClamp Bolt M8x14 FuelTankMountingBracket FlangeNutM6 GovernorArm Bolt M6X21 GovernorArm Govern...

Страница 44: ...od ucts com GENERAL EMISSIONS WARRANTY COVERAGE MTD Consumer Group Inc warrants to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the outdoor equipment engine is 1 designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and 2 free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part for a period of two years The warranty period begins...

Страница 45: ...lacement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road engine and equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering S...

Страница 46: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Страница 47: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Страница 48: ...carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR...
