Craftsman 247.883951 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11

Содержание 247.883951

Страница 1: this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY o ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormI o 769 08200B June 10 2013 ...

Страница 2: ...shave plate shear pins spark plug aircleaner belts andoilfilter Standard maintenance servicing oilchanges ortune ups Tirereplacement orrepaircaused bypunctures fromoutside objects such asnails thorns stumps orglass Tireorwheelreplacement orrepair resulting fromnormalwear accident orimproper operation ormaintenance Repairs necessary because ofoperator abuse including butnot limited to damage caused...

Страница 3: ... PREPARATION Thoroughly inspect theareawheretheequipmentisto beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbytheauger impeller Always wearsafetyglasses oreyeshields duringoperation andwhile performinganadjustment or repairto protectyoureyes Thrown objects whichricochetcancause serious injury to theeyes Donotoperate without wearingade...

Страница 4: ...lector openings Donotunclog chuteassembly whileengineis running Shutoff engine andremainbehind handles until allmovingpartshavestoppedbefore unclogging Use onlyattachments andaccessories approved bythemanufacturer e g wheelweights tirechains cabs etc Whenstartingengine pull cordslowlyuntil resistance isfelt thenpull rapidly Rapid retractionofstartercord kickback will pullhandandarm towardenginefas...

Страница 5: ...E REGARDING EMiSSiONS Engines which are certified to complywith Californiaandfederal EPA emissionregulationsfor SORE SmallOff RoadEquipment arecertified to operateonregularunleadedgasoline and mayinclude the following emissioncontrolsystems Engine Modification EM OxidizingCatalyst 0C Secondary Air injection SAI andThreeWayCatalyst TWC ifsoequipped SPARK ARRESTOR e Thismachineisequippedwith aninter...

Страница 6: ...mpeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust conta...

Страница 7: ...This page left intentionallyblank 7 ...

Страница 8: ...votingthehandleupward a Place theshift everintheF6position b Pullupandbackonupperhandleasshownin Figure 1 Asyouare raisingthehandleupward makesurethat bothendsof thecenter cablearepositionedproperly inthe brackets Alignupperhandle withthe lowerhandle c Tighten handknobs securingupperhandleto lowerhandle Remove anddiscard anyrubberbands if present They arefor packaging purposes only Remove cotterpi...

Страница 9: ...thechuteby handto faceforward Theholesinthechutecontrolinputwill befacingup SeeFigure 5 NOTE The chutewill not rotatewithoutsqueezing thetriggeronthejoystick 6 Rotatethejoysticktotheoneo clock positionsothesliverindicator arrowon theinputshaftbelowthecontrolpanelpointsupward SeeFigure 6 NOTE The joystickwill beangledslightlyto theright SeeFigure 5 Figure 6 f Figure 4 TopView Figure 5 f _ FrontView...

Страница 10: ...hthechutecontrolrodbacktowardsthehandlepaneluntil the holeintherodlinesupwith theholeinthechutecontrolinputclosest to the chutecontrolhead Insertthecotterpin SeeFigure 8 NOTE Thesecond holeisusedto achieve furtherengagement of the chutecontrolrodintotheinputshaftifrequired andcanbeusedlater foradjustmentifthechutedoesnotfully rotate Referto theService Maintenance section for ChuteControl Rod adjus...

Страница 11: ...ontrolisnotassembled correctlyitwill notmovefreely norwill it movefully to therightandleft Set Up ShearPins Holes arelocated intheplastic dashpanelfor convenient shearpinstorage See Figure 11 Refer to theOperation sectionfor moreinformationregarding shearpin replacement S Figure 10 J f Figure 11 J 11 ...

Страница 12: ...ttersaround andpositionthemasshowninFigure 13to the outside of theaugerhousing 3 Attachthedrift cutterswith thescrews andwingknobsremoved earlier See Figure 14 TirePressure Under anycircumstance do notexceedmanufacturer srecommendedpsi Equaltire pressureshouldbemaintainedat all times Excessive pressure when seatingbeadsmaycause tirelrim assemblyto burstwith force sufficient to causeseriousinjury R...

Страница 13: verify yoursnowthroweris operating safelyand properly Check theadjustmentoftheaugercontrolasfollows 1 Theaugercontrolislocated ontheleft handle SeeFigure 16inset When theaugercontrolisreleased andinthedisengaged up position thecable shouldhaveverylittle slack ItshouldNOT betight 2 Ina well ventilated area start thesnowthrowerengine Refer to Starting theEngine intheOperation section 3 Whilestand...

Страница 14: ...wthrowerhas two reverse R speeds One 1 istheslowerandtwo 2 R 1 isthefaster R 2 Drift Cutters ey 6 Thekeyisasafetydevice It mustbefully inserted in Ii 5 orderfor theenginetostart Remove thekeywhenthe snowthrowerisnotinuse _ O 4 NOTE Donotturn theignition keyinanattemptto start 3 theengine Doingsomaycause itto break t 2 ChokeControl activated byturning the rotarychoke knobto the CHOKE position Activ...

Страница 15: ... DRIVE CONTROL Thedrivecontrolislocatedontheright handle Squeeze thecontrolgripagainst the handle to engage thewheeldrive Release to stop Thedrivecontrolalsolockstheaugercontrolsoyoucanoperatethechute directionalcontrolwithoutinterruptingthesnowthrowingprocess Iftheauger controlisengaged simultaneously withthedrivecontrol theoperator canrelease theaugercontrol ontheleft handle andtheaugerswill rem...

Страница 16: ...l in awell ventilated areawith theengine stopped Donotsmokeor allowflamesorsparks in thearea wheretheengineisrefueled orwhere gasoline isstored Donotoverfillthefueltank Afterrefueling makesurethetankcapisclosed properly andsecurely Becarefulnotto spillfuelwhenrefueling Spilled fuelorfuelvapormay ignite If anyfuelisspilled makesuretheareaisdry before startingthe engine Avoidrepeatedorprolonged cont...

Страница 17: ...oke into RUN position Toavoidunsupervisedengineoperation neverleavethe machine unattendedwith theenginerunning Turnthe engineoff after useand removekey Stopping TheEngine Afteryouhavefinishedsnow throwing runenginefor afewminutesbefore stoppingto helpdryoffany moisture ontheengine 1 Movethrottle controlto OFF position 2 Remove thekey Removing the keywill reduce thepossibility of unauthorized start...

Страница 18: ...ranequivalenthigh detergent premiumqualitymotoroilcertifiedto meetorexceed U S automobile manufacturer s requirements forservice classification SG SF Motoroilsclassified SG SF will showthisdesignation onthecontainer 1 Remove theoilfiller cap dipstkkandwipethedipstickclean 2 Insertthecap dipstick intotheoilfiller neck butdoNOT screwit in 3 Remove theoilfiller cap dipstick Iflevelis low slowlyaddoil...

Страница 19: ...deposits 1 Remove thesparkplugbootandusea sparkplugwrenchto remove the plug SeeFigure 21 2 Visually inspectthesparkplug Discard thesparkplugifthereisapparent wear orif theinsulatoriscracked orchipped Clean thesparkplugwith a wirebrushifit isto bereused 3 Measure thepluggapwith afeelergauge Correct asnecessary bybending sideelectrode SeeFigure 22 Thegapshouldbesetto 02 03 inches 0 60 0 80mm 4 Check...

Страница 20: AugerShaft Atleastonceaseason remove theshearpinsonaugershaft Spray lubricantinside shaft andaroundthespacers andflangebearings foundat eitherendof theshaft SeeFigure 24 ShavePlate and Skid Shoes Theshave plateandskidshoes onthebottomofthesnowthroweraresubjectto wear Theyshouldbechecked periodically andreplaced whennecessary flOTE Theskidshoes onthismachine havetwo wearedges Whenonesidewears ou...

Страница 21: ...ower forward Thewheelsshouldnotturn Theunitshouldnotroll freely 3 Withthedrivecontrolreleased movetheshift leverback andforthbetween theR2positionandthe F6positionseveral times There shouldbeno resistance intheshift lever 4 If anyof theabove testsfailed thedrivecableisinneedof adjustment Proceed asfollows a Shutoff theengineasinstructed inthe Operation section b Loosen thelowerhexboltonthedrivecab...

Страница 22: ...1 Topreventspillage remove allfuelfromtankbyrunningengineuntil it stops 2 Remove theplasticbeltcoveronthefrontof theenginebyremoving thetwo self tapping screws SeeFigure 29 3 Rolltheaugerbeltoffthe enginepulley SeeFigure 30 4 Carefully pivotthesnowthrowerupandforwardsothat it restsontheauger housing 5 Remove theframecoverfromtheunderside of thesnowthrowerby removing fourself tappingscrews whichsec...

Страница 23: ...beltreplaced FrictionWheelinspection If thesnowthrowerfailsto drivewith thedrivecontrolengaged andperforming theDrive ControlCable Adjustment failsto correctthe problem thefrictionwheel mayneedto bereplaced Examine thefrictionwheelrubberforsignsof wearor cracking andreplace wheelifnecessary flOTE Several components mustberemoved andspecial toolsarerequired in order to replace thissnowthrower sfric...

Страница 24: ...isfromaround engine andunder around andbehindmuffler Applya lightfilm ofoil onanyareas that aresusceptible to rust Storeinaclean dryandwell ventilatedareaawayfromanyappliance that operates with aflameorpilot light suchasa furnace waterheater or clothesdryer Avoidanyareawitha sparkproducing electricmotor orwhere powertoolsareoperated PreparingSnowThrower Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin anunventilated ...

Страница 25: ...25 ...

Страница 26: ... models so equipped 1 Engine running on CHOKE 2 Stale fuel 3 Water or dirt in fuel system 4 Carburetor out of adjustment 5 Over governed engine 1 Loose parts or damaged auger 1 Spark plug wire loose 2 Gas cap vent hole plugged 1 Drive cable in need of adjustment 2 Drive belt loose or damaged 3 Worn friction wheel electric starter outlet and the other end to a three prong 120 volt grounded ACoutlet...

Страница 27: ...iately and disconnect spark plug wire Remove object from auger with clean out tool or a stick 3 Adjust auger control cable Refer to Assembly section 4 Replace auger belt Refer to Service and Maintenance section 5 Replace with new shear pin s 1 Disassemble chute control and reassemble as directed in the Assembly section NEED MORE HELP YotJU fir_ the _ swe a_ m _ Yeo_ _ _ _a_ a_emy f_eo_ _ fo_ free ...

Страница 28: ...Craftsman SnowThrower Model 247 883951 18 28 13 54 7 48 39 i27 39 _ 28 31 31 ...

Страница 29: ... ID Bearing Ball 75 ID x 1 85 OD Flat Pulley Idler 2 75 OD Housing Bearing 1 85 ID Bracket Auger Idler w Brake Gearbox Assembly Auger 28 Housing Assembly Auger 28 M 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 684 04107 4044 684 04108 4044 731 04870 736 0188 741 0493A 790 00087A 0637 790 00118 0691 731 05984A 918 0123A 918 0124A 921 0338 741 0662 710 0642 711...

Страница 30: ...Craftsman SnowThrower Model 247 883951 27 s 27 3O ...

Страница 31: ...5 Roll Pin Chute Rod Hex Screw 1 4 20 x 3 00 Flange Shoulder Screw 4 Way Chute Gearbox Assembly Flat Washer 25 x 630 x 0515 Wing Knob Flat Washer 349 x 879 x 063 Upper Chute Cotter Pin Clevis Pin Wing Nut 1 4 20 Chute Support Bracket Bow Tie Cotter Pin Flange Lock Nut 1 4 20 Flange Lock Nut 5 16 18 Cable Bracket Chute Tilt Cable Guide Carriage Bolt 5 16 18 x 1 50 Hi Lo Screw 1 4 15 x 75 Carriage B...

Страница 32: ...Craftsman SnowThrower Model 247 883951 12 2 3 31 45 61 _ 32 ...

Страница 33: ... Wing Knob Speed Selector Cable Flat Washer Click Pin Lower Handle Screw 5 16 18 x 0 75 Screw M8 1 25 Flat Washer 330 x 630 x 0635 Cable Control Wire m 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 N A 749 04191A 0637 710 04326 732 04219C 738 04126 716 04036 925 06095 710 I 652 731 06401 926 04012 756 04109 736 0505 738 04439 936 0119 684 04169 ...

Страница 34: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 883951 42 2 I 10 20 14 l 13 36 20 22 I 26 45 24 57 62 58 I 28 34 ...

Страница 35: ...16 24 x 0 75 Friction Wheel Support Brkt Assy Auger Cable Guide Bracket Spacer m 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 738 04184A 790 00316 0691 656 04055 918 06072 684 04153C 716 0136 726 0221 790 00183C 0691 932 0264 712 0417A 946 0956C 790 00528 0691 750 0767 712 04065 710 0751 790 00217A 0637 790 00218A 0637 712 04063 712 04064 618 0063...

Страница 36: ... 951 10757 951 11594 731 05632 951 10637 951 11302 710 04914 951 11181 951 11227 710 04968 951 11195 712 05015 D _ o 0 Bolt M6x12 Muffler Shield Bolt M6x12 Throttle Control Knob Control Panel Key Key Switch Assembly Choke Knob Bolt M6xlO Exhaust Pipe Shield Carb Isolator Bracket Bolt M6x16 Muffler Assembly Nut M8 36 ...

Страница 37: ... NutM6 Carburetor Kit Incl ij p q r s t u v x z n a 736 04638 710 05469 n a n a n a n a n a Choke Shaft LockWasher Screw M3x6 Choke Plate Throttle Shaft Throttle Plate Gasket Throttle Shaft Cover I J k I m n O P q r s t U V W X Y Z aa h i O P m n_ n_ n_ n_ 751 11991 D o o Idle Jet Rivet Idle Jet Assembly Idle Speed Adjusting Screw Primer Pipe Primer Hose 951 11906 n a n a n a n a n a n a n a 951 1...

Страница 38: ...Craftsman EngineModel478 SUBForSnowModel247 883951 68 142 Gasket Kit Complete 61 144 Complete Engine 418 42 38 ...

Страница 39: Crankcase Cover Gasket Washer 16x24xO 5 Oil Fill Plug Assembly O Ring Crankcase Cover Crankcase Cover Kit Incl 49 59 50 64 68 Oil Seal 30x46x8 m 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 142 143 144 710 04971 710 04972 710 05052 710 04968 951 11320 710 05349 951 11904 951 12073 951 11381 951 11971A 951 11230 951 11187 951 11350 736 04440 710 04906 751 11498 951 11209 951 11210 952Z478 SUB ID...

Страница 40: ...Craftsman EngineModel478 SUBForSnowModel247 883951 123 123 142 GasketKit Complete 143 6asker Kit External 144 Complete Engine 4O ...

Страница 41: ...0 952Z478 SUB D _ o o Valve Kit Tappet Push Rod Kit Cylinder Head Kit Inc1 107 111 112 125 Cylinder Head Assembly Inc1 101 102 105 107 109 122 124 129 132 Dowel Pin 12x20 Gasket Cylinder Head Spark Plug F6Rtc Exhaust Pipe Gasket Stud M8x48 5 Muffler Stud Assembly Bolt M10x1 25x80 Valve Seal Intake Valve Spring Retainer Intake Valve Spring Valve Spring Retainer Exhaust Lash Cap Push Rod Guide Rocke...

Страница 42: ...951 12090 D o o Bolt M4x55 Electric Starter Bolt M8x55 Ignition Coil Assembly Ignition Coil Bolt Alternator Assembly Bolt M6x30 Bolt M6x8 Wire Plate Flywheel 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 99 D oo 951 11217 951 11218 712 04220 710 04968 710 04915 951 11379 951 11208 736 04455 710 04974 Cooling Fan Starter Cup Nut Special M16x1 5 Bolt M6x16 Bolt M6x12 Blower Housing Recoil Starter Gasket 6 Bolt M6xlO 42 ...

Страница 43: ...ator Bolt M8x20 Bushing Bushing Fuel Tank Assembly Governor Cover Rear Mainting Bracket Assy Decorate Cover Bolt M6x16 Bush Fuel Line Kit 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 951 11700 710 04921 951 11182 712 04212 710 04908 ID o o Fuel Hose Clamp Bolt M8x14 Gas Tank Support Bracket Nut M6 Governor Arm Bolt 951 11231 951 11202 951 11203 951 11204 951 11213 710 04915 Governor Arm Governor Spring Thrott...

Страница 44: ...IOIAH3S HO ONIOOO1ONfl 390J38 03ddOIS 3AVH 81_JVdONIAOI_ IIV IIINNS310NVH QNIH38 NIVW3HONV NION3 dOIS 893A31 901nlo 30VON3810 _ 31fiND 9UVHOSIO OOlONfl Ol lOOl lflO NV 19 3Sfl Z 133d ONVSONVH31VlfldWV NVO 930flV 90 9Bll3dWI HIlM lOVlNOO B gflV ONVU3113dWI 9NllVlOU WOBdAVAAV d33H L 777S32236 777122339 777122363 STARTING INSTRUCTIONS 777D16338 777D19073 777D16340 777X43688 777122340 CONTAINING MORE ...

Страница 45: ...od ucts com GENERAL EMISSIONS WARRANTY COVERAGE MTD Consumer Group Inc warrants to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the outdoor equipment engine is 1 designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and 2 free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part for a period of two years The warranty period begins...

Страница 46: ...lacement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road engine and equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering S...

Страница 47: ...solution phonesupportfromaSears representative Thinkof usasa talking owner smanual Once youpurchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simplephonecallisallthat it takesforyouto schedule service You cancallanytimedayornight orschedule aservice appointment online TheRepair Protection Agreement isa risk free purchase If youcancel for anyreason duringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund...

Страница 48: ... laplaca deraspado lospasadores decuchilla labujia elfiltro deaire las correas yelfiltro deaceite Servicios demantenimiento est_ndar cambios deaceite oafinaci6n Cambio deneum_ticos oreparaciones porpinchaduras conobjetos externos como clavos espinas tocones ovidrios Reemplazo oreparaci6n deneum_ticos oruedas como resultado deldesgaste normal unaccidente ofuncionamiento omantenimiento incorrectos R...

Страница 49: ...nte Nopermitanunca quelosniffosmenores de14afrosutilicenestam_quina Losniffosde14afrosenadelante debenleeryentenderlasinstrucaones deoperaci6n y normas deseguridad contenidas enestemanual yenla m_quina ydeben serentrenados ysupervisados porunadulto Nunca permitaquelosadultos operenestam_quina sinredbirantesla instrucci6n apropiada Losobjetos arrojados porlam_quina pueden produarlesiones graves Pla...

Страница 50: ...sengrane cuandoselassuelta Nunca operelam_quina sifaltaunmontajedelcanalo sielmismoest_ daffado Mantenga todoslosdispositivos deseguridad ensulugaryen funcionamlento Nunca endendaelmotorenespados cerrados oenunazonaconpoca ventilad6n Elescape del motorcontienemon6xido decarbono ungas inodoro yletal Noutilicelam_quina bajolainfluendadel alcohololasdrogas Elsilendador yel motorsecalientan y pueden c...

Страница 51: ...or Segt nlaComisi6n deSeguddad deProductos paraelConsumidor delos Estados Unidos CPSC y laAgendadeProtecd6n AmbientaldelosEstados Unidos EPA esteproducto tieneunavidatitil mediadesiete 7 afros 6 60horas defuncionamiento AI finalizarlavidatitil media adquiera una m_quina nuevaohagainspeccionar anualmente _staporundistribuidorde servicio autodzadoparacerdorarse dequetodoslossistemas mec_nicos yde se...

Страница 52: ...ALADRO ROTATIVO No ponga manos o pies cerca del giro de partes en el alojamiento de taladro aspa o asamblea de tolva Contacto con las partes rotativas puede amputar manos y pies OBJETOS LANZADOS POR ADVERTENClA Esta m_quina puede recoger y lanzar objetos que pueden causar la herida personal seria GASOLINA DE ADVERTENClA ESINFLAMABLE Permita que el motor se enfrie al menos dos minutos antes del rea...

Страница 53: ...anijasuperior tal ycomose muestra enla Figura 1 Cuando ustedlevantaelmangohadaarriba asegtirese queambos finalesdelcabledecentrosoncolocados correctamente enlossoportes Alineelamanijasuperior conla manijainferior c Aprietelasperillasmanuales quesujetan la manijasuperior a la manijainferior Retire ydescarte todoslasbandas depl_stico siLas hubiera Onicamente seutJlizan paraelempaque Retireelpasador ...

Страница 54: ... delante Los orificios enelcabezal decontrol delcanal estar_n mirando hada arriba Yea laFigura 5 NO Elcanal nogirar_ sinque sehaya apretado eldisparador enlapalanca decontrol 6 Girelapalanca decontrola launaposici6n tanquelaflechaJndkadora plateada enelengranaje delpiff6npordebajodelpaneldecontrolseffale hadaarrlba Yeala Flgura 6 NOTA Lapalanca decontrolgirar_ligeramente hacia laderecha Yeala Figu...

Страница 55: ...l sealineeconelorifido enlaentrada decontroldelcanalIo m_s cerca posibledelcabezal decontroldelcanale inserte el pasador dechaveta VealaFigura 8 flOTA Elsegundo orificiopuedeutilizarsem_is tardepararealizar ajustes si elcanalnogiratotalmente Yealasecci6n deServicio y Mantenimiento para Ioreferente aAjustes delaVarilladeControl del Canal Termine asegurando elcabezal decontroldelcanalalam nsula deso...

Страница 56: ...namiento loscables debenestaralaizquierda delavarillahexagonal Configuraci6n Pasadorde cuchilla Enelpaneldeinstrumentos depl_stico hayorificiosparaelalmacenamiento conveniente delpasador decuchilla Yealafigura11 onsultelasedondeservicio ymantenimiento param_sinformaci6n encuantoelreemplazo delpasador de cuchilla F Figura10 Figura 11 56 ...

Страница 57: ...eveyposid6nelos segun se muestra enla Figura 13hadaelexteriordelacajadelabarrena 3 Acopleloscortadores dedesplazamiento denieveconlostorniliosylos pomos demariposa deseguridad queseretiraronantes Veala Figura 14 Presi6nde los Neum_tkos Bajoningunacircunstancianoexcedandel fabricanterecomiendapsi Laigualdaddela presi6nde losneum_ticosdebenmantenerseentodo momento Cuandola presi6nexcesivapuedecausar...

Страница 58: ...inuad6n Reaiice todos los ajustesparaverificar que a m_quinaest_operandoconseguridady correctamente Compruebe elajustedelcontroldelabarrena delasiguiente forma 1 Elcontroldelabarrena seencuentraenelmangoizquierdo Consulte la Figura 16elrecuadro Cuando sesueltaelcontroldelabarrenayest _ en poski6ndesengranada arriba elcabledebetenermuypocojuego NOdebe estartens En un_rea bien ventilada arranque elm...

Страница 59: ...obra delanievea fin de queellanzador cortadores depenetrar enunaltoniveldenieveparaasistirala derivaenlaca dadenievebarrenas paratirar Manija del arrancador Llendo d Silenciador de retroceso aceite Cebador el_ctrico Control del cebador Control d regulador Llene del a_eite I_lave de Encendido La Ilave esundispositivo deseguridad Debe estar completamente insertada para queelmotor arranque Retire laI...

Страница 60: ...Aprietelaempuffadura decontrolcontralamanijaparaengranar labarrenayempiece aquitarnieve Suelte paraquesedetenga Control de iaTransmisi6n Control de ia Barrena de Cerradura CONTROL DE LA TRANSMISION J Elcontroldetransmisi6n est_ubkadoenla manijaderecha Presione la empuffadura decontrolcontralamanijaparaengranar laruedadetransmisi6n Suelteparaquesedetenga Elcontroldelatransmisi6n tambi_nbloqueaelcon...

Страница 61: ...o osusvapores sepueden incendiar Sisederrama combustible aseg irese dequeel_reaest_seca antesdearrancar elmotor Evite elcontactorepetidooprolongado conlapieloinhalarlosvapores Tenga extremocuidadocuandomanipulegasolina Lagasolinaes altamente inflamable y sus vaporespuedencausar explosiones Nunca agreguecombustiblea la m_quinaeninteriores o mientras el motorest_ calienteo enfuncionamiento Apaguelos...

Страница 62: ... veces asegur_ndose decubrirelorifido de ventilad6ncuandoIohaga Sielmotorest_caliente presione elcebador una solavez Cubra siempreelorifido deventilad6ncuando optimaelbot6ndel cebador Sihacefr opuederesultarnecesario repetirelcebado 5 Presione elbot6ndelarrancador paraarrancar el motor Unavezencendido elmotor suelteinmediatamente elbot6ndelarrancador Elarrancador el_ctrico tieneunaprotecd6ncontras...

Страница 63: ...mpio 1 Cambio 1 Comprobar 2 Lubricad6n conpetr61eo ligero 3 Lubricaci6n conautomotores multiusos 4 Lubricaci6n conpetr61eo Iigero 5 Cambio elestancamiento decable 1 Cambio 1 Cambio 1 Elmotordirigidohastaqueestosepareafalta delcombustible Mantenimientode Motor Antesderealizartareasdelubricaci6n reparaci6no inspecci6n desengranetodos loscontrolesydetengael motor Espere a quese detengantodaslaspiezas...

Страница 64: ...n Rellene el motorconel petrdleorecomendado VerlacartadeUsodelAceite Recomendada Lacapacidad delaceitedelmotores37onzas F 40 20 0 o 200 400 oc 300 200 10 0 NOutHiceaceitessindetergenteoparamotor dedostiempos Podria acortarlavidauti de motor 7 Vuelva acolocar yajustareltap6ndeIlenado la varilladeniveldeaceite Controlde la gujia NOpruebeiachispasi noest _ia bujiadeencendido NO d_arranqueai motorsi n...

Страница 65: ...quedeapoyada sobrelacajadelabarrena 3 Retirelacubiertadel marco inferiorqultando lostornlllosquelaaseguran 4 Apllque alejehexagonal unacapaligeradeunagrasamultiusos aptapara condlclones cllm_ticas multiples VealaFlgura 22 NOTA Evltelosderrames deaceitesobrelaruedadefdccl6ndecaucho ysobrela placadetransmisi6n dealumlnio Haciendo tandlficultar_elsistema depaseo del lanzador denleve Borrecualquier ex...

Страница 66: ...st_enposici6n desenganchada arriba elcabledebetenetmuypocojuego NOdebeestartenso Tambidn si hay excesivo flojo enelcabledepaseo o silaunidadexperimenta elpaseo intermitente usando elcablepuedetenetquesetajustado Compruebe elajustedelcontroldelatransmisi6n delasiguiente forma 1 Cuando suelteelcontroldelatransmisi6n empujesuavemente lam_quina quitanieve hadadelante Launidaddeberia avanzar libremente...

Страница 67: ...l Control de la Barrena Consulte lasecion demontajeparaajustar dichocontrol ZapatasAntideslizantes Consulte lasecion demontajeparaajustarLas zapatas antideslizantes Reemplazode la Correa LaCorreade la Barrena Para retiraryreemplazar lacorrea delabarrenadesum_quina quitanieve proceda comoseindica acontinuaci6n I Para prevenir el derramamiento eliminetodoelcombustible deltanque haciendo funcionarelm...

Страница 68: ...orrea Para realizar elreensamblado delacorrea delabarrena siga lasinstrucdones enorden inverso NOTA NOolvidevolverainstalareltornilloconreborde yvolveraconectar el resorte al marco trasinstalarunacorrea delabarrenaderepuesto Realice la prueba deControl deTaladro perfilada enlasecci6n deAsamblea deestemanual LaCorreadela Transmisi6n NOTA Varios componentes deben serretirados yserequieren herramient...

Страница 69: ...a 3 Saque lacubiertadelmarcodesde debajo delam_quina quitanieve retirandoloscuatrotornillosautorroscantes quelaaseguran Retirelarueda derecha quitandoeltornilloylaarandela decampana quelaaseguran aleje VeaFigura 30 4 Examinar laruedadefricd6nparalasmuestras del desgaste odeagrietarse Figura33 Barrenas Lasbarrenas est_najustadas alejeespiralconcuatropasadores decuchilla y pasadores dechaveta Silaba...

Страница 70: ...ceiteentodaslas_reas que pueden Ilegaraoxidarse Almacene enunsector limp o seco y bienventilado lejosdecuaiquier artefactoquefundoneconunallamao luzpilotocomounhomo calentador deaguaosecador deropa Evite cualquiersector conunmotorel ctrico que produzca cHspas odondeseutilicenherramientas el ctricas e Nuncaalmacenela m_quinaquitanieve concombustible eneltanque en unespadocerradoo en_reasconpocavent...

Страница 71: ... unidad est_fifuncionando en la posici6n CHOKE obturaci6n 2 El combustible es viejo 3 Agua o suciedad en el sistema del combustible 4 Necesario ajustarel carburador 5 M_s gobernados motor 1 Hay piezas que est_n flojas o la barrena est_ dahada 1 Ponga el interruptor en la posici6n CHOKE obturaci6n 2 Conecte el cable a la bujia 3 Limpie ajuste la distancia disruptiva o cambie 4 Llene el tanque con g...

Страница 72: ... de Servicio Sears 2 3 4 5 Detenga el motor de inmediato y desconecte el cable de la bujia Limpie el montaje del canal y el interior de la caja de la barrena con la herramienta de limpieza o una varilla Detenga el motor de inmediato y desconecte el cable de la bujia Retire el objeto de la barrena con la herramienta de limpieza o una varilla Ajuste el cable del control de la barrena Consulte la sec...

Страница 73: ...ificaciones no aprobadas Usted es responsable de presentar su motor al centro de distribuci6n o servicio t_cnico de MTD Consumer Group Inc tan pronto como aparezca el problema Las reparaciones cubiertas por la garantia se deben Ilevar a cabo en un lapso razonable que no exceda de 30 dias Si tiene alguna pregunta respecto de la cobertura de la garantia p6ngase en contacto con el Departamento del Se...

Страница 74: ...paraci6n o el reemplazo de cualquier pieza garantizada que de otro modo pudiese estar cubierta por la garantia podr_ ser excluida de tal cobertura de garantia si MTD Consumer Group Inc demuestra que el motor es objeto de uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado y que tal uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado rue causa directa de la necesidad de reparaci6n o reemplazo d...

Страница 75: ...n R_pida elapoyotelef6nico deun Chamusca alrepresentante Piense ennosotros comoelmanual deundueffohablador UnavezadquiridoelAcuerdo puedeprogramar elservidocontan s61o realizarunaIlamada telef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodeldfao delanocheoprogramar unservk oen Ifnea ElAcuerdo deProtecd6n deReparad6n esunacomprasinfiesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteelpeffodode garantfa deproducto prop...

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