Craftsman 247.88045 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 25

Содержание 247.88045

Страница 1: ... Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPANOL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsrnan corn FORMNO 769 03349 7 24 2007 ...

Страница 2: ...dshoes shaveplate andsparkplugs Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbutnot limitedto electricalandmechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage bentcrankshafts failureto use the propergradeandamountof engineoil orfailureto maintaintheequipmentaccordingto the instructionscontainedinthe operator smanual Engine fuelsystem cleaningorrepairscausedbyfuel determinedto becontaminated or oxid...

Страница 3: ... Searstechnicianon productsrequiringin homerepair plus convenientrepair scheduling Purchase a RepairProtectionAgreementnowandprotectyourself fromunexpectedhassleandexpense Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor you toscheduleservice Youcan call anytimeday ornight or schedulea serviceappointmentonline Searshas over12 000professionalrepairspecialists who have accessto...

Страница 4: ...on Stop machineif anyoneentersthearea Exercisecaution to avoidslippingorfalling especiallywhenoperatingin reverse PREPARATION Thoroughlyinspecttheareawheretheequipmentis to beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbythe auger impeller Alwayswearsafetyglassesoreyeshieldsduringoperationandwhile performinganadjustmentor repairto pr...

Страница 5: havestoppedbefore unclogging Useonly attachmentsand accessoriesapprovedbythe manufacturer e g wheelweights tirechains cabsetc If situationsoccurwhich are notcoveredinthis manual usecareand goodjudgment Contactyour SearsServiceCenterforassistance MAINTENANCE STORAGE Nevertamperwith safetydevices Checktheir properoperation regularly Referto the maintenanceandadjustmentsectionsof this manual Be...

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Страница 8: ...emoveanyrubberbandssecuring the cablesto the wingnuts 2 a Securethe upperhandleandlowerhandlewiththetwo wing knobsandcarriageboltsremovedearlier b Tightenthetwo wingknobsalreadyinstalledinthe upper holesto firmlysecurethe upperhandleandsupporttubes 3 Alignthe upperand lowershift rods thenslidethe shift rod connectordownoverthe endof the lowershift rod Tapthe connectoruntilthe lowerrod is completel...

Страница 9: ...fromthe endsof cable ties The extensioncord is fastenedwitha cabletie to the rearof theauger housingfor shippingpurposes Cutthe cabletie andremoveit before operatingthesnowthrower 1 ii SET UP Chute Clean Out Tool Achute clean out tool is fastenedto the top of the augerhousing witha mountingclip SeeFigure6 The tool is designedto cleara chuteassemblyof ice andsnow Thisitemis fastenedwitha cabletie a...

Страница 10: ...damage to the snowthrowerand surroundingproperty j Forclosesnowremovalon a smoothsurface raiseskidshoes higheronthe augerhousing Usea middleor lowerpositionwhenthe areato beclearedis uneven suchas agraveldriveway NOTE If you chooseto operatethe snowthrowerona gravelsurface keepthe skidshoesin positionfor maximum clearancebetweenthe groundand theshaveplate Chute Tilt Controi_ Auger Control 4_ Auger...

Страница 11: ...rivecontroland attemptto movethe machineboth forwardandback resistanceshouldbefelt 4 Movethe shift leverintothe fast reverse R2 positionandrepeat the previoustwosteps If youexperiencedresistancerollingthe unit eitherwhenrepositioning the shift leverfrom6 to R2 orwhenattemptingto movethe machine withthe drivecontrolreleased adjustthedrive controlimmediately SeeAdjustingDriveandAugerControls Adjusti...

Страница 12: ...eds Positionone 1 is t 2 The chokecontrolis foundon the rearof theengineandis activated FI R1 R2 the slowestand positionsix 6 is the fastest Reverse Yoursnowthrowerhastwo reverse R speeds One 1 is the slowerandtwo 2 is the faster I11 byrotatingthe knobclockwise Activatingthechokecontrolclosesthe chokeplateonthe carburetorandaids instartingthe engine PRIMER Depressing the primerforcesfueldirectlyin...

Страница 13: housing CHUTE ASSEMBLY Snowdrawnintothe augerhousingis dischargedout the chute assembly NOTE Alwaysreleasethedrive controlbeforechangingspeeds Failureto doso will resultinincreasedwearon yourmachine sdrive system TWO WAY CHUTE CONTROL TM The distancesnowis throwncan bechangedby adjustingthe angle of thechuteassembly Movethe chutecontrolforwardto decreasethe distance towardthe rearto increase GA...

Страница 14: ...dcontainerandkeepthe cap in placeonthe container Makesurethatthe containerfromwhichyou pourthe gasolineis cleanandfreefromrustor otherforeignparticles Alwaysfill thefuel tankoutdoorsand usea funnelorspoutto preventspilling Fillfuel tankwithclean fresh unleadedgasoline Neverfill thefuel tankcompletely Fillthe tankto within1 2 from the top to providespaceforexpansionof fuel Makesureto wipeoff anyspi...

Страница 15: ...dry off any moistureonthe engine Movethrottlecontrolto STOP 1 position 2 Removethe ignitionkeyandstoreina safeplace 3 Wipeall snowandmoisturefromthe areaaroundthe engineas wellas the areainand aroundthe drivecontrolandaugercontrol Also engageandreleasebothcontrolsseveraltimes TO ENGAGE DRIVE 1 Withthethrottlecontrolinthe Fast_ position moveshift lever intooneof the six forward F positionsor tworev...

Страница 16: ...Engine Oil Toavoidenginedamage it is importantto Checkoil levelbeforeeachuse andeveryfiveoperatinghours Changeoil afterfirst two 2 operatinghoursandevery25 operat inghoursthereafter Engineshouldstill bewarmbut nothot fromrecentuse 1 Locatethe oildrainplug SeeFigure14 2 Besurethe gas cap is onand istightenedsecurely 3 Cleanareaaroundoil drainplug 4 Placeapprovedrecyclableoilcontainerunderoil drainp...

Страница 17: unsafespeeds NEVERtamperwithfactory settingof enginegovernor Runningthe enginefasterthanthe speed set at thefactoryis dangerous LUBRICATION Drive and Shifting Mechanism At leastonce a seasonorafterevery25hoursof operation remove rearcover Lubricateall chains sprockets gears bearings shafts and the shiftingmechanism Useengineoil or aspraylubricant Referto Figure16 NOTE Becarefulnotto getany oil...

Страница 18: ...tenersremoved previously ADJUSTMENTS Shift Rod If the fullrangeof speeds forwardandreverse cannotbeachieved referto the figureto the leftandadjustthe shift rodas follows 1 Lookingunderneaththe handlepanel notewhichof the three holesinthe shift leverthe ferruleis insertedinto Also notethe directionof insertion Thenremovethe internalcotterpin andflat washerfromthe ferruleandwithdrawtheferrulefromthe...

Страница 19: ...ce orthe frictionwheeldoes notsolidlycontactthe driveplate re adjustthe locknuton the lowerendof the drivecablefollowingthe instructionsinthe Assemblysection 5 Reassemble the framecover NOTE If youplacedplasticfilmunderthe gascap earlier removeit now Chute Bracket If thespiral at the bottomof the chutedirectionalcontrolis not fully engagingwiththe chuteassembly the chutebracketcan beadjusted To do...

Страница 20: ...deroller andunhookthe augercable Z fitting SeeFigure26 4 Frombothsidesof the the frameassembly usea 1 2 wrenchto removethe threehex tap screwssecuringthe frameto the auger housingassembly Referto Figure22 on previouspage NOTE Do notremovethe lowerhexflangelocknut oneachside 5 Placea blockof woodunderneath the augerhousingasshownin Figure27andseparateaugerhousingfromthe frameby tiltingthe housingfo...

Страница 21: ...connectthe augercable Z fittingandaugeridlerrodferrule to the brakebracket Repositionandsecurethe enginepulley beltguard andre installthe beltcover NOTE Makesureto removethe pieceof woodblockingthe impeller Checktheaugerdrivebelt adjustment With the augerclutchlever inthe disengagedposition thetop surfaceof the newbelt shouldbe evenwiththeoutsidediameterof the pulley To adjust disconnectferrulefro...

Страница 22: ... sideof the frame Referto Figure31 5 Holdingthe frictionwheelassembly slidethe hex shaftout of thefriction wheelassemblyandthe rightside ofthe frame The spaceronthe left sideof the hexshaft will falland thesprocket shouldremainhanginglosein the chain 6 Liftthe frictionwheelassemblyout betweenthe axle shaftand thedrive shaftassemblies 7 Removefour screwssecuringthe frictionwheelto the hub assembly ...

Страница 23: ...ghtenthe hex screwto fullyseatthe bearingsineach sideof theframeandto securethe hexshaft Figure33 17 Positionthe framecoveron thebottomof the frameand secure withthe self tappingscrews Pivotthe snowthrowerdownto it normaloperatingposition NOTE Ifyou placedplasticfilmunderthe gascap becertainto removeit MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance service disengage all controls andst...

Страница 24: ...n afurnace waterheater clothesdryer orgas appliance PREPARING SNOW THROWER Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin anunventilatedor metalstor ageshed careshouldbetakento rustproofthe equipment Using a light oilor silicone coatthe equipment especiallyanychains springs bearingsandcables Removealldirt fromexteriorof engineand equipment Followlubricationrecommendations Storeequipmentin a clean dry area Alcoholbl...

Страница 25: ...d 2 Foreignobjectlodgedinauger 3 Augercable inneedof adjustment 4 Augerbelt looseor damaged 5 Shearpin s sheared 1 Movechokecontrolto ON position 2 Connectwire to sparkplug 3 Clean adjustgap or replace 4 Fill tankwithclean freshgasoline 5 Primeengineas instructedin the OperationSection 6 Insert keyfullyintothe switch 1 Movechokecontrolto OFFposition 2 Fill tankwithclean freshgasoline 3 Drainfuel t...

Страница 26: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 88045 26 ...

Страница 27: ...ion 36 736 0159 Washer 349x 879x 063 37 736 0174 Washer 625x 885x 015 38 736 0505 Washer Flat 34 x 1 50x 150 D _ 0 Q 750 04020 Spacer 1 004x 1 375x 25 40 721 0146 Oil Seal 41 736 3008 Washer 344 x 75x 12 42 736 3046A Washer 1 01x 1 86x 06 43 738 0281 Screw Shoulder 625 x 17 44 738 04155 Pin Shear 25x 1 75 45 738 04159 Axle Spiral 45 46 741 0192 Bearing Flangew Flats 47 741 04024 Bearing SelfAligni...

Страница 28: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 88045 28 ...

Страница 29: ...rShift 37 784 5680 Brkt HandleSupport RH 38 749 0989A Handle UpperLH 39 749 0990A Handle UpperRH 40 749 0991 Handle Lower 41 750 0963 Connector ShiftRod D _ O Q 684 0102A Panel Handle 43 710 0276 Screw Carr 5 16 18x 1 0 44 710 0458 Screw Carr 5 16 18x 1 75 45 710 0459A Screw Hex 3 8 24x 1 5 46 710 0597 Screw Hex 1 4 20x 1 0 47 710 0599 Screw Hx 1 4 20x 5 48 710 0805 Screw Hex 5 16 18x 1 5 49 710 0...

Страница 30: ...3O ...

Страница 31: ...13 0284 Chain Endless 41x 36L 34 713 0286 Chain 420x 40L 35 713 04015 Sprocket 41x lOT 36 714 0135 Key Woodruff 37 714 0104 Pin InternalCotter D _ O i 716 0104 E Ring 39 714 0388 Key Hi Pro 3 16x 5 8 40 716 0136 Ring Retaining 41 717 0302 Plate Drive 42 732 0121 Spring Extension 43 732 0209 Spring Extension 44 756 0241B Pulley Dbl 3 25OD 45 736 0158 Washer Lock 5 8 46 756 0240 Pulley FlatIdler 3 0...

Страница 32: ... 24x 625 80 710 0607 Screw HxWashHdTapp 81 710 1245B Screw HxCap 5 16 24 82 710 0654A Screw 3 8 16x 1 00 83 736 0173 Wsh Flat 28 x 74x 063 84 714 0118 Key Square 1 4 x 1 5 85 790 00167A Brkt Belt Keeper 86 731 2531 Cover Belt 87 732 0303 Spring Extension 88 732 0705 Guide ChuteCable 89 736 0247 Washer Flat 406x 1 25 90 748 0234 Spacer Shoulder 91 736 0159 Washer Flat 349x 879 92 754 0131 V Belt 3 ...

Страница 33: ...Craftsman Engine Model OH358SA 223828 For Snow Thrower Model 247 88045 154A 47 169 335A 186B 220 _ _ _ _ 206 328 420 _ 92 342A 990 203 178 300A 35O 351 37O 33 ...

Страница 34: ...tingRodBolt 1 4 20x 1 5 16 ValveLifter Camshaft MCR Counterbalance Weight BlowerHousingExtension Screw 10 24x 9 16 CylinderCoverGasket 35684A 71 35377 80 35751 81 35479A 82 35321 83 35322 84 29193 86 650833 87 650832 89 32589 90 611093 92 650880 93 650881 100 35135A 101 611289 102 651024 103 651007 110 35187 110A 37047 119 36932 120 37491 125 36936 125 36934 126 36937 126 36935 127 650691 128 6506...

Страница 35: ...650971 Screw T 30 5 16 18x 7 8 224 33515A IntakePipeGasket 238 28820 Screw 10 32x 1 2 260 37092A BlowerHousing D _ O Q 651084 Screw 5 16 18x 9 16 265 37086 CylinderHeadCover 266 650876 Screw 5 16 18x 1 9 32 269 35762 ExhaustManifoldGasket 270 37263 ExhaustManifold 270A 35829A ExhaustPortLiner 271 35293 LockingPlate Manifold 275 37264 Muffler 276 35348 LockingPlate 277A 650877 Screw 5 16 18x 4 1 2 ...

Страница 36: ...0x 15 32 ElectricStarter MountingScrews Screw 12 16 x 5 8 WarningDecal Bilingual Decal TecumsehLogofor Topof Recoil Starter WarningDecal Decal Primer InternationalSymbol Decal SpeedControl Choke Key Carburetor Incl 184 RewindStarter ElectricStarterMotor 120Volt Optional GasketSet Incl itemsmarked Incl items marked SAE5W304 CycleEngineOil Quart Winter Screw 1 4 20x 5 8 Compression Spring Screw T IO...

Страница 37: ...37 ...

Страница 38: ...y Defectsare judgedon normalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto anin use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition to theSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingandMaintenanceInstructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyex...

Страница 39: ...mple a typical walk behind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emiss...

Страница 40: ...nes necesariasdebidoa negligenciadeloperador incluyendo entreotros dahosmec_mico y electricoocasionadoporunalmace namientonoapropiado abolladuracigOehal falla porel usode aceitedegradoy o cantidadno apropiadao fallaporno darmantenimiento al equipodeacuerdocon las instruccionescontenidasenel manualdel operador Limpiezao reparaciones al motor sistemadecombustible provocadasporuncombustiblecontaminad...

Страница 41: ...a portel_fono asistenciatelef6nicaa cargode un tecnicode Searsparalos productosquerequierenreparaci6n a domicilio adem_ts deunaprogramaci6n convenienteparala reparaci6n Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprogramarelserviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlamadatelef6nica PuedeIlamaren cualquier momentodeldia o dela nocheo programarunservicioen linea Searsdisponedem_ sde 12 000especialistasenreparaciones profe...

Страница 42: ... lazona Seaprecavidoparaevitarpatinarseo caerseespecialmentecuando operala maquinaenreversa PREPARATIVOS Inspeccione minuciosamente elAreadondeutilizaraelequipo Saque todoslosfelpudos periAdicos trineos tablas cablesy otrosobjetos extraSosconlos quepodriatropezaro quepodrianserarrojadospor la barrena motor Paraprotegerselos ojosutilice siempreanteojoso antiparrasde seguridadmientrasopera la maquin...

Страница 43: ...anal mientrasel motorestaenfuncionamiento Antes dedestaparlo apagueel motory permanezcadetrasdelas manijashastaquetodas laspartesmovilesse hayandetenido Usesolo unionesy accesoriosaprobadosper elfabricante perejemplo pesasparalas ruedas cadenasparalos neumaticos cannas etc Si se presentansituacionesque no esta n previstasenestemanual sea cuidadosoy useel sentidocomun Contacteconsu centrodeservicio...

Страница 44: ...ujetelamanijasuperiory lamanijainferiorcon las dosperillas de mariposay los pernosdelcarroquese retiraronantes b Aprietelas dos perillasde mariposaya instaladasenlos orificios superioresparasujetarfirmemente la manijasuperiory los tubos desoporte 3 Alineelas varillasdecambiosinferiory superior luegodeslice elconectorde lavarilladecambioshaciaabajo porencimadel extremode lavarilladecambiosinferior ...

Страница 45: ...rla m_tquina quitanieve CONFIGURACION HerramJenta de limpieza del canal Hayuna herramientade limpiezadel canalajustada a lapartesuperior delacajadelabarrenaconunpasadordeensamblado VealaFigura6 Laherramienta est disehada paralimpiarelhieloy lanievedelconjunto decanal Esteproducto se sujetamediante unauni6ndecableen f_tbrica Cortelauni6ndecableantesde operarlam_tquina quitanieve Nuncauselas manospa...

Страница 46: ..._ quina quitanieve Sideseaquitarla nieveal ras enunasuperficielisa elevea mayoralturalas zapatasantideslizantes de lacaja de labarrena Uselasposicionesintermediaobajacuandolasuperficieque deseelimpiares despareja porejemploen uncaminode grava BIOTA Si tienequeusar lam_ quina quitanievesobregrava mantenga laszapatasantideslizantes enla posici6nquepermitaIograruna separaci6n maximaentreelpiso y la p...

Страница 47: se debemoverlibremente 3 Engraneel controlde transmisi6n e intentemoverla m_ quina haciaadelantey haciaatr_ s se debesentirresistencia 4 Muevalapalancadecambiosen posici6nmarchaatr_ts R2 r_ pida y repitalos dospasosprevios Si experimenta resistenciaparahacerrodarlaunidad ya sea reposicionando lapalancadecambiosde 6 aR2 o cuandointenta moverla m_ quina con el controldetransmisi6nsuelto ajusteelc...

Страница 48: ...eavance F Laposici6nuno 1 es lam_tsF 1 LaIlavedeencendidoes undispositivode seguridad Debeestar 6 completamente insertadaparaque elmotorarranque Retirela Ilave 5 de encendidocuandono usela m_tquina quitanieve NOTE No girela Ilavedeencendidoparaintentararrancarel motor AI hacerlopodriaromperla CONTROL DE OBTURACION Haydos velocidadesde retroceso R Launo 1 es la m_tslenta y la dos 2 es lam_tsr_tpida...

Страница 49: ...astrituradas CORTADORES DE MOVIMIENTO Loscortadoresde movimiento sondiseRadosparael usoen la nieve profunda Su usoes opcionalparacondicionesde nievenormales CONTROL DE LA BARRENA J CONTROL DE LA BARRI NA Elcontrolde labarrenaestAubicadoen la manijaizquierda Aprietela empuhaduradecontrolcontrala manijaparaengranarlas barrenasy empiecea quitarnieve Suelteparaquese detenga CONTROL DE LA TRANSMISION C...

Страница 50: ... 5W 30 con unaclasificaci6nminimadeSL SJ lenta mentea travesdela abertura Vuelvaa colocarlavarilladel nivel aceiteenel Ilenadodeaceitey controlenuevamente el nivelde aceite Gasolina Tengaextremocuidadocuandomanipulegasolina Lagasolinaes altamenteinflamabley susvaporespuedencausarexplosiones Nuncaagreguecombustible a lam_tquina en interioreso mientras el motorest calienteo enfuncionamiento Apaguelo...

Страница 51: ...ras unadetenci6nbreve NOTA talvezsea necesariouncebadoadicionalsi latemperaturaes inferiora 15 Fahrenheit 3 Tomelamanijadelarrancadorderetrocesoy tire de lacuerda haciaafueralentamente Enel momentoen el quese haga levementem_ sdificiltirarde la cuerda permitaque lamisma retrocedalentamente 4 Tire de la manijadelarrancadorcon unmovimiento firmey r_tpido Nosueltelamanijani permitaquese desenganche M...

Страница 52: ...ceite del motor Paraevitarqueel motorresultedahado es importanteque Controleel nivelde aceiteantesde cadauso y cadacincohoras deoperaci6n Cambieel aceitedespuesde lasdos 2 primerashorasde operaci6ny despuesdecada25 horasdeoperaci6n Elmotordebeestartibio peronocalienteporsu usoreciente 1 Localiceel tap6nde drenajedelaceite Veala figura13 2 AsegOrese dequelatapadelagasolinaestApuesta y bienajustada ...

Страница 53: ...a velocidadesinseguras NUNCA cambiela configuraci6n de f_ brica del regulador del motor Hacer funcionarel motora unavelocidadsuperiorala establecidaen f_tbrica es peligroso LUBRICACI SN Paseo y Cambio de Mecanismo AI menosunavez unatemporadao despuesdecada25 horasdela operaci6n quitela tapatrasera Lubriquetodaslascadenas pihones marchas portes ejes y el mecanismo quecambia Useelpetr61eo de motoro ...

Страница 54: ...onpreviamente AJUSTES Varilla de cambio Si nose puedeIogrartoda la gamadevelocidades avancey retroceso consultela figuradela izquierday ajustelavarillade cambiosde lasiguienteforma 1 Mirandodebajodel panelde lamanija observeencu_ lde los tresorificiosde lapalancadecambiosse encuentrainsertadala ferula Observetambienladirecci6nde lainserci6n Luegoretire el pasadordechavetay laarandelaplanainternosd...

Страница 55: ...stela tuercade seguridaden elextremeinferior delcablede transmmisi6n seg0nlas instrucci6nde lasecci6n Montaje 5 Vuelvaa ensamblarlacubiertadel marco NOTA Sianteriormente coloc6pelfculapl4tstica debajodeltap6nde Ilenadodegasolina s uelaeneste memento Soporte del canal Si laespiralsituadaen laparteinferiordelcontroldireccionaldelcanal nose enganchacompletamente conel conjuntodelcanal es posible ajus...

Страница 56: ...cadoshexagonales que sujetanel marcoalconjuntode lacajade la barrena Consultela figura21en lap_ gina anterior NOTA No retirelatuercade seguridadbridadahexagonalinferior a cadalado 5 Coloqueun bloquedemaderadebajode lacajadelabarrena comose muestraenla Figura26y separelacajadelabarrenadel marcoinclinando lacaja haciaadelantey tirandohaciaarribade las manijas 6 Bloqueelaaspaconun pedazodemaderaparai...

Страница 57: ...rel accesorioZ delcablede la barrenay laf_rulade la varillaintermedia de la barrenaal soportedelfreno Vuelvaa ubicary sujeteel protectorde lacorreadela poleadel motore instalenuevamentelacubiertade lacorrea NOTA AsegOrese paraquitarel pedazode maderaquebloqueala aspa Controleel ajustede lacorreade transmisi6n de la barrena Con lapalancadelembraguede labarrenaen posici6ndesengranada lasuperficiesup...

Страница 58: ...aruedade fricci6n y del costadoderechodel marco Elseparadordelcostado izquierdodel ejehexagonalcae y laruedadentadadebequedar sueltacolgandode la cadena 6 Levanteel conjuntode la ruedadefricci6nhaciaafueraentrelos conjuntosdel semiejey deleje detransmisi6n 7 Retirelos cuatrotornillosqueajustanla ruedade fricci6nal conjuntodel cubo consultela Figura31 Desechelaruedade fricci6nvieja 8 Vuelvaa ensamb...

Страница 59: ...r totalmenteloscojinetesa cada ladodel marcoy sujetarel eje hexagonal 17 Coloquela cubiertadelmarcosobre laparte inferiordelmarcoy sujetelaconlos tornillosautorroscantes Hagagirarla m_tquina quitanievehaciaabajoa la posici6noperativanormal NOTA Sicoloc6peliculapldtstica debajodeltap6nde Ilenadodel combustible asegOrese desacarla BARRENAS Las barrenasest_ najustadasalejeespiralcon dospasadoresde cu...

Страница 60: ...1 2 Encadenamientosde control y pivotes 1 Elaceite demotor 1 Bujia 1 Sistemadecombustible Sigala listade mantenimiento dadaabajo Estacartadescribepautas de servicios61o Usela columnade Troncode Servicioparaguardar lapistadetareasde mantenimiento completadas Localizarel m_ s cercanoChamuscaelCentrodeServicioo programarel servicio sim plementeponerseencontactoChamuscaen1 800 4 MY HOME 1 Comprobar 2 ...

Страница 61: ...silic6npararecubrirel equipo especialmente las cadenas losresortes loscojinetesy los cables 2 Eliminetodoel polvodelexteriordel motory delequipo 3 Sigalasrecomendaciones de lubricaci6n en la secci6nde mantenimiento deestemanual 4 Almaceneel equipoen unAreadespejaday seca Nuncaalmacenela maquinaquitanievecon combustible en el tanqueenunespaciocerradooen Areascon pocaventilaci6n dondelosgasesdelcomb...

Страница 62: ...paraciones Sears 1 Contactecon uncentrode partesy servicioSears El motorfuncionademanera err_ttica 1 Elcablede la bujiaester flojo 2 Elorificiode ventilaci6ndel tap6nde Ilenadodelcombustibleester obstruido El motorrecalienta Demasiadavibraci6n Perdidadepotencia La unidadnose autopropulsa La unidadnodescargala nieve 1 2 1 Detengael motorde inmediatoy desconecteel ester dahada cable dela bujia Ajust...

Страница 63: defectos Los defectossejuzgan deacuerdoconelfuncionamientenormalde unmotor La garantfanoestarelacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuse Diepoeicionee de la garantia Sears para defectoe en el control de emieiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade la garantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladesque seencue...

Страница 64: ... Por Io tanto el Per odo de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia seria equivalente a entre 10y 12 afios Laclasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr fica en la etiqueta de...

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Страница 68: ... of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada Call anytime day or night 1 888 S U HOGAR 1 888 784 6427 Registered Trademark TM Trademark SM Service Mark of Sears Brands LLC Marca Registrada TMMarca de F_brica s_ Marca de Servicio de Sears Brands LLC Mc Marque de commerce MDMarque dCposCe de Sears Brands LLC Sears Brands LLC ...
