Craftsman 247.77614 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 84

Содержание 247.77614

Страница 1: ... Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST Spanish Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our web site www sears corn craftsrnan FORMNO 769 03352 06 21 2007 ...

Страница 2: ...jects suchas stonesor metaldebris oversizedstock impactingobjectsthat bendthe frameor crankshaft orover speeding the engine Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbutnot limitedto electricaland mechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage failureto usethe propergradeand amountof engineoil orfailureto maintainthe equipmentaccordingto the instructionscontained in theoperator smanual Engi...

Страница 3: ... Searstechnicianon productsrequiringin homerepair plus convenientrepair scheduling Purchase a RepairProtectionAgreementnowandprotectyourself fromunexpectedhassleandexpense Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor you toscheduleservice Youcan call anytimeday ornight or schedulea serviceappointmentonline Searshas over12 000professionalrepairspecialists who have accessto...

Страница 4: ...ion to the followinginstructionsatall times a Donotcheck forleakswithyourhand b Donotoperate machine withfrayed kinked cracked ordamaged hoses fitting ortubing c Stoptheengine andrelieve hydraulic system pressure before changing oradjusting fittings hoses tubing orothersystem components d Donotadjust thepressure settings ofthepumporvalve 10 Leakscan bedetectedby passingcardboardor wood while weari...

Страница 5: Theycan quicklycloseand pinchoramputateyour fingers 13 Keepyourworkareaclean Immediatelyremovesplitwood around the machineso you donot stumbleoverit 14 Nevermovethismachinewhilethe engineis running 15 Thismachineshouldnotbetowedonanystreet highwayor public roadwithoutcheckingthe existingfederal state or localvehicle requirements Any licensingor modificationssuchas taillights etc neededto compl...

Страница 6: ...eor mechanicalhandling equipment LOOSE PARTS IN CARTON 1 TongueAssembly Disconnectthesparkplugwireandgroundagainstthe engineto preventunintendedstarting J ASSEMBLING THE TONGUE Attaching the Jack Stand The jackstandis shippedin thetransportposition 1 Removethe springclip andclevis pinandpivotthe jackstand towardsthe groundto the operatingposition 2 Securethejack standinpositionwiththe clevispinand...

Страница 7: ...hefollowing steps 3 Fillthe reservoirtankwithhydraulicfluid includedwiththisunit if equipped or approvedfluidswhichincludeDexron III Mercon Ill automatictransmissionfluid a 10WeightAW hydraulic oil or Pro Mix TM AW 32HydraulicOil 4 Checkfluid levelusingthe dipstick SeeFigure3 6 Do notoverfill 5 Replaceventeddipsticksecurely tighteningit untilthe top of the threadsare flushwithtop of the pipe 6 Dis...

Страница 8: ...nintothe eyes whichcan resultinsevereeyedamage Always wearsafetyglasses for operatingthisequipmentor whileperforming anyadjustmentsor repairson it Vertical Beam Lock J Be familiarwithall controlsandtheir properoperation Knowhowto stopthe machneandd sengagethemqucky Beam Locke Thesetwo locks as their namesuggests are usedto securethe beam inthe horizontalorthe verticalposition The verticalbeam lock...

Страница 9: ...ghten 3 If necessary withthe logsplitteronlevelground usea funnelto fill enginewithoil to FULLmarkondipstick Becarefulnot to overfill Overfillingwill causethe engineto smokeprofuselyandwill result in poorengineperformance 4 Checkoil levelthreetimespriorto startingengineto be certain you vegottenanaccuratedipstickreading Runningtheenginewith too littleoilcan resultin permanent enginedamage _ T_ospl...

Страница 10: ... the endbetweenthe logand the splitting wedge 6 Only oneadultshouldstabilizethe logandoperatethe control handle so theoperatorhasfull controloverthe logandthe splitting wedge Control Handle 1 MovecontrolhandleFORWARD or DOWNto splitwood 2 Releasethe controlhandleto stopthe wedgemovement 3 MovecontrolhandleBACKor UP to returnthe wedge Log Dislodger The logdislodgerisdesignedto removeany partiallysp...

Страница 11: ...csystem 6 Useteflontape onhydraulicfittings 7 Attemptto cutwoodacrossthe grain 8 Attemptto removepartiallysplitwoodfromthe wedgewithyour hands Fullyretractwedgeto dislodgewoodwith logdislodger TRANSPORTING THE LOG SPLITTER IMPORTANT Alwaysturn fuelvalveto OFFpositionbeforetransport ingthe logsplitter 1 Lowerthe beamto its horizontalposition Makecertainthe beamis lockedsecurelywiththe horizontalbea...

Страница 12: ...urnhoseat leastonce aseason Do notat any timemakeanyadjustmentswithoutfirststopping engine disconnecting sparkplugwire andgroundingit against theengine Alwayswearsafetyglassesduringoperationorwhile performng anyadustmentsor repars WEDGE ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT As normalwearoccursandthere isexcessive play betweenthe wedgeand beam adjustthe boltsonthe side ofthe wedgeassembly to eliminateexcessspacebetw...

Страница 13: ...pacebetweenthe endof the enginesupportbracketand couplinghalf Tightensetscrew 6 Installpumpcouplinghalfand keyonpumpshaft Rotatecoupling half untilsetscrewfacesopeninginshield Do nottightenset screw 7 Installnylon spider onto enginecouplinghalf 8 Alignpumpcouplinghalfwith nylon spider by rotatingengine usingstarterhandle Slidecouplinghalf intoplacewhileguiding threemountingboltsthroughholesinpumps...

Страница 14: ...andgroundingit against theengine Alwayswearsafetyglassesduringoperationorwhile performinganyadjustmentsor repairs GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1 Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhen performing any maintenance valuefromthe warranty operatormustmaintainthe equipmentas instructedinthis manual 3 Someadjustmentswill needto bemadeperiodicallyto maintain yourequipmentproperly 4 Followthe maintenance schedule Figure5 ...

Страница 15: serviceis performedon thetank hydraulicpumporvalveis recommended Any repairto the hydrauliccomponentsshouldbe performedby a SearsServiceCenter j Hydraulic Filter Changethe hydraulicfilterevery50 hoursof operation Useonlya 10micronhydraulicfilter Orderpartnumber723 0405 BEAM AND SPLITTING WEDGE Lubricateboth sidesof the beam whereit comesintocontactwith the splittingwedge beforeeachuse withengin...

Страница 16: ...from cover Swingcoverdownto removefromhinge 2 Inspectfilterfor discolorationor dirt accumulation If eitheris present proceedas follows a Cleaninsideof bodyand coverthoroughlyandremovecartridge b Reassemble newcartridgeinthe body Swingcoverdown and tightenthe screwloosenedearlier Temperature of mufflerandnearbyareasmayexceed150 F 65 C Avod theseareas Service Spark Plug Cleanthe sparkplugand resetth...

Страница 17: ...enflame Besurethe engineis cool Donot smokewhile handlingthe fuel 2 Startthe engineandlet it run untilthe fuel linesandcarburetorare empty IMPORTANT Neveruseengineor carburetorcleanerproductsinthe fuel tankor permanent damagemayoccur Usefreshfuel nextseason 3 Removesparkplug pourapproximately 1 2 oz of engineoil into cylinderandcrankslowlyto distributeoil 4 Replacesparkplug NOTE Fuelstabilizeris a...

Страница 18: ...edproperly 6 ContactSearsservicecenter EngineOverheats 1 Engineoil levellow 1 Fill crankcase with prope_ oil 2 Dirty aircleaner 2 Serviceair cleanerfollowing instructionsinthe maintenance I secton 3 Carburetornotadjustedproperly 3 ContactSearsservicecenter Cylinder rod will not 1 Brokendriveshaft 1 Returnunit to Searsservicecenter move 2 Shippingplugsleftin hydraulichoses 3 Setscrewsincouplingnot ...

Страница 19: ...urnunt to Searsservce center 6 DirectionaL valveleaKinginternally _ i _ _ 7 Do notattemptto spl t woad z uvenoaaeacylmaer a_ainstthe _ rain y y internallydamagedcylinder Return Unitto sears ServiCe center Engine stalls during 1 Lowhorsepower weak engine 1 Returnunitto Searsservicecenter splitting 2 Overloadedcylinder 2 Do notattemptto splitwood againstthegrain Ifenginestalls repeatedly contactSear...

Страница 20: ... A 20 ...

Страница 21: ...Pin 726 0214 PushCap 732 0583 CompressionSpring 781 04180 LogTrayBracket 710 0650 TT Screw 5 16 18x 875 41 712 04065 FlangeLockNut 3 8 16 42 781 04179 LogTray 43 681 04040A FrameAssembly 44 710 0521 HexBolt3 8 16x 3 45 719 0353 CouplingShield 46 714 0122 SquareKey3 16 x 75 47 718 04145 FlexibleCoupling 48 712 04063 FlangeLockNut 5 16 18 49 781 0097 RearCouplingSupportBracket 50 781 1024 FenderMoun...

Страница 22: ...50 m 146 741 20 11058 OPERATOR S MANUAL 525 524 1330 REPAIR MANUAL i 306 307_ 22 ...

Страница 23: ... Engine Model No 126L02 0531 For Log Splitter Model 247 77614 445 443_ 843_ 977 CARBURETOR GASKET SET 365 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KiT 968 61 m 188 970_ 633A 163_ m 104 276 Q _ 692 t 63aA 1 163 i 127 130 95 _ 0 617 23 ...

Страница 24: ...78 304 627 347 497_ 332 455 __ 305 670 19o_ 957 I 1036 EMiSSiONS LABEL I 1OO5 58 689 0 6o 456 597 24 ...

Страница 25: ...Sears Craftsman Engine Model No 126L02 0531 For Log Splitter Model 247 77614 3_ 20 j1329 REPLACEMENT ENGINE i o 25 ...

Страница 26: ... 691650 Screw intakeManifold 55 691421 Housing Rewind Starter Ref No Part No Description 58 697316 Rope Starter Cutto Required Length 60 281434S Grip StarterRope 65 690837 Screw RewindStarter 78 1691108 Screw FlywheelGuard 81 691740 Lock MufflerScrew 95 1691636 Screw ThrottleValve 97 696565 Shaft Throttle 104 691242tt Pin FloatHinge 108 1691182 Valve Choke 109 498593 Shaft Choke 117 498981 Jet Mai...

Страница 27: ...7 270344t tt Seal ORing intakeManifold 627 792565 Braeket Stopswiteh 633 691321tt Seal Choke Throttle Shaft tlncluded inEngineGasketSet Key No 358 ttlncluded inCarburetorOverhaulKit Key No 121 includedinCarburetorGasketSet Key No 977 Ref No Part No Description 633A 693867tt Seal Choke Throttle Shaft 635 66538 Boot SparkPlug 668 493823 Spacer 670 692294 Spacer Fuel Tank 684 690345 Screw BreatherPas...

Страница 28: ...y Defectsare judgedon normalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto anin use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition to theSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingandMaintenanceInstructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyex...

Страница 29: ...imitadas a dahoscausadosporobjetostalescomo piedraso desechosmet_tlicos materialesdegrantamaho objetosimpactantesquedoblanel bastidoro elcigOehal o velocidadexcesivadel motor Reparaciones necesariascausadaspornegligenciadeloperador incluyendo perosin estarlimitadas a dahoselectricoso mec_ nicos causa dos poralmacenamiento inadecuado fallaen usarel gradoy cantidadcorrectosdeaceitede motor o fallaen...

Страница 30: ...a portel_fono asistenciatelef6nicaa cargode un tecnicode Searsparalos productosquerequierenreparaci6n a domicilio adem_ts deunaprogramaci6n convenienteparala reparaci6n Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprogramarelserviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlamadatelef6nica PuedeIlamaren cualquier momentodeldia o dela nocheo programarunservicioen linea Searsdisponedem_ sde 12 000especialistasenreparaciones profe...

Страница 31: ...asajerosen m_ quina 8 Nuncatransportarcargaenla m_tquina 9 Lascortadorashidr_tulicas de troncosalcanzanpresioneselevadas durantela operaci6n Elliquidoqueescapaa travesde unorificio deltamafiode unacabezade alfilerpuedepenetrarlapiely causar envenenamiento de lapiel gangrenao la muerte Prestaratenci6n entodo momentoalas instruccionessiguientes a Noinspeccionar porperdidas conlamano b Nooperar lamaq...

Страница 32: ...ecesiteunsegundo troncoparacompletarlaseparaci6ndelprimertronco 10 Paralos troncosquenose hancortadocuadrados elextremo menoscuadradoy laporci6nm_ slargadel troncodebencolocarse hacia laviga y cuba y el extremocuadradodebecolocarsehacia la placadel extremo 11 AI cortarenla posici6nvertical estabilizarel troncoantesdemover el control Cortarcomosigue a Colocar eltronco sobrelaplacadelextremo y girar...

Страница 33: ...a lengOeta Desconectarel cablede labujfay conectaratierra contrael motor paraprevenrun arranque nesperado J Fijaci6n del soporte del gato Elsoportedelgato seenvia enla posici6ndetransporte 1 Extraerel brochea resortey la clavijade lahorquilla y pivotearel soportedel gatoa la posici6nde operaci6n 2 Asegurarel soportedelgatoen posici6ncon laclavijade la horquillay el brochea resorte Verlafigura3 1 f...

Страница 34: ...s 5 Nosobrelleney sustituyalavarilladeaceiteexpresada bien La varilladeaceitedeberiaserse aprietanantesdeque lacimade los hilossea el rubor conlacimadeltubo 6 Si labujiatodaviano ester desconectada desconectarelcablede la mismay cebarlabomba tirandodelarranquederetrocesopara hacergirarelmotor10vecesaproximadamente 7 Reconectar el cable dela bujia arrancarel motordeacuerdocon Arranquedel Motorenla ...

Страница 35: ...s ojos Io cual puede dafiarlos gravemente Utilice siempre gafas de seguridad paraoperar el equipoo mientras Io ajusta o Io repara Bloqueode la viga vertical Figura 4 1 _ DVERTENClA Familiaricese contodos los con troles y su operaci6napropiada Sepac6mo detener la m_quina y c6modesengranar los controles r pidamente BIoqueos de las vigas Existendosbloqueosde posicionesparacadaposici6nde funciona mien...

Страница 36: ...des de27 onzasaproximadamente Ser precavidoen noIlenarexcesivamente Un Ilenadoexcesivocausa un malrendimiento del motor 3 Inspeccionar el nivelde aceiteasegur_ ndose denofrotarla varillacontralas paredesinterioresdel tubodeIlenadode aceite Retroceso Paravolver la cuba a su lugar Para detener J la cuba Para cortar Avance madera Figura 4 2 Volvera IlenarhastalamarcaFULLenla varillamedidora si fuera ...

Страница 37: ...R 2 Paradetenerel movimiento de lacuba soltarlamanijadecontrol 3 Moverlamanijadecontrola BACKo UP RETROCEDER o SUBIR pararetornarlacuba Encendido del motor 1 Conecteel cablede labujiaa la misma Compruebequela tapa met_tlica delextremodela bujfaestebienajustadasobrela punta met_tlica de labujia 2 Oprimael interruptordedetenci6nhastala posici6nON encen dido 3 Pongalapalancadeobturaci6nen laposici6nC...

Страница 38: ...o 10 Usargrasaparacaheriasentodoslos adaptadores hidr_ ulicos 11 Permitiruntiempodecalentamiento antesdecortarmadera 12 Cebarlabombaantesdel arranqueinicialhaciendogirarel motor con labujiadesconectada 13 Cortarmaderacon el granoen elsentidolongitudinalsolamente NUl3Ca 1 Usarcuandoel liquidotiene unatemperaturamenorde20oF o mayorde 1500 R 2 Usarunacoples61ido demotor bomba 3 Operaratravesde lav_tl...

Страница 39: ...avetas separadores entre laplacade lacuba y laplaca posterior NOTA Las chavetaspuedengirarsey o darsevueltaparaun desgasteuniforme 1 Aflojarlas contratuercas debajode cadaplacaposteriory deslizar haciaafueralas chavetas Verla Figura5 1 2 Giraro reemplazarlaschavetas 3 Volveraensamblarlasplacasposterioresy asegurarcon las contratuercas 4 Reajustarlos pernosdel ladodelconjuntodela cuba Mordazas de l...

Страница 40: ...tefrentea laaberturaenel protector Noajustarel tornillode posici6n 7 Instalarla araha denil6nsobrela mitaddelacopledel motor 8 Alinearla mitaddelacoplede labombacon la araha de nil6ngi randoel motorusandola manijadelarranque Deslizarla mitaddel acopleensu lugarmientrasse guianlos trespernosdemontajea travesde los orificiosen la m6nsuladesoportede labomba 9 Asegurarconlas tuercasextraidasantes 10 G...

Страница 41: ...relas reglasde protec ci6n 2 La garanfiade lacortadoradetroncosno cubrearticulosquehan estadosujetosa abusoo negligenciaporpartedeloperador Para recibir unvalorcompletodela garanfia eloperadordebemantener el equiposegOnindicadoen estemanual 3 Paramantenerbiensu equipo debenefectuarseajustesperi6dica mente 4 Seguirel programade mantenimiento VerlaFigura5 1 5 Inspeccionarperi6dicamente todoslosfijad...

Страница 42: ...arel filtrohidr_ ulico cada50 horasde operaci6n Usarun filtrohid tulicode 10micronessolamente Viga y cuba cortadora Lubricarambosladosde laviga dondeentraen contactoconla cubacortadora antesde cadauso conaceiteparamotor La placade lacubaen lacortadoradetroncosest disehadadetal maneraquelas chavetaslateralesde la placade lacubapueden extraersey girarsey odarse vueltaparaundesgasteuniforme Asegurars...

Страница 43: ...biertadelfiltrode aireperonosaquedicho tornillade lacubierta Girelacubiertahaciaabajoparasacarlade la bisagra 2 Reviseelfiltroparadetectarlapresenciade decoloraci6n o de acumulaci6nde suciedad Sidetectaalgunadelas condiciones mencionadasprocedade lasiguientemanera a Limpieexhaustivamente el interiordelcuerpoy de lacubiertay saqueel cartucho b Vuelvaa ensamblarel cartuchonuevodentrodel cuerpo Girel...

Страница 44: ...fifo No fumarmientras se manejael combustible 2 Arrancarel motory dejarlofuncionarhastaque lastuberiasde combustibley el carburadorestenvados IMPORTANTE Nuncausarproductoslimpiadoresdemotoro carburadorenel tanquede combustible ya que puedeocurrirundaho permanente Usarcombustiblefrescola temporada pr6xima 3 Extraerlabujfa verter1 2 oz aproximadamente de aceitepara motordentrodel cilindroy hacergira...

Страница 45: ...terconaceiteapropiado excesivamente 2 Filtrodeairesucio 2 Limpiarel f Itrode are siguiendo las instruccionesenla seccionde mantenimiento I 3 Consutar con e Centrode Servc o 3 Carburadordesajustado ears 4 Restrccdn ane fu o de are 4 Sparar el motor desconeCtar e cable j de labujia moverlaarmaduradel ventiladorVlimpiar El cilindro no se rnuew 1 Ejerotodel impulsor 1 Devolverla unidadal Centrode Serv...

Страница 46: ...and ametro _ 4 Inspeccionarelniveldeaceite Llenarsiesnecesario b Acel econTamlrlaao 5 arenarel aceite limPiare eservorio Ilenar asegura se quee tubode retornodeacete estepot debajode 6 V lvula direccionalperdendointerne niveldelaceite mente 6 Devolverla unidadai Centrode servicio sears 7 Ci indr de ado intemamente z Devolverla unidadal CentrodeserviOiosearsl 8 Cilindrosobrecargado 8 No intentarCor...

Страница 47: ...efectos Los defectossejuzgan deacuerdoconelfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantianoestArelacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantia Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade la garantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosque seencuentra...

Страница 48: ... in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call or go on line for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada Call anytime day or night www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n Au Canada pour servic...

Страница 49: ... Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST Spanish Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our web site www sears corn craftsrnan FORMNO 769 03352 06 21 2007 ...

Страница 50: ...jects suchas stonesor metaldebris oversizedstock impactingobjectsthat bendthe frameor crankshaft orover speeding the engine Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbutnot limitedto electricaland mechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage failureto usethe propergradeand amountof engineoil orfailureto maintainthe equipmentaccordingto the instructionscontained in theoperator smanual Engi...

Страница 51: ... Searstechnicianon productsrequiringin homerepair plus convenientrepair scheduling Purchase a RepairProtectionAgreementnowandprotectyourself fromunexpectedhassleandexpense Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor you toscheduleservice Youcan call anytimeday ornight or schedulea serviceappointmentonline Searshas over12 000professionalrepairspecialists who have accessto...

Страница 52: ...ion to the followinginstructionsatall times a Donotcheck forleakswithyourhand b Donotoperate machine withfrayed kinked cracked ordamaged hoses fitting ortubing c Stoptheengine andrelieve hydraulic system pressure before changing oradjusting fittings hoses tubing orothersystem components d Donotadjust thepressure settings ofthepumporvalve 10 Leakscan bedetectedby passingcardboardor wood while weari...

Страница 53: Theycan quicklycloseand pinchoramputateyour fingers 13 Keepyourworkareaclean Immediatelyremovesplitwood around the machineso you donot stumbleoverit 14 Nevermovethismachinewhilethe engineis running 15 Thismachineshouldnotbetowedonanystreet highwayor public roadwithoutcheckingthe existingfederal state or localvehicle requirements Any licensingor modificationssuchas taillights etc neededto compl...

Страница 54: ...eor mechanicalhandling equipment LOOSE PARTS IN CARTON 1 TongueAssembly Disconnectthesparkplugwireandgroundagainstthe engineto preventunintendedstarting J ASSEMBLING THE TONGUE Attaching the Jack Stand The jackstandis shippedin thetransportposition 1 Removethe springclip andclevis pinandpivotthe jackstand towardsthe groundto the operatingposition 2 Securethejack standinpositionwiththe clevispinand...

Страница 55: ...hefollowing steps 3 Fillthe reservoirtankwithhydraulicfluid includedwiththisunit if equipped or approvedfluidswhichincludeDexron III Mercon Ill automatictransmissionfluid a 10WeightAW hydraulic oil or Pro Mix TM AW 32HydraulicOil 4 Checkfluid levelusingthe dipstick SeeFigure3 6 Do notoverfill 5 Replaceventeddipsticksecurely tighteningit untilthe top of the threadsare flushwithtop of the pipe 6 Dis...

Страница 56: ...nintothe eyes whichcan resultinsevereeyedamage Always wearsafetyglasses for operatingthisequipmentor whileperforming anyadjustmentsor repairson it Vertical Beam Lock J Be familiarwithall controlsandtheir properoperation Knowhowto stopthe machneandd sengagethemqucky Beam Locke Thesetwo locks as their namesuggests are usedto securethe beam inthe horizontalorthe verticalposition The verticalbeam lock...

Страница 57: ...ghten 3 If necessary withthe logsplitteronlevelground usea funnelto fill enginewithoil to FULLmarkondipstick Becarefulnot to overfill Overfillingwill causethe engineto smokeprofuselyandwill result in poorengineperformance 4 Checkoil levelthreetimespriorto startingengineto be certain you vegottenanaccuratedipstickreading Runningtheenginewith too littleoilcan resultin permanent enginedamage _ T_ospl...

Страница 58: ... the endbetweenthe logand the splitting wedge 6 Only oneadultshouldstabilizethe logandoperatethe control handle so theoperatorhasfull controloverthe logandthe splitting wedge Control Handle 1 MovecontrolhandleFORWARD or DOWNto splitwood 2 Releasethe controlhandleto stopthe wedgemovement 3 MovecontrolhandleBACKor UP to returnthe wedge Log Dislodger The logdislodgerisdesignedto removeany partiallysp...

Страница 59: ...csystem 6 Useteflontape onhydraulicfittings 7 Attemptto cutwoodacrossthe grain 8 Attemptto removepartiallysplitwoodfromthe wedgewithyour hands Fullyretractwedgeto dislodgewoodwith logdislodger TRANSPORTING THE LOG SPLITTER IMPORTANT Alwaysturn fuelvalveto OFFpositionbeforetransport ingthe logsplitter 1 Lowerthe beamto its horizontalposition Makecertainthe beamis lockedsecurelywiththe horizontalbea...

Страница 60: ...urnhoseat leastonce aseason Do notat any timemakeanyadjustmentswithoutfirststopping engine disconnecting sparkplugwire andgroundingit against theengine Alwayswearsafetyglassesduringoperationorwhile performng anyadustmentsor repars WEDGE ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT As normalwearoccursandthere isexcessive play betweenthe wedgeand beam adjustthe boltsonthe side ofthe wedgeassembly to eliminateexcessspacebetw...

Страница 61: ...pacebetweenthe endof the enginesupportbracketand couplinghalf Tightensetscrew 6 Installpumpcouplinghalfand keyonpumpshaft Rotatecoupling half untilsetscrewfacesopeninginshield Do nottightenset screw 7 Installnylon spider onto enginecouplinghalf 8 Alignpumpcouplinghalfwith nylon spider by rotatingengine usingstarterhandle Slidecouplinghalf intoplacewhileguiding threemountingboltsthroughholesinpumps...

Страница 62: ...andgroundingit against theengine Alwayswearsafetyglassesduringoperationorwhile performinganyadjustmentsor repairs GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1 Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhen performing any maintenance valuefromthe warranty operatormustmaintainthe equipmentas instructedinthis manual 3 Someadjustmentswill needto bemadeperiodicallyto maintain yourequipmentproperly 4 Followthe maintenance schedule Figure5 ...

Страница 63: serviceis performedon thetank hydraulicpumporvalveis recommended Any repairto the hydrauliccomponentsshouldbe performedby a SearsServiceCenter j Hydraulic Filter Changethe hydraulicfilterevery50 hoursof operation Useonlya 10micronhydraulicfilter Orderpartnumber723 0405 BEAM AND SPLITTING WEDGE Lubricateboth sidesof the beam whereit comesintocontactwith the splittingwedge beforeeachuse withengin...

Страница 64: ...from cover Swingcoverdownto removefromhinge 2 Inspectfilterfor discolorationor dirt accumulation If eitheris present proceedas follows a Cleaninsideof bodyand coverthoroughlyandremovecartridge b Reassemble newcartridgeinthe body Swingcoverdown and tightenthe screwloosenedearlier Temperature of mufflerandnearbyareasmayexceed150 F 65 C Avod theseareas Service Spark Plug Cleanthe sparkplugand resetth...

Страница 65: ...enflame Besurethe engineis cool Donot smokewhile handlingthe fuel 2 Startthe engineandlet it run untilthe fuel linesandcarburetorare empty IMPORTANT Neveruseengineor carburetorcleanerproductsinthe fuel tankor permanent damagemayoccur Usefreshfuel nextseason 3 Removesparkplug pourapproximately 1 2 oz of engineoil into cylinderandcrankslowlyto distributeoil 4 Replacesparkplug NOTE Fuelstabilizeris a...

Страница 66: ...edproperly 6 ContactSearsservicecenter EngineOverheats 1 Engineoil levellow 1 Fill crankcase with prope_ oil 2 Dirty aircleaner 2 Serviceair cleanerfollowing instructionsinthe maintenance I secton 3 Carburetornotadjustedproperly 3 ContactSearsservicecenter Cylinder rod will not 1 Brokendriveshaft 1 Returnunit to Searsservicecenter move 2 Shippingplugsleftin hydraulichoses 3 Setscrewsincouplingnot ...

Страница 67: ...urnunt to Searsservce center 6 DirectionaL valveleaKinginternally _ i _ _ 7 Do notattemptto spl t woad z uvenoaaeacylmaer a_ainstthe _ rain y y internallydamagedcylinder Return Unitto sears ServiCe center Engine stalls during 1 Lowhorsepower weak engine 1 Returnunitto Searsservicecenter splitting 2 Overloadedcylinder 2 Do notattemptto splitwood againstthegrain Ifenginestalls repeatedly contactSear...

Страница 68: ... A 20 ...

Страница 69: ...Pin 726 0214 PushCap 732 0583 CompressionSpring 781 04180 LogTrayBracket 710 0650 TT Screw 5 16 18x 875 41 712 04065 FlangeLockNut 3 8 16 42 781 04179 LogTray 43 681 04040A FrameAssembly 44 710 0521 HexBolt3 8 16x 3 45 719 0353 CouplingShield 46 714 0122 SquareKey3 16 x 75 47 718 04145 FlexibleCoupling 48 712 04063 FlangeLockNut 5 16 18 49 781 0097 RearCouplingSupportBracket 50 781 1024 FenderMoun...

Страница 70: ...50 m 146 741 20 11058 OPERATOR S MANUAL 525 524 1330 REPAIR MANUAL i 306 307_ 22 ...

Страница 71: ... Engine Model No 126L02 0531 For Log Splitter Model 247 77614 445 443_ 843_ 977 CARBURETOR GASKET SET 365 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KiT 968 61 m 188 970_ 633A 163_ m 104 276 Q _ 692 t 63aA 1 163 i 127 130 95 _ 0 617 23 ...

Страница 72: ...78 304 627 347 497_ 332 455 __ 305 670 19o_ 957 I 1036 EMiSSiONS LABEL I 1OO5 58 689 0 6o 456 597 24 ...

Страница 73: ...Sears Craftsman Engine Model No 126L02 0531 For Log Splitter Model 247 77614 3_ 20 j1329 REPLACEMENT ENGINE i o 25 ...

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