Craftsman 247.288820 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 15

Содержание 247.288820

Страница 1: ...rt the engine read and understand this Operator s Manual Before using this equipment read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions For answers to your questions about this product Call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 08538 Novem...

Страница 2: ...lacement is impossible the ridingequipmentwill be replacedfree of chargewiththe sameor anequivalent model Allof the abovewarrantycoverageis void if thisridingequipmentis everusedwhileprovidingcommercialservicesor if rentedto anotherperson ThiswarrantycoversONLYdefectsin materialandworkmanship Warrantycoveragedoes NOTinclude Expendableparts exceptbattery thatcanwearout fromnormalusewithinthe warran...

Страница 3: ...etyrulesinthismanualandshould betrainedandsupervisedbya parent Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Tohelpavoidbladecontactor a thrownobjectinjury keep bystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feetfromthe machinewhile it is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneenters the area Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removeallstones sticks wire bones toys a...

Страница 4: ...uire extracaution Ifyoucannotbackupthe slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it do not mowit Foryoursafety use the SlopeGuideincludedas partof this manual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineona slopedor hilly area Ifthe slopeis greaterthan15degreesas shownonthe Slope Guide do notoperatethis machineonthatareaor seriousinjurycould result Do o Mowupanddown slopes not across Exerciseextremecaution whenc...

Страница 5: ...towingwitha machinecapableof makingtightturns e g zero turn ride onmower Makewide turnsto avoidjack knifing Travelslowlyandallowextradistanceto stop Do notcoastdownhill SERVICE SafeHandlingof Gasoline Toavoidpersonalinjury orpropertydamageuse extremecarein handlinggasoline Gasolineisextremelyflammableandthe vaporsare explosive Seriouspersonalinjury canoccurwhengasolineis spilled on yourselforyour ...

Страница 6: ...diately withoriginalequipment manufacturer s O E M partsonly listedinthis manual Useof partswhichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecifications may leadto improperperformanceandcompromise safety Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsorover speed the engine The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed of the engine Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels as necessary Observeproperdisposal...

Страница 7: ...k Contact with the blade s can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders helpers children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation WARNING SLOPE...

Страница 8: ...re2 4 Adjust gaugeupor down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1and Figure2 5 15 dashed line If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operatemachine on slopes in excess of 15 degrees All slopes require extra caution...

Страница 9: ...gure 1 2 Remove theplasticcover ifpresent fromthenegativebatteryterminaland attachtheblackcableto thenegative batteryterminal with theboltand hexnut SeeFigure 1 f Figure 1 3 Positionthe redrubberbootoverthepositivebatteryterminalto help protectit fromcorrosion NOTE Ifthe batteryisput intoservice afterthedateshownontopof battery charge the batteryasinstructed in theService Maintenance sectionofthis...

Страница 10: ...tabsengauge thepivotbracket asshownin thebottominsetof Figure 5 Figure 5 4 Selectdesired positionfortheseat andsecure with theadjustment knob removed earlier din Figure 5 5 Toadjustthepositionof theseat remove theadjustment knobonthe bottomof theseat Slidetheseatforwardor backward asdesired Reinstall theadjustmentknob SeeFigure 5 Tire Pressure Maximum tire pressureunderanycircumstances is30psi Equ...

Страница 11: ...Lever BladeEngage F CupHolder G ShiftLever H Clutch Brake Pedal NOTE Anyreference inthis manualto theRIGHT orLEFT sideof thetractorisobserved fromoperator s seatpositionfacingforward towards thefrontof tractor Meets ANSI Safety Standards Craftsman Tractors conform to thesafetystandard oftheAmerican National Standards Institute ANSI 11 ...

Страница 12: ...or refer to boththe SafetyInterlock System and StartingTheEngine laterinthissectionof thismanualfordetailed instructions regarding the IgnitionSwitchModule Neverleavearunningmachineunattended AlwaysdisengagePTO Blade Engage Lever moveshift leverintoneutral position set parkingbrake stopengineand removekeyto prevent unintendedstarting Shift Lever Theshift leverislocated ontheleft side of thefendera...

Страница 13: ...gasoline tankisundertherearfender with thefuelfill cap located in thecenteroftherearfender Thefuelcapistetheredto thetractor to prevent itsloss Donotattempt to remove thecapfromthetractor 2 Fillthefueltankwithgasoline 3 Reinstall thefuelcap Note Thetractorisfitted with atethered ratcheting fuelcap STOP filling thetank oncethefuelisseeninsidethefiller neck Thisensures thataproperexpansion volumeisc...

Страница 14: ...k systemis malfunctioning This systemwasdesignedfor your safetyandprotection NOTE Refer to theGasoline and0ii fill up instructions earlierinthissection 1 Insertthetractorkeyintotheignitionswitch 2 Place thePTO Blade Engage leverinthedisengaged OFF position 3 Engage thetractor sparkingbrake 4 Activatethechokecontrolbymovingthethrottle chokeleverallthewayup intothechokeposition 5 Turntheignitionkeyc...

Страница 15: ...he parking brake shut engine off and remove the key 2 Engage theparkingbrake 3 Shutengineoffandremove thekey Doing sowill minimizethepossibility of havingyourlawn browned byhotexhaust fromyourtractor srunning engine Ifunitstallswith speed controlinhighspeed orifunitwill notoperate with speed controlleverinalowspeed position proceed asfollows 1 Place shift leverinNEUTRAL 2 Restart engine 3 Place sp...

Страница 16: ...e Also avoiddischargingmaterial against awall orobstructionwhich maycausedischargedmaterialto ricochetback towardthe operator Headlights ThelampsareON whenever thetractor sengineisrunning Thelampsturn OFF whentheignition keyismoved to theSTOP position Donotmowat highgroundspeed especially ifamulchkit orgrasscollector isinstalled Forbestresultsitisrecommended that thefirsttwo lapsbecutwith the disc...

Страница 17: ...eels 7 BeforeStorage 1 Hood Dash airvents 1 2 Batteryterminals 2 3 Midsteeringarms pivotshafts 3 andaxles 4 Front wheelbearings 5 Front deckwheels 6 Deck spindles andidlerbracket 7 Pedalpivotpoints Service morefrequentlyunderdustyconditions Follow the maintenance schedule givenbelow Thischartdescribes service guidelines only Use theService Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance tasks Toloca...

Страница 18: ...efreelyandcarryawaymoreof theengine sedimentwhichmayhavesettledatthe bottomof thecrankcase Use careto avoidburnsfromhotoil 2 Open thetractor s hood andlocate theoildrainportontherightside of the engine See Figure 9 3 Disconnect sparkplugwireandkeepit awayfromsparkplug 4 Remove theoilfill cap dipstkkfromtheoilfill tube SeeFigure 9 5 Turnthesteeringwheelallthewayto the rightto betterexpose thedrain ...

Страница 19: ...efuellinefromthe In lineside sidetowards thefueltank of the fuelfilter Replacement partsmustbethesameandinstalledinthesamepositionas theoriginalparts If fuelspills wait until it evaporates before startingengine Beforereplacing thefuelfilter drainthefueltank Otherwise fuelcanleak outandcause afire orexplosion ToDrainthe fuel Locate thefuelfilter seeFigure 12 whichisrouted ontheleft sideofthe engine...

Страница 20: ...RTANT Neverruntheenginewithout theairfilter Rapid enginewearwill result 1 Unscrew thethumbscrews andremove theairfilter cover SeeFigure 13 Thumb Screw Air FHter 2 Figure 13 Remove theairfilter SeeFigure 14 Figure 14 Air FHter Figure15 4 Tocleanfoamelement washina mildliquiddetergent andwater Squeeze orpressthefoamelementto rinseout dirtandwater Donottwist this coulddamage ortearthefoamelement Allo...

Страница 21: ...spark plugseats to compress thewasher Whenreinstalling a usedsparkplug tighten1 8 1 4turn afterthesparkplugseats to compress thewasher IMPORTANT Thesparkplugmustbesecurely tightened Animproperly tightenedsparkplugcanbecome veryhotandmaydamage theengine Muffler Temperature of muffler and nearby engineareasmayexceed150 F 65 C Avoidcontactwith theseareas Inspect mufflerperiodically andreplace if nece...

Страница 22: ...elly to prevent corrosion Battery Failures Some common causes forbatteryfailureare Incorrect initialactivation Overcharging Freezing Undercharging Corroded connections These failuresareNOT covered byyourtractor swarranty Cleaningthe EngineAnd Deck Anyfueloroilspilledonthemachine shouldbewipedoff promptly DoNOT allow debris to accumulate around thecoolingfinsof theengineoronanyotherpart of themachi...

Страница 23: ... brakeswhile theengineisrunning Always disengagePTO bladeengage lever moveshift leverinto neutral position stopengineandremovekeyto prevent unintendedstarting Cutting Deck Removal To removethe cutting deck proceed asfollows 1 Place thePTO BladeEngage lever in thedisengaged OFF positionand engage theparkingbrake 2 Lowerthedeckbymovingthe decklift leverintothebottom notchonthe right fender 3 Remove ...

Страница 24: ...e manufacturer s recommended ormaximum psi Donotoverinflate Uneven tirepressure could cause thecuttingdeckto mowunevenly Battery California Proposition 65WARNING Batteryposts terminals andrelated accessories containleadandleadcompounds chemicals knownto theState of California to cause cancer andreproductive harm Wash hands afterhandling If removing the battery disconnectthe NEGATIVE Black wire fro...

Страница 25: ...o deliveramaxof 10amperes 2 If yourbatterycharger isautomatic chargethebatteryuntil thecharger indicates thatchargingiscomplete Ifthecharger is notautomatic charge fornofewerthaneighthours Fuse One20AMPfuseisinstalledin yourtractor swiringharness to protectthetractor s electricalsystem fromdamage caused byexcessive amperage If theelectrical systemdoesnotfunction oryourtractor senginewill notcrank ...

Страница 26: ...gthebeltaroundthetwo outerspindle pulleys asshownin Figure 28 5 Thenroutethe beltaroundthetwodeckidlerpulleysasshownin Figure 28 6 Retighten the beltkeeperrodloosened earlier 7 Remount the beltguardsremoved earlier 8 Re install thedeck makingsurethebeltremainsroutedaround thepulleys asinstructed The completebeltroutingisshownin Figure 28 9 Pulltherightsideof thebelt andplacethenarrowVsideof thebel...

Страница 27: ...rtain conditions Draingasolinebeforestoring theequipment for extended periods Drainfuel only into anapprovedcontaineroutdoors awayfrom anopen flame Allowengineto cool Extinguish cigarettes cigars pipes and othersourcesof ignition prior to draining fuel Storegasolinein an approvedcontainerin safelocation c Reconnect thefuellineandruntheengineuntil it startsto falter then usethechoketo keeptheengine...

Страница 28: ...okeleverintothe Choke position 6 Filltankwithclean fresh lessthan30 daysold gas 7 Replacethe fuel lineandreplacefuel filter 8 Clean adjustgapor replaceplug s 9 Crankenginewiththrottlein FASTposition 10 ReplaceFuse s 1 Deactivate the CHOKE 2 Connectsparkplugwire s 3 Replacethe fuel line fill tankwithclean fresh gasolineandreplacefuel filter 4 Clear ventor replacecap if damaged 5 Drainfuel tank Refi...

Страница 29: ...04060B Engine to DeckBelt N A DeckSpindle 918 04822A IgnitionKeys 24698 025 04124 FuelCap 951 12179A Partsavailableat mostSeatsRetailStores andService Centers orcall1 800 36G PART 7279 ifyouwant thepart sentdirectly toyogrholue X46377 Specific tractor attachmentsfor your Craftsman tractor availableat Sears Stores andServiceCeaters Seebelow forotheruniversal attachments alsoavailable Description St...

Страница 30: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288820 13 55 56 42 22 32 f 5 4 46 ...

Страница 31: ...rol Index Nut Hex Flange Insert Lock 3 8 16 Compression Spring Speed Latch Support Tab Flange Spacer Speed latch Bracket No RMC Self Tap Screw 5 16 18 Ref No 31 741 0587 32 712 04063 33 783 06785A 34 783 06811 0637 35 747 05371 36 731 08440 37 747 05398 38 751 10782 39 751 12179A 40 783 07083 0637 41 731 05265 42 746 04367 43 925 04659 44 625 05001 45 725 0157 46 925 0963 47 726 04072A 48 936 0463...

Страница 32: ...Craftsman Model 247 288820 26 34 22 21 14 12 39 i31 2 _29 27 32 ...

Страница 33: ...iat 450x 250x 164 ShoulderScrew 10 32x 500 PTOBearing DeckEngagementCable 12v Solenoid Ref I No 24 756 04196A 25 747 04857 26 710 04484 27 683 04195 0637 28 683 04649A 0637 29 710 0134 30 710 3008 31 712 04063 32 712 04064 33 912 0429 34 732 04035 35 736 0173 36 783 04548D 0637 37 783 04637 0637 38 783 04753 0637 39 783 04869A 0637 40 783 05389A 0637 41 925 1704A 42 738 1132 43 712 0271 44 683 044...

Страница 34: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288820 21 30 25 22 33_ _ 34 ...

Страница 35: ... 8840x 190 SteeringShaft 5 8 Splinex 21 86 Bearing Flange Hex5 8 DragLink Steering Cap 1 25x 16 Steering Block Spacer 710IDx 125ODx 56 Ref I No 21 683 0128B 0637 22 710 04484 23 712 04065 24 714 0162 25 914 0474 26 736 0341 27 731 04057A 28 736 04228A 29 738 04128 30 741 0660A 31 747 04299A 32 783 05326B 0637 33 938 04007A 0637 34 638 04008P 35 631 04028 36 731 06825 37 634 05053 0961 38 634 05066...

Страница 36: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288820 36 ...

Страница 37: ...025 23 710 0134 24 732 04035 Part No Description Screw 8 18x 500 Screw 5 16 18x 750 FlangeLockNut 5 16 18 Knob 3 8 16x 875 OuterSeat Spring InnerSeatSpring InsulatorBossPlate InsulatorPlate ExtensionSpring FiatWasher 510x 750x 033 FlatWasher 340x 872x 060 ShoulderScrew 5 16 18x 437x 268 Lift SeatBracket Seat PivotBracket Seat MountingBracket Low BackSeat Screw 1 4 20x 500 ScrewPanTorxHead 1 4 20x ...

Страница 38: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288820 9 _ _ 11J_ 38 ...

Страница 39: ...36 13 751 14284 14 751 3013 15 783 08122 N A Description Muffler Shield Assembly with Weld Screw 8 18 x 500 Screw 3 8 16 x 1 0 Screw 1 4 20 x 500 Screw 1 4 20 x 750 Flangelock Nut 1 4 20 Flange Nut M8 1 25 Cable Tie Clamp Hose 490 diameter Oil Drain Sleeve Fuel Hose Low Permeation Muffler Muffler Deflector Fuel Filter Deflector Bracket Engine See breakdown Craftsman Model No 4P9OHU 39 ...

Страница 40: ...Craftsman Model 247 288820 18 24 8 27 38 6O 62 23 47 1 28 1 15 4O ...

Страница 41: ...Extension 94ODx 6 75LG SpringExtension 59ODx 4 00LG FootPad 4 0 LONG BellWasher 340x 872x 060 Belt KeeperRod VariableSpeedControl Rod Ref I No 33 747 05188 34 747 05244 35 738 04237A 36 750 0566A 37 750 0802 38 954 04249A 39 954 0241A 40 956 04002 41 783 04536B 0637 42 783 04595A 43 956 04015A 44 683 04206 45 710 05339 46 710 0778 47 718 04261 48 736 0362 49 941 0600 50 683 04176A 51 683 04207 52 ...

Страница 42: ...Craftsman Model 247 288820 10 44 9 51 i _ 15 12 41 i 35 _ 18 39 42 ...

Страница 43: ...stment Spring Extension 62 Dia x 6 12 Pulley Cap Spring Torsion 992 ID X 1 17 OD Bracket Cable Deck Engage Ref I No 2X 936 0119 28 941 0919A 29 936 0344 30 710 0376 31 720 05010 32 736 0262 33 750 04936 34 783 06643 35 748 04069 36 738 04162C 37 748 04272 38 783 06368 39 942 04308 40 747 05323 41 747 05141A 42 747 05105B 43 631 04288 44 783 06424A 45 936 0351 46 738 1186A 47 954 04060B 48 756 0412...

Страница 44: ...__ Y 127 129 126 m 120 121 122 124 126 127 128 129 130 951 14458 951 14466 951 12255 951 12256 951 12260 712 04212 951 12328 951 12257 951 12258 D _ O II Air FilterCoverAssembly Air FilterLockNut Air FilterCover SpongeFilter Air FilterAssembly NutM6 RubberCap Manifold ManifoldGasket 44 ...

Страница 45: ... 247 288820 I m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 188 951 12205 712 04290 750 05320 951 14454 951 11622 710 05305 951 14455 710 05303 D O O DebrisShield Nut EngineShroudSpacer Starter ShroudStud M6x99 FlexibleClamp HookBolt Air Shield Self Tapping Bolt5 5x25 45 ...

Страница 46: ...Craftsman Engine Model 4P90HU For Model 247 288820 191 GasketKit External 192 GasketKit Complete 193 Complete Engine s1 _ _ 53 _47 187 1_3 U _181 I 176 68 55 I 7O 46 ...

Страница 47: ...pring GovernorArm GovernorArm Bolt GovernorArm NutM6 GovernorSpring Bolt M6x18 Bolt M6x38 ComponentBracket Separate m 69 7O 72 73 74 176 181 182 183 184 187 191 192 193 750 05530 951 12235 951 12236 951o14462 951 12237 951 12275 951 11953 951 12276 951 11954 951 12277 710 05319 951 12201 951 12204 952Z4P90HU m O ComponentBracketSpacer BreatherHoseAssembly BreatherHoseClamp ShortBlockAssembly Incl ...

Страница 48: ...del 247 288820 191 GasketKit External 192 GasketKit Complete 193 Complete Engine 154 157 152_ _153 __ _ I58 i_5 15oio2 153 1_ 147 148 149 147 148 149 161 150 142 142 I 145 161 _ 142 159 160 166 171 173 172 _ 173 172 171 1401 141 _140 48 ...

Страница 49: ...Retainer ValveKit ValveKit ExhaustPipeGasket MuffStud M8x47 MufflerStudAssembly SparkPlug F6Rtc BoltM10x1 25x85 Bolt M10x1 25x65 m 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 189 191 192 193 951 12202 951 14463 951 14460 951 12775 951 12776 951 12777 736 04629 710 05337 951 12273 715 04122 951 11335 951 11962 736 04561 951 12274 951 12197 951 12201 951 12204 952Z4P90HU D O O CylinderHead K...

Страница 50: ...Craftsman Engine Model 4P90HU For Model 247 288820 79_ 8 2 sl 3 82 _81 76_ 75 104 116 117 5O ...

Страница 51: ...DowelPin8x14 Ball6 35 Spring Bolt CrankshaftThrustWasher BalanceableShaftBearing BalanceableShaftAssembly BalanceableThrustWasher m 98 99 1CO 101 102 103 104 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 190 951 12248 951 12247 951 12249 951 12250 951 12251 951 12252 951 11956 710 05313 736 04560 951 12690 951 12253 951 12254 951 12318 710 04982 951 11375 710 05314 951 12194 D O O OilPumpAssembly O Ring10x2 65 ...

Страница 52: ...Craftsman Engine Model 4P9OHU For Model 247 288820 194 Carburetor Kit Major 131 133 52 ...

Страница 53: ... Z ChokeShaft ChokeShaftFiberO Ring ChokeReturnSpring FlatSteelWasher ChokePlate IdleJetAssembly IdleJet O Ring SheetmetalHousing ThrottleShaft ThrottlePlate ScrewM3x5 LockWasher m M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE GG HH n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a 951 14175 951 14176 n a n a n a n a n a D O O Nylon Plastic O Ring FiberO Ring IdleSpeedAdjustingScrew IdleMixture...

Страница 54: ...88820 m42 38 m 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 710 04931 951 12220 712 04220 951 12221 951 12222A 951 12223 951 12224 710 04940 951 12279 D O O BoltM6x28 IgnitionCoil Assembly FlywheelNutM16x1 5 Plate CoolingFan Flywheel Coil Assy Charge BoltM6xlO Cowl 54 ...

Страница 55: ...1 12214 951 12215 951 12216 ElectricalStarterFrontCover Bearing Pinion Clutch Assembly Gear Bearing PinionCover Bearing6001Zz StarterArmature Bearing m 22 24 25 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 951 12528 951 12217 736 04554 951 12529 951 12219 710 05308 710 05309 951 12324 736 04555 736 04556 736 04477 712 04212 715 04120 m O O StarterHousingAssembly Screw LockWasher Brush Assembly ElectricalStarterB...

Страница 56: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Страница 57: ...ectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyextend...

Страница 58: ...uent purchaser that the outdoor equipment engine is Designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part to be identical in all material respects to that part as described in MTD Consumer Group Inc s application for certification The warranty period begins on the date the outdoor e...

Страница 59: ...cement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road engine and equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering Sys...

Страница 60: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Страница 61: ...sloscasos sisepartedela reparaci6n o reernplazo es irnposible elequipo deequitaci6n sereernplazar gratuitarnente conelrnisrno oequivalente Todos los delaanterior garantia esnulasiseutiliza esteequipo deconducci6n rnientras queproporciona servicios cornerciales o Sialquila aotrapersona Estagaranfiacubresolarnente defectosen materialy rnanode obra Coberturade lagaranfianoinduye Piezasfungibles excep...

Страница 62: ...n objetoqueseaarrojado rnantenga a los observadores a los ayudantes ni_osy rnascotas alejadosal rnenos25 metrosde la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentraen lazona Inspeccionerninuciosarnente el Areadondeutilizar_ el equipo Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetes y otros objetosextra_osquepodrianser recogidosy arrojadosporla acci6nde lascuchilla...

Страница 63: ...ed altopuedeocultarobst_ culos Vayaa bajavelocidad ElijaunavelocidadIosuficienternente baja de rnodoquenotengaquedetenerse o hacercarnbios rnientras est sobrela pendiente Losneurn_ ticos podrianperdertracci6n sobrelaspendientes aQn cuandolos frenosfuncionaran apro piadarnente Siernpre rnantenga la rn_ quina en carnbiornientras desciendelaspendientes parapoderfrenarconel motor Sigalas recornendacio...

Страница 64: ... suelo Siestonoes posible Ileneel equipoen unrernolqueconun contenedorport_ til envezde hacerlocon unaboquilladispensadora degasolina Mantengala boquillade Ilenadoencontactocon elhordedel dep6sitode combustible o con la aberturadel recipienteentodo rnornento hastaterrninarlacarga No utiliceundispositivode boquilladeapertura cierre Apaguetodosloscigarrillos cigarros pipasy otrasfuentesde cornbusti6...

Страница 65: ...rucciones segQnseanecesario Respetelas norrnasreferentesa ladisposici6ncorrectay las reglarnentaciones sobregasolina aceite etc paraprotegerel medicarnbiente SegOn la Cornisidn de Seguridadde Productosparael Consurni dorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y la Agenciade Proteccidn Arnbientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA esteproductotiene una vida Qtilmediade siete 7 a_os 6 270horasde funcionarniento AIfinalizarl...

Страница 66: ... PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad ERSONAS PRESENTES Guarde alas personas presentes a los ayudantes y a nihos pot Io menos 75 pies lejos PELIGRO CUESTAS Use extra la precauci6n e...

Страница 67: ... Figura 2 4 Ajuste el pendientede calibre arriba o hacia abajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 5 Si hay unespacio pot debajo de la pendiente de calibre el pendientees demasiado escarpa pot operaciCn segura consultar Figura 2 above Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaciCnde los accidentesque pueden provocar lesiones...

Страница 68: ...pernoy tuercahexagonal Wase la Figure28 3 La posici6nde la botadegoma rojasobreel terminalposifivode la bateriaparaayudara protegerde lacorrosi6n NOTA Sila bateriase poneen serviciodespu_sdela fechaindicada en la partesuperiorde labateria carguela bateriacomose indicaen el Servicioy Uantenimiento dela secci6ndeestemanualantesde operarel tractor ENVJO BRACE ELllVlINACIC N AsegQrese dequeel motordel...

Страница 69: ...sobre el soporte de pivote del asiento como se muestra en la Figure 31 y montar el asiento en el soporte de pivote insertando las dos lengOetas de la parte inferior del asiento en las ranuras de la m6nsula de pivote 3 Deslice el asiento hacia atr s en el soporte de pivote del asiento alineando la ranura central trasera en el soporte de pivote con el agujero que queda en la base del asiento 4 Selec...

Страница 70: ...nca BladeEngage F Portavasos G DeVeloddad H Pedal defreno NOTA Cualqu er referendahecha enestemanual al ladoDERECHO oIZQU IERDO deltractordebeentenderse tal comoseobserva desde la posidbndeloperador Curnpiecon losest_ndaresde seguridad deANSi Las m_iqu nas qu tan eve deCraftsman cumplen conlosest_indares desegur dad del nstituto estadounidense deest_indares nadonales ANSI 70 J ...

Страница 71: ...delmotor m s adelanteenesta secci6ndeestemanualparainstrucciones detalladas sobrela Ilavedeencendidodel m6dulo Nunca dejeaunequipo que ejecuta sinsupervisi6n Siempre desconecte tomadefuerza palanca decambio seponga enposici6n neutral elfrenode mano apague elmotory quite lallavepara evitarelarranque nodeseado Levantela palancade la cubierta Encontrado enel guardabarros derecho desutractor lapalanca...

Страница 72: ...da elmotorapagado ydejar queenfrieelmotorporIomenos 2minutos antesdequitarlatapadelcombustible Eltanquedegasolina est_debajo del guardabarros trasero yeltap6ndellenado decombustible seencuentra en elcentro delguardabarros trasero Eltap6ndelcombustible est_amarrado al tractorparaimpedirquesepierda Nointenteretirareltap6ndeltractor 2 Llenar el dep6sito decombustible conlagasolina 3 Vuelva a instalar...

Страница 73: ...laderecha a laposki6nSTART Suelte latecla enlaposki6nON unavezqueel motorhayadespedido V _ase laFigure 36 Para apagar elmotor girelaIlavedeencendido ensent doantihorariohastala _osid6n OFF V_ase laFigure 36 Nuncadeje a m_quinafuncionandosinatenci6n Siempredesconecte a toma defuerza mueva a palancadecambiosa la posici6nneutral ponga elfreno demano apagueel motory retire aIlaveparaevitar el encendid...

Страница 74: ...ocidades m_s altas hasta despu_s deloscinturones sehan sentado enlaspoleas durante elper odo derodaje Antesdeabandonarla posici6ndeloperadorporcualquierraz6n separarlas hojas ponerlapalancade controlde velocidaden I neutral pongaelfreno deestacionamiento paradamotorapagadoy quitarla Ilave INIPORTANTE AIparareltractor porcualquiermotivo mientras queenuna superficie dehierba siempre 1 Coloque lapala...

Страница 75: ..._quina si alguien entra enel _rea Fal os Las l mparas est nON cuandoelmotordeltractorseest ejecutando Las luces seapagacuando lallavedecontactosemueve a laposici6n STOP LasiguJente informaci6n ser_t_tJl cuandoseutJliza laplataforma decorteconsu tractor Plandesupatr6n decorte paraevitar la descarga dematerialeshacialas carreteras aceras transeuntes etc Adem _s evite material quesedescarga contrauna...

Страница 76: ...edasdelanteras delaplataforma Cada 50horas 1 Elaceitedel motor elfiltro deaceite 2 Silenciador Anualmente AntesdeAlmacenaje 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 Comprobar Limpie Limpie Cambie Limpie Limpie Lubrique Limpie Limpie Lubrique 4 Lubrique 5 Lubrique 1 Cambie reemplace 2 Comprobar 1 Filtrodeaire 2 Eldepurador del filtro deaire 3 Buj a 4 Sistema derefrigerad6n poraire 5 Filtrodecombustible 6 Directivo Engr...

Страница 77: ...motor Sire isdela marcaFULL enla varilla elaceitededrenajeparareducirel niveldeaceiteenFULL marcaenla varilla demedici6n Cambiodeaceite motor yfiltro Neta Elfiltro deaceitesedebecambiarencadaintervalodecambio deaceite Debe cambiarse elaceitedel motorenlasprimeras 5 horas y luegocada50horas o unavezpottemporada Paracambiar elaceitedel motor proceda comosigue 1 Haga fundonarelmotorduranteunosminutos...

Страница 78: ...lquier fugadegranvolumendecombustible desde eldep6sito de desconectar lalineadecombustible delfiltro enlalineadecombustible cercadelmotor Quitelalineadecombustible delaLN lado delalinea ladohacia eltanque decombustible delfiltro decombustible Las piezas derecambio debeserlamismaeinstalados enlamismaposici6n quelaspiezas originales Sisederrama combustible espere hastaqueseevapora antesdearrancar el...

Страница 79: ...relelemento deespumaoreemplazar daffado Air Filter Figure43 4 Tocleanfoamelement washina mildliquiddetergentandwater Squeeze orpressthefoamelementto rinseoutdirt andwater Donottwist this coulddamage ortearthefoamelement Allowto drythoroughlybefore using DO NOT oil thefoamelement 5 Attachthenewairfilter withfoamelement aligningthe holein theairfilter with theintakemanifold SeeFigure 44 Manifold Fig...

Страница 80: ...ientaparacompfimirlaarandela Cuando vuelvaa instalar unabujia usada apfiete1 8 1 4vueltadespu _s delosasientos dela bujiapara comprimirlaarandela IMPORTANTE Labujiadebeestarbienapretada Una bujiamalapretada puedecalentarse muchoypuededaffarel motor Silenciador Temperaturadel silenciadory _reascercanasdel motor podr_set superiora 150 F 65 C Evite el contactoconestas_reas Inspeccione peri6dicamente ...

Страница 81: bateria Algunas causas comunes defallas enlabateria son lossiguientes Laactivacidninicialincorrecta Sobrecarga Congelacidn La subfacturacidn Conexionescorroidas Estos fallos noson cubiertos porlagarantia deltractor Limpiezade lasm iquinas y la cubierta Cualquier combustible oaceitederramado enlam_iquina debeserborradode nmediato NO permitaquelosdesechos queseacumulan alrededor delasaletasde ref...

Страница 82: ...torte hagaIosiguiente I Colocar latomadefuerza BladeEngage palanca enlaposid6nOFF desembragar laposici6n ypongaelfrenodeestadonamiento 2 Bajolacubiertamoviendo lapalanca deelevaci6n decubiertaenla muesca enlaparteinferior delguardabarros derecho 3 Extracci6n delaauto Tornillo CA queasegura eldntur6n Roddetodo poseedor delapoleadelmotordel tractor acontinuaci6n quitarlavarilla poseedor deldntur6n B...

Страница 83: ...eros Aproximadamente el 14psiparalosneum_ticos delanteros IMPORTANTE Refi_rase a lapareddelneum_tico parala ISP recomendados o m_ximos fabricante deneum_ticos esexacto Nosobre inflar Lapresi6n del neum_tico desigual podriacausar quelaplataforma decorteparacortardemanera desigual BaterJa Proposici6n 65deCalifornia iADVERTENCIA Postes dela bateria terminales y accesorios relacionados contienen plomo...

Страница 84: ...cer unm ximo de10amperios S elcargador dela bateriaesautom tica cargue labateriahastael cargador ndica quelacargaest_completa Sielcargador noest autom tica cargo pornomenos deochohoras Fusible Unfusiblede20AMPest_instalado enIosjuegos decables desutractorpara proteger elsistemael ctrico deltractordedaffos causados potel amperaje excesivo Sielsistema el ctrkonofundona o elmotordesutractornoarranca ...

Страница 85: ...eatensora a laizquierda paraobtenerelcintur6nalrededor delapoleayelprotectorde lacorrea 4 Retire concuidado ladnta decubiertadealrededor delasdospoleasdel husilloy lasdospoleaspoleatensora delacubierta V _ase la Figure 56 5 Para colocar lacorrea nueva empiezahadendo queel cinturdnalrededor de lasdospoleas exteriordel huso comosemuestra enla Figure 56 6 Luego ladnta derutaalrededor delasdospolinesp...

Страница 86: ...l Cubierta de la correa Figure 56 86 ...

Страница 87: ...ustiblet_nicamente dentro deunrecipiente aprobadoy al airefibre lejosdecualquierllamaexpuesta Dejeque el motor seenfrie Antesdedrenarel combustible apaguedgarrillos cigarros pipasyotrasfuentesdecombusti6n Vadelagasolina enun_rea bienventilada lejosdecualquierfuentedellamaochispas incluidocualquier artefactoconluzpiloto Almacene lagasolina enunredpienteaprobado enun lugarseguro Extraiga labujiayvie...

Страница 88: ...s es muy 1 revoluciones pequer_a El motor funciona con 1 Bujia atorada averiada o exceso de 1 dificultad en ralenti separacidn 2 El filtro de aire est 1 sucio 2 Demasiada vibracidn 1 Cuchilla de corte floja o descentrada 1 2 Cuchilla dahada o curvada 2 1 La velocidad del motor es demasiado 1 lenta Corte desigual 2 C6sped humedo 3 C6sped demasiado alto Conecte los cables de la bujia Limpie la linea...

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