Craftsman 247.282820 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 19

Содержание 247.282820

Страница 1: ...roduct call 1 800 4MY HOME CAUTION Before using this product read this manual and follow aJl safety ruJes and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPAI_OL R 30 Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www sears com craftsman FormNo 769 04612 May4 2009 ...

Страница 2: ...ntalpurposes ThiswarrantycoversONLYdefectsin materialandworkmanship Searswill NOTpayfor Expendableitemsthatcanwear outfromnormalusewithinthewarrantyperiod suchas belts filters sparkplugsordethatching blades Repairsnecessarybecauseof accident suchas abentcrankshaft or failureto operateor maintainthe productaccordingto all suppliedinstructions Preventivemaintenance or repairsnecessarydueto improperf...

Страница 3: ... rulesof safe operationshouldbe allowedto usethis machine Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to beused Removeall stones sticks wire bones toys andotherforeign objects whichcouldbetripped overor pickedupandthrownbythe det hatcher sblades Thrownobjectscancauseserious personalinjury Tohelpavoidbladecontact injury stay in operatorzonebehindbail and keepchildren bystanders helpers andpetsat ...

Страница 4: ...cesof ignition Neverfuel machineindoorsbecauseflammablevaporswillaccumu lateinthe area Neverremovegascap oradd fuelwhileengineis hotor running Allowengineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling Neveroverfill fueltank Filltankto red indicatorbar insidetank Replacegasoline capandtightensecurely If gasolineis spilled wipe itoffthe engineandequipment Moveunit to anotherarea Wait5 minutesbeforestarti...

Страница 5: ...semble and operate WARNING ROTATING BLADES Keep hands out of inlet and discharge openings while machine is running There are rotating blades inside BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders pets and children at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation Stop machine if anyone enters the area WARNING THROWN DEBRIS Remove debris i e rocks sticks wire and other objects which can be thrown by the blades...

Страница 6: ..._ o_ co O d t o co o D Thissymbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich if not followed couldendangerthe personalsafetyand or propertyof yourself andothers Readandfollowallinstructionsin thismanualbeforeattemptingto operatethis machine Failureto complywiththeseinstruc tionsmayresultin personalinjury Whenyou seethis symbol HEEDITSWARNING 6 ...

Страница 7: ...adand follow all instructionsin this manualbefore attempting to operatethis machine Failureto comply with these instructions mayresult in personal injury When you see this symbol HEED ITS WARNING Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machineto personswho read understand and follow the warnings and instruc tions in this manualand on the machine 7 ...

Страница 8: ...e Handle 1 Removeknobsfromhandles 2 Placelowerhandleas shown See Figure1 4 Placeupperhandleon lowerhandle 5 Insertknobsintotop holeof the lowerhandleand bottomhole of the upperhandleandtighten SeeFigure2 Figure2 Attaching Remote Pulley Starter The ropeguideisattachedto the rightsideof the upperhandle Loosenthe nut whichsecuresitto the upperhandle SeeFigure3 f Figure1 Insertknobsintothe top notchof...

Страница 9: Avoidrepeatedor prolongedcontactwithskinor breathingof vapor Adding fuel Removethegas cap checkthefuel levelandaddfuel if necessary Do notfill past FuelLevel markeringas tank Iftankis overfilled waituntilfuel va Adding oil Theengineis shippedwithoutoil in the engine Youmustfill the enginewithoil beforeoperating Runningthe enginewithinsuf ficientoilcan causeseriousenginedamageandvoid the product...

Страница 10: ...GASOLINE CAP Removethegas cap to addfuel OIL FILL Engineoil levelcan be checkedandoiladdedthroughthe oilfill BLADE CONTROL BAIL Locatedon the upperhandle the bladecontrolhandleis usedto engageanddisengagedriveto the cutting blades Squeezethe controlhandleagainstthe upperhandleto engagetheblades releaseit to disengage HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT LEVER The heightadjustmentleverraisesand lowersthe cuttingblade...

Страница 11: ...ine 4 Pullthe recoilstarterhandlerapidly Donot allowthe handleto snapback Allowit to rewindslowlywhilekeepinga firmhold onthe handle 5 As the enginewarmsup andbeginsto operateevenly slidethe chokeleverslowlyto the 1 2 chokeposition Whentheengine I II beginsto runsmoothly movethe choketo the OFF_ _posi tion If theenginefails returnto FULLI_1 choke then slowly m a moveto 1 2 chokethen the OFF_ _posi...

Страница 12: ...2 being the highestsetting 5 beingthe lowest Settings3 4 and5 arenot neededuntilthe bladesare toowornto beeffectiveon setting2 Optimumcuttingdepth is 1 8 of aninch SeeFigure10 Figure10 If dethatcherbecomesstuckduringuse gentlypushdownon handleto raisefrontwheels Do notdrive overdiscardedthatchas thiscreatesan uneven cuttingheight Whendethatching leaveapproximately eight inchesof soil be tweenthe f...

Страница 13: ...d removethe sparkplugbeforeperforminganytypeof enginemaintenance Periodicinspection andadjustment of theengineisessentialifhigh levelperformanceis to be maintained Regularmaintenance will alsoensurea longservicelife The requiredserviceintervals and the typeof maintenance to beperformedaredescribedinthe table above Followthe hourlyor calendarintervals whicheveroccur first Morefrequentserviceis requ...

Страница 14: ... Measurethe pluggapwitha feelergauge Correctas neces saryby bendingthe sideelectrode Figure13 The gapshould be setto 02 03inches 0 70 0 80turn Electrode _ 02 03 in 0 70 0 80 ram Figure13 4 Checkthatthe sparkplugwasheris ingoodconditionand threadthe sparkplugin byhandto preventcross threading 5 Afterthe sparkplugis seated tightenwitha sparkplugwrench to compressthe washer NOTE Wheninstalling a news...

Страница 15: ...hat secureit to the frameandpressingthe top twonotchesin See Figure14 Removethe beltby pullingoverandout fromthetop pulley Swingthe beltkeeperdownwards to releasebeltfromlower pulley SeeFigure16 i BeltKeeper Figure14 Removetheupperleftpulley SeeFigure15 Figure15 Figure16 Toreplacethe beltfollowtheseinstructions 1 Routethe beltaroundthetop andbottompulleys See Figure17 Figure17 2 Reinstallthe pulle...

Страница 16: ...e18 Removethe sixscrewson the leftand rightside SeeFigure16 Turnthe dethatcheron its leftside withthe engineclosestto theground Slidethe bladeassemblyout fromthe rightside oppositethe engine andlift uponcethe bladeassemblyis clearof the housing SeeFigure19 Figure20 1 Insertthe bladeassemblyleftside first 2 Pullthe rightside of the housingframeout 3 Slidethe rightsideof the bladeassemblyinto positi...

Страница 17: ...t A fireor explosioncould result NOTE Neverrunthe enginewithoutthe aircleaner Rapidengine wearwill result 1 Pressthe tab onthe airfiltercoverand liftthe cover SeeFigure 21 Replacepaperelementwhen dirtyordamaged Cleanfoam elementor replacewhen damaged f Figure21 2 Tocleanfoamelement separateit fromthe paperelementand washin liquiddetergentandwater Allowit to dry thoroughly beforeusing Do notoil the...

Страница 18: ...arterseveral timesto distributethe oil and reinstallthe sparkplug 4 Cleandebrisfromaroundthe engine and under around and behindthe muffler Applya light filmof oilon anyareasthatare susceptibleto rust 5 Storeina clean dry andwellventilatedareaawayfromany appliancethatoperateswitha flameor pilot light suchas a furnace waterheateror clothesdryer Avoidany areawith a sparkproducingelectricmotor orwhere...

Страница 19: ...neoverheats 1 Carburetor out of adjustment Lossof power 1 Sparkplugwire loose 2 Ventingas cap plugged Excessivevibration 1 Loosepartsor damagedblades 1 Filltankwithcleanfreshgasoline 2 Cleanfuel line 3 Connectwireto sparkplug 4 Cleansparkplug readjustgap or replace 1 Movechokeleverto OFFposition 2 Cleanfuel lineandfill tankwithfresh clean gasoline 3 Drainfueltank Refillwithfreshfuel 4 ContactaSear...

Страница 20: ...21 Steel Blade Dethatcher _ Model No 247 282820 44 4 23 41 4 47 43 35 29 1 16 24 22 36 50 2 15 33 21 51 19 20 4 23 48 17 3 54 42 52 11 26 2O ...

Страница 21: ...nerScrew 25 941 0124 BallBearing 26 747 05100 BumperSide 27 750 04233A idlerSpacer D O Q 750 04391 BearingSpacer 6 6x 16 7x 11 6 29 750 04394 idlerSpacer 6 5 x 22 3 x 23 30 954 04028 V Belt 31 756 04112A Pulley 32 756 04133 Pulley 2 x 2 75x 625 33 756 04275 Pulley 75 IDx 2 14 34 781 04053 CableBracketMount 35 781 04089 idlerArm 36 781 04096 WasherBearing 37 781 04064 38 738 04079 39 681 04014A 40 ...

Страница 22: ...21 Steel Blade Dethatcher _ IViodel No 247 282820 14 30 16 14 37 36 22 20 10 11 _10 22 ...

Страница 23: ...12 0713 FlangeLockNut M6 1 17 747 04861 0637 Bail 18 720 0270A HandleGrip 19 781 04258 0637 HeightAdjustmentLiftHandle D O 720 04041 TurningKnob M8 x 1 25 21 732 04190A Compression Spacer 087x 715x 688 22 936 0451 SaddleWasher 320x 93x 060 23 736 0700 FiatWasher 8 4x 16x 1 60 24 738 04092 ShoulderSpacer 11 87x 15 5 25 938 0952A ShoulderBolt 375x 125 26 749 04464 0637 UpperHandle 27 749 04117B 0637...

Страница 24: ...21 Steel Blade Dethatcher Engine Model No 247 282820 03 _U 3 24 ...

Страница 25: ...1 25x6 Complete GasketCaseCover 951 10903 CylinderHead Assembly 951 10918 FuelLineKit 951 10912 ValveKit 3 4 10 O Ring 15 OilSeal22x35x7 21 Packing 25 Washer 10x16x1 5 29 GasketCoverHead 47 GasketCylinderHead 55 Packing 59 Packing Insulator 61 Packing Insulator 62 Packing 63 Gasket CoverHead 47 PlatePushRodGuide 49 Bolt Pivot 50 ArmValveRocker 51 AdjustingNut Valve 52 Nutt PivotLocking 53 GasketCy...

Страница 26: ...rterAssembly 37 710 04914 Bolt 38 712 04211 Nut 39 951 11106 GovernorArm 40 Dethatcher Engine B Model No 247 282820 710 04908 Bolt 951 10954 ThrottleReturnSpring 42 951 11152 GovernorRod 43 951 10915 GovernorReturnSpring 44 710 04916 Bolt 45 710 04922 Bolt 48 710 04902 PivotBolt 50 751 11123 ValveAdjustingNut 52 751 11124 PivotLockingNut 53 715 04090 DowelPin 56 951 10657 MufflerStudAssembly 57 95...

Страница 27: ...pidResolution phone supportfroma Searsrepresentative Thinkof us asa talking owner smanual Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is allthat it takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcancall anytimeday or night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreementis a risk freepurchase Ifyou cancelfor any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill providea full refund Or a prora...

Страница 28: ...t andequippedsoas to conformwithallapplicableregulationsadoptedby the AirResourcesBoardpursuantto its authorityin Chapters1and2 Part5 Division26of the Healthand SafetyCode and 2 Freefromdefectsin materialsandworkmanship thatcausethe failureof a warrantedpart to beidenticalin all materialrespectsto the part asdescribedinthe enginemanufacturer s applicationfor certificationfor a periodof twoyears b ...

Страница 29: ...nufacturer shall not be liable under this article towarrant failures ofwarranted parts caused bythe use ofnon exempted add on ormodified part c MTDwill includea copyof the followingemissionwarrantypartslistwitheach newengine usingthoseportionsof the listapplicable to the engine 1 FuelMeteringSystem Coldstart enrichmentsystem soft choke Carburetor and internalparts Fuel Pump 2 Air InductionSystem A...

Страница 30: ...NTElosdefectosenlos materialesyen la manodeobra SearsNOpagar por Arficulosde duraci6nlimitadaquepuedendesgastarse en condicionesnormalesde usoduranteel periodode garanfia talescomo correas filtros bujiaso cuchillasescarificadoras Reparadonesrequeridasdebidoa accidentes tal comouncig JeSal abollado o nooperaro mantenerel productode acuerdocon las instruccionessuministradas Mantenimiento preventivo ...

Страница 31: ... piedras palos alambre huesos juguetes y otros objetos extraRosque podrfan hacer tropezar o set recogidos y arrojados per la acci6n de las cuchillas del escarificador Los objetos arrojados per la m_ quinapueden causar lesiones graves Para ayudar a evitar una lesi6n per contacto con las cuchillas mant gase en la zona del operador detr_ sdel asa y mantenga a los niRos observadores ayudantes y mascot...

Страница 32: ... en marcha Deje que el motor se enffie por Io menos dos minutos antes de volver a cargar combustible Nunca Ileneen exceso el dep6sito de combustible Llene el tanque hasta la barra indicadora roja dentro del tanque Vuelva a colocar la tapa del combustible y ajOstela bien Limpie el combustible que se hayaderramado sobre el motor y el equipo Traslade la m_ quina a otra zona Espere 5 minutos antes de ...

Страница 33: ... utilizarla ADVERTENCIA CUCHILLAS GIRATORIAS Mientras la m_iquina est 1 en funcionamiento mantenga las manos fuera de las aberturas de entrada y de descarga En el interior hay cuchillas giratorias OBSERVADORES Mantenga a los observadores mascotas y ni_os al menos a 25 metros de la m_iquina mientras est 1 en funcionamiento Detenga la m_iquina si alguien entra en la zona ADVERTENCIA DESECHOS ARROJAD...

Страница 34: ..._ _ No_ _ __ _ _ X _ t3 x _ N Lapresenciadeeste simboloindicaque setratade instruccionesimportantes de seguridadque sedebenrespetarparaevitarponeren peligrosu seguridadpersonaly o materialy lade otraspersonas Leay sigatodaslas instrucciones de estemanualantesde poneren funcionamiento estam_ quina Si norespetaestasinstruccionespuedeprovocarlesionespersonales Cuandovea estesimbolo iTENGA ENCUENTALAA...

Страница 35: ...Estapdtgina semarch6 intencionadamente enblanco 35 ...

Страница 36: 2 Coloquela rnanijainferiorcornose rnuestra Veala Figura1 4 Coloquela rnanijasuperiorsobrela inferior 5 Insertlas perillasen el orificiosuperiorde larnanijainferioryen el orificioinferiorde la rnanijasuperiory ajuste Veala Figura2 Figura2 Colocaci6n de arrancador de polea remoto Laguia dela cuerdaest unidaal costadoderechode la rnanija superior Aflojela tuercaqueIo sujetaa la rnanijasuperior Ve...

Страница 37: ...idoo prolongado con la piely la inhalaci6nde los vapores Carga de combustible Extraigalatapa delcombustible controleel nively carguern_ s combustible de ser necesario No Ilenern_sarribade larnarca delnivelde combustible del tanque Sise excedela carga espere hastaqueel vapordelcombustiblese evapore Tenga rnuchocuidadoaltrabajarcon gasolina Lagasolinaes surnarnente infiarnable y susvaporespuedencaus...

Страница 38: ...ombustible LLENABO BE ACEITE Es posiblecontrolarel niveldeaceitedelmotor asi comotambi_n agregaraceite a travesdel Ilenadodeaceite ASA DE CONTROL DE LAS CUCHILLAS Elasa de controldela cuchillaest ubicadaen la manijasuperiory se usa paraengranary desengranarlatransmisi6na las cuchillas decorte Aprieteel asade controlcontrala manijasuperiorpara engranarlascuchillas afl6jelaparadesengranarla PALANCA ...

Страница 39: ...ela rnanija delarrancadorr_ pidarnente No perrnita quela rnanijaretroceda a su posici6n original Perrnita quese enrolle lentarnente rnientras sujetafirrnernente larnanijadelarrancador 2 Mientrasel motorse calientay cornienza afuncionar uniforrnernente deslicela palancadelcebadorlentarnente hacialaposici6n1 2 delcebador Cuandoel motorcornienza a funcionarregularrnente rnuevael cebadora laposici6nOF...

Страница 40: ... alta y 5 la rn_ s baja Las posiciones3 4 y 5 noson necesariashastaque lascuchillas est_ n dernasiadogastadasparautilizarlasen la posici6n2 La profundidaddecorte6ptirnaes 1 8 de pulgada Yeala Figura10 Figura10 Nohundadernasiadolas cuchillasde corte deese rnodose acortalavida Otildela correadetransrnisi6ndelas cuchillas Siel escarificadorse pegaduranteel uso ernpujelarnanija suavernente haciaabajop...

Страница 41: ...e del motor Elaceitedel motorse debecarnbiardespu_sde las prirnerascinco horasdeuso y luegounavezporternporada o cada 50horasde USO Sigael cronograrna de rnantenirniento quese presentaa continuaci6n Estatabla s61o describepautasde servicio Utilice lacolurnnaRegistrodeServicioparahacerel seguirniento delas tareasde rnantenirniento cornpletadas Paraubicar el Centro de Servicio Sears rn_scercano o pa...

Страница 42: ...los ajustesnecesariostorciendoel electrodolateral Figura13 La separaci6n debeajustarseen 0 02 0 03pulgadas 0 70 0 80 rnrn Figura13 4 Verifiqueque laarandeladela bujfaest_enbuenas condicionesy enrosquelabujiahaciaadentrornanualrnente paraevitarquese enrosquecruzada 5 Unavezque labujfaest colocadaen su lugar aprietecon una Ilaveparabujiaparacornprirnirla arandela NOTA Cuandoinstaleunabujianueva apri...

Страница 43: ...a sujetanal bastidory presionehacia adentrolas dos muescassuperiores Figura14 2 Retirela poleasuperiorizquierda Veala Figura15 t i Saquela correa alandohaciaarribay afuerade lapolea superior Ernpujeel guardacorrea haciaabajoparasoltarla correadela poleainferior Veala Figura16 Figura16 Paracambiarlacorreasigaestasinstrucciones 1 Coloquela correaalrededordearnbaspoleas Veala Figura17 i i Figura15 Fi...

Страница 44: ...or sobreel ladoizquierdo conel motor rn_ s cercadel suelo Desplaceel conjuntodecuchillashaciaafueraporel lado derecho opuestoal motor y levanteunavezquelas cuchillas se encuentren fueradel alojarniento Veala Figura19 Paracarnbiarel conjuntode cuchillasconsultela Figura20 Figura20 1 Inserteelconjuntodecuchillascornenzando con el lado izquierdo 2 Jaleel ladoderechodel marcodelalojarnientohaciaafuera...

Страница 45: ... Podriaproducirseunincendioo explosi6n NOTA Nuncaopereel motorsin eldepuradorde aireinstalado Resultar_ en desgaster_ pido del motor 1 Optimala pestaSadela tapadel filtrodeairey levantela tapa Reernplace elelernentodepapelsi est sucioo daSado Lirnpieelelernentode espurnao reernpl_ celo si est daSado f Figura21 Paralirnpiarel elernentodeespurna sep_ relo del elernento depapely I_ velo condetergente...

Страница 46: ...el arrancadorde retrocesoparadistribuirel aceitey reinstalela bujfa 4 Lirnpielos residuosacurnulados alrededordel motor y debajo alrededor y detr_ sdelsilenciador Apliqueunacapadelgada deaceiteentodaslas_ reas quepuedenIlegaraoxidarse 5 Guardeel motoren un sectorlirnpio secoy bienventilado lejosdecualquierartefactoquefuncionecon unallamao luz pilotocornohornos calentadoresdeaguay secadoresderopa E...

Страница 47: ...carburador 1 Elcablede la bujfaest flojo 2 Laventilaci6nde la tapadelcombustible est obstruida 1 Haypiezasflojaso las cuchillasest_ n da_adas 1 Lleneel dep6sitocon gasolinalirnpiay nueva 2 Lirnpiela lineadelcombustible 3 Conecteelcable a labujia 4 Lirnpiela bujia ajusteladistanciadisruptivao carnbielabujfa 1 Muevalapalancadelcebadora la posici6nOFF apagado 2 Lirnpiela Ifneadelcombustibley Ileneel ...

Страница 48: ...nR_pida el apoyotelef6nicode unChamuscaal representante Pienseen nosotroscomoel manual de undue_ohablador Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprogramarelservicio con tan s61orealizarunaIlamadatelef6nica PuedeIlamaren cualquiermomentodeldia o dela nocheo programarunservicio en linea ElAcuerdode Protecci6n de Reparaci6nes unacomprasin riesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteel periodode garanfiadeproduct...

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Страница 52: ...ur Home For repair of carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio y para ordenar...
