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Содержание 247.25003

Страница 1: ...Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 07656 November7 2011 ...

Страница 2: ...ableparts exceptbattery thatcanwear outfromnormalusewithinthe warrantyperiod includingbut not limitedto blades spark plugs air cleaners belts andoilfilters Standardmaintenanceservicing oilchanges or tune ups Tire replacement or repaircausedby puncturesfromoutsideobjects suchas nails thorns stumps or glass Tireor wheelreplacement or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident or improperoperationor main...

Страница 3: ...rea Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removeallstones sticks wire bones toys andotherforeign objectswhichcouldbe pickedupandthrownby the blade s Thrownobjectscan causeseriouspersonalinjury Planyour mowingpatternto avoiddischargeof materialtoward roads sidewalks bystandersandthe like Also avoiddischarg ingmaterialagainstawall orobstructionwhichmaycause dischargedmaterialto ri...

Страница 4: ...e slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it do not mowit Foryoursafety use the slopegaugeincludedas part of thismanual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineona slopedor hilly area Ifthe slopeis greaterthan15degreesas shownonthe slope gauge donot operatethis machineonthatareaor seriousinjurycould result Do o Mowacrossslopes not upanddown Exerciseextremecaution whenchangingdirectionon slopes Watchfor hol...

Страница 5: ... ignition Neverfuel machineindoors Neverremovegascap or addfuelwhilethe engineis hotor run ning Allowengineto coolat leasttwominutesbeforerefueling Neveroverfill fuel tank Filltankto no morethan 1 2 inchbelow bottomof filler neckto allowspaceforfuel expansion Replacegasolinecap andtightensecurely Ifgasolineisspilled wipeitoffthe engineandequipment Move machine to anotherarea Wait5 minutesbeforesta...

Страница 6: ...eplace safety and instruction labels asnecessary Observe proper disposal laws and regulations forgas oil etc to protect the environment According tothe Consumer Products Safety Commission CPSC and the U S Environmental Protection Agency EPA this product has anAverage Useful Life ofseven 7 years or270 hours of operation Atthe end ofthe Average Useful Life have the machine inspected annually bySears...

Страница 7: ...k Contactwiththe blade s can amputatehandsandfeet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS Thismachinemaypickupandthrowandobjectswhichcancauseseriouspersonalinjury WARNING THROWN OBJECTS Thismachinemaypickupandthrowandobjectswhichcancauseseriouspersonalinjury BYSTANDERS Keepbystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feetfromthe machinewhileit is inoperation WARNING SLOPEOPERATION Donot operatethismachineona slopeg...

Страница 8: ...ure2 4 Adjust gaugeupor down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1and Figure2 5 15 dashed line If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto tip over and roll over accidents whichcan result in severe injury or death Do not operatemachine on slopes in excess of 15 degrees All slopes require extra caution...

Страница 9: ...e shippingpallet 6 Aftermovingthe ridingmower disengageboth bypassrods Lift the rodandguidethe flangeof the rod backthroughthe larger circularopeningof the keyhole then releasethe rod NOTE The ridingmowerwill not drivewiththe bypassrods inthe engageposition 7 Removethe deckwashsystemnozzleadapterandoildraintube fromthe manualbagandstorefor futureuse install Operator s Seat Toinstallthe seatproceed...

Страница 10: ...g 5 r Control Lever Moved inward and in Neutral Figure 6 3 Refer to Adjusting theDriveControl Levers intheService andMainte nancesection forinstructions onthefinaladjustment ofthelevers Connecting the Battery Cables Batteryposts terminals and relatedaccessoriescontainleadand leadcompounds chemicalsknownto the Stateof Californiato cause cancerand reproductive harm Washhandsafter handling Whenattach...

Страница 11: the desiredposition then releasethe adjustmentlever Makesureseatis lockedinto position beforeoperatingthe ridingmower SeeFigure8 Checking and adding oil NOTE Yourridingmoweris shippedwithoil inthe engine However you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating 1 Placethe ridingmoweron a flat levelsurface 2 Removethe oilfiller cap dipstickandwipe thedipstickclean See Figure9 Figure9 3 Insertthe cap dip...

Страница 12: ...sts ofseveral holeslocated onthefront right of thefootplatform Eachholecorresponds toa 1 4 changeinthedeckheight position ranging from1 atthelowestnotch to4 atthehighest notch CUP HOLDER Thecup holderis locatedtowardthe rearof the LHconsoleto the right of the operator sseat STORAGE TRAY The storagetrayis locatedat the rearof the LHconsole The RHandLH controlleversarelocatedon eachsideof the opera ...

Страница 13: ...speed The ridingmowerisdesigned to operate withthethrottlecontrolintheFAST position fullthrottle whentheridingmowerisbeingdrivenandthe mower deckisengaged Pullthethrottlecontrolhandlerearwardto decreasethe enginespeed CHOKE KNOB Thechokeknobis locatedonthe left sideof the mower nextto the operator sseat The chokeknobcontrolsthe positionof the enginechoke Pullthe knobout to choke1 1 the engine push...

Страница 14: ... mowerdischargeat people Neverwalkor standonthe dischargesideof the mowerwhentheengineis running DISENGAGE the PTOif anotherpersonapproaches whileyou areoperatingthe mower Avoidslopeswherepossible Never operateonslopesgreaterthan 15 Slopeswitha greaterinclinepresentdangerous operating conditions Ridingmowerscan berolledover Alwaysmowacross slopes neverupanddownthe slope Avoidturningdownhillif pos ...

Страница 15: ...roperlyseatthe beadto the rim 5 Checkthatall nuts boltsandscrewsaretight 6 Checkthetensionof the deckdrivebeltsas instructedin the ServiceandMaintenancesection 7 Checkif deckis level Whencorrectlyadjustedthe mowerdeck shouldbelevelside to side andthe frontof the deckshouldbe approximately 1 4 lowerthanthe rearof deck If deckneedsto be leveled referto the Serviceand Maintenance section 8 Lubricatea...

Страница 16: ...eenginewarmsup pushthechokeknobdownintothe OFFI position Cold Weather Starting Whenstartingthe engineat temperatures nearor belowfreezing ensurethecorrectviscositymotoroil is used inthe engineandthe batteryis fullycharged Startthe engineas follows 1 Besurethe batteryis ingoodcondition Also a warmbatteryhas muchmorestartingcapacitythana coldbattery 2 Usefreshwintergradefuel Wintergradegasolinehas h...

Страница 17: ...veequipmentforeyes hands hearing feet legs head andotherareasof the bodyif needed safetyeyeglasses gloves earplugs boots hats etc HearingProtectionis requiredfor alloperatorexposureexceeding two 2 hours Carefullypracticemaneuvering the ridingmowerusingthe instructions in thefollowingsection Drivingthe Ridingmower Practiceuntil you areconfidentthatyoucan safelyoperatethe ridingmower DRIVING THE RID...

Страница 18: ...sitionto stopthe ridingmower Alwaysmaintainyourgraspon the drivecontrollevers Donot releasethe leversto slowthe ridingmowerorto returnto neutral Turning the Riding mower While Driving Forward When reversing the directionof travel we recommendperforming gradual U turnswherepossible Sharperturnsincreasethe possibil ity of turfdefacement andcouldaffectcontrolof the ridingmower IALWAYS sow the rd ngmo...

Страница 19: ...s necessaryso thatoneleverisforwardof the other Theriding mowerwill turn inthe directionof the forwardcontrollever 1 Toturn to the leftwhiletravelingin reverse movethe leftdrive controlleverforwardof the right lever See Figure19 RearwardLeftTurn o Figure19 2 Toturn to the rightwhiletravelingin reverse movethe rightdrive controlleverforwardof the left lever See Figure20 Figure18 As thecontrollevers...

Страница 20: ...ethe aboveprocedure STOPPING THE RIDING MOWER 1 Movebothdrivecontrolleversto the neutralpositionto stopthe motionof the ridingmower 2 Pushthe PTOswitchdownwardto the DISENGAGED position 3 Usethe decklift pedalto raisethe deckto itshighestposition 4 Ifdismountingthe ridingmower movethe drivecontrollevers fullyoutwardin the neutralposition engagethe parkingbrake movethethrottlecontrolleverto the FAS...

Страница 21: ...of the turf ifpossible changethe directionthatthe stripsaremowedby approximately 450forthe nextandeach subsequentmowing Becarefulwhencrossinggravelpathsordriveways Disengagethe PTOand raisethe deckto the highestpositionbeforecrossing NOTE Whenstoppingthe ridingmowerfor any reasonwhileon a grasssurface always Placethe shift leverinneutral Engagethe parkingbrake8 Shutengineoffand removethe key Doing...

Страница 22: ...ssion OilExpansion Reservoir 1 WearPoints 2 Greasefitting 1 AirCleaner 2 Oilandfilter 3 Coolingshroudsandcooling areas 4 FuelFilter 5 Fasteners and components 1 Hydrostatic fluid andfilter 1 Sparkplug 1 Pivotpoints 2 Controlhandle 3 Extensionspring 1 EngineIntakeScreen Cover 2 Mowerand exhaustarea 3 Wearpoints Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow Thischartdescribes serviceguidelinesonly Usethe ...

Страница 23: ...eGrease Numberof GreaseFittings Description EVERY25 HOURS 3 BladeSpindleBearings WEEKLY 2 FrontCasterWheels 2 FrontCasterWheelSpindles 2 MowerDeckBallWheels Numberof Grease Points Description WEEKLY 4 MowingDeckPivots 2 DeckTake UpIdlerPivots Hydrostatic Fluid Rimula15W40recommended Spindle Lubricant Useonly ShellAlvaniaRL2 grease Thisgreaseisanamber colored greasedesignedfor highspeedbearingappli...

Страница 24: ...ardanappropriateoil collectioncontainerwithat leasta 2 5 quartcapacity to collect the usedoil Removethe oilfill cap dipstickfromthe oil fill tube Whileholdingthe free endof theoil drainhoseoverthe oilcollec tion container unscrewthe square headhoseplugfromthe end of the hose SeeFigure16 Drainthe engineoil intothe collection container 5 Afterdrainingtheoil wipe anyresidualoil fromtheoil drainhose T...

Страница 25: ... warmwaterwithdetergent Rinsethoroughlyandallowthe pre cleanerto airdry 4 Hookthe latchandclosethe accessdoor Air Cleaner 1 Openthe aircleaneraccessdoorand unhookthe latch See Figure25 2 Removethe aircleanerandpre cleanerfromthe base 3 Servicethepre cleaneras instructedabove 4 Installthe newor servicedpre cleaneroverthe newaircleaner and installonthe base 5 Hookthe latchandclosethe accessdoor Spar...

Страница 26: ...andthread the sparkplugin by handto preventcross threading 5 Afterthe sparkplugis seated tightenwitha sparkplugwrenchto compressthe washer NOTE Wheninstalling a newsparkplug tighten1 2 turn afterthe spark plugseatsto compress the washer Whenreinstalling ausedsparkplug tighten1 8 to 1 4 turn afterthe sparkplugseatsto compress the washer Thesparkplugmustbetightenedsecurely A loosesparkplugcan become...

Страница 27: ... clipstothebattery while thecharger isturnedon as itcancausesparks Keep allsources of ignition cigarettes matches lighters away fromthebattery Thegasgenerated during charging canbecombustible Asafurther precaution onlycharge thebattery inawellventilated area Alwaysshield eyesandprotectskin andc othngwhenworkngnearbatteries Batteries contain sulfuric acidandmayemitexplosive gases Useextreme caution...

Страница 28: ...ralsafetyswitchesinthe electricalsystem PTOSwitch PTOClutch ParkingBrake DriveControlLeverSwitch SeatSwitch andNo Cutin ReverseSwitch Ifa functionof the safetyinterlock systemdescribedearlieris not functioningproperly havethe electrical systemcheckedby yourSearsServiceCenterorto scheduleservice simplycontactSearsat 1 800 4 MY HOME 28 TIRE MAINTENANCE Checkthe tireair pressurebeforeeachuse Inflatio...

Страница 29: ...oughthe largercircular openingof the keyhole then releasethe rod NOTE The tractorwill not drivewiththe bypassrods inthe engage position ADJUSTMENTS Adjusting RH LH Drive Control Levers The RHandLH drivecontrolleverscan beadjustedupor downand fore and aftforthe comfortof the operator Properdrivecontrollever and seatadjustmentwill resultinthefollowing 1 Inthe neutralpositionwithhandson the controlle...

Страница 30: ...side of the lift link Toadjustthe sideof the deckup ordownturn the upper jam nutclockwise to raise or counterclockwise to lower a few turns SeeFigure34 Front of Outer Jam Nuts Unit Measurethe blade to ground heightat the rightrearbladetip Againbesureto measureat the bladetip at the rearof the right bladewhenalignedalongthe mowercenterline The blade to groundheightat the rearof the bladetip shouldb...

Страница 31: ...intothe oneof three indexholesinthe front gaugewheelbracketthatwill givethe gaugewheela 1 4 to 1 2 clearancewiththe ground 4 Notethe indexholeof thejust adjustedwheel andadjustthe othergaugewheelsinto the respectiveindexholesof the other gaugewheelbracketson thedeck Deck Removal The mufflerat the rearofthe tractormaybeextremelyhot andcould I Icauseseriousburns Useextremecautionwhennearthe muffler ...

Страница 32: ...w thewingnutsfromthedeckcoversandremove bothcovers 3 Usinga 3 8 socketbreakerbaror socketratchetinsertthedrive endintothe 3 8 squareopeninginthe loweridler arm assembly andpushthe idlerarmcounterclockwise SeeFigure38 While holdingthe idlerarm back loosen thedeck beltfromthe pulley andslidethe belt awayfromthe pulley LoweridlerArm Assembly Removethe bladedrive beltfromallthe pulleys Reversethe proc...

Страница 33: ...ner a conventionalelectricgrinderora hand file to sharpenthe blades 33 4 Replaceany bladewithseverenicksordentsthatcannotbe removedbyfiling 5 Checkthe balanceof the bladeafter sharpeningby placingit on a bladebalancer Do not useunbalancedblades 6 Ifthe bladedipsononeend file stockoff of the cuttingsurfaceon thatend NOTE REPLACEBladesthatcannotbeeasilybalanced Changing the Spindle Assembly 1 Jack u...

Страница 34: thebatteryto preventpossibledischarge Rechargethe batteryperiodicallywhenin storage NOTE Removethebatteryif exposedto prolongedperiodsof sub freezingtemperatures Storeina cool dry locationwheretemperatures areabovefreezing 8 Lubricatealllubricationpoints 9 Jack the mowerup andstoreit onblocksto takethe weightoff of the tires 9roblems b Usingafuel stabilizer Readthe productmanufacturer s instruc...

Страница 35: ...fresh lessthan 30daysold gas 6 Replacefuel line Seea Searsorotherqualified servicedealer Replacefuelfilter Seethe Service 1 TractorrunningwithChokeactivated 2 Sparkplugwiresloose 3 Blockedfuel lineor stalefuel 4 Ventingas cap plugged 5 Wateror dirt in fuel system 6 Dirtyair cleaner andMaintenancesection 7 Clean adjustgapor replaceplug 8 Crankenginewiththrottlein FASTposition 9 Replacefuse 1 Checkt...

Страница 36: ... Cleangrassclippingsanddebrisfromaroundthe engine scoolingfinsandblowerhousing Removesparkplugandadjustgap Replacesparkplugandadjustgap Cleanor replaceair cleanerelementand orclean pre cbaner Tightenbladeandspindle Balanceblade Replaceblade Performside to sidedeckadjustment Sharpenor replaceblade Checktire pressureinallfour tires L NEED MORE HELP Find this and a your other product manuals online G...

Страница 37: ...37 ...

Страница 38: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B IViodel No 247 25003 11 11 4 i 1 I 14 13 j_ 77_ 38 ...

Страница 39: ...41 14 02004558 02004865 15 0637 16 710 0347 17 710 04484 D 0 FlatWasher 3 8 iFlangeLockNut 3 8 16 NylockNut 7 16 14 GreaseFitting 1 4 28x 3 16 iWasher 3 8 ExtensionSpring 1 00x 5 00 BearingSleeve ShoulderBolt iFlatWasher 7 16x 1 75 iU Nut 1 4 20 BronzeBushing 875x 1 50 Transmission MountingBracket IdlerArm FlatIdlerPully FrameAssembly iHexCapScrew 3 8 16x 1 3 4 iSelfTappingScrew 5 16 18 x 750 39 ...

Страница 40: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B Model No 247 25003 7 4_0 o 0000 000 O0 10 I 4O ...

Страница 41: ...1 9 0637 10 710 04484 11 710 3008 12 912 0429 13 757 04115 02002255 D O HexCapScrew 3 8 16x 4 00 iHexCapScrew 5 16 18x 3 4 iFlangeLockNut 3 8 16 iFlangeLockNut 5 16 18 Spacer 370IDx 500x 3 45 iBumper 2 50 x 1 13 FootRestBracket LiftCable SeatMountingBracket iSelfTappingScrew5 16 18x 750 iHexCapScrew 5 16 18x 75 NylockNut 5 16 18 Seat ArmrestKit 41 ...

Страница 42: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B IViodel No 247 25003 17 t 7 42 ...

Страница 43: ... 20x 1 00 iHairPin 3 8 x 1 562x 080 iFlangeCounterLockNut 3 8 16 iWasher 390x 1 00x 180 iFlangeTopLockNut 1 4 20 Spacer 375x 500x 750 ShoulderBolt 3 8 16x 625x 830 Spacer 385x 625x 500 iJamNut 1 2 20 iShoulderBolt 3 8 16x 56x 27 LockWasher 633x 1 07x 161 iHairPin 1 2x 1 625x 125 iFootLiftPivotAssembly iAdjustableDeckLift Bracket ExtensionSpring 75x 7 89x 14 FrontLift Rod FootPedalAssembly iTorsion...

Страница 44: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B IViodel No 247 25003 7 I 44 ...

Страница 45: ...7 02002761 680 00048 0637 703 07000 710 04484 710 0642 735 04130 D _ e HexNut 5 16 18 HexScrew 5 16 18x 1 1 4 iScrew 1 4 20x 1 2 iU Nut 5 16 18 iU Nut 1 4 20 LeftHandControlConsole RightHandControlConsole Forward Reverse StopBracket ControlHousingWeldment FrontPanel iSelf Tapping Screw5 16 18 x 750 iSelf Tapping Screw 1 4 20x 75 iBatteryEdgeTrim 45 ...

Страница 46: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider IViodel No 247 25003 o 17 46 ...

Страница 47: ...946 04564 20 946 04565 D 0 O FiatWasher 406x 812x 062 FlatWasher 3 8 iHexNut 3 8 16FlangeLock SlideWasher iFlangeLockNut 5 16 18 iWasher 375x 738x 063 FiatWasher 390x 1 5x 134 Spacer 380x 563x 196 SocketHeadCap Screw 3 8 16x 1 50 iParkingBrakeGrip Spacer 322x 438x 44 Spacer 442x 563x 405 iStepHub 379x 1 5x 257 400 LockoutLeverPlate BrakeHandle HexHeadCap Screw 3 8 16x 1 50 iCotterPin 1 8x 75 iWash...

Страница 48: ...Craftsman Zero TurnRider B IViodel No 247 25003 24 24 27 23 2 1 14 48 ...

Страница 49: ...ap Screw 5 16 18x 1 00 HexScrew 5 16 18x 1 1 4 iHexCapScrew 5 16 18x 2 00 iFlangeLockNut 3 8 16 FlatWasher 1 4x 630x 0515 iLockNut 5 16 18 ShoulderScrew 1 4 28 iHexFlangeLockNut 1 4 20 iHexCapScrew 1 4 20x 2 00 BrakeLeverPlate iSteeringInputShaftAssembly Spacer 385x 625x 869 Spacer 380x 563x 196 iSteeringLinkRod SocketHeadCap Screw 5 16 18x 1 25 iBushing 310x 172x 688x 06 ControlLockRod ControlCab...

Страница 50: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B Model No 247 25003 43 31 31 35 4 26 18 _26 24 24 32 7_120 5O ...

Страница 51: 20 02000478 ChokeCable 21 02003417 Transmission Pulley 603 04912 22 0637 iFuelTankMountingBracketAssembly 23 703 07213 PTORetainerBracket 24 910 0224 HexWasherScrew 10 16x 500 25 710 04048 iHexFlangeScrew 5 16 18x 1 0 26 710 05361 iHexFlangeScrew M10 1 5 x 500x 8 8 27 710 3008 HexScrew 5 16 18x 75 28 712 04065 iFlangeLockNut 3 8 16 29 712 3007 iJamNut 5 16 18 30 721 04382 iFoamTape 75x 25 31 ...

Страница 52: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B Model No 247 25003 21 i 52 ...

Страница 53: ... 2 00 iFlangeCounterlockNut 3 8 16 HexScrew 1 4 20x 620 iCarriageBolt 3 8 16x 75 iHexFlangeScrew 1 4 20x 500 iCarriageBolt 5 16 18x 1 00 ShoulderBolt 1 4 28x 38 x 465 iFlangeToplockNut 1 4 20 iHairPin 1 8x 1 125 x 072 ExtensionSpring 865x 4 7x 12 NylockNut M8 1 25 iCarriageBolt 5 16 18x 2 75 Spacer 406x 1 00x 38 iWasher 313x 1 06x 062 HoseClamp 750 iPumpRelayRod HexScrew 5 16 18x 6 00 Spacer 375x ...

Страница 54: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B Model No 247 25003 14 17 11 18 54 ...

Страница 55: ...Screw 10 24x 500 11 01002111 PTOSwitch 12 925 3001 Solenoid 13 01002252 iBatteryCable 14 01003277 SeatSwitch 15 01003581P IgnitionSwitch 16 732 04200 RenovatorSpring 17 01009905 PTOBracket 18 01009931 iNut 10 24 19 02000024P DeltaSwitch 20 02001134 IGrommet 1 8x 1 5x 2 13 21 02003037 ElectricCDTClip 22 02003926 iRHDeckSwitchMountBracket 23 02003927 LH DeckSwitchMountBracket 24 710 3015 HexScrew 1 ...

Страница 56: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B IViodel No 247 25003 9 I 1 11 56 ...

Страница 57: ...637 16 750 04775A 17 936 0169 D O LugNut 1 2 20 iWasher 1 00x 1 75x 172 GreaseFitting 1 4 28 HexScrew 3 8 16x 880 iJamNut 1 14 HexScrew 1 2 20x 7 50 iWasher 390x 1 50x 122 iWasher 1 00x 2 00x 075 WheelAssy 20 x 8 10 iTireOnly NylockNut 1 2 20 iFlangeBearing 1 001x 1 25 HexScrew 1 14x 5 5 FrontAxleWeldment WheelAssembly 13x 5 6 iTire Only Groove 13x 5 0 6 iTireOnly Smooth 13x 5 0 6 iBeafings iBushi...

Страница 58: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B IViodel No 247 25003 2O I I 13 I 58 ...

Страница 59: ... 16 GreaseFitting 1 4 28x 788 FlangeCounterLockNut 3 8 16 GreaseFitting 1 4 28 ExtensionSpring 1 00x 5 00x 125 ShoulderBolt 625x 1 95 Spacer 760x 2 00 x 1 27 CarriageBolt 3 8 18x 1 75 Washer 406x 1 00x 105 HexScrew 3 8 16x 3 00 CarriageBolt 3 8 16x 1 25 Spacer 2 0x 75IDx 31 Washer 438x 1 75x 250 IdlerArmAssembly SleeveBearing 628x 753x 625 Pulley V Belt HexScrew 3 4 16x 7 7 V Belt HexFlangeScrew 5...

Страница 60: ...Craftsman Zero Turn Rider B Model No 247 25003 26 12 35 32 33 i 29 I 5 4 24 5 20 5 37 22 o 25 6O ...

Страница 61: ...rontRollerMountBracket 0637 16 01005851 Washer 398x 694x 032 17 01006693P ChuteDeflector 01006748 18 ChuteDeflectorBracket 0637 19 01006961 HexScrew 1 2 20x 7 50 20 01008644 FingerGuard 01008790 21 RHRollerMt Bracket 0637 22 01009243 FlangeScrew 3 8 16x 875 23 02000040 PlasticKnob 3 8 16 02001235 24 MicroChuteBaffle 0637 i25 02002299 Nut 1 2 20 i26 02002799 J Hook 02003605 27 LHBelt Cover 0637 020...

Страница 62: ...latingPin 17 i7 24 448 02 S LockingTab 18 8 32 310 02 S GovernorGearKit 19 9 24 153 01 S Oil Pick UpO Ring 20 10 32 086 01 S Screw M6 x 0x 6 5 21 11 32 393 16 S Oil PumpAssembly 22 32 123 01 S 32 123 09 S 52 050 02 S 32 136 05 S 32 468 02 S 25 099 27 S 32 123 06 S 32 153 05 S 52 139 09 S 32 014 307 S X 43 1 S Oil FeedTube FilterToPan Oil FeedTubeAssembly Oil Filter Oil FilterNipple FlatWasher Oil ...

Страница 63: ... LockNut M5x 8 10 24 089 03 S ChokeReturnSpring 11 32 126 04 S Controlbracket 12 M 645016 S FlangeScrew M6x 1 0x 16 13 12 237 01 S CableClamp 14 24 086 43 S Screw M5x 0 8 x 16 24 079 22 S ChokeLinkage 16 24 112 27 S ControlAssemblySpacer 17 24 090 47 S ThrottleActuatorLever 18 24 090 13 S ThrottleControlLever 19 24 468 01 S FlatWasher 5 5 20 M 545020 S FlangeScrew M5x 8 X 20 21 41 468 03 S SpringW...

Страница 64: ...Kohler Engine IViodel SV840 3021 For Zero Turn Rider IViodel No 247 25003 28 30 17 1 33 2 27 33 4 34__ 19 _14 2O 21 23 32 31 64 ...

Страница 65: ...0 15 M 645016 S FlangeScrew M6x 1 0x 16 16 32 096 04 S BreatherCover 17 32 318 13 S CylinderHeadAssemblyKit 1 Inc ExhaustMountingHardware 18 32 318 14 S CylinderHeadAssemblyKit 2 Inc ExhaustMountingHardware 19 32 146 09 S GuidePlate 20 32 072 04 S RockerStud 21 32 186 03 S RockerArm 22 32 100 05 S HexNutAssembly Inc 32 23 25 599 01 S RockerArm Pivot 24 32 411 04 S PushRod 25 32 326 07 S FuelPumpHo...

Страница 66: ...Kohler Engine IViodel SV840 3021 For Zero Turn Rider IViodel No 247 25003 17 m15 21 5 20 m __ O O 8 m19 66 ...

Страница 67: ...2 S CamshaftShim Gray 038 12 422 13 S CamshaftShim Black 04 6 24 018 01 S PistonPinRetainer 7 24 067 28 S ConnectingRod STD 8 24 018 09 S RingRetainer 9 24 468 15 S FlatWasher 11 32 10 28 032 09 S GovernorCrossShaftSeal 11 24 144 38 S GovernorCrossShaft 12 24 126 19 OilFill TubeBracket 13 M 545013 S FlangeScrew M5x 8 x 13 14 M 931010 S FlatWasher 9mm 15 32 755 04 S Dipstick TubeKit 16 25 153 09 S ...

Страница 68: ...Kohler Engine Model SV840 3021 For Zero Turn Rider Model No 247 25003 4 2 8_ 14J_ lo 5Z_ _ 10 14 11 13 68 ...

Страница 69: ...5016 S FlangeScrew M6x 1 0x 16 6 24 063 93 S CylinderBaffleValve 1 7 24 063 94 S CylinderBaffleValve 2 8 32 063 10 S SideCylinderBarrelBaffle 1 9 32 063 12 S SideCylinderBarrelBaffle 2 10 M 545010 S FlangeScrew M5x 8 x 10 11 41 403 10 S Regulator Rectifier 12 32 146 05 S Kit BackingPlate 13 M545020 S Screw M5 x 8 x 20 14 25 086 158 S FlangeScrew M6x 1 0x 10 NS 32 113 53 S CourageProFixedGuardDecal...

Страница 70: ...651040 S 7 25 155 51 S 8 25 173 33 S 9 25 326 08 S 10 32 094 08 S 11 25 139 60 S 12 24 041 52 S 13 24 153 27 S AirCleanerBaseGasket Pre CleanerElement AirCleanerElementLatch AirFilterElement IntakeManifoldKit FlangeScrew M6x 1 0x 40 Evaporative Connector Evaporative Mask Evaporative Hose 20 AirCleanerBase PipePlug 1 8 Carburetor Gasket IntakePortO Ring 7O ...

Страница 71: ...5 6 7 8 9 10 11 32 853 25 S 25 072 25 S M 641060 S 24 086 12 24 393 16 S 25 111 34 S 25 237 14 S 25 050 22 S 24 041 14 S 24 041 52 S 47 154 01 S CarburetorKit Stud FlangeNut M6x 1 0 TapScrew M6x 1 7x 18 FuelPump FuelLine HoseClamp 1 2 FuelFilter AirCleanerBaseGasket Carburetor Gasket CableClip 71 ...

Страница 72: ...Kohler Engine IViodel SV840 3021 For Zero Turn Rider IViodel No 247 25003 4 _6 GJ j8 j9 3 0_5 72 ...

Страница 73: ... 25 086 361 S HexFlangeScrew 5 25 340 04 S SquareKey 6 25 468 09 S FiatWasher 7 32 025 15 S FlywheelAssembly 8 20 146 05 S FanMountingPlate 9 32 157 01 S Fan 10 32 162 03 S GrassScreen 11 24 584 63 S ModuleignitionKit 12 M 545020 S Screw M5 x 8 x 20 13 25 155 41 S Connector 14 47 154 01 S CableClip N A 25 454 05 S WireTie N A 32 176 26 S WiringHarness 73 ...

Страница 74: ...el SV840 3021 For Zero Turn Rider IViodel No 247 25003 1 2 M 851080 S 32 098 03 S 12 243 04 S 12 755 39 S 32 211 01 S 32 227 01 S FlangeScrew M8X 1 25X80 StarterAssembly BrushAssembly Kit Drivewith Gear ThruBolt EndCap 74 ...

Страница 75: ...V840 3021 For Zero Turn Rider Model No 247 25003 2 Artwork is representative Actual labels may differ depending on model and specification number 25 113 39 S ClearLaminateDecal 32 113 38 S Decal27 HP 32 113 60 S UseDisc 75 ...

Страница 76: ...ICES INPLACE AND WORKI_ 777S30503 777122444 777D16808 777X44930 On units produced on or before Dec 31 2011 777X45529 On units produced on or after Jan 1 2011 MTDCONSUMER GROUP INC II This equipmentmeets U S EPA EVP II regulations for2012model year tl EVPFamily CMTDPNHEQNC1 _ X45529 777D15546 777123640 777D16812 76 777S32328 SHIELD MISSING DO NOT OPERATE ...

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Страница 79: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Страница 80: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Страница 81: ...ectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyextend...

Страница 82: ... workmanshipthatcausethe failureof a warrantedpart to be identicalin all materialrespectsto that part as describedin MTDConsumerGroup Inc sapplicationfor certification The warrantyperiodbeginsonthedate theoutdoorequipmentengineis deliveredto anultimatepurchaserorfirst placedintoservice The warrantyperiodis two years Subjectto certainconditionsand exclusionsasstated below the warrantyonemission rel...

Страница 83: ...r warrantycoverage Further the coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonly to partsthat were presentonthe off roadengineand equipmentpurchased Thefollowingemissionwarrantypartsare covered if applicable 1 FuelMeteringSystem Cold start enrichmentsystem softchoke Carburetorand internalparts or fuel injectionsystem Fuelpump Fueltank 2 Air InductionSystem Air cleaner Intakemanifold 3 IgnitionSystem Sparkplug...

Страница 84: ... incluidos sin limitaci6n las cuchillas lasbujfas losdepuradoresde aire las correasy los filtrosdeaceite El serviciode mantenimiento estandar Cambiode neum_ ticos o reparaciones porpinchaduras con objetosexternos porejemplo clavos espinas toconeso vidrios Reemplazo o reparaci6n deneum_ ticos o ruedascomoresultado deldesgaste normal unaccidente ofuncionamiento o mantenimiento incorrectos Las repara...

Страница 85: ...cerca Inspeccioneminuciosamenteel teadonde utilizar_elequipo Retireto daslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetesy otrosobjetos extraSos que podrianserrecogidosy arrojadospor la acci6nde la s cuchilla s Losobjetosarrojadospor lam quinapuedencausarlesionesgraves Planifiqueel patr6ndecorte a seguir paraevitardescargarel material encaminos veredas dondehayobservadores etc Eviteadem s descargarmateria...

Страница 86: ...uro no realiceningunaoperaci6nde corte Parasu seguridad useel indicadorde pendientes que seincluye comopartedeeste manualparamedirlapendienteantesde operarla m_ quina en unazonainclinada Si la pendientees mayorde 15grados segQnel medidor noopereestam_ quina enese sector puespodria causarlesionesgraves HagaIo siguiente Cortede formatransversal a la pendiente nohaciaarribani haciaabajo Tengamuchocui...

Страница 87: ...yaque la mismase puedeencender L veselapiel y c_mbiesede ropade inmediato Utilices61olosrecipientesparagasolinaautorizados Apaguetodos loscigarrillos cigarros pipasy otrasfuentesdecom busti6n Nuncacarguecombustibleen la m_quinaen unespaciocerrado Nuncasaque latapa del combustibleniagreguecombustiblemientras el motorest calienteo enmarcha Dejeque el motorse enfriepot Io menosdosminutosantesde volve...

Страница 88: ...ladordel motorcontrolalavelocidad m_ximade funcionamientosegurodel motor Mantengao reemplacelasetiquetasdeseguridady deinstrucciones segQnseanecesario Observela reglamentaci6ny lasnormasrespectoa la eliminaci6n correctadegasolina aceite etc paraprotegerel medicambiente SegQnlaComisi6ndeSeguridadde Productosparael Consumidorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y la Agenciade Protecci6nAmbientalde los EstadosU...

Страница 89: manos y pies ADVERTENCIA OBJETOS ARROJADOS Esta m_iquina puede levantar y arrojar objetos Io cual puede causar lesiones personales graves ADVERTENCIA OBJETOS ARROJADOS Esta m_iquina puede levantar y arrojar objetos Io cual puede causar lesiones personales graves OBSERVADORES Mantenga a los observadores ayudantes nihos y mascotas pot Io menos a 75 pies de la m_iquina mientras la misma est 1 en f...

Страница 90: ...2 4 Ajuste el pendiente de calibre arriba o hacia abajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 5 Si hay un espacio pot debajo de la pendiente de calibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpa pot operacion segura consultar Figura 2 above Figura2 Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon accidentes por tumbos y vuelcos que pueden producir lesiones gra...

Страница 91: ...ac_sped 5 Conlasvarillasdederivaci6n enganchadas y conlacolabora ci6nde unayudante empujeconcuidadoeltractorcortacesped parasacarlodelp letde ernbarque 6 Despu_sdemoverel tractorcortacesped desenganche las dosvariNas de derivaci6n Levantelavarillay gufe labridade lavariNa haciaatr sa travesde laaberturacircularrn sgrande de laranuraposicionadora luegosueltelavarilla NOTA Eltractorcortacespednofunc...

Страница 92: ...jecon lastuercas de seguridadcon brida Veala Figura6 Figura6 3 Consulte lasinstrucciones paraelajuste finaldelaspalancas bajoel titulo Ajuste delaspalancas decontrol detransrnisi6n enlasecci6n Servicio y Mantenirniento Conexi6n de los cables de la bateria Losbornesde la bateriay losaccesoriosalines contienenplornoy cornpuestos de plorno sustanciasquirnicasquesegQnIo establecido porel Estadode Cali...

Страница 93: ...ueel asientoest_fijo en su posici6nantesde usarel tractorcortacesped Veala Figura8 Procedimiento para controlar y agregar aceite NOTA Sutractorcortacespedse despachacon aceiteen el motor Sinembargo ustedDEBEcontrolarel niveldeaceiteantesde hacerlo funcionar 1 Coloqueel tractorcortacesped en unasuperficieplanay nivelada 2 Retireel tap6nde Ilenado varilla de rnedici6nde aceitey lirnpie bienla varill...

Страница 94: ...nde la plataformase encuentraen elextremofrontal de la base paralospies del ladoderecho y se utiliza paralevantary bajarla plataformadecorte Paralevantarlaplataformadecorte a la posici6ndetransporte empuje la partesuperiordel pedalal m_ximoy coloqueel pasadordehorquillaen la muescam salejadayfijelo con el pasadordechaveta Parabajar la plataforma retireel pasadorde horquillay reinserteloenla altura...

Страница 95: paraoperarconel controldelacelerador enposici6ndevelocidadr_pida_ aceleraci6n m_xima demarcha cuandoeltractorcortacesped se desplaza conlaplataforma decorte enganchada Tire dela manijadecontroldel aceleradorhaciaarrasparareducirla velocidaddel motor PERILLA DEL CEBADOR Laperilladel cebadorest_ubicadadel ladoizquierdodel tractorcortacesped junto alasiento del operador Laperilla del cebadorcontro...

Страница 96: ...si6ndel ladoderechoy del lado izquierdoen posici6nneutral Mantengatodos los protectoresen su lugar Guardedistanciadelas partesm6viles iNO SE PERMITETRASLADARPERSONASENELTRACTOR Mantengaatodas las personasy lasmascotasa unadistanciasegura de la m_quina Siempre mirehaciaarrasy haciaabajo a amboslados del tractor cortacespedantesde desplazarsemarchaatr_s y al hacerlo NOoriente ladescargade la cortado...

Страница 97: ...era dela plataforma Si hacefalta nivelarla plataforma consultela secci6n Servicioy Mantenimiento 8 Lubriquetodos lospuntosde pivotequese enumeranenla secci6n Servicioy Mantenimiento 9 Ajusteelasiento parala mayorcomodidaddel operador parauna adecuadavisibilidady para mantenerel controlcompletodel tractor cortacesped SISTEMA DE BLOQUEO DE SEGURIDAD Estetractorcortacespedest_equipadoconun sistemade ...

Страница 98: ...spedque nofuncionasegQnlas instrucciones dearranquenormalesindicadasm_sarriba luegodesconectelos cablesdepuenteenordenexactamenteinversoal de laconexi6n 4 Hagacontrolary repararel sistemaelectricodel tractorcortacespedIo m_sprontoquefuere posible paraeliminarla necesidadde usarcables depuenteparaarrancarlo Detenci6n del motor 1 Presioneel interruptordela toma defuerza PTO a la posici6n DESENGANCHA...

Страница 99: ...a Secci6nServicioy Mantenimientoparaajustarlas palancasde maneraque quedenniveladas 4 Muevala palancade controldel aceleradorhaciaadelantea la posici6n FAST_ aceleraci6nm_xima NOTA Si bienel motordel tractor cortacespedse hadiseSadoparafuncionar a m ximaaceleraci6n durantelapr cticaeltractor cortacespeddebe funcionara unavelocidadinferiora la m ximaaceleraci6n Estose aplica Onicamente alfuncionami...

Страница 100: ...tansignificativamente el potencialde quese deterioreelcesped Conducci6n del tractor cortac_sped marcha atras Siempremirehaciaatr_sy haciaabajoa ambosladesdel tractorcortacesped antesdedesplazarsemarchaarras Siempremirehaciaarrascuandose desplazaenmarchaarras 1 Muevalasdos palancasdecontrollentay suavementehaciaatr_s El tractorcortacespedcomenzaraa moversehaciaarras Veala Figura17 Gire hada la izqu...

Страница 101: ...oldel ladodegiro a laposici6nneutral mientras mueve laotra palanca decontrolhaciaatrAs NOTA Los girosde pivote sobreel pastoaumentansignificativamenteel potencialdeque se deterioreel cesped 101 Giro de radio cero Para realizar ungiroderadiocero eltractor cortac_sped SEDEBE DETENER La j realizaci6n deungiroderadio ceroconeltractor cortac_sped enmovimiento puede reducir significativamente elgradodec...

Страница 102: ...emprereduzcalavelocidad antes dedar la vuelta FUNCI0NAlVllENT0 DE LA T01VlADE FUERZA PT0 1 Opereel embraguedela toma defuerza PTO dela siguienteforma 2 Muevala palancadecontroldel aceleradoraproximadamente a la posici6nde aceleraci6nintermedia 3 Tire del interruptorde latoma defuerza PTO haciaarribaa la posici6nENGANCHADA 4 Muevala palancadel aceleradora la posici6nFAST_ VELOCIDAD R_ PIDA NOTA Elo...

Страница 103: ...s haciaafuera DESENGANCHE el frenode mano O y moment_neamente gire el interruptordeencendidoa la posici6ndeARRANQUE _ Elmotor nodebe intentararrancar 2 ENGANCHEel frenodemanoO ytire del interruptorde latoma de fuerza PTO haciaarriba a la posici6nENGANCHADA _ Gireel interruptordeencendidoa laposici6ndeARRANQUEmoment_nea mente el motornodeber aintentararrancar 3 Empujeel interruptorde latoma defuerz...

Страница 104: ...2 Accesoriodeengrase 1 Depuradordeaire 2 Aceiteyfiltro 3 Cubiertasderefrigeraci6ny Areasde refrigeraci6n 4 Filtrode combustible 5 Sujetadoresycomponentes 1 FluidohidrostAticoyfiltro 1 Bujia deencendido 1 Puntosdepivote 2 Manijadecontrol 3 Resortedeextensi6n 1 Pantalla cubiertadeentrada del motor 2 CortadorayArea deescape 3 Puntosdedesgaste Sigael cronogramade mantenimientoquese presentaa continuac...

Страница 105: ...lenadegrasacon basedelitio parausosm_ltiplesno2 N_mero deaccesorios deengrase DescripciSn CADA25 HORAS 3 Cojinetesde husillodecuchilla SEMANAWENTE 2 Rueditasdelanteras 2 Husillosde rueditasdelanteras 2 Ruedasesfericasdeplataformadecorte Numeredepuntos deengrase DescripciSn SEMANAWENTE 4 Pivotesde plataformadecorte 2 Pivotesde poleaIocadecompensaci6nde plataforma Fluido hidrost_tico Se recomiendaRi...

Страница 106: ...aduras Pararealizarel cambiode aceite procedadela siguientemanera 1 Con el motorapagadoperotodavia caliente desconecteel cablede la bujiay mantengaloalejadode labujia 2 Ubiquela mangueradedrenajede aceitedel motor Vea la Figura23 3 Coloqueel extremolibrede la manguerade drenajedeaceiteen un dep6sitoderecolecci6ndeaceiteadecuadoque poseaunacapacidad de pot Io menos2 5cuartosde gal6n 2 4 litros para...

Страница 107: ...ea fondoy dejequeel prefiltrose sequeal aire 4 Engancheel sujetadory cierrelapuerta deacceso Depurador de aire 1 Abrala puerta deaccesoal depuradordeaire y desengancheel sujetador Veala Figura25 2 Retireel depuradorde airey el prefiltrodela base 3 Realiceel mantenimientodel prefiltrosegOnlas instruccionesque se indicanarriba 4 Instaleel prefiltronuevoo el prefiltroal cual se le harealizadoel mante...

Страница 108: ...tesde cambiarel filtro decombustible drene eltanqueo cierrela v_lvuladepasode combustible Los repuestosdebenser losmismosy se debeninstalaren lamisma posici6nque laspiezasoriginales Si se derramacombustible esperehastaque se evaporeantesde encenderel motor Paradrenarel combustible 1 Ubiqueel filtrode combustible el cual est_instaladodel ladoderecho del motor entreel dep6sitodecombustibley el motor...

Страница 109: ...necte lasabrazaderas delcargadordelabater a a la I bater a si elcargador est_encendido yaquepuedecausar chispas Mantenga I todaslasfuentesdecombusti6n cigarrillos cerillas encendedores lejosdelabat I er a Elgasgenerado durante lacargapuedesetcombustible Comoprecauci6n I adicional carguela bater a L_nicamente enun teabienventilada Siempre protejaI lsus oosy supe yvestmentacuando trabaecercadebatera...

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Страница 111: ...uracircularm_sgrandedela ranuraposicionadora luegosuelte lavarilla AJUSTES Ajuste de las palancas de control de transmisi6n LADO DERECHO y LADO IZQL IERDO Laspalancasdecontroldel ladoderechoy del ladoizquierdose pueden ajustarhaciaarribao haciaabajo y haciaadelantey haciaarraspara proporcionar comodidadaloperador Eladecuadoajustedelas palancasde controldetransmisidnydel asientodacomo resultado 1 E...

Страница 112: ...rma haciaarribao haciaabajo girela contratuercasuperiorenel sentidode lasagujas del reloj para levantar o enel sentidocontrarioalas agujas del reloj para bajar variasvueltas Veala Figura34 Frente de Contratuercas exteriores la unidad 6 Mida la alturaque hayentrela cuchillay elsuelo enla puntatraserade la cuchilladerecha AquitambienasegQrese de medirenla puntade la cuchilla enla partetraserade la c...

Страница 113: ...forma Elsilenciadorenla partetraseradeltractorpuedeestar sumamente caliente y podr acausarquemaduras graves Tengamuchocuidadocuandose Iencuentrecercadelsilenciador Dejequeel silenciadorse enfr etotalmente antes deretirarla correade lapoleadela tomadefuerza PTO Retirela plataformadecorte del tractorde lasiguienteforma 1 Engancheel frenode mano Retirela Ilavedeencendidoy los dos taponesde lasbuj as ...

Страница 114: ...sdoscubiertas 3 Con untrinqueteo mangoarticuladode3 8 inserteel extremode transmisi6nen la aberturacuadradade3 8 del conjuntodebrazode poleaIocainferiory empujeel brazode poleaIocaensentidocontrario al delas agujasdel reloj Veala Figura38 Mientrassostieneel brazode poleaIocaarras aflojela correade laplataformadela poleay deslicela correaparasacarlade la polea Conjunto de brazo de polea Iota inferi...

Страница 115: ...nualparaafilarlas cuchillas 115 4 Cambiecualquiercuchillaquetengaranuraso abolladurasimportantes que nose puedancorregirmediantelimado 5 Compruebesi la cuchillaest_ balanceadadespuesdel afilado colocandolasobreunabalanceadoradecuchillas No usecuchillas desbalanceadas 6 Si la cuchillabajaen unextremo lime materialen la superficiedecorte de eseextremo NOTA Si lascuchillasnose puedenbalancearf_cilmen...

Страница 116: ...6sitode combustibley la lineaenun recipienteaprobado Vuelvaa instalarla lineadecombustibleen el carburador Arranqueel motorydejelofuncionarhastaquese acabe el combustible Estoevitar_laformaci6nde dep6sitosdegomay bamiz Reemplaceel filtrode combustible Retirelasbujiasy vierta aproximadamente unaonzade aceiteencada cilindro Hagaarrancarel motorunao dosvueltasparaque el aceitese distribuyadeforma par...

Страница 117: ...2 Coloqueelfreno demano 3 Conecteelcable a la bujia 4 Muevala palancadel acebrador a la posid6n FAST VELOCIDAD R IDA 5 6 Lleneel tanquecongasolinalimpiay nueva de menos de30dias Reemplacela lineadel combustible Comuniquesecon Searsu otro distribuidorde serviciocalificado Reemplace elfiltro decombustible Vea lasecci6ndeServbio y Mantenimiento 7 Limpieo cambiela bujiao ajuste laseparaci6n 8 Arranque...

Страница 118: ... tipode aceiteadecuado Limpielos recortesdepastoy la suciedadacum ados alrededorde lasaletasde refrigeraci6ndel motory del alojamientodel soplador Extraigala bujiay reg ela separaci6n Extraigala bujiay reg ela separaci6n Limpieo reemplaceel ebmento delfiRrodeaire y o limpieel prefiltro Apriete lacuchillay el husillo Balanceela cuchilla Reemplacelacuchilla Hagaunajustedela plataformade ladoa lado A...

Страница 119: ...oluci6n RApida el apoyo telef6nico de un Chamusca al representante Pienseen nosotros como el manual de un dueSohablador Una vezadquirido el Acuerdo puede programar el servicio con tan s61orealizar una Ilamadatelef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodel dia o de la noche o programar un servicio en linea ElAcuerdo de Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes unacompra sin riesgo Si usted anula por alguna raz6n du...

Страница 120: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia sena equivaiente a entre 10 y 12 aSos Laciasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma grAfica en la etiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del ...

Страница 121: ...apor defectos Los defectosse juzgandeacuerdoconelfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantiano est_relacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantJa Sears para defectos en el control de emJsiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade lagarantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosque seenc...

Страница 122: ...excedade30 dias Sitiene algunapreguntarespectode lacobertura dela garantia p6ngaseen contactoconel Departamento del ServicioT nicode MTDConsumerGroupInc al telefono1 800 800 7310 o pot correoelectr6nico enhttp support mtd products com COBERTURA DE LA GARANTJA DE EMISIONES GENERALES MTDConsumerGroupIncgarantizaal compradorfinal y a cadacompradorsubsiguienteque el motordeequiposde exteriores est_ di...

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Страница 124: the number below Para respuestas a preguntas o problemas y ordenar piezas o pedir servicio para la reparacibn de su equipo Ilame el nt_mero abajo 1 800 659 5917 Craftsman Help Line www craftsman com TM Registered Trademark Trademark of KCD IP LLC in the United States or Sears Brands LLC in other countries Marca Registrada TMMarca de Fabrica de KCD IP LLC en Estados Unidos o Sears Brands LLC i...
