Craftsman 247.25000 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 81

Содержание 247.25000

Страница 1: ...u start the engine read and understand this Operator s Manual Before using this equipment read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions For answers to your questions about this product Call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 07597A...

Страница 2: ...t model All of the abovewarrantycoverageis voidif this ridingequipmentis ever usedwhileprovidingcommercialservicesor if rentedto another person This warrantycovers ONLYdefects inmaterial and workmanship Warranty coverage does NOTinclude Expendableparts exceptbattery thatcan wearout fromnormaluse withinthe warrantyperiod includingbutnot limitedto blades sparkplugs air cleaners belts andoilfilters S...

Страница 3: ...etyrulesinthismanualandshould betrainedandsupervisedbya parent Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Tohelpavoidbladecontactor a thrownobjectinjury keep bystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feetfromthe machinewhile it is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneenters the area Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removeallstones sticks wire bones toys a...

Страница 4: ...uire extracaution Ifyoucannotbackupthe slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it do not mowit Foryoursafety use the SlopeGuideincludedas partof this manual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineona slopedor hilly area Ifthe slopeis greaterthan12degreesas shownonthe Slope Guide do notoperatethis machineonthatareaor seriousinjurycould result Do o Mowupanddown slopes not across Exerciseextremecaution whenc...

Страница 5: ...towingwitha machinecapableof makingtightturns e g zero turn ride onmower Makewide turnsto avoidjack knifing Travelslowlyandallowextradistanceto stop Do notcoastdownhill SERVICE SafeHandlingof Gasoline Toavoidpersonalinjury orpropertydamageuse extremecarein handlinggasoline Gasolineisextremelyflammableandthe vaporsare explosive Seriouspersonalinjury canoccurwhengasolineis spilled on yourselforyour ...

Страница 6: ...mentspecifications may leadto improperperformanceandcompromise safety Do notchangethe enginegovernorsettingsor over speed the engine The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed of the engine Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels as necessary Observeproperdisposallawsandregulationsfor gas oil etc to protectthe environment Accordingto the ConsumerProductsSafetyCommission CPSC andthe U S...

Страница 7: ...avoid a back over accident WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders helpers children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation WARNING SLOPE OPERATION Do not operate th...

Страница 8: ...RNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide an odorless and deadly gas DANGER ROTATING BLADES Do not step on the cutting deck 8 ...

Страница 9: ...eFigure1 andFigure2 4 Adjustgaugeupor down untilthe leftcornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 If thereis a gapbelowthe gauge the slopeis too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopes are a majorfactor relatedto tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machineon slopes in excess of 15degrees All slopes requireextra caution If y...

Страница 10: ...led followthe stepsbelow 1 Slidethe pedestalcap ontothe steeringshaftso thatwhenthe steeringshaftis installedonthe tractor the pedestalcap willbe uprightas shownin 1 Slidethe pedestalcap ontothe steering shaft so thatwhen the steeringshaft is installedon the tractor the pedestalcap will beuprightas shownin Figure1 2 Removethe socketheadscrewandlocknut fromthe steering shaft onthe tractorand retain...

Страница 11: nutdriverattached when tightening the self tappingboltsto attach the seatbracket 3 Positionthe seatassemblyoverthe seatmountingbracket aligningthe holesprovided 4 Installtwoshoulderboltsincludedwithyourhardwarepackand securewithtwolocknuts SeeFigure4 Figure 4 Figure 5 SEAT ADJUSTMENT 1 Toadjustthe positionof the seat removethe adjustmentknob on the bottomof the seat Slidethe seatforwardor backw...

Страница 12: ...withouteitherthe mulchplugor deck chuteinstalled 1 Removethe wing knobinstalledonthe mowingdeckand retain for laterinstallation 2 Installthedeckchuteassemblyby insertingthetwo pegsonthe bottomof the deckchuteintothe lock holeson the mowerdeck Slidethe deckchuteassemblyrearwardto lockinto place being sureto engagethe safetyinterlockswitch 3 Reinstallthewingknobandhand tighten to secure See3 Reinsta...

Страница 13: ...tteryis put intoserviceafterthedate shownontop sideof battery chargethe batteryas instructedinthe Maintenance sectionof thisOperator sManualpriorto operatingthe tractor Figure12 GAS OIL NOTE Theengineis shippedwithoutgasolineandwithmotoroil in the engine However you MUSTchecktheoil levelbeforeoperating Becarefulnotto overfill Runningthe enginewithinsufficientoil can causeseriousenginedamageandvoid...

Страница 14: ...reawherethe engineis refueledor wheregasolineis stored Donot overfillthe fueltank After refueling makesurethe tank cap is closedproperlyandsecurely Becarefulnotto spillfuel whenrefueling Spilledfuel orfuel vapor mayignite Ifany fuelis spilled makesurethe areais dry before startingthe engine Avoidrepeatedorprolongedcontactwithskinor breathingof vapor ADDING FUEL Anadultshouldfuelthis engine NEVERal...

Страница 15: ... Holder Deck Lift Lever Oil Fill Cap PTO Blade Engage Lever Figure14 NOTE Any reference inthismanualto the RIGHTor LEFTside of thetractorisobservedfromoperator sseat positionfacingforwardtowardsthe frontof tractor Meets ANSi Safety Standards CraftsmanTractorsconformto the safetystandardof theAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute ANSI 15 ...

Страница 16: ...ine Referto SafetyInterlockSwitchesinthe Operationsection of thismanual Shift Lever The shiftleveris locatedonthe controlpaneljust belowthe seat inthe centerof the tractor Ithas threepositions FORWARD NEUTRAL and REVERSE The brakepedalmustbedepressedandthe tractormust not be in motion whenmovingthe shiftlever SeeFig 16 iMPORTANT Neverforcethe shift lever Doingsomayresultin seriousdamageto the trac...

Страница 17: ...llquantities Donot usegasolineleft overfromthe previousseason to minimizegumdepositsinthe fuel system Thisengineis certifiedto operateon unleadedgasoline Forbest results fill the fuel tankwith onlyclean fresh unleadedgasoline witha pumpstickeroctaneratingof 87 or higher Gasohol upto 10 ethylalcohol 90 unleadedgasolineby volume isan approvedfuel Othergasoline alcoholblends such as E85 are notapprov...

Страница 18: ...urtherdetailedinstructions On Start off Figure 19 J Avoid Serious Injury or Death Knowlocationandfunctionof all controls Removeobjectswhichcouldbe thrownbythe blades Goup anddownslopes not across Useextracautiononslopes Do notmowslopesgreaterthan 12 degrees Avoidsuddenturns Uselowspeed Donotoperatemachinewhereitcould tip orslip Ifmachinestopsgoinguphill stopbladesand backdown slowly Beforeleavingo...

Страница 19: ... Becomecompletely familiarwiththe tractor soperationandcontrols beforeoperatingthe tractorinhigherspeedpositions 5 Releaseclutch brakepedalslowlyto put unit intomotion 6 The lawntractorisbroughtto a stopby depressingtheclutch brakepedal NOTE Whenoperatingthe unit initially therewill belittledifference betweenthe highesttwospeedsuntilafterthe beltshaveseated themselvesintothe pulleysduringthe break...

Страница 20: ...ury keepbystand ers helpers childrenand petsat least75feetfromthe machine whileit is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area The followinginformationwill behelpfulwhenusingthe cuttingdeck withyourtractor Planyourmowingpatternto avoiddischargeof materialstoward roads sidewalks bystanders andthe like Also avoiddischarging materialagainstawall orobstructionwhichmaycausedischarged materialto r...

Страница 21: sprecleaner 2 Air filter 3 Mid steering arms pivot shafts rackandaxles 4 Frontwheelbearings 1 Engineoil Oil filter 2 Muffler 1 Air filter 2 Air filter spre cleaner 3 Sparkplug 4 Air coolingsystem 5 Fuelfilter 6 SteeringGears 7 RearWheels 1 Hood Dashairvents 2 Batteryterminals 3 Midsteeringarms pivot shafts andaxles 4 Frontwheelbearings 5 Deckspindleandidler bracket 6 Pedalpivotpoints 1 Check 2 ...

Страница 22: ...lforinformation regarding the approvedoiltype iMPORTANT Usedmotoroil maycauseskincancerif repeatedly left incontactwiththe skinfor prolongedperiods Althoughthis is unlikelyunlessyou handleusedoil ona dailybasis it isstilladvis ableto thoroughlywashyourhandswithsoapandwateras soonas possibleafterhandlingusedoil NOTE Pleasedisposeof used motoroilina mannerthatiscompat iblewiththeenvironment We sugge...

Страница 23: ...notinstalled correctlyseriousinjuryordeath could resultfrombackfire Do not attemptto startthe enginewith themremoved IMPORTANT Neverrunthe enginewithoutthe air filter Rapid enginewearwill result 1 Unscrewthethumbscrewsand removethe airfiltercover See Fig 23 Thumb Screw Air Filter Figure 22 2 Remove dipstick and wipe clean with a cloth 3 Pour oil into the dipstick tube Do not over fill With an oil ...

Страница 24: ...7 Spark Plug Service DONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved DONOTcrank enginewithsparkplugremoved Toensureproperengineoperation the sparkplugmustbeproperly gappedandfree of deposits 1 Removethe sparkplugboot andusea sparkplugwrenchto removethe plug SeeFig 28 Figure26 Attachtheair filtercover makingsureto alignplasticribfeatures onthe shroudto the plasticfeaturesonthe air filtercover See Fig 27 T...

Страница 25: ...engine Beforereplacingthe fuel filter drainthe fueltank Otherwise fuel can leakoutand causea fireor explosion To DrainThe Fuel 1 Locate the fuelfilter whichisroutedontheleftsideof theengine between thefuel tankandthecarburetor andmaybeattachedto the enginewitha tie strap Cutthe tie strap ifpresent thenpinch the in lineclamponthe fuelfilterwitha pairofpliers slidethe clampupthe fuelline Pullthefuel...

Страница 26: ...led fromthe top down Movethedecklift leverintothe top notchon the rightfenderto raisethedecklift armsupandout of the way Unplugthewiring pigtailfromthe decksafetyswitch Carefullyremovethe PTOcablefromthe rearof the cuttingdeck by removing the bow tiecotterpinwhichsecuresit Removethe springfromthe deckidlerbracket SeeFig 34 Figure 34 9 Gentlyslidethecuttingdeck fromthe leftside outfrom underneathth...

Страница 27: ...rhandsby _usng heavygoveswhengraspngthe bade Periodically inspectthe bladeand or spindlefor cracksor damage especiallyafter you vestrucka foreignobject Do notoperatethe machineuntil damagedcomponentsarereplaced To removethe blade proceedas follows NOTE It maybeeasiertochangethe bladebyfirst removing the deckfrombeneaththetractor referto CuttingDeckRemoval earlierinthis section thengentlyflipthe de...

Страница 28: ... Referto Tires inthis ServiceAndMaintenance sectionfor moreinformationregardingtire pressure Front To Rear Itis possibleto adjustthepitchof the cuttingdeck The frontof the deckshouldbe between0 level and K lowerthanthe rearof the deck Adjustif necessaryasfollows 1 Withthe tractorparkedona firm levelsurface placethe leverfor liftingthe cuttingdeckintothe middleposition 3 and rotatethe bladeso thati...

Страница 29: ...emovedandspecialtools i e air impactwrench in orderto changethetractor sdrivebelt Contact the nearest Parts Repair Service Centerto haveyourtransmis siondrivebelt serviced Tolocatethe nearestParts RepairServiceCenteror to schedule service call 800 659 5917 MUFFLER Temperature of mufflerandnearbyengineareasmayexceed150 F 65 0 Avoidcontactwiththeseareas Inspectmufflerperiodically andreplaceif necess...

Страница 30: ...ayfroman openflameor pilot I light as ona waterheater spaceheater furnace clothesdryeror othergas app ances 1 Whenchargingyourtractor sbattery useonlya chargerdesignedfor I 12Vlead acidbatteries Readyourbatterychargers Owners Manual priorto chargingyourtractors battery Alwaysfollowits instructions I land heed ts warnngs j Ifyourtractorhas notbeenput intouse foran extendedperiodof time chargethe ba...

Страница 31: ...s etc Figure42 5 Turnthewateron 6 Whilesitting inthe operator spositiononthe tractor startthe engineand placethethrottleleverin the FAST rabbit position 7 Movethe tractor sPTO BladeEngage intothe ON position 8 Remainin theoperator spositionwiththe cuttingdeckengaged for a minimumof twominutes allowingthe undersideof the cuttingdeckto thoroughlyrinse 9 Movethe tractor sPTO BladeEngage intothe OFFpo...

Страница 32: ...pprovedcontaineroutdoors away fromanopenflame Allow engineto cool Extinguishcigarettes cigars pipes andothersourcesof ignitionpriorto drainingfuel Storegasolinein anapprovedcontainerin safelocation c Reconnectthe fuellineand runtheengineuntilit startsto falter then usethe choketo keepthe enginerunninguntilall fuel inthe carburetorhas beenexhausted d Disconnectthe fuel lineanddrainanyremaininggasol...

Страница 33: ...Cutting blade loose orunbalanced 2 Damaged orbent cutting blade 1 Engine speed too low 2 Wet grass 3 Excessively high grass 4 Dull blade 1 Deck not leveled properly 2 Dull blade 3 Uneven tire pressure 11 Ensure seat isintheproper operating position and ordeck chute tube ormulch plug properly installed 1 Deactivate theCHOKE 2 Connect spark plug wire s 3 Replace the fuel line filltank with clean fre...

Страница 34: ...ft Side AJign To Top Edge 777D17040 Operators Right Side Align To lop Edge 777S34202 Place On Top Of Deck On The Lower Ridge Keep Off Curves 777S34201 Place On Top Of Deck Keep Off Curves REF Chute Labe Applied By Manufacturer 777D17060 Center On Rear Engine Cover 777D17037 Place On Front Of Deck 34 ...

Страница 35: ...Craftsman Model 247 25000 24 12 35 ...

Страница 36: ...215 0637 24 783 07302 25 683 04767 0637 Part No Description Machine Screw 1 4 20 0 750 Hex Screw 1 4 15 1 000 Hex Head Screw 5 16 18 75 Hex Head Screw 1 4 20 75 Flange Locknut 5 16 18 Flange Locknut 1 4 20 U type Speed Nut 1 4 20 Column Cover Steering Column Cap Fender Rear Cover Shoulder Screw 368 X 113 1 4 20 Rear Cover Support Tube Hitch Plate Tap Screw 1 4 20 625 Running Board Running Board Pl...

Страница 37: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 25000 37 ...

Страница 38: ...ion Spring 97 OD X 6 18 Split Lock Washer 7 16 Flat Washer 450X1 250X 164 Flat Washer 407X 812X 135 Shoulder Spacer 1 00 X 38 X 38 Ref I NO 28 738 0930 29 747 05593 30 747 05617A 31 950 04099 32 750 04456 33 750 3119 34 954 0241A 35 954 04331 36 756 04224 37 756 04325 38 756 04464 39 756 04479 40 783 07207 41 783 07248 42 956 04015A 43 N A 44 710 0627 45 710 0778 46 718 04261 47 736 0362 48 941 06...

Страница 39: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 25000 11 22 34 34 2O 39 ...

Страница 40: ...38 1132 34 712 0271 925 05359 Part No Description TapScrew 5 16 18 0 500 FlangeLockNut 5 16 18 Knob 3 8 16 875 SeatSpring Bumper 62DIAX 3 ShoulderSpacer 435X 178 5 16 X 56 Seat Seat PivotBracket PTOHandleAssembly FlangeLockNut 3 8 16 HandleGrip 3 8 CableTie 3 16X 05X 7 4 ExtensionSpring 50OD X4 646LG ShoulderBolt 500X 270 3 8 16 PTOCable RubberGrommet Rollover Valve FuelTank 1 3Gal FuelCap Battery...

Страница 41: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 25000 15 12 41 ...

Страница 42: ...mbly Screw 10 16 0 500 Hex Head Scerw 5 16 18 1 00 Tap Screw 5 16 18 750 Hex Head Screw 5 16 18 75 Ferrule 3 8 24 X 375 Dia Adjustable Ferrule 1 4 20 X 1 00 Flange Lock Nut 5 16 18 Cotter Pin 3 32Xl 0 Bow Tie Cotter Pin 72 Push Cap 5 8 Speed Control Cover Speed Lever 6 SPEED Shift Spring Extension Spring 59 OD X 4 00 LG Foot Pad 2 5 LG Flat Washer 330x 630x 064 Flat Washer 380X 930X 110 Shoulder S...

Страница 43: ...Craftsman Model 247 25000 14 21 21 _ 12 31 29 9 _32 31 29 43 ...

Страница 44: ...on Front Axle Assembly RH Front Axle Assembly LH Upper Tube Assembly Lower Tube Assembly Allen Wrench 3 16 Screw 1 4 20 X 1 25 Hex Head Screw 5 16 18 1 00 Carriage Screw 1 4 20 75 Ferrule 5 16 24 X 312 Dia Flange Lock Nut 1 4 20 Flange Lock Nut 3 8 16 Bow Tie Cotter Pin 72 Steering Pinion Gear Push Cap 3 4 Snap Butt Lower Steering Collar Upper Steering Collar Bevel Washer 340X 872X 060 Steering Sh...

Страница 45: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 25000 11 45 ...

Страница 46: ...83 07129 0637 Description Lift Assembly Shaft Front Hanger Bracket Assembly Tap Screw 5 16 18 750 Hex Head Screw 3 8 16 1 00 Tap Screw 1 4 20 0 750 Tap Screw 1 4 20 1 250 Tap Screw 1 4 20 X 625 Ferrule 50 X 50 Flange Lock Nut 3 8 16 Flex Lock Nut 1 2 13 Bow Tie Cotter Pin 72 Bow Tie Cotter Pin 91 Grip Handle 1 2 Extension Spring 85 OD X 5 915 LG Flat Washer 406 X 875 X 059 Shoulder Spacer 625 ID X...

Страница 47: ...Craftsman Model 247 25000 iT 1 6 9 2 47 ...

Страница 48: ... 5 731 1682A 6 946 04829 7 751 10349 8 aBS 298090S 9 952Z4P90JUA Description Tap Screw 1 4 20 0 500 Tap Screw 3 8 16 1 000 Tap Screw 3 8 16 2 250 Hose Clamp 490 DIA Oil Drain Sleeve Throttle Choke Cable 31 Lg Low Permeation Fuel Line 1 4 Fuel Filter 1 4 298090 Replacement Engine 4P90JUA 48 ...

Страница 49: ...Craftsman Model 247 25000 22 38 12 49 ...

Страница 50: ...r Bushing 320 ID X 135 Flat Washer 330x1 250x 060 Thrust Washer 445X 1 920X 060 Deck Belt Cover Shoulder Spacer 625 ID X 169 Ref I No 24 738 04162A 25 738 04278 26 942 04385 27 750 04456 28 750 0566A 29 954 04318 30 756 04224 31 783 07004 32 783 07146 0637 33 783 07184 0637 34 783 07204 0637 35 783 07304 36 783 07306 37 631 04633 38 738 04519 39 712 0417A 40 936 0351 41 738 I186A 42 941 0919A 43 7...

Страница 51: ...130 _1 127 129 m 120 121 122 124 126 127 128 129 130 951 12255 712 04291 951 12255 951 12256 951 12260 712 04212 951 12328 951 12257 951 12258 D O Air FilterCoverAssembly Air FilterLockNut Air FilterCover SpongeFilter Air FilterAssembly NutM6 RubberCap Manifold ManifoldGasket 51 ...

Страница 52: ... 247 25000 7 _2 m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 192 751 12205 712 04290 750 05320 710 05304 951 11622 710 05305 951 12206 710 05303 D O O DebrisShield Nut EngineShroudSpacer Starter Shroud Stud M6xlO0 FlexibleClamp HookBolt Air Shield Self Tapping Bolt5 5x25 52 ...

Страница 53: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 4P90JUA For IViodel 247 25000 197 Gasket I it Complete 198 Gasket I it External 199 Complete Eagiae 51 _ __53 _47 I 178 189 1_5 U _183 55 67 I 7O 53 ...

Страница 54: ...pring GovernorArm GovernorArm Bolt GovernorArm NutM6 GovernorSpring Bolt M6x18 Bolt M6x38 ThrottleControlBracket m 69 7O 72 73 m 74 178 183 184 185 186 189 197 198 199 750 05530 951 12235 951 12236 751 12200A 951 12237 951 12275 951 11953 951 12276 951 11954 951 12277 710 05319 951 12204 951 12201 952Z4P90JUA m 0 ComponentBracketSpacer BreatherHoseAssembly BreatherHoseClamp ShortBlockAssembly Incl...

Страница 55: ...000 151 _O 151 _O 197 Gasket Kit Complete 198 Gasket Kit External 199 Complete Engine 152 1A_ 147 148 149 147 148 149 154 157 153 155 _ 155 16_i_ 163 150 142 142 145 163 142 173 175 174 175 174 162 _ 173 193 _ I 194 I OPTIONAL 140 141 I 14o _140 55 ...

Страница 56: ValveKit SparkPlug F6Rtc BoltM10x1 25x85 Bolt M10x1 25x65 CylinderHeadAsm Incl 137 139 144 146 157 160 161 163 172 m 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 193 194 196 197 198 199 951 12202 751 12774 751 12775 751 12776 751 12777 736 04629 710 05450 951 12273 715 04122 951 11335 951 11962 736 04561 951 12274 951 12329 710 05344 951 12197 951 12204 951 12201 952Z4P90JU D W O Cylinde...

Страница 57: ...Craftsman Engine Model 4P90JUA For Model 247 25000 79_ 8 82_ 3 76 _ 75 _ 91 _ 93 104 84 _ 116 117 114 57 ...

Страница 58: ...or DowelPin8x14 Ball6 35 Spring Bolt CrankshaftThrustWasher BalanceableShaftBearing BalanceableShaftAssembly BalanceableThrustWasher m 98 99 1CO 101 102 103 104 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 195 951 12248 951 12247 951 12249 951 12250 951 12251 951 12252 951 11956 710 05313 736 04560 951 12690 951 12253 951 12254 951 12318 710 04982 951 11375 710 05314 951 12194 D O O OilPumpAssembly O Ring10x2 ...

Страница 59: ...Craftsman Engine Model 4P90JUA For Model 247 25000 134 134 137 139 139 138 200 Carburetor I it Major 133 F A o _ __ BB CC 59 ...

Страница 60: ... FiberO Ring ChokeReturnSpring FlatSteelWasher ChokePlate Idle JetAssembly IdleJet O Ring SheetmetalHousing ThrottleShaft ThrottlePlate ScrewM3x5 L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE GG HH n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a 951 12304 751 12772 751 12773 n a 951 11349 710 04938 710 05449 736 04554 710 05337 D I O LockWasher Nylon Plastic O Ring FiberO Ring IdleSpeedAdjustin...

Страница 61: ...00 190 48 161 161 m 48 158 159 160 161 161 190 191 710 04916 712 04219 951 12270 951 12271 951 12272 951 12196 951 12278 710 05051 D O O BoltM6x14 NutM8 MufflerAssembly ExhaustPipeGasket MuffStud M8x47 MufflerStudAssembly Wire MeshShield BoltM6x12 61 ...

Страница 62: ...1 12312 951 12209 951 12212 951 12214 951 12216 ElectricalStarterFrontCover Bearing Pinion Clutch Assembly Gear Bearing PinionCover Bearing6001Zz Bearing m 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 951 12528 951 12217 736 04554 951 12529 951 12219 710 05308 951 12324 736 04555 736 04556 736 04477 712 04212 715 04120 m O O StarterHousingAssembly Screw LockWasher Brush Assembly ElectricalStarterBackCover ...

Страница 63: ... m43 38 45 m 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 710 04920 951 12220 712 04220 951 12221 751 12222A 951 12223 951 12224 710 04940 951 12279 D O O BoltM6x28 IgnitionCoil Assembly FlywheelNutM16x1 5 FanMountingPlate CoolingFan Flywheel Coil Assy Charge BoltM6xlO Cowl 63 ...

Страница 64: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Страница 65: ...ectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyextend...

Страница 66: ... workmanshipthatcausethe failureof a warrantedpart to be identicalin all materialrespectsto that part as describedin MTDConsumerGroup Inc sapplicationfor certification The warrantyperiodbeginsonthedate theoutdoorequipmentengineis deliveredto anultimatepurchaserorfirst placedintoservice The warrantyperiodis two years Subjectto certainconditionsand exclusionsasstated below the warrantyonemission rel...

Страница 67: ...r warrantycoverage Further the coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonly to partsthat were presentonthe off roadengineand equipmentpurchased Thefollowingemissionwarrantypartsare covered if applicable 1 FuelMeteringSystem Cold start enrichmentsystem softchoke Carburetorand internalparts or fuel injectionsystem Fuelpump Fueltank 2 Air InductionSystem Air cleaner Intakemanifold 3 IgnitionSystem Sparkplug...

Страница 68: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Страница 69: ...rnisrno o equivalente Todos losdelacobertura delagarantaanterior es inv lida siesteequipo dernontar acabaloesutlizado alguna vez rnientras quelaprestacbn deservicios cornerciales o sisealqulaaotrapersona Estagaranta cubrelos defectosSOLOdernateriales yfabricacibn Lagaranta noincluye Laspartes consurnibles excepto labateria quepuedegastarse porelusonormaldentro delperiodo degaranta incluyendo peron...

Страница 70: ...seaarrojado rnantenga a los observadores a los ayudantes ni_osy rnascotas alejadosal rnenos25 metrosde la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentraen lazona Inspeccionerninuciosarnente el Areadondeutilizar_ el equipo Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetes y otros objetosextra_osquepodrianser recogidosy arrojadosporla acci6nde lascuchillas Losobjeto...

Страница 71: ...frenosfuncionaran apro piadarnente Siernprernantenga larn_ quina encarnbiornientras desciende las pendientes parapoderfrenarcon elmotor Sigalas recornendaciones delfabricante paralospesosocontra pesosde lasruedas pararnejorar laestabilidad dela rn_ quina Tengaespecialcuidadocon loscolectores dec_speduotros aditarnentos Losrnisrnos puedenrnodificar laestabilidad dela rn_ quina Hagaquetodoslosrnovir...

Страница 72: ... de1 2 pulgadapordebajode la basedelcuello deltap6nde carga paradejarespacioparala expansi6ndel combustible Vuelvaa colocarlatapade la gasolinay ajQstela bien Lirnpieel combustible que sehayaderrarnadosobreel motory el equipo Trasladelarn_ quina a otrazona Espere5 rninutosantes de encenderel motor Parareducirel riesgode incendio rnantengala rn_ quina lirnpia de pasto hojasy deacurnulaci6n de otros...

Страница 73: ...naranualrnente _staSearsporunou otrodistribuidorde serviciosparacerciorarsedequetodoslos sisternasrnec_ nicos y de seguridadfuncionancorrectarnente y notienenexcesivo desgaste Si noIo hace puedenproducirseaccidentes lesiones o rnuerte NO MODIFIQUE EL MOTOR Paraevitarlesionesgraveso larnuerte nornodifiqueel motorbajo ningunacircunstancia Si carnbiala configuraci6n del reguladordel motorelmotorpuede...

Страница 74: ...ies lejos de hacer girar partes PELIGRO DIe EL CORTE DE PIE Retroceda lentamente Siempre mire hacia abajo y hacia atr_is antes y mientras retrocede para evitar accidentes PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados pot la I_imina en cualquier direcci6...

Страница 75: ...tuya inmediatamente GASOLINADEADVERTENCIA ESINFLAMABLE Permita que el motor se enfrfe al menos dos minutos antes del reabastecimiento de combustible ADVERTENCIA MONOXIDO DE CARBONO Nunca dirijas un motor dentro o en un _rea mal ventilada Los gases de combusti6n de motor contienen el mon6xido de carbono un gas inodoro y mortal PELIGRO Die EL CORTE DE PIE No se pare sobre la plataforma de corte 75 ...

Страница 76: ... and Figura 2 Ajuste el pendiente de calibre arriba o hacia abajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 Si hay un espacio pot debajo de la pendiente de calibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpa pot operaci6n segura consultar Figura 2 above Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentes que pueden provocar lesi...

Страница 77: ...tor Unamangaparadrenadodeaceite UnManualdeoperaci6ndelmotor Unatapa de pedestalde direcci6n Unconjuntodecanal dedescarga Unpaquetedeelementosdeferreteria Unatarjeta pararegistrarel producto pasosa continuaci6n 1 Deslicelatapa del pedestalsobreel ejedela direcci6nde maneraquedichoejese instaleen eltractor latapa del pedestal quedaravertical comose indicaenla Figura1 2 Extraigaeltornillo decabezahue...

Страница 78: ...instrucciones correspondientes quese incluyen a continuaci6n parainstaiarlo 1 Extraigalos dos pernosautorroscantesquese instalanenel tractor en lafabricay coloqueel soportedel asientoensu lugar sobrelos orificios Veala Figura5 J Figura 5 2 ConunaNave detrinquetede 1 4 depulgada sujeteel soporte Nouse ninguna herramienta el6ctrica por ejemplo pistola deimpacto otaladro el6ctrico conelextractor detu...

Страница 79: ...CANAL DE LA PLATAFORMA NUNCA opereestetractor si notiene colocadoseltap6n deabonoo el canal dela plataforma 1 Extraigala perilladealetasqueinstal6enla plataformade corte y conservelaparacolocarlaposteriormente 2 Coloqueel conjuntodel canaldela plataformainsertandolos dos pasadores de la basedelcanal dela plataformadentro de los orificiosdetraba dela plataformade la cortadoradec6sped Deslicela clav...

Страница 80: ...adorantesde hacerfuncionarel tractor GASOUNA Y ACEITE NOTA Elmotorse enviasin gasolinay conaceiteparamotorensu interior Sinembargo ustedDEBE controlarel niveldeaceiteantesde hacerlofuncionar Tengacuidadode noIlenarenexceso Si se hace funcionarel motorsin suficienteaceitepuededa_arsegravemente y se anulala garantia Siempre mantenga lasmanos y lospiesalejados delaspiezas m6viles delequipo Noutilicef...

Страница 81: ...macombustible aseg0resedequeel areaest6seca antesde arrancarelmotor Eviteelcontactorepetidoo prolongado con la piely la inhalaci6n de losvapores Carga de combustible Elcombustible debe cargarlo unadulto NUNCA permita queunniSo recargue combustible enelmotor Losvapores delagasolina elcombustible son sumamente inflamables y pueden explotar Losvapores delcombustible sepueden esparcir yencenderse poru...

Страница 82: ... de la toma de fuerza PTO enganche de cuchilla J NOTA Cualquierreferenciahecha enestemanualal lado DERECHO o IZQUIERDO del tractor debeentendersetal comose observadesdela posici6ndel operadorcuandoestasentadohaciaadelanteorientadoal frente del tractor Cumple con las normas de seguridad de ANSI LostractoresCrattsmancumplencon las normasdeseguridaddel InstitutoNacionalAmericanode Normaiizaci6n ANSi ...

Страница 83: ...ompletamente el pedal del embrague frenopara poneren marchael motor ConsulteInterruptoresde BIoqueodeSeguridaden la secci6nFuncionamiento de estemanual Palanca de cambios La palancade cambiosesta ubicadaen el panel de controljusto debajodel asiento enelcentrodeltractor Tienetresposiciones ADELANTE PUNTO MUERTO y ATRAS Cuandomuevala palancade cambios el pedaldel freno debeestar presionado y eltract...

Страница 84: ...ode la temporadaanterior para minimizar la formaci6nde dep6sitos de gomaenel sistemadecombustible Estemotor esta habilitadoparafuncionar con gasolinasin plomo Para obtenerel mejor resultado Ileneel dep6sitode combustibleOnicamente con gasolinasin plomo limpia y fresca en un surtidor que indique un octanajeiguala 87 o mas El gasohol hasta10 de alcoholetilico 90 de gasoNna sin plomo por volumen es u...

Страница 85: ...l operador INTERRUPTOR DE ENCENDIDO El interrupter de encendidose activa paraarrancar el motor Insertela Nave en el interrupterde encendidoy gire en el sentido de lasagujas del reloja la posici6nSTART arranque Suelte la Naveen la posici6nON encendido una vezque hayaarrancadoel motor Veala Fig 18 Paradetenerel motor gire la Navede encendidoen sentido contrario alas agujasdel reloj hastala posici6nO...

Страница 86: ...aden movimiento 6 Eltractor corta cespedse detienepresionando el pedaldel embrague freno NOTA AIoperarla unidadinicialmente habrapocadiferenciaentre lasdos velocidadesmasaltashastaque lascorreasse hayanasentadoenlas poleas duranteel periododeablande Antesde abandonarla posici6ndel operador desenganchelascuchillas coloquela palancaen neutral coloqueelfreno de estacionamiento apagueel motor y retire...

Страница 87: ...lgun objeto queseaarrojado mantengaa los observadores a los ayudantes niSosy mascotasalejadosal menos75 pies 25 metros dela maquina mientras esta enfuncionamiento Detengala maquinasi alguien se acerca Lasiguienteinformaci6nsera deutilidad cuandousela plataformadecorte consu tractor Planifiqueel patr6ndecorte para evitarque la descargadematerialesse realice hacialos caminos las veredas losobservado...

Страница 88: ...s bater as 3 Brazosde mandointermedios ejes del pivote y ejes 4 Cojinetesde las ruedas delanteras 5 Ruedasdelanteras de la plataforma 6 Husillos y m6nsula intermedia de la plataforma 7 Puntos de pivote del pedal Realice el servicio m_s frecuentemente cuando hayam_s polvo Antesderealizartareasdemantenimiento o reparaciones desconecte la PTO palancadeenganche decuchillas pongaelfrenodemano apagueel ...

Страница 89: ...eplastico para drenado deaceite juntoconeste Manual del Operador Para drenar elaceite proceda delasiguiente manera 1 Desenrosque eltap deIlenado deaceite y extraiga lavarilladenivel deaceite deltubodeIlenado 2 Coloque elextremo peque_o delamanga dedrenado enelcarter deaceite Vea laFig 19 3 Extraiga eltap dedrenado y vacie elaceite enuncontenedor apropiado conunacapacidad nomenora64oz 4 Incline lig...

Страница 90: filtro de aceite la cantidad de aceite de alto nivel para estemotoresde 1700 ml 57 48 onzas liquidas 4 Coloque la varilla de medici6n y girela hasta la posici6n en que queda trabada antes de arrancar el motor 5 Arranque el motor D_jelo en marcha durante unos segundosy luego apague el motor 6 Controle el nivel de aceite Consulte Control del nivel de aceite en la secci6n Montaje del presente manu...

Страница 91: ...Figura25 Sujete lacubierta delfiltrodeairecomprobando quequeden alineadas lasnervaduras plasticas delacubierta conlosdispositivos plasticos delacubierta delfiltrodeaire Consulte laFig 26 Girelostornillos deorejetas manualmente enelsentido delasagujas delrelojhasta que queden ajustados Controle si hayproblemas dealineaci6n NOpruebe lachispa si noest_labujiadeencendido NOd6arranque almotorsi no est_...

Страница 92: ...ustible DeIocontrario elcombustible puede gotear ycausar unincendio ouna explosion Paradrenar el combustible 1 Ubique elfiltro decombustible que pasa dellado izquierdo del motor entre el tanque decombustible yelcarburador ypuede estar sujeto almotor conuna tira deunion Corte latira si lahay luego sujete laabrazadera enlinea deltiltro de combustible conunpar depinzas deslice laabrazadera hacia arri...

Страница 93: ...elamuesca superiordelguardabarros derecho paralevantar losbrazos de elevaciOn delaplataforma y retirarlos delpaso 7 Extraiga concuidado elcabledelaPTOdelaparteposterior de laplataforma decorteretirando elpasador dechaveta conunion curva queIosujeta Retire el resorte delsoporte depolea Iocadela plataforma VealaFig 33 8 Deslice suavemente laplataforma decorte desde elladoizquierdo hacia afueradesde ...

Страница 94: ...esi0n deneumaticos despareja podria hacer quela plataforma corteelcOsped enforma desigual BATERiA iADVERTENCIA Proposici0n 65deCalifornia Losbornes delabateria y losaccesorios alinescontienen plomo y compuestos deplomo sustancias quimicas quesegunIoestablecido porelEstado deCalifornia causan cancer y da_os enelsistema reproductivo Lavese lasmanos despuOs deestar en contacto conestos componentes Si...

Страница 95: ...espu6s degolpear unobjeto extra_o Nooperelam_quina hasta despu6s dehaber reemplazado loscomponentes da_ados Pararetirarla cuchilla hagaIo siguiente NOTA Puederesultarmasfacil cambiarlacuchillaempezando primero potextraerla plataforma delaparteinferiordel tractor consultela secci6nExtracci6ndelaplataformadecorteenpartesanterioresde estasecciOn luegovolteecondelicadeza laplataformaparadejaral descub...

Страница 96: ...ernecesario sigaconelpaso siguiente 3 Ubique latuerca deseguridad conbridaenelextremo frontaldela varilladeelevaciOn delaPTO VealaFig 30 o Apriete latuerca deseguridad conbridaparalevantar laparte frontaldelaplataforma o Aflojelatuercadeseguridad conbridaparabajar lapartefrontal delaplataforma Figura38 Ajuste del asiento Consulte enlasecci6n Montaje deestemanual lasinstrucciones para elajuste dela...

Страница 97: ...or Crernallera y pifi6n de direcci6n Unavezportemporada ocada25horasdefuncionamiento seranecesario lubricar elmecanismo decremallera y pi_On dedirecciOn queesta ubicado debajo delfrente delaunidad Mediante elusodegrasapara automOviles estandar engrase elfrente y laparteposterior delacremallera dedirecciOn comoesindicaenlaFig 39 Figura 39 Bateria Labateria esta sellada y nonecesita mantenimiento Lo...

Страница 98: ...laveafondo 9 Muevalapotencia dearranque enganche decuchilla deltractora laposici0nOFF apagado 10 Girela Ilavedeencendido a laposiciOn STOP parar paraapagarel motordeltractor 11 Desconecte elaguay retireel acoplador delamanguera desdeel puertodeaguaqueseencuentra enlasuperficiedela plataforma Despu6s delimpiarlaplataforma regrese a laposici0ndeloperadory enganche la PTO Mantenga laplataforma decort...

Страница 99: ...ada lejosdecualquierfuentedellama o chispas incluidocuaiquier artefacto conluzpiloto AImacene la gasolinaenunrecipiente aprobado en unlugarseguro Vuelvaa contectarla Ifneadecombustibley hagafuncionar el motorhastaquecorniencea fallar useentoncesel cebadorpararnantenerel motorenrnarchahastaagotar todoel combustible del carburador d Vuelvaa desconectar la lineadecombustibley drenela gasolinarestante...

Страница 100: ...restringido Elmotorvacila a altas 1 Laseparaci6nde lasbujiases muypequeSa 1 revoluciones Elmotorfuncionacondificultad 1 Bujiaatorada averiadao excesode separaci6n 1 en ralenti 2 Elfiltrode aireest_ sucio 2 Demasiadavibraci6n 1 Cuchillade cortefloja o descentrada 1 2 CuchilladaSadaocurvada 2 1 Lavelocidaddel motores demasiadolenta 1 2 CespedhQmedo Lacortadorade cespedno regresael recortedecesped co...

Страница 101: ...Esta pagina se dej6 intencionalmente en blanco Utilice esta pagina para tomar notas acerca de su tractor 101 ...

Страница 102: ...Esta pagina se dej6 intencionalmente en blanco Utilice esta pagina para tomar notas acerca de su tractor 102 ...

Страница 103: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia sena equivaiente a entre 10 y 12 aSos Laciasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma grAfica en la etiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del ...

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