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Содержание 247.240193

Страница 1: ...Rules and instructions before operating this equipment For answers to your questions about this product call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 08766 February 1 2013 ...

Страница 2: ...ntedagainst anydefects in materialorworkmanship Adefective productwill bereplaced freeof charge Forwarrantycoverage detailsto obtainfreereplacement visit thewebsite www craftsman com Thiswarrantyis voidifthisproductiseverusedwhileprovidingcommercial services orif rentedto anotherperson Thiswarrantygivesyouspecific legalrights andyoumayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstateto state SearsBrandsManage...

Страница 3: ...tcher initsproperplace A missing ordamaged discharge coverorgrass bagattachmentcomponent mayresultinthrownobjectsorbladecontact injuries Donotputhands orfeetnearrotatingpartsorunderthecuttingdeck Contact with theblade s canamputatehands andfeet Shutoffmower sengineandwait forblades to cometo acompletestop beforeunclogging mower sdischarge openingorbagger parts Slowdownbefore turning Operate themac...

Страница 4: ... Never tamperwith your mower ssafetyinterlock systemorothersafetydevices Check their properoperationregularly Never attempt to makeadjustments or repairswhile the mower sengineisrunning Grass catchercomponents andthe discharge coveraresubjectto wearanddamage which couldexpose movingpartsorallow objectsto bethrown Forsafety protection frequentlycheckcomponentsandreplaceimmediately with original equ...

Страница 5: ...djustgaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 10odashedline If there is a gapbelowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopes are a major factor related to tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machine on slopes in excess of 10 degrees All slopes require extra caution If ...

Страница 6: ...ip Upper Chute Support Hinge Cover Pin Upright Support Bag Support Assembly Two Hardware Packs Detailed Pictured on next page GrassCatcherCover UpperChute Support _If Adhesive Foam _ _ _ Mounting I _ _ _ Bracket Kit _ _ IJI Includes the _z_ _ following parts __ RH Bracket 783 05889 0637 LH Bracket 783 05890 0637 _p _ 4 Hex Bolts 710 04484 2 Flange Lock Nuts 712 04065 2 Shoulder Bolts 738 04267 2 C...

Страница 7: ...tes contralas siguientes ilustraciones Las cantidades decadaartkuloseindica entrepar ntesis mientras queel ntimero aparece juntoacadaitem Hardware Pack for 689 00312 Hardware Pack 689 00313 I 711 0309A I 1 710 0276 __ _ 7 720 04122 714 0117 1 1 723 04008 __ 711 05063 1 736 0204 912 3027 936 0176 711 05049 714 04040 732 04510A 1 1 7 ...

Страница 8: ...ketkitandfollow thesesteps 1 Attach thetwohitchside brackets totheuniversal rearattachment bracket using twocarriage bolts 710 0276 andwingknobs 720 04122 fromhardware pack 689 00312 See Figure 3 Note Thehooksonthesidebrackets shouldpointdownwardsandthetabs ontherearplatepointupwards asshownin Figure 3 Io 0 o 0 J Figure3 2 Flipoverassembly andmountthehitchsupportbracket to themounting assembly usi...

Страница 9: ...ntingbracketincludes astampingabove eachmountinghole indicatingwhichpositionto mounttheuprightbracket See theinsetof Figure 7 4 Figure 5 Install theclevis pin 711 0309A fromhardware pack 689 00312 intothetractor s hitchandtheassembly s hitchsupport andsecure withahairpin clip 714 0117 See Figure 6 F with holeon tractor Figure 6 Note Theclevispincanbefeddownthroughthe hitchsupport andsecured undern...

Страница 10: ...o assemble theremaining baggercomponents 1 Snap theplastic upperchutesupportinplacebyfirstclippingtheside portionontothebagsupportrailwith theedge of thesnapfeaturealigned with theredline 1 asshownin theinsetof Figure 10 2 Snap thefront portionof theupperchutesupport to the bagsupportrailas seenin2 of Figure 10 Figure 11 Slide thehingepin intotheholelocated onthemountingtab asinFigure 12 Use thecu...

Страница 11: ...ourrighthand as seenin1ofFigure 14 andlifting thecover with yourleft hand inthecenterrear ofthebagger cover 2 Installbothgrassbagsontothebagsupportassembly byinsertingthefront edgein first 1 asseeninFigure15 andsettingtheback edgedown 2 until it fits intotheassembly Figure 15 Figure 14 11 ...

Страница 12: ...Configurations Installtherubberchutestrap fromhardwarepack 689 00313 ontothe chuteelbow usingtheclevis pin 711 0S063 washer 736 0204 andBow tie cotterpin 714 04040 fromhardware pack 689 00313 See Figure 18 Secure the endofthestrap utilizing thehole furthest fromtheend insertthetorsion spring hook 732 04510A intotheotherend Note On decks withfrontdeck wheels thebootmountrodmustberemoved in order to...

Страница 13: ...ingunitonanolderdeck anextrawing knob whichisonlyneeded oninstallations onnewdecks will be left over Peel thebackingoffof theself adhesive foamstrip 721 04388 that has beenincluded withinyourContents of Carton Applyitto theupperchute flushagainsttheflangeasshowninFigure 22 Figure 22 Withthegrass catchercoveropen install the upperdischarge chutethrough thedischarge chuteopening asseeninFigure 23 Fi...

Страница 14: ... it overthechuteelbowmounted onthecuttingdeck asshownin Figure 24 4 Figure 24 Continue to workthedischarge chutedownoverthechuteelbowuntil the grooveonthedischarge chutealignswith theupperchutesupport asseen intheinsetof Figure 25 5 Figure25 Close thegrasscatcher cover 14 ...

Страница 15: 1 of Figure 26 andlifting with yourleft handin therearcenter 2 4 Empty thegrass clippingsat aproperdisposal site Grasp thehandleat the bottomof thebagwith onehand andwiththeotherhandsteadythebag andemptythecontents 5 Replace grassbags closelid flip downseat restartyourtractorandresume cuttingyourgrass 6 Retighten all wingknobsperiodically throughouttheseason Figure 26 Remove thegrassbagsbylifti...

Страница 16: ...2O 22 28 25 19j j29 16 ...

Страница 17: ...crew 5 16 18 x 1 00 Clevis Pin 62 Dia Attachment Pin 1 4 x 0 66 Lg Clevis Pin 5 16 x 75 Lg Shoulder Screw 625 x 412 Flange Lock Nut 1 4 20 Internal Cotter Pin 148 x 3 00 Bow Tie Cotter Pin 72 Chute Strap 6 00 Lg Bagger Discharge Chute Elbow Wing Knob 5 16 18 Torsion Spring Hook Flat Washer 265 x 938 x 120 Flat Washer 344 x 62 x 033 Mounting Bracket LH Orderltem 1 Mounting Bracket RH Orderltem 1 Un...

Страница 18: ...ode obra Un producto defectuososer_reemplazado sin cargo Paraquedetallesde lacoberturadegarantiaobtenerun reemplazo libre visiteel sitioweb www craftsman com EstagarantiaserAnulasi esteproductose utilizamientrasqueproporcionaservicioscomercialeso Sialquilaa otra persona Estagarantiale otorgaderechoslegalesespecificos y ustedtambi_npuedetenerotrosderechosquevariandeestadoa estado Sears Brands Manag...

Страница 19: cuchillas Los objetos arrojados por la m_quina pueden causar lesiones graves 4 Para protegerse los ojos utilice siempre galas o lentes de seguridad mientras opera la m quina o mientras la ajusta o repara Los objetos arrojados que rebotan pueden causar lesiones oculares graves 5 Nunca opere la cortadora de c_sped sin tenet bien colocada la cubierta de descarga o el colector de c_sped Si falta o ...

Страница 20: ...a asegurarse de que el equipo est 1 en condiciones seguras de operaci6n 3 Nunca intente violar el sistema de bloqueo de seguridad u otros mecanismos de seguridad de la cortadora Controle peri6dicamente que funcionan correctamente 4 No intente nunca hacer ajustes o reparaciones a la cortadora mientras el motor est 1 en marcha 5 Los componentes del colector de c_sped y la cubierta de descarga est_fi...

Страница 21: ...ltarFigura1 andFigura2 Ajusteel pendiente decalibrearribao haciaabajohastalos toquesesquinaizquierdael pendiente consultarFigura1andFigura2 Sihayun espaciopordebajodela pendiente decalibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpaporoperaciOn segura consultarFigura2 above Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentesque pueden provocar lesionesgraves o la mu...

Страница 22: ...descarga Chute Montajedelatapadelcolector dehierba DosAsambleas Grass Bag Tubo superior delatolva Autoadhesivo Franja deespuma Soporte superior delatolva Pasador Cubierta Soporte vertical Bolsa Asamblea Soporte D os paquetes dehardware detallados yaparece enlap_gina slgulen_e e_ z g _ _11_ Kit desoporte de montaje _ Incluye las siguientespartes RH Bracket 783 05889 0637 LH Bracket 783 05890 0637 4...

Страница 23: ...tra las siguientes Hustradones Las cantMades para cada artkulo aparece entre par_ntesis mientras que elntimero de pieza cotiza cerca de cada elemento Hardware Pack for689 00312 Hardware Pack 689 00313 I 711 0309A _ J 1 710 0276 7 720 04122 714 0117 1 _ 1 723 04008 _ 711 05063 1 736 0204 912 3027 936 0176 711 05049 714 04040 732 04510A 1 1 23 ...

Страница 24: ...am_nsula de enganche ysigaestospasos 1 Fljelosdossoportes delenganche laterales paraelsoporte desujeci6n universal trasero condospernos decarruaje 710 0276 ylasperfllas de marlposa 720a04122 delpaquete detornlller a 689 00312 Vea laFigure 30 Note Thehooksonthesidebrackets shouldpointdownwardsandthetabs ontherearplatepointupwards asshownin Figure 30 Figure 30 D_lavueltamontajeymontarelsoportedeleng...

Страница 25: ...uelaposici6n paramontarelsoporteen posici6nvertical Veaelrecuadro deFigure 34 3 Figure32 Instaleel pasador dehorquilla 711 0309A dehardwarepaquete 689 00312 enelenganche deltractoryelapoyo delaasamblea delenganche y asegurelo conunpasador dehorquilla 714 0117 VerFigure 33 j g Alinee el agujero en el soporte con el agujero en la placa de enganche del tractor Figure33 Nora Elpasador dehorquiilapuede...

Страница 26: ...tes restantes delrecogedor 1 Ajustar el soporte pl_istico canalsuperior ensulugarenganchando laparte lateralenel rieldesoportedelabolsaconelbordedelacaracteristica de ajustealineada conlaI nearoja 1 tal comosemuestra enel recuadro dela Figure 37 2 Coloque lapartedelantera delsoporte superior del conducto alabarrade soporte delabolsa comoseveenla2delaFigure 37 Figure38 Deslkeelpasador delabisagra e...

Страница 27: ...a comoseveenla 1 delaFigure 41 ylevantar latapaconlamanoizquierda en laparteposterior decentro delatapadelcontenedor 2 Instaleambas bolsas dehierbaenelconjuntodesoporte debolsainsertando el bordedelantero enprimera 1 comoseveenla Figure 42 y bajarelborde posterior 2 hastaqueencaje enlaAsamblea Figure42 Figure41 27 ...

Страница 28: ...degoma delpaquete detorniller a689 00313 enelcododeconductoutilizando el pasador dehorquilla 711 05063 laarandela 736 0204 ypajaritapasador 714 04040 del paquete de tornilleria689 00313 Veala Figure 45 Sujete elextremodelacorrea utilizando elagujerom_salejado delfinal inserte elgancho deresortede torsi6n 732 04510A enelotroextremo Nora En cubiertasconruedasfrontaldelaplataforma lavarilladesoporte ...

Страница 29: ...olsado enunacubiertam_santigua sedejar_unaperiilaextra ques61o esnecesario enlasinstalaciones en cubiertas denuevos Desprenda elrespaldo delatiradeespuma autoadhesiva 721 04388 que hasidoincluida dentrodesucart6ndecontenido Aplica a latolvasuperior al rascontraelreborde comosemuestra enlaFigure 49 Figure49 Conlatapadelcolectordehierbaabierto instale el conducto dedescarga superior a tray sdelcondu...

Страница 30: ...nd forth slide itover the chute elbow mounted on the cutting deck as shown inFigure 51 4 Figure 51 Continue to workthedischarge chutedownoverthechuteelbowuntil the grooveonthedischarge chutealignswith theupperchutesupport asseen intheinsetof Figure 52 Figure 52 30 ...

Страница 31: ...erecha comosemuestra en 1 delaFigure 53 ylevantarconlamanoizquierda enlapartecentralposterior 2 Eliminar loscubos delaHerbaporlevantarlas hasta 1enla Figure 54 y fueradelaasamblea deapoyobin 2 Figure53 Figure54 Vacie losrecortes depastoenunprediodeeliminadbn adecuado usela manijadelrondodecadacubodec_sped Para radar elcontenido sostenga firmementeelcubo 5 Vuelvaacolocar loscubos derrelatapa volt_e...

Страница 32: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your bagger 32 ...
