Craftsman 247.204112 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 20

Содержание 247.204112

Страница 1: ... CAUTION Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE ESPAIRIOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 I0369A March9 2015 ...

Страница 2: ...rmalusewithinthewarrantyperiod including butnot limitedto blades spark plugs belts andair oilorgasfilters Standard maintenance servicing oilchanges ortune ups Tirereplacement orrepaircaused bypunctures fromoutside objects such asnails thorns stumps orglass Tireorwheelreplacement orrepairresulting fromnormalwear accident orimproper operation ormaintenance Repairs necessary because ofoperator abuse ...

Страница 3: ...s andthelike Also avoiddischarging materialagainst awall orobstruction whichmaycause discharged materialto ricochet back towardtheoperator Always wearsafetyglasses orsafetygoggles duringoperationandwhile performinganadjustment or repairto protectyoureyes Thrown objects whichricochetcancause serious injuryto theeyes Wear sturdy rough soled workshoes andclose fittingslacks andshirts Loose fitting cl...

Страница 4: ...achments e g loaded dumpcart lawn roller etc onslopes greaterthan5degrees Whengoingdownhill the extraweighttendsto pushtheridingmowerandmaycause youto loose control e g ridingmowermayspeed up brakingandsteeringabilityare reduced attachmentmay jack knifeandcauseridingmowerto overturn CHILDREN Tragic accidents canoccurif theoperator is notalertto thepresence ofchildren Children areoftenattractedto t...

Страница 5: ...roperationregularly Afterstrikingaforeignobject stoptheengine disconnect thesparkplug wire s andgroundagainst theengine Thoroughly inspectthemachine for anydamage Repair thedamage beforestartingandoperating Never attemptto makeadjustments orrepairsto themachine whilethe engineisrunning Grass catcher components andthedischarge coveraresubjectto wear anddamage whichcouldexpose movingpartsorallowobje...

Страница 6: ...Keep safety devices guards shields switches etc in place and working WARNING BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders helpers children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation WARNING SLOPE OPERATION Do not operate this machine on a slope greater than 15 degrees Do not mow across slopes Mow up and down slopes no greater than 15 degrees Avoid sudden turns Use low speed If machine stops...

Страница 7: ... Adjust gaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 O daShed fine If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopes are a major factor related to tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machine on slopes in excess of 15 degrees All slopes require extra caution ...

Страница 8: ...eslottedholeinthelever bracket alignswith oneofthe holesinthepivotbracket SeeFigure 2 Control Fiat Washer LiftControl Lever Upward Hex Screw Bracket Figure 1 Engage thebypass rodsbypullingeachoneout a andto theright b to lockit intoplace See Figure 1 Disengage thebypass rodsbyreversing stepsa b aftermovingthetractor SeeFigure 1 NOTE Thetransmission will NOT engage whenthe hydrostatic bypass rodis ...

Страница 9: ...romthenegative batteryterminaland attachtheblackcableto thenegativebatteryterminal with theboltand hexnut SeeFigure 3 Position theredrubberbootoverthepositivebatteryterminalto help protectit fromcorrosion NOTE Ifthe batteryisput intoservice afterthedateshownontoporside of battery charge thebatteryasinstructed in theService andMaintenance sectionofthis Operator s Manualpriorto operatingtheridingmow...

Страница 10: ...Figure 5 3 Inserttheshoulder boltintotheoneoffour indexholesinthegaugewheel bracket that will givethegaugewheela to Y2 clearance with theground andsecure withtheflangelocknut 4 Notetheindexholeofthejustadjustedwheel andadjusttheothergauge wheelsinto therespective index holesof theothergaugewheelbrackets on thedeck Figure6 Rotate theclampknobs to theleftandremove them slidetheseatforward or backwar...

Страница 11: ... cap 3 Usinganapproved redGASOLINE container addfuelslowly beingcarefulto avoidspilling Fillthetankuntil thefuelreaches thebottomof thefueltankneck 4 5 Replace thefuelcapandtightensecurely Wipeupspilledfuelbefore startingengine If fuelisspilledDO NOT startengine Moveridingmower awayfromareaof spillage Avoidcreatinganysource of ignitionuntil fuel vapors aregone CheckingandAdding Oil Your ridingmowe...

Страница 12: ...onsole DeckHeightindex Thedecklift handleis located onthefront right of theconsole andis used to raiseandlowerthemowerdeck Pullthehandleto theleft outof the indexnotchandpushdownwardto lowerthedeck or pullupwardto raise thedeck Whenthedesiredheightisattained movethelift handleto the right untilfully intheindex notch DeckLift Handle Thedecklift handleis located onthefront right of theseatboxframe a...

Страница 13: ...ollowedbythe letters SOON thenfinallyfollowedbythemeter saccumulated time CHG OIL SOON TIME will alternateonthedisplayfor7 minutes afterthemeterreaches 50 hours Thisoilserviceminderintervalwill occurevery50hours Beforetheinterval expires change theengineoilasinstructed intheMaintenance sectionofthis Operator s Manual LowOil Theletters LO followedbytheletters OIL thenfollowedbythemeter s accumulate...

Страница 14: ...Othergasoline alcohol blendsarenotapproved MethylTertiaryButylEther MTBE andunleaded gasoline blends upto a maximum of 15 MTBE byvolume areapproved fuels Other gasoline ether blendsarenotapproved Check the engine oil level Clean theaircleaner elementifnecessary Check the tireinflationpressures Adjusttheseatfor operator s maximum comfort visibilityandfor maintaining completecontrolof theridingmower...

Страница 15: ...erminal then connect theotherendof thatcableto the frameofthe disabled ridingmower asfarfromthebatteryaspossible 3 Startthedisabled ridingmowerfollowingthenormalstartinginstructions previously provided thendisconnect thejumpercables intheexactreverse orderof theirconnection 4 Have theridingmower selectrical systemchecked andrepaired assoonas possible to eliminate theneedforjumpstarting Stopping th...

Страница 16: ...0 0 O_l_ O 0 Slower Position Figure 13 Asthecontrolleversarepushedfartherforwardthespeed of theriding mowerwill increase Toslowtheridingmowermove thecontrols leverrearward to attainthedesired speed ormove thelevers totheneutralposition to stoptheridingmower Alwaysmaintainyourgrasponthe drivecontrol levers Donot releasethe leversto slowthe ridingmoweror to returnto neutral Turningthe Riding mower W...

Страница 17: ...wtheridingmowermovethecontrols leverforwardtoattainthedesired speed ormovethelevers to theneutralposition to stoptheridingmower TurningWhile Driving Rearward 1 To turntheriding mower whiledriving rearward move thecontrol levers asnecessary sothatone lever isforward oftheother The riding mower will turninthedirection oftheforward control lever 2 Toturn to theleft whiletravelinginreverse movethe lef...

Страница 18: ...gmowerand willcause severeturf defacementto occur Stop theforward orreverse motion oftheriding mower bymoving thetwo drive control levers toneutral Toturn clockwise movetheleft controlleverforwardwhilesimultaneously moving theright controlleverrearward SeeFigure 20 ClockwiseZeroTurn o o 411 N_Iooo o U_O000000 O0_ ODODO00 R Figure 20 Toturn counterclockwise movethe rightcontrolleverforwardwhile sim...

Страница 19: ...age themowerdeckwhenloweredingrass Premature wearand possible failureofthe V beltandPTO clutchwill result Fullyraisethedeckormove to a non grassy areabefore engaging themowerdeck 1 Mowacross slopes notupanddown Ifmowing aslope startatbottomandwork upward toensure turns aremade uphill 2 Onthefirstpass pickapointontheopposite side ofthearea to bemowed 3 Engage thePTO clutch using thePTO switch andmo...

Страница 20: ...TO move the drive controlleversfully outward inthe neutral position engagethe parkingbrake stopthe engineandremovethe keyto preventunintended starting EngineMaintenance Referto theKohler Owner s Manualforallenginemaintenance procedures and instructions Changingthe EngineOil If the enginehasbeenrecentlyrun the engine muffler andsurrounding metalsurfaceswill behotand cancauseburnsto the skin Exercis...

Страница 21: ...alwater or bakingsoda water NEVER connect ordisconnect battery chargerclipsto the battery while the chargeristurned on as itcancausesparks Keepall sources of ignition cigarettes matches lighters awayfrom the battery Thegasgenerated during chargingcanbecombustible Asafurther precaution only charge the battery inawell ventilated area Alwaysshieldeyesand protect skin and clothingwhen working nearbatt...

Страница 22: ...tricalsystem checked bySears Parts Repair 7 Usingthe DeckWashSystem Whenusingthe deckwashsystem neverengagethe deckfrom any positionother than the operator sseatof the riding mower Donot usean assistantorengagedeckinthe presence of anybystanders Pullbackthelockcollarof thenozzle adapterandpushtheadapterontothe deckwashnozzleattheleft endof themowerdeck Release thelockcollar to locktheadapteronthen...

Страница 23: ...comfortoftheoperator Thedrivecontrolleverscanbeplacedin eitherof two heightpositions and orcanbemovedforwardorrearwardwithin the rangeoftheslotin eachlowerarm Toadjustthedrivecontrolleverheight proceed asfollows 1 Remove theupperhexscrewandflat washer securing theleverto thepivot bracket 2 Whilesupportingthecontrolleverto keepit fromfalling remove thehex screwandflat washer fromthebottomofthecontr...

Страница 24: ...dessothattheyare perpendicular with thetractor 2 Measure thedistance fromtheoutside of theleftbladetip to theground andthedistance fromtheoutside of therightbladetip to theground Both measurements takenshould beequal Ifthey renot proceed tothe nextstep 3 Loosen butdoNOT remove thehexboltontherearleft deckhangerlink SeeFigure 27 4 5 J Figure 27 NOTE Therearrightdeckhangerlinkisnotadjustable andisus...

Страница 25: ...othergauge wheelbracket onthe deck DriveControl LeverStopAdjustment Whenthedrivecontrollevers arebothfullyextended forwardto thefull speed positionandthetractordriftsleft or right thedrivecontrolleverstopadjustment canbeadjusted to syncthewheelspeeds Toperformtheadjustment proceed as follows 1 Identifythesidethat thetractorisdrifting to andadjusttheoppositedrive controllever Ifthetractordrifts rig...

Страница 26: ...ebeltrearwardanddownwardwhilemanually turningthePTO pulleyto theright untilthebeltridesoutontothe edgeof thelowersheave of thepulley NOTE If pullingtheright sideof thebelt turn thepulleyleft d Whilestill holdingthebeltdownward continueturningthePTO pulleyuntil thebeltisrolledoffthe pulley Refer to Figure 33 PTOPulley PTOBelt Transmission Tube 5 Figure 32 c From beneath therearof thetractor slideth...

Страница 27: ... onthedeck thenroutethe beltrearwardbeneath thetractorframe abovethetransmission tube s to thePTO pulleyonthebottomof theengine 8 Usingthedecklift handle raisethedeckto the positionthat provides the mosthorizontalrunofthebeltbetweenthedeckidlerpulleys andthe PTO pulleyonthebottomoftheengine 9 Makecertainthebeltis inthespindlepulleys of thedeck andthat the backside of thebeltisagainstboththefixedan...

Страница 28: ...ngthe blades Whenservicingthe mowerdeck becarefulnot to cut yourself onthe sharpenedblades Thecuttingbladesmustbekeptsharp at alltimes Sharpen thecuttingedges of the bladesevenly sothatthebladesremainbalanced andthesameangleof sharpness ismaintained If thecuttingedgeofa bladehasalreadybeensharpened manytimes orifany metalseparation ispresent itisrecommended that newbladesbeinstalled New bladesmayb...

Страница 29: ...tarttheengineandallowit to runoutof fuel Thiswill preventgum andvarnish deposits fromforming Remove thesparkplugsandpourapproximately oneounce ofoil intoeach cylinder Crank theengineoneortwo turnsto spreadtheoil evenly onthe cylinderwalls Replace thesparkplugs Clean theengineandtheentireridingmowerthoroughly NOTE Use of apressure washer orgardenhoseisnotrecommended to cleanyourridingmower Theymayc...

Страница 30: ...entin gascap plugged 5 Water or dirt in fuel system 6 Dirty air cleaner Engine runs erratically 1 Placeknob in disengaged OFF position 2 Engage parking brake 3 Connect wire to spark plug 4 PlaceThrottle lever to FASTposition 5 Fill tank with clean fresh lessthan 30 days old gas 6 Replacefuel line Seea Searsor other qualified service dealer Replacefuel filter Seethe Service and Maintenance section ...

Страница 31: ...lace spark plug and adjust gap Clean or replace air cleaner element and or clean pre cleaner Tighten blade and spindle Balance blade Replace blade Perform side to side deck adjustment Sharpen or replace blade Check tire pressure in all four tires NEED MORE HELP ouql nd the answer at more on _a_ _agemyhO_eoCO_ _ o for free o Hnd this and a your other product manua s online o Get answers from our te...

Страница 32: ...p b AirlnductionSystem Aircleaner Intakemanifold c IgnitionSystem Spark plug s Magneto ignition system d Catalyst System Catalytic converter Exhaust manifold Airinjection system orpulsevalve e Miscellaneous ItemsUsed inAbove Systems Vacuum temperature position timesensitive valves andswitches Connectors andassemblies 2 Lengthof Coverage Sears warrantsto theinitialownerandeachsubsequent purchaser t...

Страница 33: ... period of two yea rs The warranty period begins on the date the outdoor equipment is delivered to an ultimate purchaser or first placed into service Subject to certain conditions and exclusions as stated below the warranty on emission related parts is as follows 1 Any warranted part that is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the written instructions supplied is warranted for...

Страница 34: ...e need for repair or replacement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fu...

Страница 35: ...lution phonesupportfromaSears representative Thinkof usasa talking owner smanual Once youpurchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simplephonecallisallthat it takesforyouto schedule service You cancallanytimedayornight orschedule aservice appointment online TheRepair Protection Agreement isa risk free purchase If youcancel for anyreason duringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund O...

Страница 36: ...entrodel periodo degarantia incluyendo peronolimitadoalascuchillas bujias aire Iimpiadores correas yfiltrosdeaceite Servicio demantenimiento est_ndar cambios deaceiteopuestas apunto Elreemplazo o lareparad6n deneum_ticos causada potpinchazos deobjetosexternos comoclavos espinas tocones o vidrios Tireo lasustituci6n delaruedao lareparad6n comoconsecuenda deundesgaste normal accidente uoperaci6n o m...

Страница 37: ...esi6npor algQnobjetoarrojado rnantengaa los observadores ayudantes niSosy anirnalesdorn_sticospot Iornenos75piesde distancia de la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentra enla zona Inspeccione cuidadosarnente el _ rea dondeelequiposeva a utilizar Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetes y otrosobjetosextraSosquepodrianser recogidos y arrojados por ...

Страница 38: ...a PENDIENTE DE LA OPERACI6N Laspendientes son unfactorirnportante relacionado con laperdidade controly unaccidentedevuelco quepuederesultarenlesionesgraves o la rnuerte Todaslas pistasrequieren rnuchaprecauci6n Si nose puederetroceder enla pendiente o si se sienteseguro noIocorte Parasu seguridad useel indicadorde pendientes que seincluye cornopartede estemanualpararnedirlapendienteantesde operar ...

Страница 39: ...anejoseguro de la gasolina ParaevitarlesionespersonalesodaSosrnateriales deuso extrerno cuidadoal rnanipular lagasolina Lagasolinaes altarnenteinfiarnable y susvaporessonexplosivos Lesionespersonales gravespueden ocurrircuandolagasolinase haderrarnado sobreti rnisrnoo sobre laropaquese puedeincendiar L_ vese la piely c_ rnbiese de ropa inmediatarnente Utilices61orecipientesparagasolinaautorizados ...

Страница 40: ...esdelequipooriginalpuedeconducira la rnalaejecuci6ny cornprorneter la seguridad Nocarnbielaconfiguraci6ndel regulador del motoro el exceso develocidadel motor Elreguladorcontrolalavelocidadrn_ xirna defuncionarniento segurodel motor Mantener o reernplazar las etiquetasdeseguridade instruc clones segOnseanecesario Observarlas leyesy los reglarnentos adecuados de elirninaci6n de gas petr61eo etc par...

Страница 41: ...ite objetos que pueden ser lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad ERSONAS PRESENTES Guarde alas personas presentes a los ayudantes y a nihos por Io menos 75 pies lejos PELIGRO CUESTAS Use extra la precauci6n en cuestas No siegue cuestas ma...

Страница 42: ...te el pendientedecalibre arriba o haciaabajo hastalos toquesesquinaizquierdael pendiente consultar Figura1 and Figura2 Si hay unespaciopor debajodela pendientedecalibre el pendientees demasiadoescarpapor operaci6n segura consultarFigura2 above Figura2 15 Pendiente Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentes que pueden provocar lesionesgraves o la m...

Страница 43: ...ntrolhadaarribahastaqueel orificio delaranuraenelsoporte delapalanca sealineaconunodelosorificiosdel soporte depivote WaFigura 2 Arandela plana Levante la palanca de controlhacia arriba ivote maleficio soporte tomillo Fignra 1 Enganche lasvarillas dederivad6ntirandocadauno a yaladerecha b paraqueencajeensulugar V_ase laFigura 1 Desenganche lasvarillas dederivad6ninvirtiendolospasos a b despu_s de ...

Страница 44: ...ernoylatuercahexagonal VealaFigura 3 Coloque el capuch6n degomarojoporendmadel bornepositivodela bater a paraprotegerlo contralacorrosi6n NO Silabater aseponeenfundonamiento despu_s delafechaindicada ensupartesuperior oalcostado dela misma c_rguela siguiendo las instrucciones delasecci6n Servido y mantenimiento desuManualdel Operador antesdeutilizareltractorcortac_sped Bajeel deflector del canal d...

Страница 45: ...iento del soporte de la rueda de calibration J Figura 5 3 Inserteelpernoconreborde enunodeloscuatroorifidosdeosidonamiento delsoporte deruedadecalibraci6n delantera qued_a laruedade calibraci6n unaseparaci6n de1 4 a1Z delsueloysujeteconlatuercade seguridad conbrida 4 Observe elorificiodeposicionamiento delaruedaqueacaba deajustar yajustelaruedadecalibraci6n trasera enelorificiodeposidonamiento res...

Страница 46: ...bustible lentamente tomandolaprecaud6n deevitarderrames 4 Lleneeldep6sitohastaqueel combustible Ilegue a labase del cuellode Ilenado deldep6sitodecombustible 5 Vuelva acolocar latapadelcombustible yajustelabien Antesdeponeren marcha el motor debelimpiarelcombustible quesehayaderramado Si sederrama combustible NOpongaenmarcha elmotor Mueva el tractor cortac_sped paraalejarlodelazonadel derrame Evit...

Страница 47: ...da muevalamanijadeelevaci6n haciala derecha hastaqueest_completamente enlaranuradeindite Figura Manija deelevad6ndela plataforma Elmangodeelevad6n delaplataforma seencuentra enlapartefrontal derecha delmarco delasiento yseutilizaparasubirybajarlaplataforma decorte Tire delapalanca alaizquierda delamuesca ndice yempuje hacia abajoparabajar laplataforma otirar hacia arribaparalevantar laplataforma C...

Страница 48: ...posid6n START elMinderServido LCD ydelcron6metro sedisplybrevemente elvoltaje delabateria seguldo dehoras acumuladas deltractor NOTA Las horas defundonam ento deltractor seregistran cada vezquelaIlave de encend do serotafuera delaposid6n STOP ndependientemente des searranca elmotor ElMinderServidoLCD lerecuerda aloperador los ntervalos demantenlmlento para el camb o deaceltedelmotor elservldodelfi...

Страница 49: ...funcionar y mantener eltractorcortacdsped eficientemente Se certificaqueestemotorfuncionaunicamente congasolina sinplomo nueva ylimpia Para obtenerelmejorresultado Ileneeldep6sitode combustible unicamente congasolina sinplomolimpiayfresca enun surtidorqueindiqueunoctanajeiguala 87om_s Se recomienda el usodegasolina sinplomoporque dejamenos dep6sitos en lac_mara decombusti6n y reduce lasemisiones d...

Страница 50: ...otoratemperaturas cercanas o inferiores al puntode congelamiento asegtirese dequeseuseaceitedemotordeviscosidad correcta y quelabateriatengacarga completa Arranque el motordelasiguiente forma I AsegLirese dequelabateriaseencuentre enbuenestado Adem_s una bateriacalientetieneunacapacidad dearranque mucho mayorqueuna bateriafria 2 Use combustible fresco parausoinvernal Lagasollna parauso nvernal tle...

Страница 51: ...ajustarlaspalancas demanera quequeden nlveladas Mueva lapalanca decontroldelacelerador estrangulador hadaadelante ala posid6nFAST _ veloddadr_plda deacelerad6n m_xima AIOTA Sibien elmotor deltractor cortac_sped sehadisefiado para funcionar a m_xlma acelerad6n cuando practica eltractor debe fundonar amenos delm_xlmo Esto seaplica unicamente alfundonamlento delmotordurante lapr_ctica Siempresujetela...

Страница 52: ...0 A J 3 Cuanto mayorsealadistancia haciaadelante ohaciaatr_sentrelasdos palancas m_scerrado ser_el giroquedar_eltractorcortacdsped 4 Para realizar un giroderadiocero muevalapalanca decontroldelladode giroa laposici6n neutrahaciaadentro mientras mueve laotra palanca de controlhadaadelante NOTA Siserealizaungiroderadioceromientras elvehkuloest_en movimientoseaumenta significativamente laposibilidad ...

Страница 53: ...interruptorclave permitequeeltractorenmarcha atr_sconlascuchillas PTO enganchadas NOTA Noserecomienda cortarelc_sped enmarcha atr_s iADV ERTE NCIA Tenga muchocuidado cuando_ e el tractorenMODO DEPRECAUCION EN MARCHA ATRAS _ Siempre mirehaciaabajoy hacia atr_santesy mientras est_ retrocediendo Noopereeltractorcuandohayanihosu otras personas presentes Detenga eltractorinmediatamente sialguien entrae...

Страница 54: ...ractor cortac_spedsinvigilanda apagueel motor girando lallavedeencendidoyretirela Operad6n en pendientes Consulte indicador dependienteenlaSecci6n Funcionamiento Seguro para determinarenqu_pendientes nopuedeoperareltractordemanera segura Noutilice la unidadenpendientesconunainclinaci6n mayorde 15grados elevaci6naproximadade2 I 2piescada10pies Eltractor cortac_sped podriavolcarycausarlesionesgraves...

Страница 55: ...madamente 3 pulgadas Oriente eltractor cortac_sped encada franja subsiguiente demodo que se alinee conlafranja yacortada Para evitarlaformad6ndesurcos oranuras enelc_sped enIoposiblevarie ladirecci6n delasfranjas decorteaproximadamente 450encadacorte subsigulente Comprobaci6ndel bloqueode seguridad Circuitos Revise peri6dicamente loscircuitosdeseguridad paraasegurarse dequefundonan correctamente S...

Страница 56: ...trol 3 pfimavera deExtens 6n 1 AreaMoweryescape 2 Usepuntos 1 Laspoleas del husillo 2 V Belt 1 limpiar 2 Compruebe slhayfugas 3 comprobar 4 comprobar 5 6 comprobar comprobar Antesderealizar tareasdemantenimiento o reparadones desconecte latoma defuerza PTO muevalaspalancasdecontroltotalmente hacia afuera hastala poski6n neutra coloqueelfreno demano apagueel motor y retirela llave paraevitar elence...

Страница 57: ...ci6n dela plataforma etc conunaceitelubricante decalidad Informad6ngeneralsobreia bateria Encasodequeseproduzcaunasalpkaduraaccidentalde_cidoenlosojos o lapiel enjuagueel Mea afectadainmediatamente conagualimpiaffia Sitiene algun malestaradicional consulteun m_dicoinmediatamente Siel _ddo salpka la ropa enprimer lugar diluyaloconagualimpia luego neutralkelo conunasolud6ndeagua amoniacoo bicarbonat...

Страница 58: ... de la carga 12 7 100 Cargacompleta 12 4 75 90 Min 12 2 50 180 Min 12 0 25 280 Min Figura 23 3 Cargue labateriaconuncargador debateriade12voltiosa unMAXIMO de 10amperios Mantenimiento del sistemael ctrico Eltractorcortac_sped tJene instaladounfusibleparaproteger el sistema el_ctrico delosdaffos causados porelexceso deamperaje Slempre reemplace confusibles de la mlsmacapaddad SIel sistema el_ctrlco...

Страница 59: ...sconectar eladaptador delpico Limpiezade iaspoleasdei husilio Unavezpormesretirelascubiertasdelacorrea paraquitarcualquieracumulaci6n derecortes dec_sped quehayaalrededor delaspoleasdelhusilloydelacorrea en V Limpieconmayorfrecuencia sicortac_sped altoyseco Noremolque el tractor cortac_sped ni siquieraconlavarilladederivaci6n enganchada Latransmisi6ndel tractor sufrir_gravesdaffos Ubique lasdos va...

Страница 60: ...gura 28 NOTA Silapalanca decontrol esdemasiado apretado paramover aflojar Iigeramente eltomillohexagonal enlaparteinferiordelapalanca decontrol 2 Aprieteeltornillohexagonal parafijar lapalanca decontrolenlaposici6n ajustada 3 Repita elprocedimiento anteriorparaajustarlaotrapalanca decontrolenla mismaposici6n Ajustedemanera quelasdospalancas soninclusounocon elotro cuando est_i enlaposici6n depunto...

Страница 61: ...elapuntatrasera Apretarlatuercadela tuercahexagonal delavarilladeelevaci6n dela plataforma frontalcuando seIograunajusteadecuado Ajuste de las ruedasde calibrad6n Mantengalasmanosy piesalejadosdelaabertura dedescargadela plataforma detorte NOTA Las ruedasdecalibraci6n delaplataforma constituyen unmecanismo para el cuidado del c_sped ynofuerondiseffadas parasoportarel peso delaplataforma detorte La...

Страница 62: ...nlaposid6ndem_ximaveloddad Eetirode la plataforma Quitelacubiertadelapodadora deltractordelasiguiente manera 1 Mueva eltractoraunasuperfidenlvelada desenganche latomadefuerza apagar elmotory pongaelfrenodeestadonamiento 2 Mueva lasruedasdecalibrad6n delaplataforma asuposki6nm_is alta ajuste delacublertam_is baja 3 Retirelacorrea de V delapoleadelPTO situadoenlaparteinferiordel motor utillzandounod...

Страница 63: ...rlapoleade zquierda d Mientras sostiene lacorrea haciaabajo sigagirandolapoleadel PTO hastaquelacorrea sedeslice fueradelapolea Consulte la Figura 33 Poleade latoma PTO orrea de la toma de fuerza PTO Tubode la transmisi6n J Figura 33 Baje laplataforma hastalaposid6n m_s bajausando lamanljadeelevad6n dela cubierta VerFlgura 31 Tire delpasador delavarilla deelevad6n delaplataforma frentealafijad6na ...

Страница 64: poleasIocas delaplataforma ylapoleatomadefuerzaenlaparteinferior delmotor 9 Asegurese dequelacorrea est_enlaspoleas del husillodelacubierta y quelapartetraseradeladnta est_encontradelasdospoleasIocas fijasy m6vlles 10 Sentado detr_sdeltractor mlrando hadaadelante asegt_rese dequeel dntur6nnoest_torddo yluegoIlegardebajodeltractorparaagarrar la correa ytirede51hadala poleadel PTO TengacuJdado de...

Страница 65: ...iguientes 1 Quitelacubiertadedebajo deltractorcortac_sped consulte Extracci6n delaplataforma y luegovolteecondelicadeza laplataforma paradejaral descubierto suparteinferior 2 Useuna llavede15 16parasostener latuercahexagonal enlaparte superior delconjuntodelhusillocuando aflojelatuercahexagonal quefija lacuchilla Unbloquedemadera puedesercolocado entreel alojamiento de laplataforma yelfilo delacuc...

Страница 66: ...erosol Pincele cualquier superfidenopintada ncluidas las poleas ylascuchillas conaceitepreventivo deherrumbre Tenga cuidado paraqueelaceitenotoquelascorreas detransmisi6n 7 Limpieycargue totalmentelabater a luegodesconecte elcablenegativo delabater a paraevitarposibles descargas Vuelva a cargar labater a peri6dicamente duranteelalmacenamiento NO Retirelabater a s est_expuesta aper odos prolongados...

Страница 67: ...perilla en la posici6n de desconexi6n OFF 2 Ponga elfrenode mano 3 Conecte el cable a la bujia 4 Mueva la palanca del regulador a la posici6n FAST velocidad r_pida 5 Llene el dep6sito con gasolina limpia y nueva que tenga menos de 30 dias 6 Vuelva a colocar la linea de combustible Comuniquese con Sears u otro distribuidor de servicio calificado Reemplace el filtro de combustible Consulte el manual...

Страница 68: ...nto del motor y de la carcasa del soplador 1 Extraiga la buj a y regule la separaci6n Consulte el manual del operador del motor 1 Extraiga la buj a y regule la separaci6n Consulte el manual del operador del motor 2 Limpie o reemplace el elemento del depurador de aire y o limpie el prefiltro Consulte el manual del operador del motor 1 Apriete la cuchilla y el husillo Equilibre la cuchilla 2 Reempla...

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Страница 72: ...arantiapordefectos Los defectossejuzgande acuerdoconel funcionamiento normaldeun motor Lagarantianoest_ relacionada conunapruebade emisiones en uso Disposiciones de la garantia Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Lassiguientes sondisposiciones espedficas relacionadas conla cobertura de lagarantiapara defectosenel controldeemisiones Esun a_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresno regu...

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Страница 74: ... PIEZAS GARANTIZADAS La reparaci6n o el reemplazo de cualquier pieza garantizada que de otro modo pudiese estar cubierta por la garantia podr_ set excluida de tal cobertura de garantia si MTD Consumer Group Inc demuestra que el equipos de exteriores es objeto de uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado y que tal uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado rue causa directa d...

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