Craftsman 204110 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 45

Содержание 204110

Страница 1: ... Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 09506 November12 2013 ...

Страница 2: ...nthewarrantyperiod includingbutnotlimitedto blades spark plugs air cleaners belts andoilfilters Standard maintenance servicing oilchanges ortune ups Tirereplacement orrepair caused bypunctures fromoutside objects such asnails thorns stumps orglass Tireorwheelreplacement orrepairresulting fromnormal wear accident orimproper operation ormaintenance Repairs necessary because of operator abuse includi...

Страница 3: ... Stopmachine if anyone entersthearea Thoroughly inspecttheareawheretheequipmentisto beused Remove allstones sticks wire bones toys andotherforeignobjectswhichcould bepickedupandthrownbytheblade s Thrown objectscancause serious personal injury Planyourmowingpatterntoavoiddischarge of materialtowardroads sidewalks bystanders andthelike Also avoiddischarging materialagainst awall orobstruction whichm...

Страница 4: ...bleto maintaintraction disengage theblades andproceed slowlyand carefully straightdowntheslope Followthemanufacturer s recommendations for wheelweightsor counterweights to improvestability Useextracarewith grass catchers or otherattachments These canchange thestabilityof themachine Keep allmovement ontheslopes slowandgradual Donotmakesudden changes inspeed ordirection Rapid acceleration ordecelera...

Страница 5: ...partshavestopped Disconnect thesparkplugwireandground against theengineto preventunintended starting Periodically check to makesurethebladescometo complete stopwithin approximately 5 fiveseconds afteroperating the bladedisengagement control If theblades donotstopwithin thethistimeframe aveyour machine serviced professionally bySears oranotherqualifieddealer Regularly check thesafetyinterlocksystem...

Страница 6: ...therstatesmayhavesimilar laws Federallawsapply onfederal lands Asparkarrestorfor the muffler isavailablethroughyournearestSears Parts and RepairService Center SAFETY SYMBOLS Thispage depictsanddescribessafety symbolsthat mayappearonthisproduct Read understand andfollow all instructions onthemachinebefore attempting to assembleandoperate READTHEOPERATOR S MANUAL S Read understand and follow all ins...

Страница 7: ... Adjust gaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 O daShed fine If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopes are a major factor related to tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machine on slopes in excess of 15 degrees All slopes require extra caution ...

Страница 8: Remove anypacking material NOTE Becarefulnottocut thewiringharness connecting theseatandthe seatswitch 2 Remove thetwoshoulder boltsandlock nutsintheseatpanasshownin Figure 2 f Figure 1 Engage thebypass rodsbypullingeachoneout a andto theright b to lockitintoplace See Figure 1 Disengage thebypass rodsbyreversing stepsa b aftermovingthetractor SeeFigure 1 NOTE Thetransmission will NOT engage whe...

Страница 9: ...ed asfollows flOTE Thepositivebatteryterminalismarked Pos Thenegative battery terminalismarked Neg flOTE Ifthepositivebatterycableisalreadyattached skipaheadto step2 1 Remove theplastic cover if present fromthepositivebatteryterminaland attachtheredcabletothepositivebatteryterminal with theboltand hexnut SeeFigure 5 Figure4 3 Slide theflat washer ontothe hexscrew From theoutside insertthehex screw...

Страница 10: ...ningof the cuttingdeck NOTE Thedeckgaugewheels areananti scalp featureof thedeckandarenot designed to supporttheweightof thecuttingdeck Themowerdeckcuttingheightcanbesetinanyof sixheightsettingsusingthe riding mower s decklift handle Thedeckheightsrangefrom1 1_ to 4 Thedeck gaugewheelpositionshouldbeapproximately to _ above thegroundwhen thedeckissetinthedesired heightsetting Using thelift handle ...

Страница 11: ...andaddtheoil asinstructed in yourEngine Operator s Manual Fuel Recommendations Use automotivegasoline unleaded orlowleadedto minimizecombustion chamber deposits witha minimumof87octane Gasoline with upto 10 ethanolor15 MTBE MethylTertiaryButylEther canbeused Neveruseanoil gasoline mixture ordirtygasoline Avoidgettingdirt dust orwaterinthefueltank DO NOT useE85 gasoline Refuelinawell ventilated are...

Страница 12: ...earofthe RH console DeckHeight index Thedecklift handleislocated onthefront right of theconsole andisused to raiseandlowerthemowerdeck Pullthehandleto theleft outof the indexnotchandpushdownwardto lowerthedeck or pullupwardto raise thedeck Whenthedesiredheightisattained movethe lift handleto the right untilfully intheindex notch DeckLift Handle Thedecklift handleis located onthefront right of thes...

Страница 13: ...lthefuelcaptightly ontothefueltankafterremoving Neverfill the fueltank when the engineisrunning If the engineishot from recentlyrunning allow to coolfor severalminutesbeforerefueling Highly flammable gasolinesplashingontoa hotenginecouldcauseafire LCD ServiceMinder Hour Meter Whentheignitionkeyisrotatedoutof theSTOP positionbutnotintotheSTART position the LCD Service MinderandHourMeterwill briefly...

Страница 14: ...pproved fuels Other gasoline ether blendsarenotapproved Check the engine oil level Clean theaircleaner elementifnecessary Check the tireinflation pressures Adjusttheseatfor operator s maximum comfort visibilityandfor maintaining completecontrolof theridingmower Safety Interlock System This ridingmowerisequipped with asafetyinterlock system for theprotectionof theoperator If theinterlock systemshou...

Страница 15: ...hebooster battery snegative terminal then connect theotherendof thatcableto the frameofthe disabled ridingmower asfarfromthebatteryaspossible 3 Startthedisabled riding mowerfollowingthenormalstartinginstructions previously provided thendisconnect thejumpercables intheexactreverse orderof theirconnection 4 Have theridingmower selectrical systemchecked andrepaired assoonas possible to eliminate the ...

Страница 16: ...r 0 O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 Ill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_0 0 0 0 0_0 0 Slower Figure 13 Asthecontrolleversarepushedfartherforwardthespeed of theriding mowerwill increase Toslowtheridingmowermove thecontrols leverrearward to attainthedesired speed ormove thelevers totheneutralposition to stoptheridingmower Alwaysmaintainyour grasponthe drivecontrol levers Donot releasethe leversto slowthe riding moweror to return...

Страница 17: ...heneutralpositiontostoptheridingmower TurningWhile Driving Rearward I Toturn theridingmowerwhiledrivingrearward movethecontrollevers asnecessary sothatoneleverisforwardof theother Theridingmowerwill turn inthedirectionof theforwardcontrollever Toturn to theleft whiletravelingin reverse movetheleft drivecontrollever forwardoftheright lever See Figure17 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 0000000000...

Страница 18: ...rakeon If leavingtheridingmowerunattended turntheignitionkey off andremovekey DrivingOnSlopes Refer to theslopegaugeintheSafeOperation Section to helpdetermineslopes whereyoumaynotoperatesafely Donotoperateoninclineswith a slopein excess of 15degrees ariseof I approximately2J 2 feet every10feet Theridingmowercouldoverturn andcauseseriousinjury 1 Alwaysdriveacross slopes never upanddown Control the...

Страница 19: ...trip 9 Toprevent ruttingorgroovingoftheturf ifpossible change thedirection thatthestripsaremowedbyapproximately 45 for thenextandeach subsequent mowing Checkingthe SafetyInterlockCircuits Periodically check thesafetyinterlock circuitsto ensure theyareworkingproperly If asafetycircuitisnotworkingasdesigned contactyouCub Cadet dealerto havethe tractorinspected DO NOT operatethetractorifanysafetycirc...

Страница 20: the drive controlleversfully outward inthe neutral position engagethe parkingbrake stopthe engineandremovethe keyto preventunintended starting EngineMaintenance Referto theKohler Owner s Manualforallenginemaintenance procedures and instructions Changingthe EngineOil Follow themaintenance schedule givenbelow This chartdescribes service guidelines If the enginehasbeenrecently run the engine muffl...

Страница 21: ...ution of ammonia water or bakingsoda water NEVER connect or disconnect battery charger clipsto the battery while the chargeristurned on as itcancausesparks Keepallsourcesof ignition cigarettes matches lighters awayfrom the battery Thegasgenerated during chargingcanbecombustible Asafurther precaution only charge the battery in awell ventilated area Alwaysshieldeyesand protect skin and clothingwhen ...

Страница 22: ...etheelectricalsystem checked bySears Parts Repair Usingthe DeckWashSystem Whenusingthe deckwashsystem neverengagethe deckfrom any positionother than the operator sseatof the riding mower Donot usean assistantorengagedeckinthe presence of anybystanders 1 Attachthenozzle adapterto astandard gardenhoseconnected to awater supply 2 Movetheridingmowertoanareawithin reach of thehosewherethe dispersal of ...

Страница 23: ...ecomfortoftheoperator Thedrivecontrolleverscanbeplacedin eitherof two heightpositions and orcanbemovedforwardorrearwardwithin the rangeoftheslotin eachlowerarm Toadjustthedrivecontrolleverheight proceed asfollows I Remove theupperhexscrewandflat washer securing theleverto thepivot bracket 2 Whilesupporting the controlleverto keepit fromfalling remove thehex screwandflat washer fromthebottomoftheco...

Страница 24: ...ngerlinkis notadjustable andis usedto help adjusttheotherhanger links Usingawrench raiseorlowertheleft sideof thedeckbyturningthe adjustment gear SeeFigure 27 Thedeckisproperlyleveled whenbothbladetip measurements areequal Retighten thehexboltonthefrontleft deckhanger bracketwhenproper adjustment isachieved Levelingthe Deck Front to Back NOTE Check thetractor stirepressure beforeperforminganydeckl...

Страница 25: ... Gauge Figure 29 3 Inserttheshoulder boltintotheoneoffour index holesinthefrontgauge wheelbracket thatwill givethegaugewheela _ 4 _ clearance with the groundandsecure with theflangelocknut 4 Notetheindex holeofthejustadjusted wheel andadjustthereargaugewheel into therespective index holes of theothergauge wheelbracket onthedeck Remove themowerdeckfromthetractorasfollows 1 Movethetractorto a levels...

Страница 26: ...eachbeneath thetractor tograspthebeltat thefrontofthe PTO pulley Use cautionto avoidpinchingyour fingerswhen rolling the beltoff the PTO pulley c Pulltheleft sideof thebeltrearwardanddownwardwhilemanually turningthe PTO pulleyto the rightuntil thebeltridesoutontothe edgeofthe lowersheave of thepulley NOTE If pullingtherightsideof thebelt turnthe pulleyleft d Whilestill holdingthebeltdownward conti...

Страница 27: ...leys onthedeck then routethe beltrearwardbeneath thetractorframe abovethetransmission tube s to thePTO pulleyonthebottomof theengine 8 Usingthedecklift handle raisethedeckto the positionthat provides the mosthorizontalrunofthebeltbetweenthedeckidlerpulleys andthe PTO pulleyonthebottomoftheengine 9 Makecertainthebeltis inthespindlepulleys of thedeck andthat the backside of thebeltisagainstboththefi...

Страница 28: ...edges of the bladesevenly sothatthebladesremainbalanced andthesameangleof sharpness ismaintained If thecuttingedgeofa bladehasalreadybeensharpened manytimes orif any metalseparation ispresent itisrecommended that newbladesbeinstalled New bladesmaybeobtained throughSears Parts Repair or bycalling1 800 659 5917 Thebladesmayberemoved asfollows 1 Remove thedeckfrombeneath theridingmower referto Deck R...

Страница 29: ...ttheengineandallowit to runoutof fuel Thiswill preventgum andvarnish deposits fromforming Remove thesparkplugsandpourapproximately oneounce of oilintoeach cylinder Crank theengineoneortwo turnsto spreadtheoil evenly onthe cylinderwalls Replace thesparkplugs Clean theengineandtheentireridingmowerthoroughly NOTE Use of apressure washer orgardenhoseisnotrecommended to cleanyourridingmower Theymaycaus...

Страница 30: ... fuel Engine Fails to start 4 Ventin gas cap plugged 5 Water or dirt in fuel system 6 Dirty air cleaner Engine runs erratically 1 Place knob in disengaged OFF position 2 Engage parking brake 3 Connectwire to spark plug 4 Place Throttle lever to FAST position 5 Fill tank with clean fresh less than 30 days old gas 6 Replace fuel line See a Sears or other qualified service dealer Replace fuel filter ...

Страница 31: housing Remove spark plug and adjust gap Seethe Engine Operator s manual Replacespark plug and adjust gap Seethe Engine Operator s manual Clean or replace air cleaner element and or clean pre cleaner Seethe Engine Operator s manual Tighten blade and spindle Balanceblade Replaceblade Perform side to side deck adjustment Sharpen or replace blade Check tire pressure in all four tires NEED MORE HEL...

Страница 32: ... a period of two years The warranty period begins on the date the outdoor equipment is delivered to an ultimate purchaser or first placed into service Subject to certain conditions and exclusions as stated below the warranty on emission related parts is as follows 1 Any warranted part that is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the written instructions supplied is warranted fo...

Страница 33: ...e need for repair or replacement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fu...

Страница 34: ...lution phonesupportfromaSears representative Thinkof usasa talking owner smanual Once youpurchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simplephonecallisallthat ittakesforyouto schedule service You cancallanytimedayornight orschedule aservice appointment online TheRepair Protection Agreement isa risk free purchase If youcancel for anyreason duringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund Or...

Страница 35: ...s losdepuradores deaire lascorreas ylosfiltrosdeaceite Elservidodemantenimiento est_ndar loscambios deaceiteo laspuestas apunto Elcambio o lareparad6n deneum_ticos acausa depinchaduras produddas potobjetosexteriores comoclavos espinas tocones o vidrios Elcambio o lareparad6n deneum_ticos oruedascomoresultado deldesgaste normal acddentes o usoomantenimiento inapropiados Lasreparadones necesarias de...

Страница 36: ...por algQnobjetoarrojado rnantengaa los observadores ayudantes ni_osy anirnalesdorn_sticospot Io rnenos75piesde distancia de la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentraen la zona Inspeccione cuidadosarnente el _ rea dondeelequipose vaa utilizar Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetes y otrosobjetosextra_osquepodrianser recogidos y arrojados porlacuc...

Страница 37: ...stencia PENDIENTE DE LA OPERACI6N Laspendientes son unfactorirnportante relacionado con lap_rdidade controly unaccidentedevuelco quepuederesultarenlesionesgraves o larnuerte Todaslaspistasrequieren rnuchaprecauci6n Si nose puederetroceder enla pendiente o si sesienteseguro noIocorte Parasu seguridad useel indicadorde pendientes quese incluye cornopartede estemanualpararnedirlapendienteantesdeopera...

Страница 38: ...seguro de la gasolina Paraevitarlesionespersonaleso daSosrnaterialesdeuso extrerno cuidadoal rnanipular la gasolina Lagasolinaes altarnente inflarnable y susvaporesson explosivos Lesionespersonales gravespueden ocurrircuandolagasolinase haderrarnado sobreti rnisrnoo sobre la ropaquese puedeincendiar L_ vese lapiel y c_ rnbiese de ropa inrnediatarnente Utilices61orecipientesparagasolinaautorizados ...

Страница 39: ...cacionesdelequipooriginalpuedeconducira larnalaejecuci6ny cornprorneter la seguridad No carnbielaconfiguraci6ndel reguladordelmotoro el exceso develocidadelmotor Elreguladorcontrolalavelocidadrn_ xirna defuncionarniento segurodel motor Mantener o reernplazar las etiquetasdeseguridade instruc clones seg 3n seanecesario Observarlas leyesy los reglarnentos adecuadosdeelirninaci6n de gas petr61eo etc ...

Страница 40: ...ite objetos que pueden ser lanzados pot la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve galas de seguridad PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados pot la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve galas de seguridad ERSONAS PRESENTES Guarde alas personas presentes a los ayudantes y a nihos pot Io menos 75 pies lejos PELIGRO CUESTAS Use extra la precauci6n en cuestas No siegue cuestas ma...

Страница 41: ...juste el pendientede calibrearriba o haciaabajohasta lostoques esquinaizquierdael pendiente consultar Figura1 and Figura2 5 Si hayunespacio pot debajode la pendientedecalibre el pendientees demasiadoescarpapot operaci6n segura consultar Figura2 above 15 Pendiente Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentesque pueden provocar lesionesgraves o la mue...

Страница 42: ...einvolucrar_ enlabarradetransmisi6n de circunvalad6n sesaca Regresa lavaraasuposici6n normalantesdehacer funcionar lacortadora dec_sped Nuncaintentemovereltractor cortac_spedmanualmentesin tenerclue abrir primero av_ivuladealivio hidrost_tica SiIo hace puedecausar daffosgravesa latransmisi6ndelacortadora dec_sped Instale el asiento del operador Para instalar elasiento proceda delasiguientemanera N...

Страница 43: ...stedelaspalancas decontrol enelmantenimiento yajustes paraobtenerinstrucciones sobreelajustefinaldelaspalancas Conexi6nde loscablesde la bateria Losbornesdelabateria ylosaccesorios afinescontienen plomoy compuestos deplomo sustancias quimicasquesegunIoestablecidopor el EstadodeCaliforniacausanc_ncery daffosenel sistemareproductivo L_vese lasmanosdespu_sdeestar encontactoconestoscomponentes Cuando ...

Страница 44: ...or Consulte enloslaterales delosneum_ticos lapresi6n m_xima enpsi Ajuste de las ruedasde calibrad6n Mantengalasmanosy pies alejadosdela aberturadedescargadela plataforma decorte NOTA Las ruedascalibradoras delaplataforma constituyen unmecanlsmo para elcuidadodelc _sped ynofuerondlseffadas parasoportarelpesodelaplataforma decorte Laalturadecortedelaplataforma decortesepuedefijarencualquiera deseis ...

Страница 45: ... elcombustible lentamente tomandolaprecaud6n deevitarderrames 4 Lleneeldep6sito hastaqueelcombustible Ileguealabasedelcuellode Ilenadodeldep6sito decombustible 5 Vuelvaacolocar latapadelcombustible yajustelabien Antesdeponeren marcha elmotor debelimpiarelcombustible quesehayaderramado Si sederrama combustible NOpongaenmarcha elmotor Mueva eltractor cortac sped paraalejarlo delazonadelderrame Evite...

Страница 46: ... deindite Bandejadealmacenamiento Labandeja dealmacenamiento est_ubicada enlaparteposteriordelaconscl ladoderecho Posidonamiento dela altura dela plataforma Elmangodeelevaci6n delaplataforma seencuentra enlapartefrontal derecha delaconsola yseutilizaparasubirybajarlaplataforma decorte Tiredelapalanca alaizquierda delamuesca inditeyempujehacia abajo parabajarlaplataforma otirar haciaarribaparalevan...

Страница 47: NOTA Las horas defundonamiento deltractor seregistran cada vezquelaIlave de encendido serotafuera delaposid6n STOP independientemente desisearranca elmotor ElMinderServkioLCD lerecuerda aloperador losintervalos demantenimiento para el cambio deaceitedelmotor elservkiodelfiltro deaire bajamotoryadvertendas debater a baja Change Oil Lapantallamostrar_lasletras CHG seguido delasletras OIL segui...

Страница 48: ...ar6 conlafinalidaddeayudarlo a hacer funcionar y mantener eltractorcortac_sped eficientemente Se certificaqueestemotorfundonaunicamente congasolina sinplomo nueva ylimpia Para obtenerelmejorresultado Ileneeldep6sitode combustible unicamente congasolina sinplomoIimpiayfresca enun surtidorqueindiqueunoctanajeiguala 87om_s Se recomienda el usodegasolina sinplomoporque dejamenos dep6sitos en lac_mara ...

Страница 49: ...el motoratemperaturas cercanas o inferiores al puntode congelamiento asegtirese dequeseuseaceitedemotordeviscosidad correcta y quelabateriatengacarga completa Arranque elmotordelasiguiente forma I Asegtirese dequelabateriaseencuentre enbuenestado Adem_s una bateriacalientetieneunacapacidad dearranque muchomayorqueuna bateriafria 2 Use combustible fresco parausoinvernal Lagasolina parausoinvernal t...

Страница 50: ...arlaspalancas demanera quequeden niveladas Mueva lapalanca decontroldelacelerador estrangulador hacia adelante ala posici6n FAST _ velocidad r_pida deaceleraci6n m_xima NOTA Sibien elmotor deltractor cortac_sped sehadisefiado para funcionar a m xima acelerad6n cuando practica eltractor debe funcionar amenos delm ximo Esto seaplica unicamente alfuncionamiento delmotordurante lapr_ctica Siempresujet...

Страница 51: ...000 A J 3 Cuanto mayorsealadistandahadaadelante ohaciaarrasentrelasdos palancas m_scerrado ser_el giroquedar_eltractorcortac_sped 4 Para realizar un giroderadiocero muevalapalanca decontroldelladode giroa laposici6n neutrahadaadentro mientras mueve laotra palanca de controlhadaadelante NOTA Siserealizaungiroderadioceromientras elvehkuloest_en movimientoseaumenta significativamente laposibilidad de...

Страница 52: ...ractorcortac_sped haciaadelante o haciaarras colocando lasdospalancas decontrolenneutra 2 Para girarenelsentidodelasagujasdelreloj mueva lapalanca decontrol del ladoizquierdo haciaadelante mientras mueve simult_neamente la palanca decontrolderecha haciaatr_s VealaFigura 19 Giro de radio cero en el sentido delas a o o Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 0 Ci_I_Ci O Ci 0 Ci 0 Ci 0 L_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

Страница 53: ...erruptordelatomadefuerza PTO hadaarfibaalaposid6n ENGAGED activado 3 Muevalapalanca delacelerador estrangulador hadaadelante a laposid6n FAST _ veloddad r_pida deacelerad6n m_xima 4 Eloperador debepermanecer sentadoeneltractorcortac_sped entodo momento SIeloperador debeabandonar elasiento sinapagar el interruptor delatomadefuerza seapagar_ el motordeltractorcortac_sped 5 Nosepuedeutilizarelembragu...

Страница 54: ..._ Moment_ineamente girarel nterruptordeencendido ala posid6nde nido elmotornodebearrancar Mueva lasdospalancas decontroltotalmentehadaadentroenla posJd6n neutral acontinuad6n levantehadaarribadesde elasiento del operador Elmotordebedetenerse 3 Con lasdospalancas decontroltotalmentehadaafuera enposid6nde acoplamiento neutral frenodemano conectar la PTO Levante hadaarriba desde elasiento deloperador...

Страница 55: ...omponentes I puntosdegiro 2 Palanca decontrol 3 prlmavera deExtensl6n I AreaMoweryescape 2 Usepuntos I Laspoleas del husillo 2 V Belt 1 limpiar 2 Compruebe sihayfugas 3 comprobar 4 comprobar 5 6 comprobar comprobar Antesderealizar tareasdemantenimiento o reparaciones desconecte latoma defuerza PTO muevalaspalancasdecontroltotalmente hacia afuera hastala posici6nneutra coloqueelfreno demano apaguee...

Страница 56: ...estraen ellateraldel neum_tico Novuelva ainflarunneum_tico que sehautilizado desinflado odesinflado enextremo Ungomero calificado debe inspeccionar yreparar elneum_tico Lubricad6n Informad6ngeneralsobrela bateria Encasodequeseproduzcaunasalpicaduraaccidentalde_cidoenlosojos o lapiel enjuagueel _reaafectadainmediatamente conagualimpiafria Sitiene algun malestaradicional consulteun m_dicoinmediatame...

Страница 57: carga de la carga 12 7 100 Carga completa 12 4 7 5 90 Min 12 2 50 180 Min 12 0 25 280 Min Figura 23 3 Carcjue labateriaconuncarcjador debateriade12voltiosa unMAXIMO de 10amperios Mantenimiento del sistemael ctri o Eltractorcortac_sped tieneinstaladounfusibleparaproteger el sistema el_ctrico delosda_os causados potelexceso deamperaje Siempre reemplace confusibles de la mismacapaddad Sielsistemae...

Страница 58: ...ndeajustedeladaptador delpicohadaatr_sparadesconectar eladaptador delpko Limpiezade laspoleasdel husillo Unavezpormesretirelascubiertasdelacorrea paraquitarcualquieracumulad6n derecortes dec_sped quehayaalrededor delaspoleasdelhusilloydelacorrea en V Limpieconmayorfrecuencia slcortac_sped altoyseco Noremolque el tractor cortac_sped ni siquieraconlavarilladededvad6n enganchada Latransmisi6ndel trac...

Страница 59: ...igura 28 IVOT 4 Silapalanca decontrol esdemasiado apretado para mover aflojar Iigeramente eltornfllohexagonal enlaparteinferiordelapalanca decontrol 2 ApdeteeltorniIIohexagonal parafijar lapalanca decontrolenlaposid6n ajustada 3 Repita elprocedimiento anteriorparaajustarlaotrapalanca decontrolenla mismaposid6n Ajustedemanera quelasdospalancas soninclusounocon elotro cuando est_enlaposid6ndepuntomu...

Страница 60: ...rasera dela plataforma deizquierda cuando seIograel ajustecorrecto Ajuste de las ruedasde calibrad6n Mantengalasmanosy piesalejadosdelaabertura dedescargadela plataforma decorte NOTA Las ruedasdecalibrad6n delaplataforma constituyenunmecanismo para el cuidado del c_sped ynofuerondiseffadas parasoportarelpesodelaplataforma detorte Laalturadecortedelaplataforma decortesepuedefijarencualquiera deseis...

Страница 61: ...sici6n J Elevaci6n dela plataforma dela mani Figura 30 J Desde lapartemediadeltractor hagagirarelsoportedepoleaIoca ylapoleam6vilhadaatr_s apoleadedistandadelapartetrasera deladnta V 1o sufidentecomoparalevantarladnta hadaarribay sobrelapoleaIoca VetFigura 33 movible ocioso polea odoso soporte Figura31 d Desde debajodelapartetrasera deltractor desllce lacorrea fuerade lapoleadelPTO enlaparteinferi...

Страница 62: ...cho del tractoralineando lossoportes desuspensi6n delacubiertaylosbrazos deelevad6ndela plataforma 3 Una vezquelacublertaest_enel tractor muevalaelevad6ndela plataformaparamanejar laposid6nm_sbajadecorte NOTA Para alinearlossoportes demanera adecuada puedesernecesado colocar unpequefio bloquedemadera debajodecadaladodelacubierta 4 Tiredelospasadores dellberaci6n delacubiertahadaelexterioryla manlo...

Страница 63: ...r dehombroylatuercadeseguridad conbrida Maleficio Tornillo BridaTuerca PoleaTapa Figura36 NOTA Tome notadelaposici6n delaprotecci6n delacorrea paraasegurarse dequeest_ncorrectamente reinstalados 4 Retire lacorrea delaspoleas del husillo 5 Instalar la nueva correa alrededor delaspoleas delejecomosemuestra y vuelvaa instalar lacintacubre VerFigura 35 6 Coloque lacorrea alrededor delaspoleas Iocasque...

Страница 64: ... asegurese dequeest_ninstaladas de manera quelasalasdelvientoest_napuntando hadaarriba hadalaparte superior delacubierta 4 UtiliceunaIlavetourqueparaapretarlastuercas delacuchilla de70a90Ibs 5 Vuelva a instalar lacubierta consulte Instalaci6n delaplataforma Transmisi6n Correa de transmisi6n Varios componentes debenserremovidos y lasherramientas espedales quese utilizanconelfin decambiarlacorrea de...

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