Craftsman 17540 - 9.5 Amp 1-3/4 HP Plunge Base Router Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3

Содержание 17540 - 9.5 Amp 1-3/4 HP Plunge Base Router

Страница 1: ... CAUTION Read understand andfollow all Safety Rules andOperating Instructions In thisManual before using this product Sears Roebuck and Co_ Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our Craftsman webslta www craftsman com WARRANTY SAFETY UNPACKING DESCRIPTION ASSEMBLY OPERATION ADJUSTMENTS MAINTENANCE 9 11 06 4pm ...

Страница 2: ...nshipwithinone year from the date of purchase RETURN IT TO THE NEAREST SEARS STORE OR PARTS AND REPAIR CENTER OR OTHER CRAFTSMAN OUTLET INTHE UNITED STATES FOR FREE REPLACEMENT Thiswarrantydose not Include expendable partssuchas lamps batteries bits or blades If thisCraftsman productIs used for commercial or rentalpurposes thiswarrantyapplies for only g0 days from the date of purchase Thlswarranty...

Страница 3: ...lure to obey this safety warning CAN result tn death or serious fnjury to yourself or to others Always follow the safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire electric shock end personal Injury Z_ 1 Failure to obey this safety warning MAY result In personal CAUTION Injury to yourself or others or property damege Always follow the safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire electric shock and pe...

Страница 4: ...e ttredor underthe Influence el drugs alcohol or medications A moment of Inattention whileoperatingpower tools may resutl tn sedouapersonal Injury 4 DRESS properly DO NOT wear loose clothingorlswslry Pull back long haft Keep your half clothlng and glovesaway from moving parts Looseclothing or long hair can be caught In moving parts Air vents often cover moving paPs and should also be avoided 5 AVO...

Страница 5: ...ds ofunlmlnsd uaem 7 MAINTAIN tools with care Keep cutting tools sharp and clean Propedy maintained too_e withsharp cuttingedges are less Ukelyto bindand ere eaefer to control 8 CHECK for mleallgnmsnt or binding of moving parts breakage of parts and any otherconditionthat may effect the tool s operat_onr ifdamaged have the tool serviced before using Many accidentsare caused by poody maintained too...

Страница 6: ...eatingof tool Forthistool anAWG AmericanWire Gauge size of at least 14 gauge is recommended for an extensioncord of 25 fL ortessIn lengh_ Use 12 gauge for an extension cordof 50 fL FJdenstoncords 10IPIt or longer are not recommended Remember a smaller wire gauge size has greater capacity then a larger number 14 gauge wirehas more capacitythan 16 gauge wire 12 gauge wirehas morecapactty than 14 gau...

Страница 7: ... plunge approved baee_ Failureto heed thlswarning couldresultinpersonal _jury and damage to the motor 4 MAKE SURE the motor hooalng does not move up or down when damped In the plunge base ff motor ls not securely clamped fn bess adjustments will not be scourers 5 DO NOT HAND_HOLDTHE ROUTER iN AN UPSIDE DOWN OR HORIZONTAL POSITION The motor can separate from the base tf not propedyattached accordin...

Страница 8: ... larger diameteropening sold separately at Sears stores or otherCraltsman outlets 21 DO NOT use large router cutter bits for freehand routing Use of large cutter btte when freehand routingcouldcause lossof control or create hazardousconditionsthat could reeufl In serious personal injury 22 BE SURE CUTTER BIT Is centered In template guide sold eeperatsly prior to tamplsta guide applications to avoi...

Страница 9: ...or other Injury Always use NIOSWOSHA approved respiratory protection apprepdate for the duet exposure Direct perOsles away from face end body ADDITIONAL RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION Ak WARNING BE SURE to road and understand ell Instructions Failure to follow all Instructions listed below may result tn elecffrle shock fire and or J eeffoue personal tnJury 1 Know your power tool Read this operator s man...

Страница 10: ...g or removing collate nuts cutter bits cleaning orwhen It Is not In use Dfsconnsctlng the muter will prevent accidental starting which could cause serious personal Injury When unpacking the box don t discard anypackingmaterials unltt all of the contents are accountedfor 1 Carefullylift the Router Motor and Plunge Base withthe li2 1n collar nut already Installed out of the cartonend place on a stab...

Страница 11: ... the operating features and safety requirements Your plungemuter haBa precrslon bulft electricmotor and It shouldonEy be connected to e 120 volt 60 Hz AC ONLY power supply normal householdcurrant DO NOT operate on directcurrent DO Thislarge voltage dropwillcause a Io_eof power end the motor wiltoverheat if the muterdoes not operate when pluggedfntoa correct120 volt 60 Hz AC ONLY outlet check the p...

Страница 12: ...3 LED worldlghts on motor to provtdathe highestvlslbflltyof bit and workplecoo 8 Durable Non marring Sub base gfldcesmoothlyover workplace Sub bess has culter bltopeningof 1t 4 1nches Do Not Use e bit witha cutterdismetar larger than 1V4 in as It WIU not passthroughthe sub base opentngl 9 Base constructed of Die Cast Aluminum to providedurability and stabIlIty 10 Motor Housing constructed of High ...

Страница 13: ...I lk ill KNOWYOUR PLUNGE ROUTER conL Fig 2 Motor housingpmcIs_oo mlltedcast aluminumfor exa_ fit Super fine edJustrnsnt knob Plunge eub b_e 13 ...

Страница 14: ...llate nutsthat accept 1 4 and ll2 lnch diametershsnked tilter blte_ Z_ WARNING Do not use router cutter bits that have a cutter bit dlsmstsr larger than 1 _h lnchss as they will not fit through the sub base openlng_and will cause damage to the sub base the motor and could cause serious personal Injury to the operator NOTE The sub base Installed on this router has an opening of t_14 lnches To use c...

Страница 15: ...lnlo coflel nutassembly as far ae It willgo then back the shank out untllthecuttersare approximately 1t8to 1 4 Inchaway fromthe face of the coileVnut Fig 4 4a 7 With culler bit Inserted and spindlelock bulton pressed In engaging shaft place wrench on collet nutand turn clockwiseunU routercutter bit and cotlaVnutera firmlylightened WARNING TIGHTEN COLLETiNUT SECURELY to prevent the cutter bit from ...

Страница 16: ...mmediately NOTE The collar nut Is aalf mleeelng It Is NOT necessary to strike the collar nut to free the router cutter bit If cutter bit seems stuck after use loosen J toilet nut a little more until It releases CUTTER BITS Get faster more accurate cutting results by keeping cutterbits clean and sharp Remove al_accumulated pitch and gum fromcutterbite aftereach use When sharpeningcutterbits sharpen...

Страница 17: ...e motor clamp should always be closed securely REMOVING MOTOR FROM BASE see Fig_ 5 1 Turn motor off and unplug from power source 2 Place router plunge base and meier housing on ll_t surface 3 With back of plunge base factng you open motor clamp A and make sure plunge action is in UP position with the plunge lock lever B locked down 4 Lift motor straight up oul of base eliding motor houstng e keyst...

Страница 18: ...he cuttingblt to be accurately owered down Into the workplacefor morepreciseset ups To tower the catting bit release the ptunge_lockleverby movingit Up to the unlocked posff on Apply an evendownward preBsura on the plungeaction untilthe bit reaches the desired depth then movethe plunge locklever Down to the locked position To raise the bitand the plunge eotlon unlockthe plunge took Iever end the b...

Страница 19: ...the lowest step on the turret Slide the Clear Plastic Depth tndlcstor D until the red line on the indicator is lined up with ZERO 0 marked in black on the bottom of the depth scale Thls is now the indicating point at which the bit makes contact wi h the workpiece To set a desired cutting depth slide the Depth Stop Rod up until lhe Red Line on the Clear Plastic Depth indicator points to your desire...

Страница 20: ...ckwise lowedng or raising the depth stop rod on the turret C formicro fine adiuslmenls of the p_nge depth Each complete revolution of the Micro Adjustment Knob adjusts the plunging depth by 5f127th inch A reference indicator tins is embossed inlo the Depth Stop Rod under lhe line adjustment knob to set 0 When micro adjusting the plunge depth before setting the Depth Stop Rod end Depth Stop turret ...

Страница 21: ...the workpieceAFTER turningtherouter meter OFF and the cutterblt comes to a comptetestop Operating in this manner witl increaseloggia switch and meter Iite and willincrease the qualityof your work SOFT START FEATURE Rgog t Electronic feedback control minimizes torque twist customaryIn larger muter motors by limiting the speed at which the motor starts This Increases the motor s life LED WORKLIGHTS ...

Страница 22: ...ol your router has two handles one on eachside of lhe muler base When operatingthe rouler always hold it firmly withboth hands see Fig 12 Turn the mulet On let the motor build to ils futl speed Ihen gradually feed the culler bit lnlathe workplace ALWAYS be alert and welch what you are doing NEVER operate the router when you are fatigued EDGE ROUTING Fig 12 1 Wgh depth of cul sat place mulet on edg...

Страница 23: ...plunge acgon down evenly Into theworkpl c s Rg 13a Edge l Gu do Feed Direction 3 When the de sired deplh of cut Is achieved lock the plungeIock lever Down end proceedto make yourcut ace Rg 1ga 4 When cut s c mpleted turn motor _O_ and i t cutter bit come to a couple t stop 5 When cutt rbitcomes to a compl te stop unlockptung f ck l v r Up nd plunge action willeutem tIcat_y retract _tter bit from w...

Страница 24: ...o act as a guide mustbe placed underthe workplace see Fig 14a This guide board must have exactly the same contour straight or curved as the workplaceedge If Itis positionedso that itsedge isflush withthe workplaceedge the bit will make a full cut In as far EBthe bit radius On the otherhand If the guide Is positioned as shown In Flg 14a outfrom the workplaceedge the bitwill rr_ke tess than a fullcu...

Страница 25: ...the chancefor Ices of control resultingIn poselbre personal injury When Climb Cutting Is required backingaround a comer for exempts exercise extreme caution to maintaincontrolof the muter Because of the hfghspeed of the cutterbit duringa properfeeding operalton tsftto right there ts very ttl_tekickbackunder normal conditions However If the cutterbit etrfkesa knot an area of hardgrain In the woodwo...

Страница 26: ... touter when making this type ofcut around curves When the guide is positioned as shown in Fig 16a the router travel should be from Ieft to rightand clockwisearound curves If the_eis e choice 1heset up in Fig 16 ts easierto use but thereis the possibility of Climb Cutting around curves in either case Fig 16 or Fig 16a the sideways thrust of the router cuttingis alwaysagainst the guide as Is proper...

Страница 27: ...ions the RPMs can becomeso slow and the bites become so large that chipsbecome partiallycut off causingsplintering and gouging ofthe workpiece_ The muterwill make crean smoothcutsIf allowed torunfreely without theovedoadof forced feeding You can detect forced feeding by the soundof the motor its usual hfgh pRched whine witrsoundlowerand strongeras it loses speed Holdingthe router against the workp...

Страница 28: ...piece on the bass when rating the router L_ WARNING ALWAYSturn motor off end unplug router from power source I before mstdng shy ed ustm_nte or installing accessories Failure to turn motor off I and unplug router could resul In accidental starling which can cause asdous I personal Injury J DUST COLLECTION WITH DUST EXTRACTION HOOD Fig 19 There Is e dust extrasilon hood included with this router Th...

Страница 29: ...ompoundor piaster Duringshy use on these materials It e extremely Importantthai the toolts cleaned frequently by brewingwith an air jeL WARNING Always wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields during power tool operations or when blowing dust tf operation Is dusty also wear a dust mask ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Z_ WARNING DO NOT st any time let brake fluids gasoline petrotaum basod i produ...

Страница 30: ...e out This will avoid a break In per_od 4 Insert new brush assembliesinto guide channels withthe carbon part going In first be ng cartaln to Ill the twometal sam Into theirslots in the channel Rg 20 5 Remember to repiace both end capsafter inspectingor servicing brushes 11ghtenthe caps snugly but do not over tighten The router should be allowed to RUN IN tun at no lead withouta cutter blt for 5 mi...

Страница 31: e iarge selectionof CraftsmanRouter Cutter Bits available in High Speed Steel or Carbidellpped High Speed Steel forall your muting needs shown to the right Is an example of bits available I 8 1n _I 3 B4n n I144n atmJght_ otr gh _ o_gh o _ 8trtdghf U _ tra_ght _ rib Sigh l_ ln round nolo i i tluah Nm 1 n fluah Nm fl m 3fa ln _yhoID _tmight dovetail toUt_ri I IOSe V groove flush trim keyhole lt2 ...

Страница 32: ...e 6418 3 tf4 1n rom__o _8 1n r_bbotJng I 4_tn votnlng 1 2 tnt_e box 1 2 in mo_lr g tt44n p_r_olpnof i I I 1_f_n 4_ c_ mfer bead cove _la_t cove brad Romano_ae rabbeting veining t or_ box mortising panel p_lot _hamfer Z_ WARNING Only use router tables with proper guarding for the cutter bit and wlth on board switch controlled receptacles Failure to use router tables with appmpdatet safety features ...

Страница 33: ...I 9 5 Amp 13 4 Peak HP MODEL NUMBER 320 17540 Th_ Model Number witi be found on the Nameplate Always mention the Model Number in 811 correspondence regarding your tool 33 ...

Страница 34: ...9 5 Amp 13 4 Peak HP MODEL NUMBER 320 17540 The Modal Number will be found on the Nameplate Always mention the Model Number in all correspondence regarding your tool Plunge Base 34 t ...

Страница 35: ... 551oo58q_o 4540017000 3122051000 5620017000 4870073000 3120537000 4960019000 2800005000 4510002000 3121494000 3520130000 3121049000 3700249000 5610048000 2740116000 3121495000 5700008000 2750719090 5620040000 2820887000 5700056000 3420356000 5620062000 3520227000 5660005000 3520131000 3660174000 3550592000 5630179000 3550721000 5630187000 2822039000 Screw Power Indicator Llghl Sea Ring Screw Swit...

Страница 36: ...0055000 3520138006 3680166000 3121632000 3550576000 3550575000 5620040000 3121599000 56201030OO 5650007006 3660030006 3420387000 aBrrao8 2oo2 6620093000 3121583000 3420370000 5620049000 3121605000 3706807000 3550565609 Parl Description tnlema Wire S_mw Depth AdjustingCap O Ring Deplh Stop Bar Adtu sting Pole Screw Handle Cover Localed Pin Depth Indicator Pin Lock Nut Clamping Lever Mille Look Boll...

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Страница 40: ...waler heaters 1 800 _4 NIY HO ME_ Jl_im0 dayornight t 800 469 4663 U S_ attdC_n_d_ Our Home For repair of carry in products like vacuums _awn eqUipmanL and electronics cart or go on line for the n_m est Sears Parts and Repair Center I _I00 488 1222 An_ime dayornigh U SA _ _ly _ _vosu_rs corn To purchase a protection ag_eemer_ U S A or rr_ir_enance agreement Canada on a prodL_ t sewicecl by Sears 1...
