Страница 1: ...ore using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 6017...
Страница 2: ...omnormaluse withinthewarrantyperiod including but notlimited to blades spark plugs aircleaners belts andoilfilters Product damage resulting fromuser attemptsat product modification orrepair orcaused b...
Страница 3: ...objectscancause serious personal injury Planyourmowingpatterntoavoiddischarge of materialtowardroads sidewalks bystanders andthelike Also avoiddischarging materialagainst awall orobstruction whichmayc...
Страница 4: ...CHILDREN Tragic accidents canoccuriftheoperatorisnotalertto thepresence of cNIdren Children areoftenattractedto themowerandthemowingactivity Theydonot understand thedangers Never assume thatchildrenwi...
Страница 5: ...Check fuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracks or leaks Replace if necessary Donotcrankenginewith sparkplugremoved Maintainorreplace safetyandinstructionlabels asnecessary Observe properdispo...
Страница 6: ...hands and feet away from rotating parts DANGER THROWNDEBRIS Remove objects that can be thrown by the blade in any direction Wear safety glasses DANGER SLOPES Useextra caution on slopes Do not mow slop...
Страница 7: ...gaugewith the object SeeFigure1 andFigure2 4 Adjust gaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 _O _daShed _ fine If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too ste...
Страница 8: ...al REMOVING UNITFROM CARTON 1 Lift unitfromtherearto detachit fromunderlying cartonmaterialandroll unitoutof carton 2 Check cartonthoroughlyforanyotherlooseparts LooseParts in Carton SideDischarge Cov...
Страница 9: ...gure 5 4 Theropeguideisattached to therightsideof theupperhandle Loosen the wingknobwhichsecures theropeguide Refer to Figure 6 a Holdbladecontrolagainst upperhandle b Slowlypullstarterropehandlefrome...
Страница 10: ...t any time evenwhenyouarenotmulching Adjustments Cutting Height There isacutting heightadjustmentleverlocated above thefrontandrearright wheel I Pulltheheightadjustment leveroutwardtowardswheel unitwi...
Страница 11: ...hecutting height referto theAssembly Section SideDischargeCover Your mowerisshipped asa mulcher Todischarge thegrassclippings to theside instead followtheinstructionsintheAssembly sectionto attachthes...
Страница 12: ...ratorandothers 1 Once theengineisrunning squeeze thedrivecontrolagainst the upper handleto propelmower Theoperationof anylawn mowercanresultinforeign objectsbeing thrown intotheeyes which candamageyou...
Страница 13: ...ace 2 Replace 1 Run engineuntil itstopsfromlackoffuel or addstabilizerto afull tankof freshfuelprior to storage Clean moreoftenunderdustyconditions orwhenairbornedebrisispresent Replace aircleaner ifv...
Страница 14: ...ands with apair of heavy glovesorusea heavyragto holdthe blade Periodically inspectthebladeadapterforcracks especially if youstrikeaforeign object Replace whennecessary Followthestepsbelowfor bladeser...
Страница 15: ...Whileengineisstill warm change theoil Clean engineof surface debris PreparingTheLawnMower Clean and lubricate mower thoroughly asdescribed inthelubrication instructions Donotusea pressure washer orgar...
Страница 16: ...flooded Blocked fuelline 1 Spark plugbootloose 2 Stalefuel 3 Ventingascapplugged 4 Waterordirtinfuelsystem 5 Dirtyaircleaner 6 Blocked fuelline 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Engine overheats 1 Engineoil levellow 1...
Страница 17: ...e 1 2 1 2 3 Adjust cuttingheightleveronrightfrontandrightrearwheelto sameposition Sharpen orreplace blade Check beltfor proper pulleyinstallation and movement Stopengine disconnect sparkplugboot andcl...
Страница 18: ...18...
Страница 19: ...ects warranty Defects arejudgedonnormalengine performance The warrantyisnotrelatedto anin use emission test Soars Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowingarespecific provisions relati...
Страница 20: ...ution phonesupportfromaSears representative Thinkof usasa talking owner smanual Once youpurchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simplephonecallisallthat it takesforyouto schedule service You cancal...
Страница 21: ...rmales deusodurante elperiodo degarantia incluyendo peronolimitadoa cuchillas bujias filtrosdeaire correas yfiltrosdeaceite Producto dafios resultantes delosintentosdelusuario demodificaci6n delproduc...
Страница 22: ...losquepodr atropezaroquepodr anserarrojados porlacuchilla Los objetos arrojados porlam_quina pueden produdrlesJones graves Planifique el patr6nenelquevaair descargando el recorte paraevitarqueladescar...
Страница 23: ...puedeocultar obst_culos Siempre est_seguro desuequilibrio Sitropieza ycaepuede lesionarse gravemente Sisiente quepierde elequilibrio suelte inmediatamente lamanija decontrol delacuchilla ylacuchilla d...
Страница 24: ...mpl_celos s61o con partesdelosfabficantes deequlpos ofiginales O E M Iistadas eneste manual Lautilizad6ndepartesquenocumplanconlasespedficaciones de equipos ofiginales podfiatenercomoresultado unrendi...
Страница 25: ...GRO Escombros Lanzados Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados pot la I_mina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve galas de seguridad PELIGRO Cuestas Use extra la precauci6n en cuestas No siegue cuestas mayores...
Страница 26: ...Ajuste el pendiente de calibre arriba o haciaabajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 Si hay un espacio por debajo de la pendiente decalibre el pendiente e...
Страница 27: ...arteposteriorparasepararla del materialdelacaja quequededebajoyhagarodarlaunidadfueradelacaja 2 Verifique cuidadosamente sienlacajaquedaalgunapartesuelta Piezassueltasdentro de lacaja Tolva dedescarga...
Страница 28: ...igura 6 a Sostenga lamanijadecontroldelacuchilla contrala manijasuperior b Jale lacuerdadearranque parasacarla del motor Suelte elcontrol delacuchilla c Deslice lacuerda dearranque enlagu a d Laatadur...
Страница 29: ...Ajustes Altura de corte Hayunapalanca deajustedealturadetorte situadoencima delaruedadelantera derecha ytrasera 1 Presione lapalanca hadalarueda unidadtender_ acaercuando sesueltala palanca 2 Mu_vala...
Страница 30: ...ntajeparaatarelcanaldedescarga lateral Elcontroldetransmisi6n seencuentra enlaparteocultadelamanijasuperior yseutilizaparaenganchar latransmisi6n Apri_telocontralamanijasuperior paraenganchar latransm...
Страница 31: ...cualquier direcd6nyprovocar lesiones personales graves aloperador ya otraspersonas 1 Unavezqueelmotorest_fundonando aprieteelcontroldetransmisi6n contralamanijasuperior parapropulsar lapodadora AIoper...
Страница 32: ...plazar Antesdealmacenar 1 1 Hacer funcionar elmotorhastaquesedetenga potfaltadecombustible o affadirestabilizador deuntanqueIlenodecombustible nuevo antesdesualmacenamiento f Limpiom_sa menudo encondi...
Страница 33: ...rdelaplataforma delacortadora dec_sped una vezunatemporada paraprevenirlaacumulad6n derecortes dec_sped uotros desechos Revisar yIimpiarm_samenudo si lasegadora seutilizanormalmente en laconflgurad6n...
Страница 34: ...obar elequllibrio Balancee la cuchllla sobreundestornlllador deejeredondoparalnspecclonarla Saque metaldelladopesado hastaquequedebienequilibrada Cuando aflle la cuchllla sigael_ngulooriginaldelamuela...
Страница 35: ...elmotorestodavia caliente cambio el petrdleo Limpieelmotordeescombros superfidales Preparad6n de ia Cortadora de C_sped Limpieylubriquelacortadora comosedescribe enlasinstrucdones de lubricaci6n Nout...
Страница 36: ...Elmotorsedesbord6 7 Linea decombustible bloqueada 1 Elcapuch6n delabujiaest_flojo 2 Elcombustible sehaechado aperder 3 Laventilaci6n delatapadelcombustible est_ obstruida 4 Agua o suciedad enelsistem...
Страница 37: ...Nocorte elc_sped cuando est_mojado espere hasta quesea m_stardeparahacerlo 2 Corteunavezaalturadecorteelevada luegovuelva acortarala alturadeseada o haga unsendero decortem_sangosto 3 Afileocamble la...
Страница 38: ...ntiapordefectos Los defectossejuzgande acuerdoconel funcionamiento normaldeun motor Lagarantianoest_ relacionada conunapruebade emisiones en uso Disposiciones de la garantia Sears para defectos en el...
Страница 39: ...ida e apoyote ef6nico de unChamusca a representante Piense ennosotros comoe manual deundueffohab ador UnavezadquiridoelAcuerdo puedeprogramar elservicio contan s61o realizarunaIlamada telef6nica Puede...
Страница 40: ...ucto en www craftsman com registration Join the Craftsman Club today www craftsman com signup Receive exclusive member benefits including special pricing and offers project sharing expert advice and S...